91 research outputs found

    A relação entre compreensão leitora, matemática básica e desempenho em química na percepção de professores do ensino médio

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    During the lesson, the teacher tries to make his students learn. However, it is common to come across barriers that interfere with this process. In High School, for example, there are difficulties related to content from Elementary School, such as poor reading, writing and numerical reasoning skills, which may impact the learning of different areas of knowledge, such as Chemistry. In this sense, the objective of this research was to know the perception of High School teachers about the relationship between the domains of reading comprehension and basic mathematics with the learning of Chemistry. This research is classified as basic in nature, exploratory and with a qualitative approach to data analysis. Seven High School Chemistry teachers, from public and private schools, of both sexes, participated in the sample. The data were obtained through an online questionnaire, created on the Google Forms platform, sent by e-mail and WhatsApp. The results show that teachers recognize students' difficulties related to reading comprehension and basic mathematics as obstacles to learning chemistry. Such difficulties are mainly perceived through exercises, questions during classes, and written or oral assessments. When they encounter such circumstances, they modify the teaching methodology used, making use of contextualization, reviews, active methodologies and technological resources. Specifically in relation to reading comprehension difficulties, they encourage: reading of texts, interpretation of questions, and research on the subject. In relation to specific difficulties in basic mathematics: they review schemes, procedures, and concepts; they solve questions to clarify doubts; they give exercises and supplementary materials. It is concluded that the participating teachers, in addition to identifying the students' difficulties, make interventions to obtain more satisfactory results for teaching-learning.Durante a aula o professor busca fazer com que os seus estudantes aprendam. Contudo, é comum se deparar com barreiras que interferem nesse processo. No Ensino Médio, por exemplo, nota-se dificuldades relacionadas a conteúdos do Ensino Fundamental, como: pouca habilidade de leitura, de escrita e de raciocínio numérico; que poderão impactar na aprendizagem de diferentes áreas do conhecimento, como a da Química. Nesse sentido, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi conhecer a percepção de professores do Ensino Médio sobre a relação entre os domínios de compreensão leitora e matemática básica com a aprendizagem de Química. Esta pesquisa está classificada como de natureza básica, de caráter exploratório e com abordagem qualitativa de análise de dados. Participaram da amostra sete professores de Química do Ensino Médio, de escolas públicas e privadas, e de ambos os sexos. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de um questionário online, criado na plataforma do Google Forms, enviado por e-mail e WhatsApp. Os resultados mostram que os professores reconhecem dificuldades dos estudantes relacionadas à compreensão leitora e à matemática básica como obstáculos à aprendizagem da Química. Tais dificuldades são percebidas, principalmente, por meio de exercícios, perguntas durante as aulas e avaliações escritas ou orais. Quando se deparam com tais circunstâncias, modificam a metodologia de ensino utilizada, fazendo uso de contextualizações, revisões, metodologias ativas e recursos tecnológicos. Especificamente com relação às dificuldades de compreensão leitora, estimulam: leitura de textos, interpretação de questões e pesquisas sobre o tema. Com relação às dificuldades específicas de matemática básica: fazem revisões de esquemas, procedimentos e conceitos; resolvem questões para esclarecer dúvidas, passam exercícios e materiais complementares. Conclui-se que os professores participantes, além de identificarem as dificuldades dos estudantes, fazem intervenções para obter resultados mais satisfatórios para o ensino-aprendizagem

    Care to children with cleft lip-palate: an integrative review

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    Objective: To analyze the scientific production that addresses the care to children with cleft lip-palate. Method: Bibliographical research of integrative literature review type. The searches were conducted in BDEnf, LILACS and SCIELO databases. Results: The study included 11 articles that met the inclusion criteria, published between 2000 and 2011. As for the knowledge area of the principal author of each study, there were contained three articles of dentistry, medicine, three, three of nursing and two of nutrition. The studies addressed nutritional care, dental care, and multidisciplinary team approach for mothers, and protocols for postoperative care. Conclusion: The nursing staff, especially nurses, have an important role in assisting the child with cleft lip-palate. It emphasizes the integration of the multidisciplinary team to provide holistic care and improvements in quality of life of children with cleft lip-palate

