77 research outputs found

    Análisis coyuntural de los precios al consumo en las Comunidades Autónomas españolas. Aplicación a Castilla-León.

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    En este trabajo se presenta una propuesta de análisis de evolución de los precios al consumo en el ámbito de las comunidades autónomas, utilizando a modo de ilustración los datos de Castilla-León.Análisis de coyuntura; Precios;

    Out-of-order vector architectures

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    Register renaming and out-of-order instruction issue are now commonly used in superscalar processors. These techniques can also be used to significant advantage in vector processors, as this paper shows. Performance is improved and available memory bandwidth is used more effectively. Using a trace driven simulation we compare a conventional vector implementation, based on the Convex C3400, with an out-of-order, register renaming, vector implementation. When the number of physical registers is above 12, out-of-order execution coupled with register renaming provides a speedup of 1.24-1.72 for realistic memory latencies. Out-of-order techniques also tolerate main memory latencies of 100 cycles with a performance degradation less than 6%. The mechanisms used for register renaming and out-of-order issue can be used to support precise interrupts-generally a difficult problem in vector machines. When precise interrupts are implemented, there is typically less than a 10% degradation in performance. A new technique based on register renaming is targeted at dynamically eliminating spill code; this technique is shown to provide an extra speedup ranging between 1.10 and 1.20 while reducing total memory traffic by an average of 15-20%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Efectos de la entrevista motivacional en la salud oral de pacientes pediátricos

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    Objetivo: determinar la efectividad a corto plazo de una intervención basada en la entrevista motivacional (EM). en la reducción del índice de placa bacteriana en niños de entre 7 y 12 años (segunda infancia), en comparación con el modelo informativo tradicional (MIT). Métodos y diseño: con este objetivo fue realizado un ensayo clínico aleatorizado a doble ciego, con 30 pacientes y dos grupos activos de intervención. Al inicio del estudio se examinaron todos los participantes en relación con el índice de placa bacteriana (O'Leary) y. posteriormente, fueron asignados de fomia aleatoria al grupo experimental (una sola sesión EM) y al gnipo control (una sola sesión MIT). ambas con una duración aproximada de 15 minutos. A excepción de esta sesión, todos los participantes siguieron el mismo protocolo de tratamiento. Resultados: a los 3 meses postintervención, la placa bacteriana determinada por el índice de O'Leary disminuyó en ambos grupos (76. l frente a 69.8^f). con una diferencia altamente significativa para p 0,05 (t = 0,78; p = 0,441). Conclusiones: desde una perspectiva a corto plazo, una sesión breve de EM logró reducir los índices de placa bacteriana en pacientes infantiles, pero no demostró ser más eficaz que el MIT

    Hipomineralización incisivo molar: su importancia en odontopediatría

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    Los defectos de estructura del esmalte pueden ser de origen hereditario o bien de origen ambiental, sean de causa sistémica o local. Estudios recientes muestran la prevalencia de un tipo de alteraciones del esmalte en los primeros molares e incisivos permanentes con características peculiares, y cuya etiología no está completamente esclarecida. El objetivo de esta revisión es actualizar los conocimientos acerca de los defectos por hipomineralización de incisivos y primeros molares permanentes, así como, conocer los posibles factores etiológicos, la prevalencia, las características clínicas y las posibilidades de tratamiento que enmarcan la situación clínica de hipomineralización incisivo molar

    Terminological challenges in the translation of science documentaries: a case-study

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    This article aims to describe some of the main terminological problems audiovisual translators have to face when dealing with the translation of science documentaries, specifically in the English-Catalan combination. The first section of the article presents some theoretical concepts which underlie this research and which are taken, for the most part, from Cabré's Communicative Theory of Terminology. Then, specific terminological problems audiovisual translators have to solve are described using the data provided by a corpus of four science documentaries lasting approximately 50 minutes each. These challenges include identifying a term, understanding a term, finding the right equivalent, dealing with the absence of an adequate equivalent, solving denominative variations, choosing between in vivo and in vitro terminology, and overcoming mistranscriptions

    Severity-Related Changes of Bronchial Microbiome in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

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    Bronchial colonization by potentially pathogenic microorganisms (PPMs) is often demonstrated in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but culture-based techniques identify only a portion of the bacteria in mucosal surfaces. The aim of the study was to determine changes in the bronchial microbiome of COPD associated with the severity of the disease. The bronchial microbiome of COPD patients was analyzed by 16S rRNA gene amplification and pyrosequencing in sputum samples obtained during stable disease. Seventeen COPD patients were studied (forced expiratory volume in the first second expressed as a percentage of the forced vital capacity [FEV1%] median, 35.0%; interquartile range [IQR], 31.5 to 52.0), providing a mean of 4,493 (standard deviation [SD], 2,598) sequences corresponding to 47 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) (SD, 17) at a 97% identity level. Patients were dichotomized according to their lung function as moderate to severe when their FEV1% values were over the median and as advanced when FEV1% values were lower. The most prevalent phyla in sputum were Proteobacteria (44%) and Firmicutes (16%), followed by Actinobacteria (13%). A greater microbial diversity was found in patients with moderate-to-severe disease, and alpha diversity showed a statistically significant decrease in patients with advanced disease when assessed by Shannon (ρ = 0.528; P = 0.029, Spearman correlation coefficient) and Chao1 (ρ = 0.53; P = 0.028, Spearman correlation coefficient) alpha-diversity indexes. The higher severity that characterizes advanced COPD is paralleled by a decrease in the diversity of the bronchial microbiome, with a loss of part of the resident flora that is replaced by a more restricted microbiota that includes PPMs

    Does Banque de France control inflation and unemployment?

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    We re-estimate statistical properties and predictive power of a set of Phillips curves, which are expressed as linear and lagged relationships between the rates of inflation, unemployment, and change in labour force. For France, several relationships were estimated eight years ago. The change rate of labour force was used as a driving force of inflation and unemployment within the Phillips curve framework. The set of nested models starts with a simplistic version without autoregressive terms and one lagged term of explanatory variable. The lag is determined empirically together with all coefficients. The model is estimated using the Boundary Element Method (BEM) with the least squares method applied to the integral solutions of the differential equations. All models include one structural break might be associated with revisions to definitions and measurement procedures in the 1980s and 1990s as well as with the change in monetary policy in 1994-1995. For the GDP deflator, our original model provided a root mean squared forecast error (RMSFE) of 1.0% per year at a four-year horizon for the period between 1971 and 2004. The rate of CPI inflation is predicted with RMSFE=1.5% per year. For the naive (no change) forecast, RMSFE at the same time horizon is 2.95% and 3.3% per year, respectively. Our model outperforms the naive one by a factor of 2 to 3. The relationships for inflation were successfully tested for cointegration. We have formally estimated several vector error correction (VEC) models for two measures of inflation. At a four year horizon, the estimated VECMs provide significant statistical improvements on the results obtained by the BEM: RMSFE=0.8% per year for the GDP deflator and ~1.2% per year for CPI. For a two year horizon, the VECMs improve RMSFEs by a factor of 2, with the smallest RMSFE=0.5% per year for the GDP deflator.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figure