138 research outputs found

    Proteinkvalitet i vetelinjer med frÀmmande kromosomfragment

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    Vetelinjer som innehÄller frÀmmande kromosomfragment uppvisade en stor variation i proteinkvalitet, med linjer som innehöll bÄde högre proteinkoncentration i kÀrnan och högre glutenstyrka jÀmfört med mÀtarsorten Dragon. Ett pÄfallande starkt gluten pÄtrÀffades framför allt i vetelinjer som innehöll kromosomfragment av strandrÄg samt i vetelinjer som innehöll vissa kromosomer frÄn rÄg. Hög proteinkoncentration i kÀrnan erhölls framför allt i vissa linjer som innehÄller kromosom 1 frÄn rÄg. Det unika vetematerialet som undersökts i detta projekt, har tagits fram genom korsningar mellan olika vetelinjer och rÄgvete samt andra nÀrbeslÀktade grÀs till vete, och materialet har tidigare visat sig innehÄlla unika resistensgener som för nÀrvarande överförs till vete anpassade för odling i olika delar av vÀrlden. Resultaten frÄn detta projekt indikerar att materialet Àven innehÄller unika gener som pÄverkar proteinkvaliteten signifikant utöver att materialet innehÄller resistensgener. Stora möjligheter finns dÀrmed att anvÀnda materialet för förÀdling av unik bakningskvalitet, samt för at förstÄ grundlÀggande egenskaper hos proteinerna som pÄverkar bakningskvaliteten

    Ellinge castle : the history of the garden and parks at one of the oldest manors in Scania

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    Den hĂ€r rapporten om Ellinge slott Ă€r en produkt inom kursen ”Bevarande, vĂ„rd och restaurering av historiska trĂ€dgĂ„rdsanlĂ€ggningar”. Arbetet har skett i en grupp bestĂ„ende av Karin Henriksson, Karin Ingemansson och Eva-Marie Samuelson. Syftet med rapporten Ă€r att teckna Ellinge slotts landskapliga omgivningar, trĂ€dgĂ„rdar och parks historia. Syftet har Ă€ven varit att inventera dagslĂ€get, samt föra en diskussion med utgĂ„ngspunkt i detta om hur anlĂ€ggningen lĂ„ngsiktigt kan vĂ„rdas, skötas och bevaras. Sökandet kring Ellinge slotts historia har skett frĂ€mst genom arkivstudier, kontakter med en rad olika personer samt genom besök pĂ„ platsen. Vi har Ă€ven gjort en kortare kartlĂ€ggning av Ellinges mer allmĂ€nna historia. I resultatdelen har vi kartlagt historien, kronologiskt indelad: tidig historia, 1700-, 1800- och 1900-talet. Den tidiga historieskrivningen utgĂ„r frĂ„n tidigare tryckta historiesamman-fattningar och avbildningar. FrĂ„n 1760 och framĂ„t finns kartmaterial av olika slag att tillgĂ„ samt samtida beskrivningar. FrĂ„n 1897 och framĂ„t finns fotografier bevarade vilka har varit en viktig kĂ€lla för att faststĂ€lla hur delar i parken och trĂ€dgĂ„rden har utvecklats. Det skrivna materialet vi funnit kring Ellinge handlar frĂ€mst om en allmĂ€n historia kring slottet, dĂ€r vi dock funnit en del nedtecknat om parken och trĂ€dgĂ„rden. Ur vĂ„ra arkivstudier har vi Ă€ven funnit en del protokoll och listor som ytterligare hjĂ€lpt oss kartlĂ€gga trĂ€dgĂ„rdshistorien. För att kartlĂ€gga dagslĂ€get pĂ„ Ellinges park, trĂ€dgĂ„rdar samt nĂ€rmaste omgivningar har en omfattande inventering gjorts. Till denna inventering hör uppritning av kartor, fotografering och upprĂ€ttande av vĂ€xtlistor. UtifrĂ„n historieskrivningen och inventeringen av Ellinge slotts omgivningar idag förs en diskussion om hur denna anlĂ€ggning med anor redan frĂ„n 1200-talet kan bevaras och utvecklas. Slutsatser som dragits Ă€r vikten av att bevara de stora övergripande strukturerna i en anlĂ€ggning som kontinuerligt har utvecklats och anpassats till de rĂ„dande stilidealen. Det Ă€r viktigt att behĂ„lla de axlar som löper i anlĂ€ggningen, samt att bevara vallgraven kring slottet. Det Ă€r Ă€ven viktigt att försöka behĂ„lla den lummiga och grönskade karaktĂ€ren pĂ„ Ellinge, frĂ€mst i from av de stora och ibland Ă€ven mycket gamla trĂ€d som vĂ€xer dĂ€r. Vissa idĂ©er för hur en eventuell Ă„terplantering av trĂ€d har gjorts. Till sist dras slutsatser kring hur Ellinge skall kunna utvecklas i framtiden, kopplat till dagens verksamheter, för att skapa en levande miljö som Ă€r anpassad efter sina brukare.This report on Ellinge castle is a product in the course ”Garden Conservation”. The work has been carried out in a group consisting of Karin Henriksson, Karin Ingemansson and Eva-Marie Samuelson. The purpose of this report is to describe Ellinge castle’s history, including its designed landscape surroundings, gardens and parks. The aim was also to make an inventory of the current situation and have a discussion, based on our results, on how the long term care, management and preservation can be carried out. The search concerning Ellinge castle’s history has primarily been carried out through archival studies, contact with people and visits to the site to find traces of previous garden designs. We have also made a short summary of Ellinges broader history. In the result chapter, we have divided the history into chronological order: Early History, 18th, 19th and 20th century history. The early history is based on previously printed historical summaries. From 1760 onwards there are maps of various kinds’ available and also contemporary descriptions. From 1897 onwards there are photographs preserved which has been an important source for determining how parts of the park has developed trough the years. The written material we have found about Ellinge focuses mainly on a general history about the castle but has also sometimes mentioned the park and garden. From our archival studies, we have also found some protocols and lists, which have further helped us identify the park and gardens history. To identify the current state of Ellinges Park gardens and near surroundings has a comprehensive inventory been carried out. This inventory included drawing of maps, photographing and the making of an inventory list containing findings like plants, constructions and traces of previous garden management and designs. Based on history and the inventory of Ellinge castles surroundings, a discussion are being held on how this site, dating from the 1200-century, can be preserved and further developed. Conclusions drawn are the importance of preserving the large structures in a park that have been continuously developed and adapted to the prevailing style ideals. It is important to keep the two dominating axises and to preserve the moat around the castle. It is also important to keep the lush and green nature at Ellinge, mainly the large and old trees and the tree rows that are leading out into the landscape. Some ideas for a possible future replanting of trees has been described Finally, conclusions about how Ellinge is to be developed in the future, linked to today’s activities, and how to create an outdoor environment suitable for its future use are being drawn

    Nya resistensgener för framtidens vete

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    Det mest effektiva och miljövÀnliga alternativ som finns tillgÀngligt för att motverka skadegörare i odling Àr att anvÀnda resistensgener direkt i vÀxten. Men det pÄgÄr en stÀndig kamp mellan skadegörarnas evolution som övervinner resistensen i vÀxten och tillgÀngliga gener med resistent verkan. I detta projekt har vi dÀrför undersökt ett vetematerial med inkorsade kromosomer frÄn rÄg och strandrÄg. Resultaten visar hög förekomst av resistens för olika utvalda svampsjukdomar i det undersökta materialet och att resistensgenerna finns fördelade pÄ mÄnga av de frÀmmande kromosomerna. Slutsatsen frÄn dessa undersökningar Àr att rÄg- och strandrÄgsmaterialet har en stor potential att tillföra nytt genetiskt material av resistensgener till veteförÀdlingen för att motverka mÄnga aggressiva svampsjukdomar


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    ĐœĐ°Ń‚Đ”Ń€ĐžĐ°Đ»Ń‹ VIII ĐœĐ”Đ¶ĐŽŃƒĐœĐ°Ń€. ĐœĐ°ŃƒŃ‡.-Ń‚Đ”Ń…Đœ. ĐșĐŸĐœŃ„. ŃŃ‚ŃƒĐŽĐ”ĐœŃ‚ĐŸĐČ, ĐŒĐ°ĐłĐžŃŃ‚Ń€Đ°ĐœŃ‚ĐŸĐČ Đž ĐŒĐŸĐ»ĐŸĐŽŃ‹Ń… ŃƒŃ‡Đ”ĐœŃ‹Ń…, Đ“ĐŸĐŒĐ”Đ»ŃŒ, 28–29 апр. 2008

    High prevalence of neurodevelopmental problems in adolescents eligible for bariatric surgery for severe obesity.

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    AIM: To assess the prevalence of neurodevelopmental problems in adolescents with severe obesity and their associations with binge eating and depression. METHODS: Data were collected at inclusion in a randomised study of bariatric surgery in 48 adolescents (73% girls; mean age 15.7 ± 1.0 years; mean body mass index 42.6 ± 5.2 kg/m2 ). Parents completed questionnaires assessing their adolescents' symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder and reported earlier diagnoses. Patients answered self-report questionnaires on binge eating and depressive symptoms. RESULTS: The parents of 26/48 adolescents (54%) reported scores above cut-off for symptoms of the targeted disorders in their adolescents, but only 15% reported a diagnosis, 32% of adolescents reported binge eating, and 20% reported symptoms of clinical depression. No significant associations were found between neurodevelopmental problems and binge eating or depressive symptoms. Only a third of the adolescents reported no problems in either area. CONCLUSION: Two thirds of adolescents seeking surgical weight loss presented with substantial mental health problems (reported by themselves or their parents). This illustrates the importance of a multi-professional approach and the need to screen for and treat mental health disorders in adolescents with obesity

    Comparison of cisplatin sensitivity and the 18F fluoro-2-deoxy 2 glucose uptake with proliferation parameters and gene expression in squamous cell carcinoma cell lines of the head and neck

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The survival of patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer is still poor, with 5-year survival rates of 24–35%. The identification of prognostic and predictive markers at the molecular and cellular level could make it possible to find new therapeutic targets and provide "taylor made" treatments. Established cell lines of human squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) are valuable models for identifying such markers.</p> <p>The aim of this study was to establish and characterize a series of cell lines and to compare the cisplatin sensitivity and 18F fluoro-2 deoxy 2 glucose (18F-FDG) uptake of these cell lines with other cellular characteristics, such as proliferation parameters and TP53 and CCND1 status.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Explant cultures of fresh tumour tissue were cultivated, and six new permanent cell lines were established from 18 HNSCC cases. Successfully grown cell lines were analysed regarding clinical parameters, histological grade, karyotype, DNA ploidy, and index and S-phase fraction (Spf). The cell lines were further characterized with regard to their uptake of 18F-FDG, their sensitivity to cisplatin, as measured by a viability test (crystal violet), and their TP53 and CCND1 status, by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), polymerase chain reaction single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) with DNA sequencing and, for cyclin D1, by immunohistochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Patients with tumours that could be cultured in vitro had shorter disease-free periods and overall survival time than those whose tumours did not grow in vitro, when analysed with the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test. Their tumours also showed more complex karyotypes than tumours from which cell lines could not be established. No correlation was found between TP53 or CCND1 status and 18F-FDG uptake or cisplatin sensitivity. However, there was an inverse correlation between tumour cell doubling time and 18F-FDG uptake.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In vitro growth of HNSCC cells seem to be an independent prognostic factor, with cell lines being more readily established from aggressive tumours, a phenomenon more dependent on the molecular genetic characteristics of the tumour cells than on tumour location or TNM status.</p

    A transnational and holistic breeding approach is needed for sustainable wheat production in the Baltic Sea region

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    The Baltic Sea is one of the largest brackish water bodies in the world. Eutrophication is a major concern in the Baltic Sea due to the leakage of nutrients to the sea with agriculture being the primary source. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the most widely grown crop in the countries surrounding the Baltic Sea and thus promoting sustainable agriculture practices for wheat cultivation will have a major impact on reducing pollution in the Baltic Sea. This approach requires identifying and addressing key challenges for sustainable wheat production in the region. Implementing new technologies for climate-friendly breeding and digital farming across all surrounding countries should promote sustainable intensification of agriculture in the region. In this review, we highlight major challenges for wheat cultivation in the Baltic Sea region and discuss various solutions integrating transnational collaboration for pre-breeding and technology sharing to accelerate development of low input wheat cultivars with improved host plant resistance to pathogen and enhanced adaptability to the changing climate.Peer reviewe

    Heat Shock Factor 2 Protects against Proteotoxicity by Maintaining Cell-Cell Adhesion

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    Maintenance of protein homeostasis, through inducible expression of molecular chaperones, is essential for cell survival under protein-damaging conditions. The expression and DNA-binding activity of heat shock factor 2 (HSF2), a member of the heat shock transcription factor family, increase upon exposure to prolonged proteotoxicity. Nevertheless, the specific roles of HSF2 and the global HSF2-dependent gene expression profile during sustained stress have remained unknown. Here, we found that HSF2 is critical for cell survival during prolonged proteotoxicity. Strikingly, our RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analyses revealed that impaired viability of HSF2-deficient cells is not caused by inadequate induction of molecular chaperones but is due to marked downregulation of cadherin superfamily genes. We demonstrate that HSF2-dependent maintenance of cadherin-mediated cell-cell adhesion is required for protection against stress induced by proteasome inhibition. This study identifies HSF2 as a key regulator of cadherin superfamily genes and defines cell-cell adhesion as a determinant of proteotoxic stress resistance

    Knee kinematics and kinetics in former soccer players with a 16-year-old ACL injury – the effects of twelve weeks of knee-specific training

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    BACKGROUND: Training of neuromuscular control has become increasingly important and plays a major role in rehabilitation of subjects with an injury to the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Little is known, however, of the influence of this training on knee stiffness during loading. Increased knee stiffness occurs as a loading strategy of ACL-injured subjects and is associated with increased joint contact forces. Increased or altered joint loads contribute to the development of osteoarthritis. The aim of the study was to determine if knee stiffness, defined by changes in knee kinetics and kinematics of gait, step activity and cross-over hop could be reduced through a knee-specific 12-week training programme. METHODS: A 3-dimensional motion analysis system (VICON) and a force plate (AMTI) were used to calculate knee kinetics and kinematics before and after 12 weeks of knee-specific training in 12 males recruited from a cohort with ACL injury 16 years earlier. Twelve uninjured males matched for age, sex, BMI and activity level served as a reference group. Self-reported patient-relevant data were obtained by the KOOS questionnaire. RESULTS: There were no significant changes in knee stiffness during gait and step activity after training. For the cross-over hop, increased peak knee flexion during landing (from 44 to 48 degrees, p = 0.031) and increased internal knee extensor moment (1.28 to 1.55 Nm/kg, p = 0.017) were seen after training, indicating reduced knee stiffness. The KOOS sport and recreation score improved from 70 to 77 (p = 0.005) and was significantly correlated with the changes in knee flexion during landing for the cross-over hop (r = 0.6, p = 0.039). CONCLUSION: Knee-specific training improved lower extremity kinetics and kinematics, indicating reduced knee stiffness during demanding hop activity. Self-reported sport and recreational function correlated positively with the biomechanical changes supporting a clinical importance of the findings. Further studies are needed to confirm these results in women and in other ACL injured populations
