53 research outputs found
The Irish colonial landscape digital StoryMap: an inclusive didactic tool
This paper discusses the plan to create an inclusive didactictool: the Irish Colonial Landscape Digital StoryMap that focuses on colonial landscapes in Irish visitor attractions. The inclusive StoryMap will be co-created by three groups of students: Italian secondary school, Irish secondaryschool, and Irish university students. All the students will work together to create the content. The university students will also perform mentoring activities, by observing and providing recommendations on the work of the secondary school students. Thus, the creation of the StoryMap will foster inclusivity between international students, with different age groups. It will be an inclusive educational tool that aims to develop international collaboration, mentoring experience, research skills, and transferable skills. It will alsofoster inclusivity to the students who will use it by fostering a decolonial attitude in dealing with the geographies of colonisation. This paper explains the theoretical underpinnings of this inclusive Irish Colonial Landscape Digital StoryMap and the planning process. Finally, the paper ends by discussing planned outcomes for both the students involved in the creation of the StoryMap as well as the students who will use it
The Irish colonial landscape digital StoryMap : an inclusive didactic tool
This paper discusses the plan to create an inclusive didactictool: the Irish Colonial Landscape Digital StoryMap that focuses on colonial landscapes in Irish visitor attractions. The inclusive StoryMap will be co-created by three groups of students: Italian secondary school, Irish secondary school, and Irish university students. All the students will work together to create the content. The university students will also perform mentoring activities, by observing and providing recommendations on the work of the secondary school students. Thus, the creation of the StoryMap will foster inclusivity between international students, with different age groups. It will be an inclusive educational tool that aims to develop international collaboration, mentoring experience, research skills, and transferable skills. It will alsofoster inclusivity to the students who will use it by fostering a decolonial attitude in dealing with the geographies of colonisation. This paper explains the theoretical underpinnings of this inclusive Irish Colonial Landscape Digital StoryMap and the planning process. Finally, the paper ends by discussing planned outcomes for both the students involved in the creation of the StoryMap as well as the students who will use it
Comunidades virtuales divulgando ciencia: el sentimiento de Instagram en Oxford y Camdridge
Para Verre et al. (2017), la conformación de espacios colaborativos para la transmisión de conocimiento exige diferentes arreglos interorgani- zacionales que involucren recursos y el establecimiento de reglas de apro- piación del conocimiento. Es así cómo, en el transcurso de los últimos años, la interacción virtual basada en los cuatro principios que mencionan Del Pino y Galán (2010): compartir, conversar, comunicar y cooperar, han pro- movido a instituciones y empresas a asumir un nuevo rol en la interrela- ción con sus comunidades y clientes.
En este contexto digital se ven inmersas las universidades, que bus- can nuevas fórmulas de relación social (López Pérez y Olvera Lobo, 2016a), con el fin de transmitir conocimientos, fortalecer su visibilidad online y con ello su marca
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on surgical neuro-oncology multi-disciplinary team decision making: a national survey (COVID-CNSMDT Study).
OBJECTIVES: Pressures on healthcare systems due to COVID-19 has impacted patients without COVID-19 with surgery disproportionally affected. This study aims to understand the impact on the initial management of patients with brain tumours by measuring changes to normal multidisciplinary team (MDT) decision making. DESIGN: A prospective survey performed in UK neurosurgical units performed from 23 March 2020 until 24 April 2020. SETTING: Regional neurosurgical units outside London (as the pandemic was more advanced at time of study). PARTICIPANTS: Representatives from all units were invited to collect data on new patients discussed at their MDT meetings during the study period. Each unit decided if management decision for each patient had changed due to COVID-19. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Primary outcome measures included number of patients where the decision to undergo surgery changed compared with standard management usually offered by that MDT. Secondary outcome measures included changes in surgical extent, numbers referred to MDT, number of patients denied surgery not receiving any treatment and reasons for any variation across the UK. RESULTS: 18 units (75%) provided information from 80 MDT meetings that discussed 1221 patients. 10.7% of patients had their management changed-the majority (68%) did not undergo surgery and more than half of this group not undergoing surgery had no active treatment. There was marked variation across the UK (0%-28% change in management). Units that did not change management could maintain capacity with dedicated oncology lists. Low volume units were less affected. CONCLUSION: COVID-19 has had an impact on patients requiring surgery for malignant brain tumours, with patients receiving different treatments-most commonly not receiving surgery or any treatment at all. The variations show dedicated cancer operating lists may mitigate these pressures. STUDY REGISTRATION: This study was registered with the Royal College of Surgeons of England's COVID-19 Research Group (https://www.rcseng.ac.uk/coronavirus/rcs-covid-research-group/)
Comunicación digital y redes sociales: ¿Esclavitud mediática o reducción de las brechas digitales?