    Giant lactating adenoma

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    Lactating adenoma is a rare benign breast lesion that most often presents as a small (up to 3 cm), solid, well-circumscribed, solitary, painless, mobile, lobulated mass. The highest incidence occurs in primiparous women (20 to 40 years old) during the third trimester of pregnancy. However, in the rare case presented herein, in addition to its giant size (more than 10 centimeters on palpation), this lactating adenoma is distinctive due to the presence of multiple nodules, poorly defined ultrasonographic margins, worrisome radiologic features, growth since early pregnancy, presence of infarction and association with chronic mastitis. From the clinical-radiologic perspective, the differential diagnoses included abscess associated with puerperal mastitis, phyllodes tumor, and galactocele. Biopsy was performed, and pathologic examination revealed the classic characteristics of lactating adenoma with multiple infarcted areas, leading to an unexpected confirmed case of giant lactating adenoma


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    peer reviewedObjectives: COVID-19 presents numerous symptoms mostly associated with the respiratory tract. However, recent evidence showed that the SARS-CoV-2 virus affects the nervous system. We evaluated the effect of the infection in midbrain organoids to determine if cells and pathways related to the onset of Parkinson’s disease (PD) are affected. Methods: The effect of the virus after short- and long-term cultures (4 days, and 1 month) postinfection was analyzed. Features measured included the degree of dopaminergic differentiation (TH), neurite fragmentation, and the level of activated astrocytes (GFAP and S100beta). Bulk RNAseq was performed to determine the effects of the infection on gene expression. Results: After infection with SARS-CoV-2, the levels of dopaminergic neurons were significantly reduced in both short and long-term culture. Moreover, neurite fragmentation of TH positive neurons in infected organoids significantly increased respective to controls in long-term cultures. Within the same infected organoid TH/SARS-CoV-2 double positive neurons presented an altered morphology and high degree of neurite fragmentation compared to uninfected TH positive neurons. Activation of astrocytes was significantly reduced after infection in the short-term culture. While the levels of S100beta recovered over time, they still remained lower in infected organoids. In both short- and long-term culture, SARS-CoV-2 colocalized more with certain types of cells showing a marked preference for GFAP positive and TH positive cells when normalized to their respective abundance in the organoid. Gene expression analysis revealed a disruption in gene pathways related to vesicle transport, endosomal and autophagy pathways following infection with SARS-CoV-2. Conclusions: Infection of midbrain organoids with SARS-CoV-2 induced a clear neurodegenerative process of TH positive neurons, while disrupting main pathways known to be involved in Parkinson's disease.R-AGR-0592 - FNR - NCER-PD Phase II Coordination (01/06/2015 - 30/11/2023) - KRÜGER Rejko3. Good health and well-bein

    Métodos não farmacológicos de alívio da dor durante trabalho de parto e parto

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    This study aimed to analyze the scientific production related to nonpharmacological methods of pain relief during labor and delivery, through an integrative literature review conducted by means of databases Latin American Health Sciences (LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). It is included 21 articles derived from studies conducted inBrazil, published between 2003 and 2009. The studies approached: mobility, hydrotherapy, cryotherapy, transcutaneous electrical stimulation, breathing techniques and relaxation. The southeast had a higher number of publications, with a higher incidence between the years 2005 to 2007. As for the author, shows a higher development of nurses on the other professionals. The evidence of the reduction of fear and use of analgesics and anesthetics makes it possible to use these therapies. The study allowed the visibility of the scientific production on this theme, pointing to the importance of carrying out exploratory studiesEste estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar la producción científica relacionada con los métodos no farmacológicos de alivio del dolor durante el trabajo de parto y el parto, a través de una revisión de la literatura llevada a cabo por medio de las bases de datos América Latina Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS) y Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). Se incluyeron 21 artículos, de estudios realizados en Brasil, publicados entre 2003 y 2009. Los estudios se centraron en: movilidad, hidroterapia, crioterapia, estimulación eléctrica transcutánea, técnicas de respiración y relajación. El sureste tuvo el mayor número de publicaciones, con una mayor incidencia entre los años 2005 y 2007. Con respecto a la autoría, hubo una mayor incidencia de enfermeras que de otros profesionales. La reducción del miedo y el uso de analgésicos y anestésicos permiten consagrar el posible uso de estas terapias. El estudio permitió visibilidad a la producción científica acerca del tema, señalando la importancia de realizar estudios exploratorios.Objetivou-se analisar as produções científicas relacionadas aos métodos não farmacológicos de alívio da dor durante trabalho de parto e parto, por meio de uma revisão integrativa da literatura desenvolvida por meio das bases de dados Literatura Latino-Americana em Ciências de Saúde (LILACS) e Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). Foram incluídos 21 artigos, oriundos de estudos realizados no Brasil, publicados no período de 2003 e 2009. Os estudos abordaram: mobilidade, hidroterapia, crioterapia, estimulação elétrica transcutânea, técnicas de respiração e relaxamento. A região sudeste apresentou maior número de publicações, com maior incidência entre os anos de 2005 a 2007. Quanto à autoria, evidenciou-se maior empreendimento dos enfermeiros sobre os demais profissionais. A evidência da redução do medo e do uso de analgésicos e anestésicos possibilita sacramentar o uso destas terapias. O estudo permitiu a visibilidade às produções científicas sobre esta temática, apontando para a importância da realização de estudos exploratórios

