11 research outputs found

    Cardiometabolic Risk Profiles in Patients With Impaired Fasting Glucose and/or Hemoglobin A1c 5.7% to 6.4%: Evidence for a Gradient According to Diagnostic Criteria. The PREDAPS Study

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    It has been suggested that the early detection of individuals with prediabetes can help prevent cardiovascular diseases. The purpose of the current study was to examine the cardiometabolic risk profile in patients with prediabetes according to fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and/or hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) criteria. Cross-sectional analysis from the 2022 patients in the Cohort study in Primary Health Care on the Evolution of Patients with Prediabetes (PREDAPS Study) was developed. Four glycemic status groups were defined based on American Diabetes Association criteria. Information about cardiovascular risk factors-body mass index, waist circumference, blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid, gamma-glutamyltransferase, glomerular filtration-and metabolic syndrome components were analyzed. Mean values of clinical and biochemical characteristics and frequencies of metabolic syndrome were estimated adjusting by age, sex, educational level, and family history of diabetes. A linear trend (P < 0.001) was observed in most of the cardiovascular risk factors and in all components of metabolic syndrome. Normoglycemic individuals had the best values, individuals with both criteria of prediabetes had the worst, and individuals with only one-HbA1c or FPG-criterion had an intermediate position. Metabolic syndrome was present in 15.0% (95% confidence interval: 12.6-17.4), 59.5% (54.0-64.9), 62.0% (56.0-68.0), and 76.2% (72.8-79.6) of individuals classified in normoglycemia, isolated HbA1c, isolated FPG, and both criteria groups, respectively. In conclusion, individuals with prediabetes, especially those with both criteria, have worse cardiometabolic risk profile than normoglycemic individuals. These results suggest the need to use both criteria in the clinical practice to identify those individuals with the highest cardiovascular risk, in order to offer them special attention with intensive lifestyle intervention programs

    Evolución de pacientes con prediabetes en Atención Primaria de Salud (PREDAPS): resultados del primer año de seguimiento

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    En 2012, la Red de Grupos de Estudio de la Diabetes en Atención Primaria de la Salud (redGDPS) inició el Estudio PREDAPS con la finalidad de determinar la incidencia de diabetes en individuos con prediabetes e identificar los factores asociados al desarrollo de la enfermedad y de sus complicaciones. En la etapa basal se incluyeron 2022 participantes, formando dos cohortes: una cohorte de 838 sujetos sin alteraciones del metabolismo de la glucosa y otra cohorte de 1184 sujetos con prediabetes. Durante el año 2013 se realizó la primera visita de seguimiento. El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar los principales resultados obtenidos en este primer año de seguimiento y evaluar la relación entre diversos factores registrados en la etapa basal y la incidencia de diabetes en la cohorte de sujetos con prediabetes

    Modifiable risk factors associated with prediabetes in men and women: a cross-sectional analysis of the cohort study in primary health care on the evolution of patients with prediabetes (PREDAPS-Study)

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    Background: Prediabetes is a high-risk state for diabetes development, but little is known about the factors associated with this state. The aim of the study was to identify modifiable risk factors associated with the presence of prediabetes in men and women. Methods: Cohort Study in Primary Health Care on the Evolution of Patients with Prediabetes (PREDAPS-Study) is a prospective study on a cohort of 1184 subjects with prediabetes and another cohort of 838 subjects without glucose metabolism disorders. It is being conducted by 125 general practitioners in Spain. Data for this analysis were collected during the baseline stage in 2012. The modifiable risk factors included were: smoking habit, alcohol consumption, low physical activity, inadequate diet, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and obesity. To assess independent association between each factor and prediabetes, odds ratios (ORs) were estimated using logistic regression models. Results: Abdominal obesity, low plasma levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol), and hypertension were independently associated with the presence of prediabetes in both men and women. After adjusting for all factors, the respective ORs (95% Confidence Intervals) were 1.98 (1.41-2.79), 1.88 (1.23-2.88) and 1.86 (1.39-2.51) for men, and 1.89 (1.36-2.62), 1.58 (1.12-2.23) and 1.44 (1.07-1.92) for women. Also, general obesity was a risk factor in both sexes but did not reach statistical significance among men, after adjusting for all factors. Risky alcohol consumption was a risk factor for prediabetes in men, OR 1.49 (1.00-2.24). Conclusions: Obesity, low HDL-cholesterol levels, and hypertension were modifiable risk factors independently related to the presence of prediabetes in both sexes. The magnitudes of the associations were stronger for men than women. Abdominal obesity in both men and women displayed the strongest association with prediabetes. The findings suggest that there are some differences between men and women, which should be taken into account when implementing specific recommendations to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes in adult population. Keywords: Prediabetes, Modifiable risk factors, Primary health care, Men, Women, Spai

