80 research outputs found

    A Bioinformatics Study of Protein Conformational Flexibility and Misfolding: a Sequence, Structure and Dynamics Approach

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    This PhD Thesis titled "A Bioinformatics Study of Protein Conformational Flexibility and Misfolding: a Sequence, Structure and Dynamics Approach" comprises the results and conclusions obtained by us from the study of three different but somehow related research projects, covering aspects of the phenomenon of protein local conformational instability, its relationship with protein function, evolvability and aggregation, and the effect of genetic variations on protein conformational instability related to Conformational Diseases. These projects include the prediction of putative prion proteins in complete proteomes and the study of prion biology from a genomic perspective, the prediction of conformationally unstable protein regions and the existence of a structural framework for linking conformational instability to folding and function, and the establishment of a rationale for assessing the connection among mutations and disease phenotypes in Conformational Diseases.Esta tesis doctoral comprende los resultados y conclusiones obtenidos por nosotros a partir del estudio de tres proyectos de investigación diferentes pero de alguna manera relacionados, cubriendo los aspectos del fenómeno de la inestabilidad conformacional local de la proteína, su relación con la función de la proteína, la capacidad de evolución y agregación, y el efecto de las variaciones genéticas en la inestabilidad conformacional de la proteína relacionados con las enfermedades conformacionales. Estos proyectos incluyen la predicción de presuntas proteínas priónicas en proteomas complejos y el estudio de la biología de priones desde una perspectiva genómica, la predicción de las regiones de proteínas conformacionalmente inestables y la existencia de un marco estructural para la vinculación de la inestabilidad conformacional del plegado y la función, y el establecimiento de una razón fundamental para la evaluación de la relación entre las mutaciones y fenotipos de la enfermedad en enfermedades conformacionales

    Structural (and sequence-based) analysis of transcriptional regulation

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    Most computational approaches to transcriptional regulation use sequence-based methodologies, that aim to discover regulatory motifs in genomic segments. Here we argue that the current content of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) can provide invaluable data that drive the prediction of regulatory interactions within genomes. First, we dissect protein-DNA interfaces and find atomic interactions that contribute to sequence-specific recognition, mainly hydrogen bonds and Van derWaals contacts. These specificity determinants can be expressed in terms of atomic weight matrices, that are shown to be robust in bootstrap experiments and yield scores that correlate with approximate measures of binding specificity. Second, using example transcription factors from Escherichia coli we find that some protein-DNA interfaces have sequence-dependent DNA geometries that constitute indirect readout mechanisms, in agreement with previous reports. Third, we are able to build structure-based position weight matrices that capture both types of recognition mechanisms and test them in genomic experiments, with results comparable to sequence-based methodologies. We conclude that the PDB can be further exploited in exploring transcriptional regulation and other biological processes mediated by protein-DNA interactions.Funded by CSIC grant number 200720I038Peer reviewe

    From sequence to dynamics: the effects of transcription factor and polymerase concentration changes on activated and repressed promoters

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The fine tuning of two features of the bacterial regulatory machinery have been known to contribute to the diversity of gene expression within the same regulon: the sequence of Transcription Factor (TF) binding sites, and their location with respect to promoters. While variations of binding sequences modulate the strength of the interaction between the TF and its binding sites, the distance between binding sites and promoters alter the interaction between the TF and the RNA polymerase (RNAP).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper we estimated the dissociation constants (<it>K</it><sub><it>d</it></sub>) of several <it>E. coli </it>TFs in their interaction with variants of their binding sequences from the scores resulting from aligning them to Positional Weight Matrices. A correlation coefficient of 0.78 was obtained when pooling together sites for different TFs. The theoretically estimated <it>K</it><sub><it>d </it></sub>values were then used, together with the dissociation constants of the RNAP-promoter interaction to analyze activated and repressed promoters. The strength of repressor sites -- i.e., the strength of the interaction between TFs and their binding sites -- is slightly higher than that of activated sites. We explored how different factors such as the variation of binding sequences, the occurrence of more than one binding site, or different RNAP concentrations may influence the promoters' response to the variations of TF concentrations. We found that the occurrence of several regulatory sites bound by the same TF close to a promoter -- if they are bound by the TF in an independent manner -- changes the effect of TF concentrations on promoter occupancy, with respect to individual sites. We also found that the occupancy of a promoter will never be more than half if the RNAP concentration-to-<it>K</it><sub><it>p </it></sub>ratio is 1 and the promoter is subject to repression; or less than half if the promoter is subject to activation. If the ratio falls to 0.1, the upper limit of occupancy probability for repressed drops below 10%; a descent of the limits occurs also for activated promoters.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The number of regulatory sites may thus act as a versatility-producing device, in addition to serving as a source of robustness of the transcription machinery. Furthermore, our results show that the effects of TF concentration fluctuations on promoter occupancy are constrained by RNAP concentrations.</p

    Discovering putative prion sequences in complete proteomes using probabilistic representations of Q/N-rich domains

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    Background: prion proteins conform a special class among amyloids due to their ability to transmit aggregative folds. Prions are known to act as infectious agents in neurodegenerative diseases in animals, or as key elements in transcription and translation processes in yeast. It has been suggested that prions contain specific sequential domains with distinctive amino acid composition and physicochemical properties that allow them to control the switch between soluble and β-sheet aggregated states. Those prion-forming domains are low complexity segments enriched in glutamine/asparagine and depleted in charged residues and prolines. Different predictive methods have been developed to discover novel prions by either assessing the compositional bias of these stretches or estimating the propensity of protein sequences to form amyloid aggregates. However, the available algorithms hitherto lack a thorough statistical calibration against large sequence databases, which makes them unable to accurately predict prions without retrieving a large number of false positives.- Results: here we present a computational strategy to predict putative prion-forming proteins in complete proteomes using probabilistic representations of prionogenic glutamine/asparagine rich regions. After benchmarking our predictive model against large sets of non-prionic sequences, we were able to filter out known prions with high precision and accuracy, generating prediction sets with few false positives. The algorithm was used to scan all the proteomes annotated in public databases for the presence of putative prion proteins. We analyzed the presence of putative prion proteins in all taxa, from viruses and archaea to plants and higher eukaryotes, and found that most organisms encode evolutionarily unrelated proteins with susceptibility to behave as prions. - Conclusions: to our knowledge, this is the first wide-ranging study aiming to predict prion domains in complete proteomes. Approaches of this kind could be of great importance to identify potential targets for further experimental testing and to try to reach a deeper understanding of prions' functional and regulatory mechanism

    Identifying potential novel drugs against Helicobacter pylori by targeting the essential response regulator HsrA

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    The increasing antibiotic resistance evolved by Helicobacter pylori has alarmingly reduced the eradication rates of first-line therapies. To overcome the current circulating resistome, we selected a novel potential therapeutic target in order to identify new candidate drugs for treating H. pylori infection. We screened 1120 FDA-approved drugs for molecules that bind to the essential response regulator HsrA and potentially inhibit its biological function. Seven natural flavonoids were identified as HsrA binders. All of these compounds noticeably inhibited the in vitro DNA binding activity of HsrA, but only four of them, apigenin, chrysin, kaempferol and hesperetin, exhibited high bactericidal activities against H. pylori. Chrysin showed the most potent bactericidal activity and the most synergistic effect in combination with clarithromycin or metronidazole. Flavonoid binding to HsrA occurs preferably at its C-terminal effector domain, interacting with amino acid residues specifically involved in forming the helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif. Our results validate the use of HsrA as a novel and effective therapeutic target in H. pylori infection and provide molecular evidence of a novel antibacterial mechanism of some natural flavonoids against H. pylori. The results further support the valuable potential of natural flavonoids as candidate drugs for novel antibacterial strategies

    Repurposing dihydropyridines for treatment of helicobacter pylori infection

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    Antibiotic resistance is a major cause of the increasing failures in the current eradication therapies against Helicobacter pylori. In this scenario, repurposing drugs could be a valuable strategy to fast-track novel antimicrobial agents. In the present study, we analyzed the inhibitory capability of 1, 4-dihydropyridine (DHP) antihypertensive drugs on the essential function of the H. pylori response regulator HsrA and investigated both the in vitro antimicrobial activities and the in vivo efficacy of DHP treatments against H. pylori. Six different commercially available and highly prescribed DHP drugs—namely, Nifedipine, Nicardipine, Nisoldipine, Nimodipine, Nitrendipine, and Lercanidipine—noticeably inhibited the DNA binding activity of HsrA and exhibited potent bactericidal activities against both metronidazole-and clarithromycin-resistant strains of H. pylori, with minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values in the range of 4 to 32 mg/L. The dynamics of the decline in the bacterial counts at 2 × MIC appeared to be correlated with the lipophilicity of the drugs, suggesting different translocation efficiencies of DHPs across the bacterial membrane. Oral treatments with 100 mg/kg/day of marketed formulations of Nimodipine or Nitrendipine in combination with omeprazole significantly reduced the H. pylori gastric colonization in mice. The results presented here support a novel therapeutic solution for treatment of antibiotic-resistant H. pylori infections

    Tractor_DB (version 2.0): a database of regulatory interactions in gamma-proteobacterial genomes

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    The version 2.0 of Tractor_DB is now accessible at its three international mirrors: , and . This database contains a collection of computationally predicted Transcription Factors' binding sites in gamma-proteobacterial genomes. These data should aid researchers in the design of microarray experiments and the interpretation of their results. They should also facilitate studies of Comparative Genomics of the regulatory networks of this group of organisms. In this paper we describe the main improvements incorporated to the database in the past year and a half which include incorporating information on the regulatory networks of 13—increasing to 30—new gamma-proteobacteria and developing a new computational strategy to complement the putative sites identified by the original weight matrix-based approach. We have also added dynamically generated navigation tabs to the navigation interfaces. Moreover, we developed a new interface that allows users to directly retrieve information on the conservation of regulatory interactions in the 30 genomes included in the database by navigating a map that represents a core of the known Escherichia coli regulatory network

    The RNA Polymerase II Factor RPAP1 Is Critical for Mediator-Driven Transcription and Cell Identity

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    The RNA polymerase II-associated protein 1 (RPAP1) is conserved across metazoa and required for stem cell differentiation in plants; however, very little is known about its mechanism of action or its role in mammalian cells. Here, we report that RPAP1 is essential for the expression of cell identity genes and for cell viability. Depletion of RPAP1 triggers cell de-differentiation, facilitates reprogramming toward pluripotency, and impairs differentiation. Mechanistically, we show that RPAP1 is essential for the interaction between RNA polymerase II (RNA Pol II) and Mediator, as well as for the recruitment of important regulators, such as the Mediator-specific RNA Pol II factor Gdown1 and the C-terminal domain (CTD) phosphatase RPAP2. In agreement, depletion of RPAP1 diminishes the loading of total and Ser5-phosphorylated RNA Pol II on many genes, with super-enhancer-driven genes among the most significantly downregulated. We conclude that Mediator/RPAP1/RNA Pol II is an ancient module, conserved from plants to mammals, critical for establishing and maintaining cell identity.We are grateful to Elisa Varela for assistance with morula and blastocyst fixa- tion. Work in the laboratory of M.S. is funded by the CNIO and the IRB and by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (SAF2013-48256-R), the European Research Co uncil (ERC-2014-AdG/66 9622), the Region al Government of Ma- drid co-funded by the Euro pean Social Fund (ReCaRe project), the Euro pean Union (RISK-IR project), the Botin Foundation and Banco Santander (Santander Universities Glo bal Division), the Ramon Areces Found ation, and the AXA Foundation. S.R. was funded by a contract from the Ramon y Cajal Program(RYC-2011-09242) and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy co- funded by the ERDF (SAF2013-49147- P and SAF2016-80874-PS

    Lysine acetyltransferase Tip60 is required for hematopoietic stem cell maintenance.

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) have the potential to replenish the blood system for the lifetime of the organism. Their 2 defining properties, self-renewal and differentiation, are tightly regulated by the epigenetic machineries. Using conditional gene-knockout models, we demonstrated a critical requirement of lysine acetyltransferase 5 (Kat5, also known as Tip60) for murine HSC maintenance in both the embryonic and adult stages, which depends on its acetyltransferase activity. Genome-wide chromatin and transcriptome profiling in murine hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells revealed that Tip60 colocalizes with c-Myc and that Tip60 deletion suppress the expression of Myc target genes, which are associated with critical biological processes for HSC maintenance, cell cycling, and DNA repair. Notably, acetylated H2A.Z (acH2A.Z) was enriched at the Tip60-bound active chromatin, and Tip60 deletion induced a robust reduction in the acH2A.Z/H2A.Z ratio. These results uncover a critical epigenetic regulatory layer for HSC maintenance, at least in part through Tip60-dependent H2A.Z acetylation to activate Myc target genes.Cancer Research UK, Wellcome Trust, National Institutes of Health, Singapore state fundin