70 research outputs found

    Improving the Logistics of Biofuel Reception at the Power Plant of Kuopio City

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    In Finland, many bio power and heating plants have been recently built and existing power plants have been improved to allow increased energy production. To meet the increasing demand of solid fuel at bio power plants, a large transportation fleet is needed and both the logistics of solid fuel transportation and power plant fuel reception must be improved. This study investigated fuel truck arrival and unloading processes at a power plant which produces heat for the city of Kuopio and electricity for the national grid. The aim of this study was to minimize fuel truck queuing times, and balance the use of two delivery bays by improving the logistics of fuel handling at the receiving station and by distributing truck arrivals at the power plant more uniformly throughout the day. Discrete-event simulation was implemented as a method for analyzing the system. To balance the utilization of both delivery bays at the power plant and shorten the queuing times, the most feasible solution was for more effective control of truck interaction with the delivery bays: having the shortest queue and faster fuel flow from delivery bay to combustion by arranging fuel transport with a new conveyor to the boiler. Adaptable scheduling of truck arrivals was found to be feasible during the morning to smooth out the peaks of the truck arrivals in cold periods when fuel consumption at the power plant is at its highest

    Maaseutuverkoston arviointi 2017

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    Maaseutuverkosto on osa Manner-Suomen ja Ahvenanmaan maaseudun kehittĂ€misohjelmien 2014–2020 toteutusta. TĂ€ssĂ€ arviointiraportissa kĂ€ydÀÀn lĂ€pi, miten maaseutuverkosto ja sen toimintaa koordinoiva verkostopalvelut-yksikkö on onnistunut saavuttamaan toiminnalle asetetut tavoitteet vuosina 2015 ja 2016. Raportissa esitetÀÀn myös arviointihavaintoihin perustuvia kehittĂ€misehdotuksia. Maaseutuverkoston arviointi on toteutettu aikavĂ€lillĂ€ kesĂ€llĂ€ 2017 ja toetutuksesta on vastannut Ramboll Management Consulting Oy. Arviointi on tehty asiakirja-aineiston, tunnettavuutta koskevien erillisselvitysten, asiantuntijahaastattelujen ja sĂ€hköisen kyselyn avulla. Kyselyyn vastasivat erityisesti maaseutuverkostoa hyvin tuntevat henkilöt, joiden työhön toiminnan voi ajatella suoraan vaikuttavan. Maaseutuverkoston tarkoitus on tukea maaseudun kehittĂ€misohjelman toimeenpanoa ja sen tuloksista tiedottamista. Verkosto kokoaa yhteen kehittĂ€misohjelman hallinnosta ja toteutuksesta vastaavia henkilöitĂ€, esimerkiksi ELY-keskusten ja Leader-ryhmien edustajia, ja tarjoaa mahdollisuuden heidĂ€n osaamisensa ja yhteistyön kehittĂ€miseen. Verkoston puitteissa jĂ€rjestettĂ€vien tilaisuuksien ja kehittĂ€misohjelmaa kĂ€sittelevĂ€n viestinnĂ€n toivotaan aktivoivan monipuolisesti maaseudun elinvoimaisuuden kannalta keskeisiĂ€ toimijoita ja parantavan suuren yleisön mielikuvaa maaseudusta. Maaseutuverkosto edistÀÀ maaseudun kehittĂ€misohjelman vaikuttavuutta. Verkostopalvelut -yksikön toimintaa on ohjannut tavoite sidosryhmien osallistumisen lisÀÀmisestĂ€ maaseudun kehittĂ€misessĂ€. Laajemman ja monipuolisemman toimijajoukon uskotaan levittĂ€vĂ€n kehittĂ€misohjelman hyötyjĂ€ tehokkaammin. Verkostopalvelut-yksikkö on arvioinnin perusteella onnistunut kehittĂ€mÀÀn toimintatapoja, jotka ovat tuoneet uusia toimijoita osaksi aktiivisempaa verkostotyöt

    Matematiikan opiskelumotiivien yhteys itse valittujen tehtÀvien tiedonalapainotukseen

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    Matematiikan opiskelun motiivit määrittävät opiskelijan opiskelua. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan pitkän matematiikan opiskelijoiden (N=88) kokemuksia ja mieluisimman tehtävän valintaa yhtälöparin opiskeluun kehitetyistä erityyppisistä konseptuaalis- ja proseduraalispainotteisista tehtävistä. Opiskelijoiden valinnat ja niiden perusteet vaihtelivat, ja riippuivat opiskelijoiden osaamistasosta ja motiiveista pitkän matematiikan valinnalle. Kiinnostus matematiikka kohtaan oppiaineena osoittautui olevan merkittävä selittävä tekijä sen suhteen valitsevatko opiskelijat konseptuaalis- vai proseduraalispainotteisia tehtäviä mieluisimmaksi tehtäväksi. Konseptuaalispainotteisten tehtävien suosio kasvaa opintomenestyksen kasvaessa. Virheen etsimistä edellyttävä tehtävätyyppi tuo tähän poikkeuksen ja vaikuttaa hyvältä mahdollisuudelta tarkastella konseptuaalista tietoa erilaisista osaamisen kokemuksista huolimatta

    Wellbeing at the 21st century innovative learning environment called learning ground

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    Purpose – Schools have a significant role in ensuring children's wellbeing as children spend a lot of time at school. Students need to have an active role in their learning and an opportunity to participate in issues concerning wellbeing and studying. This research examines students' wellbeing in an innovative learning environment. The classroom is built with professionals, teachers and students (aged 9). The authors call it Learning Ground. Design/methodology/approach – Students' wellbeing was measured with smart device application for a six-week period. Students answered the questionnaire with a Likert scale of five (very poor – excellent) responses. Two weeks during the six weeks research period, students were able to use digital study aids, EEG-biosensor headsets, to observe the effectiveness of their learning, defined by NeurSky app. The EEG-biosensors enabled students to use a tool to recognise their own learning factors during the lessons. The effectiveness was available to students via tablets all the time. Findings – The students at the Learning Ground are satisfied with wellbeing and the environment support for students' wellbeing experience is notable. They have “good vibes” before and after the school day. When wearing EEG-headsets “study aids”, which enabled them to observe their learning via tablets at lessons, the wellbeing experience in the mornings even increased. Originality/value – Schools need to be visionaries concerning 21st century learning and children's wellbeing. Building flexible learning environments and bringing innovative technologies into schools to provide active support for students will enable 21st century learning. Wellbeing of children should become first when developing the future schools

    Mid-term evaluation of Erasmus+ programme 2014–2020 Finland

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    The European Union's Erasmus+ programme is a funding scheme to support activities in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. The objective of the programme is to develop the quality of education and youth work, to improve young people’s level of education, skills, competences and employment opportunities, and to promote active citizenship and social inclusion. In the field of sports, the programme aims to tackle cross-border threats to the integrity of sports and to promote and support good governance and voluntary activities in sport. The programme period covers the years 2014–2020. This is a mid-term evaluation report concerning the implementation of the programme in Finland. The European Commission and the Member States are required to submit such a report halfway through the programme period. Erasmus+ has been the most significant programme enhancing internationalisation in the field of education in Finland. International mobility has become an integral part of Finnish education especially in the higher education sector, but internationalism and mobility are considered strategically important issues in the entire field of education. Erasmus+ has contributed remarkably to the degree of internationalisation of young people in Finland and improved the quality of youth work in Europe. The programme has provided opportunities for engaging in international activities also to the most vulnerable young people and promoted their social inclusion. All in all, the Erasmus+ programme functions well in Finland and the increasing programme budget can be effectively absorbed. The programme has had a significant impact on teaching staff’s professional skills, teaching methods, intercultural skills and mindsets. The cooperation projects have had long-term impacts at the institutional level. The significance of the Erasmus+ programme is expected to grow further, if the national financing will be decreased and the programme funding increased towards the end of the programme period. The majority of the actors in the field of education experience that Erasmus+ is a significant part of the international cooperation of their organisation. Adjustment to the new integrated programme structure has, however, been partly challenging. The challenges have mostly dealt with the burdensome administrative structures and responsibilities related to the application procedure. The level of reporting required by the programme, such as estimating the amount of grants based on the number of days spent abroad, has turned out to be laborious. Cooperation between the different political actors within the Erasmus+ programme has been significant, and the cooperation should be further developed also in future. The guidelines for project management should be clarified and the administrative workload should be lightened, for example in respect of the application and reporting requirements. Digital reporting methods should be developed especially due to their increased availability, quality and reliability, and the transfer of student records between educational institutions should in future be carried out mainly electronically. From the equality perspective, it is important to reconsider the inclusion of those fields that originally where left outside the scope of student mobility in the Erasmus+ programm

    To continue to burn something? : Technological, economic and political path dependencies in district heating in Helsinki, Finland

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    The transition away from fossil fuel based infrastructure for heating and cooling has to happen on a scale and timetable with no historical precedent. As the systems are large and networked, path-dependencies constrain the transition that is further complicated by the diversity of stakeholders. Here we analyze the case of transitioning the district heating system in the city of Helsinki, Finland, within the target of a carbon neutral metropolitan area. Despite relatively advanced climate policies, path-dependencies on the political, technological-material and economical levels interact in creating a "wicked" problem with no obvious solution and potential for backsliding. It is in this context that a possibility of a green paradox arises: despite the explicit commitment of all stakeholders toward carbon dioxide emission reductions, the combination of the path-dependencies may result in a transition that increases emissions. Our results highlight policy implications of path-dependencies for researchers, government and business.Peer reviewe

    Context-dependent sound event detection

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    The work presented in this article studies how the context information can be used in the automatic sound event detection process, and how the detection system can benefit from such information. Humans are using context information to make more accurate predictions about the sound events and ruling out unlikely events given the context. We propose a similar utilization of context information in the automatic sound event detection process. The proposed approach is composed of two stages: automatic context recognition stage and sound event detection stage. Contexts are modeled using Gaussian mixture models and sound events are modeled using three-state left-to-right hidden Markov models. In the first stage, audio context of the tested signal is recognized. Based on the recognized context, a context-specific set of sound event classes is selected for the sound event detection stage. The event detection stage also uses context-dependent acoustic models and count-based event priors. Two alternative event detection approaches are studied. In the first one, a monophonic event sequence is outputted by detecting the most prominent sound event at each time instance using Viterbi decoding. The second approach introduces a new method for producing polyphonic event sequence by detecting multiple overlapping sound events using multiple restricted Viterbi passes. A new metric is introduced to evaluate the sound event detection performance with various level of polyphony. This combines the detection accuracy and coarse time-resolution error into one metric, making the comparison of the performance of detection algorithms simpler. The two-step approach was found to improve the results substantially compared to the context-independent baseline system. In the block-level, the detection accuracy can be almost doubled by using the proposed context-dependent event detection.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Kosteikoiden ja laskeutusaltaiden vesiensuojelullisesta merkityksestÀ metsÀtalouskuormitteisilla alueilla