    Checklist para pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en consulta telemática

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    Las circunstancias actuales provocadas por la COVID-19 nos obligan a los profesionales de atención primaria a idear nuevas formas de garantizar la atención sanitaria de nuestros pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (DM2). Existen evidencias que respaldan la eficacia de la telemedicina en el control glucémico de los pacientes con DM2. Ante la rápida adaptación de la práctica clínica al uso de la telemedicina, el Grupo de Trabajo de Diabetes de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria (SemFyC) optó por elaborar un documento de consenso plasmado en un algoritmo de actuación/seguimiento telemático en la atención de los pacientes con DM2

    Checklist para pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en consulta telemática

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    Las circunstancias actuales provocadas por la COVID-19 nos obligan a los profesionales de atención primaria a idear nuevas formas de garantizar la atención sanitaria de nuestros pacientes con diabetes tipo 2 (DM2). Existen evidencias que respaldan la eficacia de la telemedicina en el control glucémico de los pacientes con DM2. Ante la rápida adaptación de la práctica clínica al uso de la telemedicina, el Grupo de Trabajo de Diabetes de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria (SemFyC) optó por elaborar un documento de consenso plasmado en un algoritmo de actuación/seguimiento telemático en la atención de los pacientes con DM2

    The prevalence of diabetes-related complications and multimorbidity in the population with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Basque Country

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with a diverse range of pathologies. The aim of the study was to determine the incidence of diabetes-related complications, the prevalence of coexistent chronic conditions and to report multimorbidity in people with type 2 diabetes living in the Basque Country. Methods: Administrative databases, in four cross sections (annually from 2007 to 2011) were consulted to analyse 149,015 individual records from patients aged >= 35 years with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The data observed were: age, sex, diabetes-related complications (annual rates of acute myocardial infarction, major amputations and avoidable hospitalisations), diabetes-related pathologies (prevalence of ischaemic heart disease, renal failure, stroke, heart failure, peripheral neuropathy, foot ulcers and diabetic retinopathy) and other unrelated pathologies (44 diseases). Results: The annual incidence for each condition progressively decreased during the four-year period: acute myocardial infarction (0.47 to 0.40%), major amputations (0.10 to 0.08%), and avoidable hospitalisations (5.85 to 5.5%). The prevalence for diabetes-related chronic pathologies was: ischaemic heart disease (11.5%), renal failure (8.4%), stroke (7.0%), heart failure (4.3%), peripheral neuropathy (1.3%), foot ulcers (2.0%) and diabetic retinopathy (7.2%). The prevalence of multimorbidity was 90.4%. The highest prevalence for other chronic conditions was 73.7% for hypertension, 13.8% for dyspepsia and 12.7% for anxiety. Conclusions: In the type 2 diabetes mellitus population living in the Basque Country, incidence rates of diabetes complications are not as high as in other places. However, they present a high prevalence of diabetes related and unrelated diseases. Multimorbidity is very common in this group, and is a factor to be taken into account to ensure correct clinical management.The authors wish to acknowledge the support received from Ricardo Samper Ochotorena, in addition to the funding collaboration and support received by the Sanofi-Aventis pharmaceutical company, in connection with increasing diabetes awareness

    Checklist para pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en consulta telemática.

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    The current circumstances cause by the COVID-19 force primary care doctors to find out new ways to guarantee the health care of our type 2 diabetes patients. There is evidence that supports the remote consultation efficacy in the glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. Facing the rapid adaptation of clinical practice to the remote consultation use, from de Diabetes Group of the Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SemFyC), we have prepared a document embodied in a telematic action / monitoring algorithm in the care of patients with type 2 diabetes

    Evolución de pacientes con prediabetes en Atención Primaria de Salud (PREDAPS): resultados del primer año de seguimiento

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    En 2012, la Red de Grupos de Estudio de la Diabetes en Atención Primaria de la Salud (redGDPS) inició el Estudio PREDAPS con la finalidad de determinar la incidencia de diabetes en individuos con prediabetes e identificar los factores asociados al desarrollo de la enfermedad y de sus complicaciones. En la etapa basal se incluyeron 2022 participantes, formando dos cohortes: una cohorte de 838 sujetos sin alteraciones del metabolismo de la glucosa y otra cohorte de 1184 sujetos con prediabetes. Durante el año 2013 se realizó la primera visita de seguimiento. El objetivo del presente trabajo es mostrar los principales resultados obtenidos en este primer año de seguimiento y evaluar la relación entre diversos factores registrados en la etapa basal y la incidencia de diabetes en la cohorte de sujetos con prediabetes