    HIV-1 tropism determination using a phenotypic Env recombinant viral assay highlights overestimation of CXCR4-usage by genotypic prediction algorithms for CRRF01_AE and CRF02_AG

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    Background: Human Immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV) entry into target cells involves binding of the viral envelope (Env) to CD4 and a coreceptor, mainly CCR5 or CXCR4. The only currently licensed HIV entry inhibitor, maraviroc, targets CCR5, and the presence of CXCX4-using strains must be excluded prior to treatment. Co-receptor usage can be assessed by phenotypic assays or through genotypic prediction. Here we compared the performance of a phenotypic Env-Recombinant Viral Assay (RVA) to the two most widely used genotypic prediction algorithms, Geno2Pheno([coreceptor]) and webPSSM. Methods: Co-receptor tropism of samples from 73 subtype B and 219 non-B infections was measured phenotypically using a luciferase-tagged, NL4-3-based, RVA targeting Env. In parallel, tropism was inferred genotypically from the corresponding V3-loop sequences using Geno2Pheno([coreceptor]) (5-20% FPR) and webPSSM-R5X4. For discordant samples, phenotypic outcome was retested using co-receptor antagonists or the validated Trofile (R) Enhanced-Sensitivity-Tropism-Assay. Results: The lower detection limit of the RVA was 2.5% and 5% for X4 and R5 minority variants respectively. A phenotype/genotype result was obtained for 210 samples. Overall, concordance of phenotypic results with Geno2Pheno([coreceptor]) was 85.2% and concordance with webPSSM was 79.5%. For subtype B, concordance with Geno2pheno([coreceptor]) was 94.4% and concordance with webPSSM was 79.6%. High concordance of genotypic tools with phenotypic outcome was seen for subtype C (90% for both tools). Main discordances involved CRF01_AE and CRF02_AG for both algorithms (CRF01_AE: 35.9% discordances with Geno2Pheno([coreceptor]) and 28.2% with webPSSM; CRF02_AG: 20.7% for both algorithms). Genotypic prediction overestimated CXCR4-usage for both CRFs. For webPSSM, 40% discordance was observed for subtype A. Conclusions: Phenotypic assays remain the most accurate for most non-B subtypes and new subtype-specific rules should be developed for non-B subtypes, as research studies more and more draw conclusions from genotypically-inferred tropism, and to avoid unnecessarily precluding patients with limited treatment options from receiving maraviroc or other entry inhibitors

    Rastreamento do câncer de colo do útero durante o acompanhamento pré-natal

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    Objetivo: Avaliar o rastreamento do câncer do colo do útero em mulheres no período de acompanhamento pré-natal. Método: Revisão integrativa de literatura realizada em março de 2020, nas bases de dados LILACS, Web of Science, Scopus e MEDLINE. Para a seleção dos estudos foram utilizados os Descritores em Ciências da Saúde, seus respectivos sinônimos e os Medical Subject Headings correspondentes. Resultados: Os achados fortalecem as atuais recomendações sobre a realização do exame citopatológico (CP), inclusive durante o acompanhamento pré-natal, visto que a situação gravídica não impede a ocorrência e desenvolvimento de neoplasias cervicais. Conclusão: Existem lacunas no rastreio em gestantes. Os artigos incluídos neste estudo permitiram alavancar a importância do rastreio de câncer cervical em gestantes e subsidiar a atuação de profissionais à realização da prática nesse período


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    The group of orchids is distributed throughout the biosphere, except for extremely arid and polar regions, with the greatest diversity located in the neotropics. The present study describes and illustrates a new species of Bulbophyllum that can be characterized by presenting a partially cylindrical to oblong pseudobulb, compressed, pending inflorescence, epiquillus liguliform and trichome in the adaxial and abaxial portions, lanceolated hypocylate similar to two toothed projections and curved forward.Keywords: Amapá; Brazil; Dendrobiinae; Biological Diversity; Novelty Nomenclatural.O grupo das orquídeas está distribuído por toda a biosfera, exceto em regiões extremamente áridas e polares, sendo a maior diversidade localizada nos neotrópicos. O presente estudo descreve e ilustra uma nova espécie de Bulbophyllum que pode ser caracterizada por apresentar pseudobulbo parcialmente cilíndrico a oblongo, comprimido, inflorescência pendente, epiquilo liguliforme e tricomado nas porções adaxial e abaxial, hipoquilo lanceolado semelhante a duas projeções dentadas e curvado para frente.Palavras-chave: Amapá, Brasil, Dendrobiinae, Diversidade Biológica, Novidade Nomenclatural


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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo descrever características demográficas  e clínicas dos pacientes com doença cerebrovascular e caracterizar os fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento da doença. Trata-se de estudo descritivo , observacional e retrospectivo que fez uma revisão de todos os prontuários médicos dos pacientes com doença cerebrovascular que estiveram internados em um Hospital Universitário em São Luís-Maran hão no período de 1992 a 2010, totalizando 346 pacientes. Os resultados evidenciaram que a maioria dos pacientes com DCV são homens, na faixa etária de 51 a 80 anos. Os principais fatores de risco para o desenvolvimento das DVC são hipertensão arterial, dislipidemias, diabetes, tabagismo e etilismo, independentemente do sexo e faixa etária. Os dados descritos neste estudo serão importantes para despertar um maior interesse para as doenças cerebrovasculares na cidade de São Luís e auxiliar outros pesquisadores desta instituição no planejamento de condutas, implantação de melhorias nos atendimentos e criação de programas e estrat égias de preven ção mais específica. A elabora ção de um protocolo de intervenção clínica para atendimento de pacientes acometidos por doença cerebrovascular foi a contribuição para a equipe.Palavras-chave: Doença cerebrovascular. Prontuários. Fatores de risco.CHARACTERIZATION OF PATIENTS WITH CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE: a retrospective reviewAbstract: This study aimed to describe demograp hic and clinical characteristics of patients with cerebrovascular disease and characteri ze the risk factors for developing the disease. It is a descriptive , observational and retrospective study that did a review of all medical records of patients with cerebrovascular disease who were admitted to a universit y hospital in São Luís, Maran hão from 1992 to 2010, totaling 346 patients. The results showed that most patients with CVD are men, aged 51-80 years, the main risk factors for the development of CVD were hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, smoking, and alcoholism regardless of gender and age. The data described in this study will be important to awaken a greater interest for cerebrovascular disease in the city of São Luís-MA, and help other researchers at this institution conducts planning, implementing improvements in the care and creation of programs and prevention strategies more specific. The development of a protocol for clinical intervention for treating patients suffering from cerebrovascular disease was the contribution to the team.Keywords: Cerebrovascular disease. Medical Records. Risk factorsCARACTERIZACIÓN DE LOS PACIENTES CON ENFERMEDAD CEREBROVASCULAR: una evaluación retrospectiva Resumen: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir las características demográficas y clínicas de los pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular y caracteri zar los factores de riesgo para desarrollar la enfermedad. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo , observacional y retrospectivo producto de una revisión de los registros médicos de los pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular ingresados en un hospital universitario de São Luís, Maran hão desde 1992 hasta 2010, un total de 346 pacientes. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los pacientes con ECV son hombres, con edades entre 51-80 años. Los principales factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de las enfermedades cerebrovasculares son la hipertensión, la dislipidemia , la diabetes, el tabaquismo, independientemente del sexo y edad. Los datos que se describen  en este estudio serán importantes para despertar un mayor interés para la enfermedad cerebrovascular en la ciudad de São Luis, y ayudar a otros investigadores de esta institución para llevar a cabo la planificación, la implementación de mejoras en el cuidado y la creación de programas y estrategias de prevenci ón más específicas. El desarrollo de un protocolo de intervenci ón clínica para el tratamiento de pacientes que sufren de enfermedad cerebrovascular fue la contribución para el equipo.Palabras clave: Enfermedad Cerebrovascular. Registros Médicos. Factores de Riesgo