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    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ mahdollisuuksia vÀhentÀÀ metsÀtalouden vesistökuormitusta rakentamalla kosteikoita, laskeutusaltaita tai nÀiden yhdistelmiÀ. Tutkimusalueita oli kolme: Kaikonpuro (kosteikon ja laskeutusaltaan yhdistelmÀ), LÀhdekorvenpuro (kaksiosainen laskeutusallas) ja Ukonpuro (kosteikko). NÀytteet otettiin vuosina 2003-2005 kevÀt- ja syysvalumahuippujen aikaan sekÀ lopputalvella ja -kesÀllÀ. Kaikonpuron kohteella oli lievÀÀ vesiensuojelullista merkitystÀ talvella ja kevÀÀllÀ, mutta varsinkin kesÀllÀ kosteikko purki ravinteita veteen. LÀhdekorvenpuron laskeutusallas vaikutti kaikkina tutkimusvuosina valumaveden laatuun positiivisesti kevÀÀn havaintokerroilla, mutta syksyllÀ laskeutusallas pidÀtti vain kiintoainetta eikÀ lainkaan fosforia. Ainevirtaamatarkastelun perusteella laskeutusallas vÀhensi LÀhdekorvenpuron kautta tulevaa fosforikuormitusta vuositasolla noin 10 %. Ukonpuron kosteikko paransi valumaveden laatua selvÀsti kevÀtvalumahuipun aikaan, mutta muina havaintoajankohtina varsinkin ravinnepitoisuudet pÀÀasiassa kasvoivat. Vuonna 2003 Ukonpuron kosteikosta vapautui fosforia niin ettÀ vuositasolla ainevirtaama altaan alapuolella oli noin 10 % suurempi kuin altaan ylÀpuolella. Seuraavana vuonna kosteikko pidÀtti arviointitavasta riippuen 25 tai 10 % valumaveden fosforista. KevÀÀllÀ 2005 kosteikko toimi hyvin pidÀttÀen noin viidenneksen valumaveden fosforista, mutta kesÀllÀ kosteikko tulosten mukaan vapautti fosforia varsin paljon. Saatu tulos oli kuitenkin harhaanjohtava, sillÀ kesÀllÀ ylemmÀn ja alemman pisteen nÀytteenottojen vÀlille osui rankkasateita, jotka paitsi lisÀsivÀt huuhtoutumia myös aiheuttivat virhettÀ nÀytteenottojÀrjestelmÀÀn. Tutkimuksen laskeutusaltaat ja kosteikot olivat melko ahtaaksi mitoitettuja, jolloin vain karkeimmat kiintoainejakeet ehtivÀt valumahuippujen aikaan laskeutua. Allasrakenteet sen sijaan olivat kaikissa kohteissa varsin edullisia ravinteiden ja kiintoaineen pidÀttymisen kannalta. Kosteikkojen toimivuuden kannalta rajoittavina tekijöinÀ ovat paitsi suuret hydrologiset vuodenaikaisvaihtelut ja kylmÀt vedet, myös valuma-alueelta tulevan veden matalat ravinnepitoisuudet. Jatkuvatoimisen virtaamapainotetun nÀytteenottosysteemin puuttuminen aiheutti tuloksiin epÀvarmuutta. Edustavan vesinÀytteen saaminen on muutenkin vaikeaa tÀmÀntyyppisissÀ kohteissa, jossa merkittÀvÀ osa kiintoaineesta kulkeutuu ojissa pohjaryömintÀnÀ. NÀin ollen vedenlaadun paraneminen tutkittujen kosteikoiden ja laskeutusaltaiden ansiosta on todennÀköisesti ollut suurempi kuin tÀssÀ tutkimuksessa pystyttiin nÀytteenotoilla osoittamaan. Positiivista oli myös se, ettÀ vesiensuojeluratkaisujen toimivuus nÀytti tÀmÀn tutkimuksen kohteissa vuosi vuodelta paranevan

    A Lot of Talk, But Little Action : The Blind Spots of Nordic Environmental Security Policy

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    Despite an increasing recognition that environmental change may have implications for security, there only are few policies to address the issue. This article will look at environmental security policies in Finland and Sweden and propose ways to develop more effective measures. It relies on a three-level framework that aims to enable the identification of environmental security impacts by categorising them into local, geopolitical and structural ones. The article will examine present environmental security strategies and policies in Finland and Sweden, consider their efficacy for addressing various kinds of impacts and point out approaches that are currently missing. Based on the discussion, it argues that a comprehensive policy approach is needed to tackle environmental security impacts. This requires closer coordination and interchange between sectors as well as strategic intent. In addition, further research is needed on the structural impacts of mitigating and adapting to environmental change.Peer reviewe
