798 research outputs found

    Toxicodermias por estatinas: estudio epidemiológico observacional de una serie de casos

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    Las estatinas, usadas en el tratamiento de la prevención primaria y secundaria de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, se han relacionado con la aparición de diversas reacciones adversas de distinta naturaleza y gravedad, tanto a nivel sistémico como dermatológico. Se ha publicado de forma aislada algún trabajo de revisión sobre reacciones cutáneas por estatinas, pero no hemos encontrado en la literatura ningún estudio epidemiológico sobre este tema. Hemos llevado a cabo una puesta al día del tema, así como un estudio epidemiológico observacional prospectivo en el que hemos estudiado las posibles reacciones cutáneas adversas inducidas por estatinas en los pacientes atendidos como nuevos en una de las consultas externas de Dermatología, entre el 1 de octubre de 2016 al 17 de abril de 2018, todos ellos procedentes del área oeste de Valladolid Se obtuvieron datos de 15 pacientes diagnosticados, mediante algoritmo de Naranjo, de algún tipo de toxicodermia asociada al uso de estatinas. La prevalencia de toxicodermias por estatinas en nuestro medio ha sido del 0.6% de los pacientes atendidos como nuevos en una consulta de dermatología. La edad media de los pacientes es elevada y se afectaron más las mujeres. Encontramos que las dermatosis más prevalentes fueron la fotosensibilidad y el liquen plano, seguido de la dermatitis granulomatosa intersticial, reacción psoriasiforme, eritema multiforme y lesión postinflamatoria. Las estatinas relacionadas con el desarrollo de las dermatosis fueron la atorvastatina (7 pacientes), junto con la simvastatina (5 pacientes), rosuvastatina (2 pacientes) y pravastatina (1 paciente). Dado el amplio uso de las estatinas, los médicos deberían conocer las posibles reacciones cutáneas, asociadas al uso de este tipo de medicamentos. Como conclusión de esta revisión hemos elaborado una tabla con las diferentes toxicodermias inducidas por estatinas publicadas hasta la fecha.Grado en Medicin

    Recent movements in the euro exchange rate and the impact on inflation in the Spanish economy

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    Artículo de revistaThe effect of the euro exchange rate on inflation has taken on significant importance recently, with the application of the ECB’s expansionary monetary policy measures having coincided with episodes of euro appreciation, such as that observed between the second half of 2017 and early 2018, which tend to exert downward pressure on imported prices. This article analyses the factors behind the fluctuations in the euro exchange rate against the dollar during the recent period, and finds that this appreciation may have largely been due to the higher relative growth of the euro area, compatible with a pick-up in expected euro area inflation. However, the subsequent depreciation, since February 2018, might reflect factors related to changes in the relative confidence of financial markets to the detriment of the euro, and to the lower relative growth of the euro area compared with the United States. Further, it is documented how the pass-through of exchange rate movements to overall consumer-price inflation in the Spanish economy has increased slightly in recent years, owing mainly to the energy component, while core inflation remains much less sensitive to exchange rate change

    Validation the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14sp) for adults in Spain

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    Objectives: The oral health-related quality of life indicators are increasingly used to measure the impact of oral conditions on quality of life to complement clinical data in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. One of the most internationally spread indi- cators is the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14), but it has still never been applied in Spain. The aim of this study was to validate the OHIP-14 for use among adults in Spain. Study design: A cross-sectional study was performed in Granada (Spain). A consecutive sample (n=270) of the Regional Government staff visiting the Employment Risk Prevention Centre for a routine medical check-up participated in this study. All participants self-completed the piloted OHIP-14sp and were examined according to World Health Organization methodology for caries, periodontal disease and prosthesis. Reliability analyses and validity tests were carried out to evaluate the psychometric properties of the OHIP-14sp by using two different methods of total scoring (i.e. the Additive and the Simple Count). Results: The reliability coefficient (Cronbach ́s alpha) of the OHIP-14sp was above the recommended 0.7 threshold and considered excellent (alpha: 0.89). Some subjective factors (perceived dental treatment need, complaints about mouth and self-rated oral satisfaction) were strongly associated with both total scoring methods of the OHIP-14sp, supporting the criterion, construct and convergent validity. Moreover the impact levels were mainly influenced by caries data, e.g., number of teeth requiring extraction (r = 0.21; p<0.01) and number of decayed visible teeth (between premolars) (r = 0.17; p<0.01). The prevalence of impacts was 80.7% using the occasional or more frequently threshold. The most prevalently affected OHIP domains were “psychological discomfort” (53.7%), “functional limitation” (51.1%) and “physical pain” (42.2%). Conclusions: The OHIP-14sp is a precise, valid and reliable instrument for assessing oral health-related quality of life among adult population in Spain