La sociedad de la información, entre otras cosas, puede catalogarse como una aspiración resultante de globalización, que se refiere al rol significativo de las tecnologías y la comunicación en las diferentes esferas de la vida social que,
centrada en la persona, pretende un desarrollo integrador y una participación más activa de los sujetos. ¿La sociedad de la información reducirá realmente las disparidades existentes en este siglo XXI o profundizará el monopolio del poder mediático? Uno de los principales propósitos de este libro es introducir al lector en este interesante mundo de
trascendencia y actualidad. Este es el tema de los cinco artículos que componen este libro, que desde su particularidad contribuyen a lograr una conciencia general de las masas.
Dr. C. Eddy Conde Lorenzo (PhD.
Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries
Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres.
This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries.
In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia.
This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries
Smart e Slow, nuove declinazioni per il paradigma della sostenibilit\ue0 turistica. Sperimentazioni vecchie e nuove nel territorio salentino
La sostenibilit\ue0 urbana si riassume nel ripristino intelligente di alcuni elementi fondamentali del quotidiano: mobilit\ue0, efficienza, risparmio energetico, illuminazione pubblica, rifiuti, parchi. Si tratta di una vera e propria rivoluzione di quartiere, piccole rivoluzioni circoscritte in spazi contenuti, dove i progetti smart hanno successo perch\ue9 sfruttano i vantaggi dei microcontesti territoriali che possono reggere economicamente e strutturalmente l\u2019innovazione.
Le politiche urbane degli ultimi anni fanno ricorso, ogni qualvolta sia possibile, al paradigma della smart city che si \ue8 imposto ai diversi livelli territoriali, dal locale al globale. Seppure i perimetri concettuali della smartness urbana siano molto controversi da un punto di vista definitorio, in letteratura c\u2019\ue8 convergenza rispetto al fine ultimo della smartness. Si tratta di accrescere la vivibilit\ue0 delle citt\ue0 attraverso l\u2019utilizzo delle ICT e sempre pi\uf9 spesso questo incremento d\u2019innovazione tecnologica a vantaggio delle citt\ue0 \ue8 auspicato dinanzi al rischio di implosione dell\u2019ecosistema urbano. La smart city, infatti, porta con s\ue9 un\u2019innegabile capacit\ue0 di alimentare competitivit\ue0 territoriale e migliorare la qualit\ue0 della vita dei city users, tuttavia, la sua natura lascia perplesso chi ravvisa i segnali di nuove forme di esclusione nell\u2019invasivit\ue0 delle nuove tecnologie (Paradiso, 2013)
Come (e se) coesistono \u201csocial networks\u201d ed esperienze di turismo sensoriale - Comment et si social network et experiences de tourisme sensorial coexistent
Come (e se) coesistono social network ed esperienze di turismo sensoriale
I blog e i social network hanno ormai modificato la tipologia di interazione e di scambio dell\u2019informazione tra le persone. Tuttavia la piattaforma virtuale contrasta con i comportamenti legati a una dimensione di esperienza reale cui si \ue8, per contrasto, sempre pi\uf9 legati.
Guardando al settore turistico questa dicotomia \ue8 ancora pi\uf9 lampante: le vacanze da catalogo non piacciono pi\uf9 a nessuno e il viaggiatore contemporaneo \ue8 sempre pi\uf9 spinto da uno spirito esplorativo e attratto dai viaggi sensoriali (es. turismo olfattivo) come mostrano le esperienze francesi della Borgogna o della Provenza.
