28 research outputs found

    European sea bass brain DLB-1 cell line is susceptible to nodavirus: A transcriptomic study

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    Viral diseases are responsible for high rates of mortality and subsequent economic losses in modern aquaculture. The nervous necrosis virus (NNV) produces viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER), which affects the fish central nervous system. It is considered one of the most serious viral diseases in marine aquaculture, the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) being amongst the most susceptible. We have evaluated the European sea bass brain derived cell line (DLB-1) susceptibility to NNV genotypes and evaluated its transcriptomic profile. DLB-1 cells supported NNV gene transcription and replication since strains belonging to the four NNV genotypes produce cytopathic effects. Afterwards, DLB-1 cells were infected with an RGNNV strain, the one which showed the highest replication, for 12 and 72 h and an RNA-seq analysis was performed to identify potential genes involved in the host-NNV interactions. Differential expression analysis showed the up-regulation of many genes related to immunity, heat-shock proteins or apoptosis but not to proteasome or autophagy processes. These data suggest that the immune response, mainly the interferon (IFN) pathway, is not powerful enough to abrogate the infection, and cells finally suffer stress and die by apoptosis liberating infective particles. GO enrichment also revealed, for the first time, the down-regulation of terms related to brain/neuron biology indicating molecular mechanisms causing the pathogenic effect of NNV. This study opens the way to understand key elements in sea bass brain and NNV interactions.Versión del edito

    Mutations on a conserved distal enhancer in the porcine C-reactive protein gene impair its expression in liver

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    C-reactive protein (CRP) is an evolutionary highly conserved protein. Like humans, CRP acts as a major acute phase protein in pigs. While CRP regulatory mechanisms have been extensively studied in humans, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that control pig CRP gene expression. The main goal of the present work was to study the regulatory mechanisms and identify functional genetic variants regulating CRP gene expression and CRP blood levels in pigs. The characterization of the porcine CRP proximal promoter region revealed a high level of conservation with both cow and human promoters, sharing binding sites for transcription factors required for CRP expression. Through genome-wide association studies and fine mapping, the most associated variants with both mRNA and protein CRP levels were localized in a genomic region 39.3 kb upstream of CRP. Further study of the region revealed a highly conserved putative enhancer that contains binding sites for several transcriptional regulators such as STAT3, NF-kB or C/EBP-β. Luciferase reporter assays showed the necessity of this enhancer-promoter interaction for the acute phase induction of CRP expression in liver, where differences in the enhancer sequences significantly modified CRP activity. The associated polymorphisms disrupted the putative binding sites for HNF4α and FOXA2 transcription factors. The high correlation between HNF4α and CRP expression levels suggest the participation of HNF4α in the regulatory mechanism of porcine CRP expression through the modification of its binding site in liver. Our findings determine, for the first time, the relevance of a distal regulatory element essential for the acute phase induction of porcine CRP in liver and identify functional polymorphisms that can be included in pig breeding programs to improve immunocompetence.The authors declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. The study was funded by grants AGL2016-75432-R and PID2020-112677RB-C21 awarded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and GENE-SWitCH project (https://www.gene-switch.eu), which is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the grant agreement n°817998. T. Jové-Juncà was funded with an IRTA fellowship (CPI1221) and C. Hernández-Banqué was supported by a FPI grant (PRE2021-097825) granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. YR-C was financially supported by a Ramon y Cajal contract (RYC2019-027244-I) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The authors are part to a Consolidated Research Group AGAUR, with the reference 2021-SGR-01552.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MYC activation impairs cell-intrinsic IFNγ signaling and confers resistance to anti-PD1/PD-L1 therapy in lung cancer

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    Elucidating the adaptive mechanisms that prevent host immune response in cancer will help predict efficacy of anti-programmed death-1 (PD1)/L1 therapies. Here, we study the cell-intrinsic response of lung cancer (LC) to interferon-y (IFNy), a cytokine that promotes immunoresponse and modulates programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) levels. We report complete refractoriness to IFNy in a subset of LCs as a result of JAK2 or IFNGR1 inactivation. A submaximal response affects another subset that shows constitutive low levels of IFNy-stimulated genes (IySGs) coupled with decreased H3K27ac (histone 3 acetylation at lysine 27) depo-sition and promoter hypermethylation and reduced IFN regulatory factor 1 (IRF1) recruitment to the DNA on IFNy stimulation. Most of these are neuroendocrine small cell LCs (SCLCs) with oncogenic MYC/MYCL1/ MYCN. The oncogenic activation of MYC in SCLC cells downregulates JAK2 and impairs IySGs stimulation by IFNy. MYC amplification tends to associate with a worse response to anti-PD1/L1 therapies. Hence alterations affecting the JAK/STAT pathway and MYC activation prevent stimulation by IFNy and may predict anti-PD1/L1 efficacy in LC

    Sequence variation between 462 human individuals fine-tunes functional sites of RNA processing

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    A. Palotie on työryhmän GEUVADIS Consortium jäsen.Recent advances in the cost-efficiency of sequencing technologies enabled the combined DNA-and RNA-sequencing of human individuals at the population-scale, making genome-wide investigations of the inter-individual genetic impact on gene expression viable. Employing mRNA-sequencing data from the Geuvadis Project and genome sequencing data from the 1000 Genomes Project we show that the computational analysis of DNA sequences around splice sites and poly-A signals is able to explain several observations in the phenotype data. In contrast to widespread assessments of statistically significant associations between DNA polymorphisms and quantitative traits, we developed a computational tool to pinpoint the molecular mechanisms by which genetic markers drive variation in RNA-processing, cataloguing and classifying alleles that change the affinity of core RNA elements to their recognizing factors. The in silico models we employ further suggest RNA editing can moonlight as a splicing-modulator, albeit less frequently than genomic sequence diversity. Beyond existing annotations, we demonstrate that the ultra-high resolution of RNA-Seq combined from 462 individuals also provides evidence for thousands of bona fide novel elements of RNA processing-alternative splice sites, introns, and cleavage sites-which are often rare and lowly expressed but in other characteristics similar to their annotated counterparts.Peer reviewe

    Exploring the gonad transcriptome of two extreme male pigs with RNA-seq

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    Background: Although RNA-seq greatly advances our understanding of complex transcriptome landscapes, such as those found in mammals, complete RNA-seq studies in livestock and in particular in the pig are still lacking. Here, we used high-throughput RNA sequencing to gain insight into the characterization of the poly-A RNA fraction expressed in pig male gonads. An expression analysis comparing different mapping approaches and detection of allele specific expression is also discussed in this study. Results: By sequencing testicle mRNA of two phenotypically extreme pigs, one Iberian and one Large White, we identified hundreds of unannotated protein-coding genes (PcGs) in intergenic regions, some of them presenting orthology with closely related species. Interestingly, we also detected 2047 putative long non-coding RNA (lncRNA), including 469 with human homologues. Two methods, DEGseq and Cufflinks, were used for analyzing expression. DEGseq identified 15% less expressed genes than Cufflinks, because DEGseq utilizes only unambiguously mapped reads. Moreover, a large fraction of the transcriptome is made up of transposable elements (14500 elements encountered), as has been reported in previous studies. Gene expression results between microarray and RNA-seq technologies were relatively well correlated (r = 0.71 across individuals). Differentially expressed genes between Large White and Iberian showed a significant overrepresentation of gamete production and lipid metabolism gene ontology categories. Finally, allelic imbalance was detected in ~ 4% of heterozygous sites. Conclusions: RNA-seq is a powerful tool to gain insight into complex transcriptomes. In addition to uncovering many unnanotated genes, our study allowed us to determine that a considerable fraction is made up of long non-coding transcripts and transposable elements. Their biological roles remain to be determined in future studies. In terms of differences in expression between Large White and Iberian pigs, these were largest for genes involved in spermatogenesis and lipid metabolism, which is consistent with phenotypic extreme differences in prolificacy and fat deposition between these two breeds

    Porcine colonization of the Americas: a 60k SNP story

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    The pig, Sus scrofa, is a foreign species to the American continent. Although pigs originally introduced in the Americas should be related to those from the Iberian Peninsula and Canary islands, the phylogeny of current creole pigs that now populate the continent is likely to be very complex. Because of the extreme climates that America harbors, these populations also provide a unique example of a fast evolutionary phenomenon of adaptation. Here, we provide a genome wide study of these issues by genotyping, with a 60k SNP chip, 206 village pigs sampled across 14 countries and 183 pigs from outgroup breeds that are potential founders of the American populations, including wild boar, Iberian, international and Chinese breeds. Results show that American village pigs are primarily of European ancestry, although the observed genetic landscape is that of a complex conglomerate. There was no correlation between genetic and geographical distances, neither continent wide nor when analyzing specific areas. Most populations showed a clear admixed structure where the Iberian pig was not necessarily the main component, illustrating how international breeds, but also Chinese pigs, have contributed to extant genetic composition of American village pigs. We also observe that many genes related to the cardiovascular system show an increased differentiation between altiplano and genetically related pigs living near sea level.WBP is funded by COLCIENCIAS (Francisco José de Caldas fellowship 497/2009, Colombia), CAS thanks grants from CAPES and EMBRAPA (Brazil), YRC is recipient of a PhD studentship from MICINN (Spain, ref. AP2008-01450), AEC is recipient of a PhD studentship from MICINN (Spain). Work funded by Consolider CSD2007-00036 ‘Center for Research in Agrigenomics’ and AGL2010-14822 grants (Spain) to MPE, EU SABRE project FOOD-CT-2006-01625, USDA project 2007-04315 (USA), Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias, San Pedro (UNA), Unión de Gremios de la Producción (UGP) and Empresa San Rafael Agricola y Ganadera SRL (Paraguay), Universidad Técnica de Oruro (Bolivia), Programa de Conservación de los Bancos de Germoplasma, Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario (grant 048-2011) and Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (Colombia), and Centro de Validación de Tecnologías Agropecuarias (CEDEVA, Formosa, Argentina).Peer reviewe

    Mutations on a conserved distal enhancer in the porcine C-reactive protein gene impair its expression in liver

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    C-reactive protein (CRP) is an evolutionary highly conserved protein. Like humans, CRP acts as a major acute phase protein in pigs. While CRP regulatory mechanisms have been extensively studied in humans, little is known about the molecular mechanisms that control pig CRP gene expression. The main goal of the present work was to study the regulatory mechanisms and identify functional genetic variants regulating CRP gene expression and CRP blood levels in pigs. The characterization of the porcine CRP proximal promoter region revealed a high level of conservation with both cow and human promoters, sharing binding sites for transcription factors required for CRP expression. Through genome-wide association studies and fine mapping, the most associated variants with both mRNA and protein CRP levels were localized in a genomic region 39.3 kb upstream of CRP. Further study of the region revealed a highly conserved putative enhancer that contains binding sites for several transcriptional regulators such as STAT3, NF-kB or C/EBP-β. Luciferase reporter assays showed the necessity of this enhancer-promoter interaction for the acute phase induction of CRP expression in liver, where differences in the enhancer sequences significantly modified CRP activity. The associated polymorphisms disrupted the putative binding sites for HNF4α and FOXA2 transcription factors. The high correlation between HNF4α and CRP expression levels suggest the participation of HNF4α in the regulatory mechanism of porcine CRP expression through the modification of its binding site in liver. Our findings determine, for the first time, the relevance of a distal regulatory element essential for the acute phase induction of porcine CRP in liver and identify functional polymorphisms that can be included in pig breeding programs to improve immunocompetence

    Decreased expression of synaptic genes in the vestibular ganglion of rodents following subchronic ototoxic stress.

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    The vestibular ganglion contains primary sensory neurons that are postsynaptic to the transducing hair cells (HC) and project to the central nervous system. Understanding the response of these neurons to HC stress or loss is of great interest as their survival and functional competence will determine the functional outcome of any intervention aiming at repair or regeneration of the HCs. We have shown that subchronic exposure to the ototoxicant 3,3′-iminodipropionitrile (IDPN) in rats and mice causes a reversible detachment and synaptic uncoupling between the HCs and the ganglion neurons. Here, we used this paradigm to study the global changes in gene expression in vestibular ganglia using RNA-seq. Comparative gene ontology and pathway analyses of the data from both model species indicated a robust downregulation of terms related to synapses, including presynaptic and postsynaptic functions. Manual analyses of the most significantly downregulated transcripts identified genes with expressions related to neuronal activity, modulators of neuronal excitability, and transcription factors and receptors that promote neurite growth and differentiation. For choice selected genes, the mRNA expression results were replicated by qRT-PCR, validated spatially by RNA-scope, or were demonstrated to be associated with decreased expression of the corresponding protein. We conjectured that decreased synaptic input or trophic support on the ganglion neurons from the HC was triggering these expression changes. To support this hypothesis, we demonstrated decreased expression of BDNF mRNA in the vestibular epithelium after subchronic ototoxicity and also downregulated expression of similarly identified genes (e.g Etv5, Camk1g, Slc17a6, Nptx2, Spp1) after HC ablation with another ototoxic compound, allylnitrile. We conclude that vestibular ganglion neurons respond to decreased input from HCs by decreasing the strength of all their synaptic contacts, both as postsynaptic and presynaptic players

    High ambient temperature impacts on flowering time in Brassica napus through both H2A.Z-dependent and independent mechanisms

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    Data de publicació electrònica: 27/12/2022Knowledge concerning the integration of genetic pathways mediating the responses to environmental cues controlling flowering initiation in crops is scarce. Here, we reveal the diversity in oilseed rape (OSR) flowering response to high ambient temperature. Using a set of different spring OSR varieties, we found a consistent flowering delay at elevated temperatures. Remarkably, one of the varieties assayed exhibited the opposite behaviour. Several FT-like paralogs are plausible candidates to be part of the florigen in OSR. We revealed that BnaFTA2 plays a major role in temperature-dependent flowering initiation. Analysis of the H2A.Z histone variant occupancy at this locus in different Brassica napus varieties produced contrasting results, suggesting the involvement of additional molecular mechanisms in BnaFTA2 repression at high ambient temperature. Moreover, BnARP6 RNAi plants showed little accumulation of H2A.Z at high temperature while maintaining temperature sensitivity and delayed flowering. Furthermore, we found that H3K4me3 present in BnaFTA2 under inductive flowering conditions is reduced at high temperature, suggesting a role for this hallmark of transcriptionally active chromatin in the OSR flowering response to warming. Our work emphasises the plasticity of flowering responses in B. napus and offers venues to optimise this process in crop species grown under suboptimal environmental conditions.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness (grant Nos. BIO2016-77559-R and PID2019-104899GB-I00) to José A. Jarillo and Manuel Piñeiro from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER, and work by a grant from FP7-FACCE-JPI-ERA-NET + CLIMATE SMART AGRICULTURE (ERA46-SYBRACLYM) to Mónica Pernas. Anna Esteve-Codina is funded by ISCIII/MINECO (PT17/0009/0019) and co-funded by FEDER. This work has also been financially supported by the ‘Severo Ochoa (SO) Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D’ from the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) of Spain (grants SEV-2016-0672 (2017–2021). José A. Abelenda is a recipient of a Comunidad de Madrid Atracción de Talento Investigador programme (grant 2018T1/BIO11380). Noemí Trabanco was a recipient of a Comunidad de Madrid Atracción de Talento Investigador programme (grant 2017-T2/BIO-5644)

    MYC activation impairs cell-intrinsic IFNγ signaling and confers resistance to anti-PD1/PD-L1 therapy in lung cancer

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    Elucidating the adaptive mechanisms that prevent host immune response in cancer will help predict efficacy of anti-programmed death-1 (PD1)/L1 therapies. Here, we study the cell-intrinsic response of lung cancer (LC) to interferon-γ (IFNγ), a cytokine that promotes immunoresponse and modulates programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) levels. We report complete refractoriness to IFNγ in a subset of LCs as a result of JAK2 or IFNGR1 inactivation. A submaximal response affects another subset that shows constitutive low levels of IFNγ-stimulated genes (IγSGs) coupled with decreased H3K27ac (histone 3 acetylation at lysine 27) deposition and promoter hypermethylation and reduced IFN regulatory factor 1 (IRF1) recruitment to the DNA on IFNγ stimulation. Most of these are neuroendocrine small cell LCs (SCLCs) with oncogenic MYC/MYCL1/MYCN. The oncogenic activation of MYC in SCLC cells downregulates JAK2 and impairs IγSGs stimulation by IFNγ. MYC amplification tends to associate with a worse response to anti-PD1/L1 therapies. Hence alterations affecting the JAK/STAT pathway and MYC activation prevent stimulation by IFNγ and may predict anti-PD1/L1 efficacy in LC