413 research outputs found

    Nuevas recetas masculinarias en las revistas femeninas

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    En este artículo nos proponemos (de)mostrar un abanico de posibilidades interpretativas a partir de la tarea analítica y contrastiva efectuada sobre un corpus de artículos de revistas femeninas argentinas correspondientes a la década del 90. El recorrido de lecturas intenta plasmar, en una escritura crítica interpretativa, el diseño de diversas configuraciones del género masculino en el espacio discursivo de la revista, estableciendo una tipología de enunciadores con sus estrategias de enunciación; y, por otra parte, detectando los juegos conflictivos o claudicantes que entablan las relaciones de género, femenino y masculino, en este particular escenario discursivo.In this article we mean to prove/show a wide variety of interpretative possibilities aris ing from the analytical and contrasting task carried out about; a corpus of articles in magazines form women from the 90´s. The readings in the reflective space of this magazine mean to shape, in a critical interpretative writing manner, the design of various forms of the masculine genre, thus setting a type of people who make statements and the strategies they use. On the other hand, they will also detect the conflictive or giving up games establish hed by the relationships between the masculine and the femenine genres within this particular reflective setting.Fil: Alonso, María Ester. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociale

    Estado actual, diagnosis y cambio de uso parcial del convento de Sant Felip Neri de Barcelona

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    El presente proyecto trata sobre la diagnosis y cambio de uso realizado en el convento Sant Felip Neri de Barcelona. Éste tiene como objeto hacer de este lugar un centro útil y habitable convirtiéndolo en residencia de estudiantes universitarios, de manera que deje de ser un lugar desaprovechado en el centro de Barcelona para cubrir una necesidad de la ciudad. Para ello era necesario empezar por la planimetria de todas las plantas, fachadas y algunas secciones, así como la planimetría de estructura. Una vez terminado este paso, proseguimos a llevar a cabo la diagnosis del edificio en su totalidad (tanto plantas como fachadas). Esto se compone de unas fichas, donde se define la causa y la solución de los defectos encontrados, unas tablas en las que se explican las patologías de forma esquemática, la memoria y los planos, que estan acompañados de fotografías, además de estar todos los problemas del edificio explicados y diferenciados en la leyenda. Una vez sabemos que se ha de reformar, podemos hacer el cambio de uso a residencia de estudiantes. Éste está formado por los planos de derribo y obra nueva, los planos de la nueva distribución, los planos de la nueva distribución acotados, los planos de la nueva iluminación y la memoria de cambio de uso. Al final de todo encontramos los anexos; en el primero hay la descripción del edificio y de sus estructura, y en el segundo estan las mediciones, que se dividen en tres capítulos: Derribo y desmontajes, Rehabilitación y Obra nueva. Concluimos en que este trabajo está compuesto por una memoria y planos de diversa índole: La memoria está dividida en memoria descriptiva, memoria estructural, diagnosis, tablas de patologías, fichas de patologías, fichas de mantenimiento, memoria de cambio de uso y mediciones. El conjunto de planos está compuesto por diferentes grupos de planos, según la materia descrita en ellos. Nos encontramos con planos de distribución del estado actual, alzados de fachada y secciones, planos de estructura, planos de patologías; tanto de plantas y detalles, como de fachadas, planos de cambio de uso, planos de cambio de uso e iluminación y planos de construcción y derribo

    Un Nuevo enfoque de los precursores sísmicos: monitorización de la interacción frágil-dúctil de la litosfera y su relación con grandes terremotos

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    The main goal of this thesis is to test the brittle-ductile (BD) interaction hypothesis of the lithosphere. The model uses the correlation of two parameters, the seismicity characterizing the brittle part and the attenuation representing the ductile part. It assumes the coupling of both parts and therefore the correlation between the time series of the parameters during the normal part of the stress loading cycle. A few years before the occurrence of a major earthquake, the brittle part of the system suffers a stress overload, so it cannot maintain the normal loading processes through the brittle-ductile transition zone, provoking the decoupling of the parts and breaking the previous correlation between the analyzed time series. First, a worldwide analysis of seismicity is developed, focusing after in three regions, Colombia, Taiwan and the Iberian Peninsula. The seismicity data for the global analysis are obtained from the Centennial Catalog, while local catalogs are used for the regional study. Then, the BD hypothesis is tested in three seismic stations in Colombia and five in Taiwan; for that purpose, a selection of almost 4000 waveforms are effectively used from a total of almost 48000 of the study areas, for the coda Q quality factor analysis. The global and regional seismicity analysis allows the detection of space-time evolution trends with no easy explanation and that are attributed to external manifestations of the Earth¿s interior dynamic processes in the mantle. The detailed seismicity analysis in the 8 studied stations characterizes the brittle part. The waveforms in each station are used to determine the time series of coda Q in a time window of around 14 years. First, its space-time variation and depth dependence are studied, finding significant changes that correlate with local geotectonic structures. Besides, specific time series that characterize the ductile part are obtained. The correlation analysis and the one of the time variation of the central correlation coefficient have allowed evaluating the BD model. A new technique that allows the construction of time series of this coefficient is proposed, in a way that following and detecting the correlation/uncorrelation of the seismicity and Q time series can be done continuously. Therefore, calm and enhanced activity periods can be firmly established in the BD theory. By applying the technique to different geotectonic locations we find cases in which the behavior obeys the theory, whilst for others the validity is unclear. In the former, high values of the central correlation coefficient, above 0.6, are observed during calm periods; this value decreases drastically some time before the occurrence of a major earthquake. In the latter, the correlation is found to be, in most cases, permanently low, what can be attributed to a inexistent or poorly developed BD interaction zone, since, in most cases, these regions are ruled by complex geotectonic structures and a relatively high frequency of major earthquakes.Postprint (published version

    Estudio de la influencia del lavado en la reducción de la transferencia de Escherichia coli en la cocina del consumidor

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    [ES] La contaminación cruzada en alimentos listos para el consumo a partir de las materias primas y los utensilios de cocina, constituye una preocupación creciente por la seguridad alimentaria. Estudios recientes demuestran que diversas bacterias, entre las que se incluye Escherichia coli, sobreviven durante horas o días, tanto en manos, esponjas/paños, como en utensilios, tras el contacto inicial con los microorganismos. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido estudiar los coeficientes de transferencia directa entre alimento y superficies de contacto, y analizar el efecto de distintos tipos de lavado en la reducción de la contaminación cruzada causada por Escherichia coli, como una de las principales prácticas preventivas en los hogares. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo análisis microbiológicos con diferentes escenarios para conocer la transferencia entre el alimento, en este caso pechuga de pollo, y la mano, la tabla de corte y cuchillos. Posteriormente, se estudió la transferencia de éstos a un alimento, concretamente, el queso. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que el lavado en el hogar constituye un paso esencial para garantizar la seguridad del consumidor y reducir en dos unidades logarítmicas la carga que pudiera estar presente en las superficies de contacto debido a pequeñas desviaciones en el control de la cadena alimentaria. El proceso de lavado con jabón es el más efectivo, puesto que se elimina prácticamente la totalidad de los patógenos, siendo la mano y la tabla de corte, las superficies de contacto que más participan en la transferencia de la contaminación al queso, por lo que hay que dedicarle una especial atención a la limpieza de estas superficies.[EN] Cross contamination in ready foods for the consumption from raw materials and cookware, is a growing concern about food safety. Recent studies indicate that various bacteria, including Escherichia coli, for hours or days, survived in hands, sponges/dishcloth and utensils, after the initial contact with the microorganisms. In this sense, the aim of this study has been studying the direct transfer coefficients between food and contact surfaces, and analyzing the effect of different types of washing in reducing cross contamination caused by Escherichia coli, as a major preventive practical in the homes. To this end, microbiological analysis carried out with different scenarios for the transfer between the food, in this case chicken breast, and hand, the cutting board and knives. Subsequently, we studied their transfer to a food, specifically cheese. The results obtained show that washing at home is an essential step to ensure consumer safety and to reduce in two logarithmic units of the load that may be present on the contact surfaces due to small deviations in the control of the food chain. The process of washing with soap is the most effective since it practically eliminates all pathogens, being the hand and the cutting board, the contact surfaces most involved in the transfer of contamination to the cheese, so you have to devote special attention to cleaning these surfaces.[CA] La contaminació encreuada en aliments llestos per al consum a partir de les matèries primes i els utensilis de cuina, constitueïx una preocupació creixent per la seguretat alimentària. Estudis recients demostren que diverses bactèries, entre les que s'inclou Escherichia coli, sobreviuen durant hores o diez, tant en mans, esponjes/draps, com en utensilis, després del contacte inicial amb els microorganismes. En aquest sentit, l'objectiu del present treball ha sigut estudiar els coeficients de transferència directa entre aliment y superfícies de contacte, i analitzar l'efecte de distints tipus de llavat en la reducció de la contaminació encreuada causada per Escherichia coli, com una de les principals pràctiques preventives en els llars. Per a això, es va dur a terme análisis microbiològics amb diferents escenaris per a conéixer la transferència entre l'aliment, en aquest cas pit de pollastre, i la mà, la taula de tall i ganivets. Posteriorment, es va estudiar la transferència d'aquests a un aliment, concretament, el formatge. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que el llavat en el llar constitueïx un pas essencial per a garantir la seguretat del consumidor i reduir en dos unitats logarítmiques la càrrega que poguera estar present en les superfícies de contacte degut a xicotetes desviacions en el control de la cadena alimentària. El procés de llavat amb sabó és el més efectiu, ja que s'elimina pràcticament la totalitat dels patògens, sent la mà i la taula de tall, les superfícies de contacte que més participen en la transferència de la contaminació al formatge, pel que cal dedicar-li una especial atenció a la neteja d'aquestes superfícies.Alonso Giménez, E. (2013). Estudio de la influencia del lavado en la reducción de la transferencia de Escherichia coli en la cocina del consumidor. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/33761.Archivo delegad

    Stars, combs and bottlebrushes of elastic single-chain nanoparticles

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    Hierarchical self-assembly of structural elements gives rise to superstructures often with outstanding properties when compared to individual elements, as first observed in nature. While folding of individual synthetic chains leads to discrete single-chain nanoparticles (SCNPs) of significant interest for a number of applications, its full potential utility through integration into well-defined superstructures is recently being recognized. Remarkably, SCNPs in good solvent resemble randomly branched polymers with ideal connectivity in a theta-solvent or percolating clusters with screened excluded-volume interactions. Herein we consider the integration of SCNPs into star, comb and bottlebrush topologies and investigate the dimensions of the resulting superstructures under different conditions (good solvent, ideal conformations, 1D-and 2D-confinement in nanopores and nanoslits, anchored to flat surfaces). A detailed comparison of the equilibrium conformational properties of star, comb and bottlebrush polymers composed of elastic SCNPs to those of equivalent topologies based on linear chains is provided. This analysis reveals the effect of hierarchical topology on superstructure dimensions in several relevant environments, as well as how the structural parameters of the SCNPs influence the location of the comb-to-bottlebrush transition as a function of grafting density. The degree of intra-chain cross-linking arises as an additional parameter for controlling the local and global dimensions of stars, combs and bottlebrushes of SCNPs.Financial support by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF – A way of making Europe” (PID2021-123438NB-I00), Eusko Jaurlaritza –Basque Government (IT1566-22) and Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, Programa Red Gipuzkoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (2021-CIEN-000010-01) is gratefully acknowledged

    Advances in the Phototriggered Synthesis of Single-Chain Polymer Nanoparticles

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    Clean use of photons from light to activate chemical reactions offers many possibilities in different fields, from chemistry and biology to materials science and medicine. This review article describes the advances carried out in last decades toward the phototriggered synthesis of single-chain polymer nanoparticles (SCNPs) as soft nanomaterials with promising applications in enzyme-mimicking catalysis and nanomedicine, among other different uses. First, we summarize some different strategies developed to synthesize SCNPs based on photoactivated intrachain homocoupling, phototriggered intrachain heterocoupling and photogenerated collapse induced by an external cross-linker. Next, we comprehensively review the emergent topic of photoactivated multifolding applied to SCNP construction. Finally, we conclude by summarizing recent strategies towards phototriggered disassembly of SCNPsThis research was funded by Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia -Programa Red Gipuzkoana de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion 2019-, grant number 2019-CIEN-000050-01; Basque Government, grant number IT-1175-19; and MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE, grant number PGC2018-094548-B-I00

    Facial soft biometrics for recognition in the wild: recent works, annotation and COTS evaluation

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    The role of soft biometrics to enhance person recognition systems in unconstrained scenarios has not been extensively studied. Here, we explore the utility of the following modalities: gender, ethnicity, age, glasses, beard and moustache. We consider two assumptions: i) manual estimation of soft biometrics, and ii) automatic estimation from two Commercial Off-The-Shelf systems (COTS). All experiments are reported using the LFW database. First, we study the discrimination capabilities of soft biometrics standalone. Then, experiments are carried out fusing soft biometrics with two state-of-the-art face recognition systems based on deep learning. We observe that soft biometrics is a valuable complement to the face modality in unconstrained scenarios, with relative improvements up to 40%=15% in the verification performance when using manual/automatic soft biometrics estimation. Results are reproducible as we make public our manual annotations and COTS outputs of soft biometrics over LFW, as well as the face recognition scoresThis work was funded by Spanish Guardia Civil and project CogniMetrics (TEC2015-70627-R) from MINECO/FEDE

    Valorization of brewer’s spent grain by consecutive supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and enzymatic hydrolysis

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    The double effect of supercritical carbon dioxide, sc-CO2, in a biorefinery concept applied to brewer’s spent grain (BSG) was assessed in this work. Extraction conditions to remove and valorize the lipophilic fraction were studied (20–40 MPa and 40–80 ◦C) obtaining a maximum yield of 5.70 ± 0.07 g/100 gBSG at 80 ◦C and 40 MPa. High pressures and temperatures resulted in higher content of total phenolic and flavonoid compounds, as well as higher antioxidant capacity. It was observed an improvement of the enzymatic hydrolysis yield by cellulase in the sc-CO2 treated BSG compared to the non-treated. This improvement could be partially attributed to the removal of the lipid fraction and to morphological changes of BSG after sc-CO2. Based on this double benefit, scCO2 can play an important role on biomass valorization.This work was supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación [grant number PID2019-104950RB-I00 / AEI / https://doi.org/10.130 39/501100011033] and the Junta de Castilla y León (JCyL) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) [grant numbers BU301P18 and BU050P20]. E. Trigueros and P. Alonso-Riano ˜ predoctoral contracts were funded by JCyL and the European Social Fund (ESF) by ORDEN EDU/574/2018, de 28 de mayo and ORDEN EDU/556/2019, de 5 de junio, respectively

    Facile synthesis of azocino[4,3-b]indoles by ring-closing metathesis

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    The azocino[4,3-b]indole system, tricyclic substructure of the indole alkaloids apparicine and ervaticine, is efficiently assembled by ring-closing metathesis of 2-allyl-3-(allylaminomethyl)indoles. The metathesis sites are introduced into the indole nucleus by reductive amination of a 3-formyl derivative with allylamine, followed by a-lithiation with subsequent electrophilic trapping with acrolein