L\u2019analisi di queste due realt\ue0, apparentemente agli antipodi, lascia emergere le contraddizioni che esistono attualmente tra una realt\ue0 virtuale/soggettiva ed una reale/sensoriale del viaggio. Ciascun individuo, con la sua sensibilit\ue0 e in base alle sue aspettative, affronta l\u2019esperienza di viaggio in maniera diversa e i resoconti che ne derivano e che vengono diffusi in rete non tengono conto di questo aspetto. Esiste un\u2019esigenza percettiva molto spinta che viene spesso fuorviata dai racconti che imperversano nelle accorsatissime piazze telematiche. I racconti deviano da quelle che sono le esperienze poich\ue9 deviano dalla realt\ue0 oggettiva del contesto. La visione di un paesaggio viene interpretata dalla sensibilit\ue0 individuale e dunque il descrittivismo eccessivo dei blog a volte rischia di essere di una banalit\ue0 sconcertante, evidenziando in pieno l\u2019aspetto decadente di internet.
Lo scopo di questo contributo \ue8 la ricerca di una possibile convivenza tra le emozioni che derivano dalla fruizione del paesaggio e la percezione che dello stesso si ricava dai racconti di viaggio pubblicati nei social network in cui non esistono filtri e controlli, revisione dei testi e garanzia di veridicit\ue0. Quanto pu\uf2 influire sulla decisione e sull\u2019esperienza di viaggio la partecipazione a questi forum? Chi sceglie di comunicare e vivere il viaggio in internet? Ed infine, il paesaggio e il viaggio attraverso di esso sono influenzati o no da questi nuovi comportamenti di comunicazione sociale?Comment et si social network et experiences de tourisme sensorial coexistent
Les blogs et les social networks ont d\ue9sormais modifi\ue9 la typologie d\u2019interaction et d\u2019echange des renseignement parmi les gens. Et pourtant la plate-forme virtuelle s\u2019oppose aux comportements lies \ue0 une dimension d\u2019exp\ue9rience r\ue9elle qui en contradiction de plus en plus nous conditionne.
Si on consid\ue9re le secteur de tourisme cette bipartition est plus \ue9vidente: personne n\u2019aime plus les vacances inscrites au catalogue le voyager d\u2019aujourd\u2019hui est de plus en plus pouss\ue9 \ue0 un esprit d\u2019exploration et il est attir\ue9 par les voyages sensoriels ( par exemple tourisme olfactif) comme les experiences fran\ue7aises en Bourgogne et en Provence.
En apparence l\u2019analyse de ces deux r\ue9alit\ue9s differentes laisse \ue9merger les contradictions qui existent aujourd\u2019hui entre une r\ue9alit\ue9 virtuelle/subjective et une r\ue8alit\ue9/sensorielle du voyage. Chacun par sa sensibilit\ue9 et selon ses attentes, aborde le voyage d\u2019une fa\ue7on differente et malheuresement les relations diffuse sur le web n\u2019en tiennent pas compte. Une exigence perceptive existe et elle est souvent fourvoy\ue9e par les r\ue9cits de voyage qui ont beaucoup de success sur le web et qui attirent beaucoup de gens. Ces r\ue9cits s\u2019\ue9loignent des experiences car ils s\u2019\ue9loignent de la r\ue9alit\ue9 objective. La vision d\u2019un paysage est interpr\ue9t\ue9e par la sensibilit\ue9 individuelle tandis que le style descriptive des blogs quelquefois risqu\ue9 d\u2019\ueatre d\u2019une banalit\ue9 qui peut disorienter , et met en evidence l\u2019aspect d\ue9cadant d\u2019internet.
Le but de cette contribution est la recherch\ue9 d\u2019une possible coexistence entre les emotions qui font jouir d\u2019un paysage et la perception qu\u2019on peut avoir par les recits de voyage publi\ue9s sur les social networks o\uf9 les filtres et les contr\uf4les, la revision des texts et la garantie de v\ue9ridicit\ue9 existent pas. De quelle fa\ue7on la participation \ue0 ces forums peut influencer la decision et l\u2019experience du voyage? C\u2019est qui les gens qui choisissent de cxommuniquer et de vivre le voyage en internet? Et finalement le paysage et le voyage sont vraiment influences par ces nouveaux comportements de communication social
Postcolonial e decolonial studies in Geografia
Esplorazione della ricerca finanziata dal Dipartimento di Diritto, Economia e Culture (Università dell'Insubria) con un inquadramento teorico decoloniale
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