    Variables that predict academic achievement in the spanish compulsory secondary educational system: a longitudinal, multi-level analysis

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    En el artículo se presenta un estudio cuyo objetivo es identificar determinadas variables personales y de centro asociadas con el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de secundaria españoles y analizar su influencia en el progreso de los alumnos a lo largo de la esta etapa. Para ello, Se realizó un estudio multinivel longitudinal en el que se evaluó a un total de 965 estudiantes de 27 centros distintos en Lengua, Matemáticas y Ciencias Sociales, en tres momentos (inicio, mitad y final de la etapa). Los resultados mostraron progreso en el conjunto de los centros en todas las áreas. Los análisis HLM longitudinales confirmaron en el nivel personal la importancia del sexo y el nivel sociocultural y, a diferencia de otros estudios, también la capacidad predictiva de las habilidades metacognitivas y las estrategias de aprendizaje. En el nivel de escuela, el clima escolar y las expectativas del profesorado hacia los estudiantes fueron las variables más relevantes. El tamaño del centro, el porcentaje de repetidores y el liderazgo del equipo directivo explicaron también una proporción de la varianza en algunas áreas.This article presents a study whose objective was to identify certain personal and institutional variables that are associated with academic achievement among Spanish, secondary school students, and to analyze their influence on the progress of those students over the course of that stage of their education. In order to do this, a longitudinal, multi-level study was conducted in which a total of 965 students and 27 different schools were evaluated in Language, Math and Social Science at three different times (beginning, middle and end of the period). The results show progress in all the schools and in all areas. As for the personal, student variables, the longitudinal, HLM analyses confirmed the importance of sex and sociocultural background and, distinguishing it from other studies, also the predictive capacity of meta-cognitive abilities and learning strategies on success in school. On the institutional level, the school climate and teachers’ expectations of their students were the most relevant of the variables studied. The size of the school, the percentage of students who repeat grades, and the leadership of the administration also explained a portion of the variance in some areas

    Inteligencia emocional y rendimiento académico en estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria. Diferencias de género

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    [Resumen] Con nuestro estudio pretendemos encontrar relaciones entre la inteligencia emocional y el rendimiento académico con una muestra de 344 alumnos de entre 14 y 16 años de edad (1º y 2º ESO). Hemos utilizado para evaluar la inteli- gencia emocional medidas de autoinforme, concretamente el TMMS-24 (Trait Meta Mood Scale) y para el rendimiento académico hemos utilizado no sólo medidas globales como la nota media y el número de suspensos, también la calificación en cada una de las materias básicas de la ESO: Matemáticas, Lengua, Inglés, Ciencias Sociales y Ciencias Naturales. Por último, debido a que existen diferencias en inte- ligencia emocional asociadas al género, supo- nemos que las correlaciones entre el rendimien- to escolar e inteligencia emocional serán dife- rentes entre chicos y chicas.[Abstract] Our study aims to find relationships bet- ween emotional intelligence and academic performance with a sample of 344 students between 14 and 16 years of age (1st and 2nd ESO). We used self-report measures to assess emotional intelligence, namely TMMS-24 (Trait Meta Mood Scale) and for the academic performance measures we have used not only the global average and the number of failures, but the grades in each of the core subjects of the ESO: Mathematics, Language, English, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences. Finally, due to differences in emotional intelligence related to gender, we assume that the correla- tions between school performance and emo- tional intelligence are different between boys and girls

    Emotional and Musical Education through the Disney-Pixar Film Coco (2017). Didactic Proposal Necessary in Times of Pandemic

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    This article combines emotional and musical education through a didactic proposal for the fourth year of Primary Education, which is based on the musical and audiovisual analysis of the Disney-Pixar movie Coco. Given the global pandemic situation that we are experiencing, the didactic proposal is based on the need for Primary Education students to acquire a series of values ??such as: perseverance to achieve dreams through adversity, the importance of life and death, bonding with the family, being true to oneself or the unconditional support that pets can become. All of this is worked with music through the analysis, interpretation and staging of the film's soundtrack, including inclusive musical proposals such as interpretation with sign language. And with the use of a series of ICT tools, which from the very creation of the didactic programming through a large number of activities, turn everything that is proposed into something totally motivating for both the teacher and the students.En este artículo se combina la educación emocional y la educación musical a través de una propuesta didáctica para cuarto curso de Educación Primaria, que parte del análisis musical y audiovisual de la película Coco de Disney- Pixar. Dada la situación de pandemia mundial que vivimos, la propuesta didáctica parte de la necesidad de que el alumnado de Educación Primaria adquiera una serie de valores como son: la perseverancia para conseguir sueños a través de las adversidades, la importancia de la vida y la muerte, la vinculación con la familia, el ser fiel a uno mismo o el apoyo incondicional en el que pueden convertirse los animales domésticos. Todo ello, se trabaja con la música a través del análisis, la interpretación y la puesta en escena de la banda sonora de la película, incluyendo propuestas musicales inclusivas como la interpretación con lenguaje de signos. Y con la utilización de una serie de herramientas TIC, que desde la propia creación de la programación didáctica pasando por un gran número de actividades, convierten en algo totalmente motivante tanto para el docente como para el alumnado todo aquello que se propone

    Seasonal and Sexual Differences in the Microbiota of the Hoopoe Uropygial Secretion

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    The uropygial gland of hoopoe nestlings and nesting females hosts bacterial symbionts that cause changes in the characteristics of its secretion, including an increase of its antimicrobial activity. These changes occur only in nesting individuals during the breeding season, possibly associated with the high infection risk experienced during the stay in the hole-nests. However, the knowledge on hoopoes uropygial gland microbial community dynamics is quite limited and based so far on culture-dependent and molecular fingerprinting studies. In this work, we sampled wild and captive hoopoes of different sex, age, and reproductive status, and studied their microbiota using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and pyrosequencing. Surprisingly, we found a complex bacterial community in all individuals (including non-nesting ones) during the breeding season. Nevertheless, dark secretions from nesting hoopoes harbored significantly higher bacterial density than white secretions from breeding males and both sexes in winter. We hypothesize that bacterial proliferation may be host-regulated in phases of high infection risk (i.e., nesting). We also highlight the importance of specific antimicrobial-producing bacteria present only in dark secretions that may be key in this defensive symbiosis. Finally, we discuss the possible role of environmental conditions in shaping the uropygial microbiota, based on differences found between wild and captive hoopoes.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European (FEDER) funds (CGL2013-48193-C3-1-P/BOS, CGL2013-48193-C3-2-P/BOS, CGL2017-83103-P), and the Junta de Andalucía (RNM 339, RNM 340). S. M. Rodríguez-Ruano received a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (FPI program)

    Development of a support needs assessment scale for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities

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    RESUMEN: El artículo presentado está orientado al desarrollo de una escala de evaluación de necesidades apoyos para niños y adolescentes (5-16 años) con discapacidad intelectual. Esta herramienta es coherente con la concepción más reciente de discapacidad intelectual y se desarrolla en castellano a partir de una propuesta internacional iniciada desde la Asociación Americana de Discapacidades Intelectuales y del Desarrollo (AAIDD). El foco principal de este estudio es analizar las características psicométricas de la escala en el contexto español. El instrumento ha sido aplicado a una muestra piloto de 143 niños y adolescentes con discapacidad intelectual y analizado bajo los supuestos de la Teoría de Respuesta a los Ítems (TRI); concretamente, se han asumido los supuestos del Modelo de Escalas de Clasificación. Los resultados alcanzados muestran evidencias iniciales de la fiabilidad y validez de la escala, así como el adecuado ajuste de los datos al modelo propuesto.ABSTRACT: The paper presented is focused on the development of a scale for assessing support needs for children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities. This tool adheres to the most recent conception of intellectual disability and it is being developed in Spanish following the international proposal initiated by the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD). The main focus of the research is to analyze, the psychometric characteristics of the scale within the Spanish context. The tool has been used so far with a pilot sample of 143 people (both children and adolescents) with intellectual disabilities and it has also been according to the framework of Item Response Theory (IRT), specifically the assumptions of the Rating Scale Model (RSM) have been taken into account. The results achieved so far show preliminary evidence of the reliability and validity of the scale, as well as the adequate adjustment of the data to the proposed model.Este artículo se ha escrito en el marco del proyecto de investigación I+D PSI2012-36278 financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad