105 research outputs found

    Diseño de una planta de tratamiento para el drenaje ácido de una mina en el Estado de México

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    Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias, Especialidad en Ingeniería Ambiental) UANLUANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Blood Cell Classification Using the Hough Transform and Convolutional Neural Networks

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    https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77712-2_62The detection of red blood cells in blood samples can be crucial for the disease detection in its early stages. The use of image processing techniques can accelerate and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of this detection. In this work, the use of the Circle Hough transform for cell detection and artificial neural networks for their identification as a red blood cell is proposed. Specifically, the application of neural networks (MLP) as a standard classification technique with (MLP) is compared with new proposals related to deep learning such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The different experiments carried out reveal the high classification ratio and show promising results after the application of the CNNs.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Revisión de casos de sífilis con afectación ocular como primera manifestación

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    Objetivo: Describir nuestra práctica cínica en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la sífilis con afectación ocular. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de 4 pacientes con sífilis y afectación ocular. Se estudiaron historias clínicas, tratamiento y respuesta al mismo. Resultados: El síntoma oftalmológico más frecuente fue la visión borrosa y el signo la papilitis. La serología fue positiva para Treponema pallidum y el estudio del líquido cefalorraquídeo normal, por lo que se llegó al diagnostico de sífilis secundaria. Todos recibieron tratamiento sistémico con antibióticos y corticoides, evolucionando hacia la mejoría visual. Conclusiones: La sífilis ocular, independientemente de la estructura que afecte, debe ser tratada como una neurosífilis, y por su relación ha ser descartada como en nuestros casos. La aproximación diagnóstica se basó en la clínica, antecedentes personales y exploraciones realizadas, confirmándose mediante la serología

    Diseño participativo de un Modelo Pedagógico para el Sistema Educativo Ecuatoriano

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    The need for a pedagogical model consistent with the foundations of the latest educational reforms and the public policy developed by the Ministry of Education in Ecuador prompted the reflection and collaborative construction included in this work. As a result, between June 2020 and January 2021, with the participation of teachers, critical actors in the education system, and decision-makers, a virtual co-design process was developed that began with a reflective dialogue and allowed the creation and subsequent discussion of a prototype, as well as the design of a set of strategies for its implementation. Based on the development of the joint activity, the resulting pedagogical model merged public policy's interests with teachers' contextualized vision and proved to be open and flexible enough to guide the teaching and learning processes in public educational institutions throughout the country.La necesidad de un modelo pedagógico coherente con los fundamentos de las últimas reformas educativas y la política pública desarrollada por el Ministerio de Educación en el Ecuador impulsó el proceso de reflexión y construcción colaborativa que se recoge en el presente trabajo. Entre junio de 2020 y enero de 2021, con la participación de docentes, actores clave del sistema educativo y tomadores de decisiones, se desarrolló un proceso virtual de co-diseño que inició con un diálogo reflexivo y permitió la creación y posterior discusión de un prototipo, así como el diseño de un conjunto de estrategias para su implementación. El modelo pedagógico resultante, basado en el desarrollo de la actividad conjunta, fusiona los intereses de la política pública con la visión contextualizada de los docentes y demostró ser lo suficientemente abierto y flexible como para orientar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje en las instituciones educativas públicas del país

    Characterisation of suprathermal electron pitch-angle distributions: Bidirectional and isotropic periods in solar wind

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    Context. Suprathermal electron pitch-angle distributions (PADs) contain substantial information about the magnetic topology of the solar wind. Their characterisation and quantification allow us to automatically identify periods showing certain characteristics. Aims. This work presents a robust automatic method for the identification and statistical study of two different types of PADs: bidirectional suprathermal electrons (BDE, often associated with closed magnetic structures) and isotropic (likely corresponding to solar-detached magnetic field lines or highly scattered electrons). Methods. Spherical harmonics were fitted to the observed suprathermal PADs of the 119&-193 eV energy channel of STEREO/SWEA from March 2007 to July 2014, and they were characterised using signal processing analysis in order to identify periods of isotropic and bidirectional PADs. The characterisation has been validated by comparing the results obtained here with those of previous studies. Results. Interplanetary coronal mass ejections (ICMEs) present longer BDE periods inside the magnetic obstacles. A significant amount of BDE remain after the end of the ICME. Isotropic PADs are found in the sheath of the ICMEs, and at the post-ICME region likely due to the erosion of the magnetic field lines. Both isotropy and BDE are solar-cycle dependent. The isotropy observed by STEREO shows a nearly annual periodicity, which requires further investigation. There is also a correspondence between the number of ICMEs observed and the percentage of time showing BDE. Conclusions. A method to characterise PADs has been presented and applied to the automatic identification of two relevant distributions that are commonly observed in the solar wind, such as BDE and isotropy. Four catalogues (STEREO-A and STEREO-B for isotropic and BDE periods of at least 10 min) based on this identification are provided for future applications.Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Descripció del sistema dunar d’es Codolar (Eivissa, Illes Balears)

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    En el present treball es realitza una descripció geoambiental del sistema dunar d’es Codolar, Eivissa. Aquesta àrea està situada dins l’àrea de Parc Natural de ses Salines d’Eivissa i Formentera (Illes Balears). Aquest sistema platja-duna era desconegut i té la particularitat que es troba desvinculat de la seva font d’alimentació, constituint un veritable mant eòlic. La platja arenosa actualment està coberta per distintes barres de còdols i graves. El sistema dunar, separat de la platja, presenta elevats símptomes regressius, on es pot observar la fragmentació del sistema amb la presència de dos nuclis arenosos independents un de l’altre que en temps pretèrits eren tot un, d’extensió molt superior a l’actual. A més de la descripció geomorfològica també s’incorpora un inventari florístic i una breu discussió sobre les característiques de la vegetació

    Risco de contaminação do solo e da água por substâncias ativas de pesticidas associadas aos cultivos agrícolas de Calimaya, México Central

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    O manejo de pesticidas nos cultivos de milho, aveia, fava e batata em Calimaya em sistemas semi-intensivo e intensivo de produção é uma fonte potencial de impactos ambientais pela contaminação do solo e da água. Baseando-se em atributos químicos e físicos de substâncias ativas de pesticidas, identificadas em trabalho de campo na zona agrícola deste município, um índice foi criado para estimar o risco de contaminação dos sistemas edáfico e hidrográfico como destino ambiental destas substâncias. Solubilidade em água, logaritmo (base 10) do coeficiente de partição entre n-octanol e água, pressão de vapor, degradação em água, solo e sedimentos, fotólise e hidrólise em água com um DT50, coeficiente de sorção na fração mineral do solo corrigido para o teor de carbono orgânico e índice de lixiviação GUS foram os indicadores utilizados para o índice. O risco de contaminação dos destinos ambientais solo e água por substâncias ativas de pesticidas utilizadas nos cultivos de Calimaya é baixo. Entretanto, os limites de segurança previstos pela química ambiental podem ser ultrapassados pela concomitância de fatores que aumentam o risco de contaminação do solo e da água no município como a presença de pesticidas altamente perigosos restritos ou proibidos em outros países, o uso excessivo e o manejo incorreto destas substâncias na zona agrícolaO manejo de pesticidas nos cultivos de milho, aveia, fava e batata em Calimaya em sistemas semi-intensivo e intensivo de produção é uma fonte potencial de impactos ambientais pela contaminação do solo e da água. Baseando-se em atributos químicos e físicos de substâncias ativas de pesticidas, identificadas em trabalho de campo na zona agrícola deste município, um índice foi criado para estimar o risco de contaminação dos sistemas edáfico e hidrográfico como destino ambiental destas substâncias. Solubilidade em água, logaritmo (base 10) do coeficiente de partição entre n-octanol e água, pressão de vapor, degradação em água, solo e sedimentos, fotólise e hidrólise em água com um DT50, coeficiente de sorção na fração mineral do solo corrigido para o teor de carbono orgânico e índice de lixiviação GUS foram os indicadores utilizados para o índice. O risco de contaminação dos destinos ambientais solo e água por substâncias ativas de pesticidas utilizadas nos cultivos de Calimaya é baixo. Entretanto, os limites de segurança previstos pela química ambiental podem ser ultrapassados pela concomitância de fatores que aumentam o risco de contaminação do solo e da água no município como a presença de pesticidas altamente perigosos restritos ou proibidos em outros países, o uso excessivo e o manejo incorreto destas substâncias na zona agrícolaUniversidad autonoma del estado de México. Ayuntamiento de Calimaya, Estado de México. Colegio de Ciencias Geográficas del Estado de México, A.C

    Reformulating Pro-Oxidant Microglia in Neurodegeneration

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    In neurodegenerative diseases, microglia-mediated neuroinflammation and oxidative stress are central events. Recent genome-wide transcriptomic analyses of microglial cells under different disease conditions have uncovered a new subpopulation named disease-associated microglia (DAM). These studies have challenged the classical view of the microglia polarization state's proinflammatory M1 (classical activation) and immunosuppressive M2 (alternative activation). Molecular signatures of DAM and proinflammatory microglia (highly pro-oxidant) have shown clear differences, yet a partial overlapping gene profile is evident between both phenotypes. The switch activation of homeostatic microglia into reactive microglia relies on the selective activation of key surface receptors involved in the maintenance of brain homeostasis (a.k.a. pattern recognition receptors, PRRs). Two relevant PRRs are toll-like receptors (TLRs) and triggering receptors expressed on myeloid cells-2 (TREM2), whose selective activation is believed to generate either a proinflammatory or a DAM phenotype, respectively. However, the recent identification of endogenous disease-related ligands, which bind to and activate both TLRs and TREM2, anticipates the existence of rather complex microglia responses. Examples of potential endogenous dual ligands include amyloid β, galectin-3, and apolipoprotein E. These pleiotropic ligands induce a microglia polarization that is more complicated than initially expected, suggesting the possibility that different microglia subtypes may coexist. This review highlights the main microglia polarization states under disease conditions and their leading role orchestrating oxidative stress

    Stress induced by the socially evaluated cold-pressor test cause equivalent deficiencies of sensory gating in male subjects with schizophrenia and healthy controls

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    It is known that patients with schizophrenia show a deficiency in the prepulse inhibition reflex (PPI). These patients display abnormalities in autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal function and may have an altered sensitivity to stress. To date, no studies have been carried out to determine the effect of acute stress on the PPI. We investigated whether there was a differential response in reactivity to acute stress caused by the socially evaluated cold-pressor test (SECPT) in a sample of 58 chronic male patients with schizophrenia and 28 healthy control subjects. PPI, salivary cortisol and heart rate (HR) were measured. The patients were evaluated in two sessions (with and without the SECPT) 72h apart and basal measurements were carried out and 30min post-startle probe. We found an increase in salivary cortisol levels and the HR with SECPT condition in both groups and a significantly lower PPI% in patients with schizophrenia. The most relevant findings of this study are that the impairment of the PPI is increased by stress. Stress-induced increase in cortisol in both groups, mainly in healthy control group which allows us to hypothesize that at least such deterioration may be due to the hypercortisolemia caused by the SECPT. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved