312 research outputs found

    Psychopathic traits influence amygdala-anterior cingulate cortex connectivity during facial emotion processing

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    There is accumulating evidence that youths with antisocial behavior or psychopathic traits show deficits in facial emotion recognition, but little is known about the neural mechanisms underlying these impairments. A number of neuroimaging studies have investigated brain activity during facial emotion processing in youths with Conduct Disorder (CD) and adults with psychopathy, but few of these studies tested for group differences in effective connectivity – i.e., changes in connectivity during emotion processing. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging and psycho-physiological interaction methods, we investigated the impact of CD and psychopathic traits on amygdala activity and effective connectivity in 46 male youths with CD and 25 typically-developing controls when processing emotional faces. All participants were aged 16-21 years. Relative to controls, youths with CD showed reduced amygdala activity when processing angry or sad faces relative to neutral faces, but the groups did not significantly differ in amygdala-related effective connectivity. In contrast, psychopathic traits were negatively correlated with amygdala-ventral anterior cingulate cortex connectivity for angry versus neutral faces, but were unrelated to amygdala responses to angry or sad faces. These findings suggest that CD and psychopathic traits have differential effects on amygdala activation and functional interactions between limbic regions during facial emotion processing

    Neoplasms and novel gammaherpesviruses in critically endangered captive European minks (Mustela lutreola)

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    13 Päg. Centro de Investigación en Sanidad Animal (CISA)The European mink (Mustela lutreola) is a riparian mustelid, considered one of the most endangered carnivores in the world. Alpha, beta and gammaherpesviruses described in mustelids have been occasionally associated with different pathological processes. However, there is no information about the herpesviruses species infecting European minks. In this study, 141 samples of swabs (oral, conjunctival, anal), faeces and tissues from 23 animals were analysed for herpesvirus (HV) using a pan-HV-PCR assay. Two different, potentially novel, gammaherpesvirus species were identified in 12 samples from four animals (17.3%), and tentatively named Mustelid gammaherpesvirus-2 (MUGHV-2) and MuGHV-3. Gross examination was performed on dead minks (n = 11), while histopathology was performed using available samples from HV-positive individuals (n = 2), identifying several neoplasms, including B-cell lymphoma (identified by immunohistochemistry) with intralesional syncytia and intranuclear inclusion bodies characteristic of HV (n = 1), pulmonary adenocarcinoma (n = 1), and biliary (n = 1) and preputial (n = 1) cystadenomas, as well as other lesions (e.g., axonal vacuolar degeneration [n = 2] and neuritis [n = 1]). Viral particles, consistent with HVs, were observed by electron microscopy in the mink with neural lymphoma and inclusion bodies. This is the first description of neoplasms and concurrent gammaherpesvirus infection in European minks. The pathological, ultrastructural and PCR findings (MuGHV-2) in the European mink with lymphoma strongly suggest a potential role for this novel gammaherpesvirus in its pathogenesis, as it has been reported in other HV-infected species with lymphoma. The occurrence of neural lymphoma with intralesional syncytia and herpesviral inclusions is, however, unique among mammals. Further research is warranted to elucidate the potential oncogenic properties of gammaherpesviruses in European mink and their epidemiology in the wild population.Innovation Initiative Grant (IIG) of the Edinburgh Fund (University of Edinburgh); Norwegian University of Life Sciences; Generalitat de Catalunya; São Paulo Research Foundation, Grant/Award Number: 2018/20956-08 and 2018/25069-7; University of EdinburghPeer reviewe

    Adapting effects of emotional expression in anxiety: evidence for an enhanced late positive potential

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    An adaptation paradigm was used to investigate the influence of a previously experienced visual context on the interpretation of ambiguous emotional expressions. Affective classification of fear-neutral ambiguous expressions was performed following repeated exposure to either fearful or neutral faces. There was a shift in the behavioural classification of morphs towards ‘fear’ following adaptation to neutral compared to adaptation to fear with a non-significant trend towards the high anxiety group compared to the low being more influenced by the context. The event-related potential (ERP) data revealed a more pronounced late positive potential (LPP), beginning at ~400 ms post-stimulus onset, in the high but not the low anxiety group following adaptation to neutral compared to fear. In addition, as the size of the behavioural adaptation increased there was a linear increase in the magnitude of the late-LPP. However, context-sensitivity effects are not restricted to trait anxiety, with similar effects observed with state anxiety and depression. These data support the proposal that negative moods are associated with increased sensitivity to visual contextual influences from top-down elaborative modulations, as reflected in an enhanced late positive potential deflection

    Heterogeneity of variance components for preweaning growth in Romane sheep due to the number of lambs reared

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The pre-weaning growth rate of lambs, an important component of meat market production, is affected by maternal and direct genetic effects. The French genetic evaluation model takes into account the number of lambs suckled by applying a multiplicative factor (1 for a lamb reared as a single, 0.7 for twin-reared lambs) to the maternal genetic effect, in addition to including the birth*rearing type combination as a fixed effect, which acts on the mean. However, little evidence has been provided to justify the use of this multiplicative model. The two main objectives of the present study were to determine, by comparing models of analysis, 1) whether pre-weaning growth is the same trait in single- and twin-reared lambs and 2) whether the multiplicative coefficient represents a good approach for taking this possible difference into account.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on the pre-weaning growth rate, defined as the average daily gain from birth to 45 days of age on 29,612 Romane lambs born between 1987 and 2009 at the experimental farm of La Sapinière (INRA-France) were used to compare eight models that account for the number of lambs per dam reared in various ways. Models were compared using the Akaike information criteria.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The model that best fitted the data assumed that 1) direct (maternal) effects correspond to the same trait regardless of the number of lambs reared, 2) the permanent environmental effects and variances associated with the dam depend on the number of lambs reared and 3) the residual variance depends on the number of lambs reared. Even though this model fitted the data better than a model that included a multiplicative coefficient, little difference was found between EBV from the different models (the correlation between EBV varied from 0.979 to 0.999).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on experimental data, the current genetic evaluation model can be improved to better take into account the number of lambs reared. Thus, it would be of interest to evaluate this model on field data and update the genetic evaluation model based on the results obtained.</p

    Face Coding Is Bilateral in the Female Brain

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    Background: It is currently believed that face processing predominantly activates the right hemisphere in humans, but available literature is very inconsistent. Methodology/Principal Findings: In this study, ERPs were recorded in 50 right-handed women and men in response to 390 faces (of different age and sex), and 130 technological objects. Results showed no sex difference in the amplitude of N170 to objects; a much larger face-specific response over the right hemisphere in men, and a bilateral response in women; a lack of face-age coding effect over the left hemisphere in men, with no differences in N170 to faces as a function of age; a significant bilateral face-age coding effect in women. Conclusions/Significance: LORETA reconstruction showed a significant left and right asymmetry in the activation of the fusiform gyrus (BA19), in women and men, respectively. The present data reveal a lesser degree of lateralization of brain functions related to face coding in women than men. In this light, they may provide an explanation of the inconsistencies in the available literature concerning the asymmetric activity of left and right occipito-temporal cortices devoted to fac

    Age, gender, and cancer but not neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases strongly modulate systemic effect of the Apolipoprotein E4 allele on lifespan

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    Enduring interest in the Apolipoprotein E (ApoE) polymorphism is ensured by its evolutionary-driven uniqueness in humans and its prominent role in geriatrics and gerontology. We use large samples of longitudinally followed populations from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) original and offspring cohorts and the Long Life Family Study (LLFS) to investigate gender-specific effects of the ApoE4 allele on human survival in a wide range of ages from midlife to extreme old ages, and the sensitivity of these effects to cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, and neurodegenerative disorders (ND). The analyses show that women's lifespan is more sensitive to the e4 allele than men's in all these populations. A highly significant adverse effect of the e4 allele is limited to women with moderate lifespan of about 70 to 95 years in two FHS cohorts and the LLFS with relative risk of death RR = 1.48 (p = 3.6×10(−6)) in the FHS cohorts. Major human diseases including CVD, ND, and cancer, whose risks can be sensitive to the e4 allele, do not mediate the association of this allele with lifespan in large FHS samples. Non-skin cancer non-additively increases mortality of the FHS women with moderate lifespans increasing the risks of death of the e4 carriers with cancer two-fold compared to the non-e4 carriers, i.e., RR = 2.07 (p = 5.0×10(−7)). The results suggest a pivotal role of non-sex-specific cancer as a nonlinear modulator of survival in this sample that increases the risk of death of the ApoE4 carriers by 150% (p = 5.3×10(−8)) compared to the non-carriers. This risk explains the 4.2 year shorter life expectancy of the e4 carriers compared to the non-carriers in this sample. The analyses suggest the existence of age- and gender-sensitive systemic mechanisms linking the e4 allele to lifespan which can non-additively interfere with cancer-related mechanisms

    Caenorhabditis elegans Semi-Automated Liquid Screen Reveals a Specialized Role for the Chemotaxis Gene cheB2 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Virulence

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic human pathogen that causes infections in a variety of animal and plant hosts. Caenorhabditis elegans is a simple model with which one can identify bacterial virulence genes. Previous studies with C. elegans have shown that depending on the growth medium, P. aeruginosa provokes different pathologies: slow or fast killing, lethal paralysis and red death. In this study, we developed a high-throughput semi-automated liquid-based assay such that an entire genome can readily be scanned for virulence genes in a short time period. We screened a 2,200-member STM mutant library generated in a cystic fibrosis airway P. aeruginosa isolate, TBCF10839. Twelve mutants were isolated each showing at least 70% attenuation in C. elegans killing. The selected mutants had insertions in regulatory genes, such as a histidine kinase sensor of two-component systems and a member of the AraC family, or in genes involved in adherence or chemotaxis. One mutant had an insertion in a cheB gene homologue, encoding a methylesterase involved in chemotaxis (CheB2). The cheB2 mutant was tested in a murine lung infection model and found to have a highly attenuated virulence. The cheB2 gene is part of the chemotactic gene cluster II, which was shown to be required for an optimal mobility in vitro. In P. aeruginosa, the main player in chemotaxis and mobility is the chemotactic gene cluster I, including cheB1. We show that, in contrast to the cheB2 mutant, a cheB1 mutant is not attenuated for virulence in C. elegans whereas in vitro motility and chemotaxis are severely impaired. We conclude that the virulence defect of the cheB2 mutant is not linked with a global motility defect but that instead the cheB2 gene is involved in a specific chemotactic response, which takes place during infection and is required for P. aeruginosa pathogenicity

    A Regulated Response to Impaired Respiration Slows Behavioral Rates and Increases Lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    When mitochondrial respiration or ubiquinone production is inhibited in Caenorhabditis elegans, behavioral rates are slowed and lifespan is extended. Here, we show that these perturbations increase the expression of cell-protective and metabolic genes and the abundance of mitochondrial DNA. This response is similar to the response triggered by inhibiting respiration in yeast and mammalian cells, termed the “retrograde response”. As in yeast, genes switched on in C. elegans mitochondrial mutants extend lifespan, suggesting an underlying evolutionary conservation of mechanism. Inhibition of fstr-1, a potential signaling gene that is up-regulated in clk-1 (ubiquinone-defective) mutants, and its close homolog fstr-2 prevents the expression of many retrograde-response genes and accelerates clk-1 behavioral and aging rates. Thus, clk-1 mutants live in “slow motion” because of a fstr-1/2–dependent pathway that responds to ubiquinone. Loss of fstr-1/2 does not suppress the phenotypes of all long-lived mitochondrial mutants. Thus, although different mitochondrial perturbations activate similar transcriptional and physiological responses, they do so in different ways

    A nuclear role for the respiratory enzyme CLK-1 in regulating mitochondrial stress responses and longevity

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    The coordinated regulation of mitochondrial and nuclear activities is essential for cellular respiration and its disruption leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, a hallmark of ageing. Mitochondria communicate with nuclei through retrograde signalling pathways that modulate nuclear gene expression to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis. The monooxygenase CLK-1 (human homologue COQ7) was previously reported to be mitochondrial, with a role in respiration and longevity. We have uncovered a distinct nuclear form of CLK-1 that independently regulates lifespan. Nuclear CLK-1 mediates a retrograde signalling pathway that is conserved from Caenorhabditis elegans to humans and is responsive to mitochondrial reactive oxygen species, thus acting as a barometer of oxidative metabolism. We show that, through modulation of gene expression, the pathway regulates both mitochondrial reactive oxygen species metabolism and the mitochondrial unfolded protein response. Our results demonstrate that a respiratory enzyme acts in the nucleus to control mitochondrial stress responses and longevity