9 research outputs found

    Technical experience with tempera paintings in a bachelor degree course in Turkey

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    This article aims to understand the place of the tempera technique in art history, which is thought to be encountered for the first time by art education undergraduate students, and to determine the effects on the participants after the application. The study consists of the findings and results of the first and second research questions in the master thesis “Tempera technique and its use in the course of painting courses on undergraduate level.” In this study the “case study” pattern was used, and is one of the qualitative research approaches. The participants of the research are eight students studying in Bursa Uludag University, Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts Education in the 2018-2019 academic year. The data collection tools of literature review and two interview forms interview were used. The findings obtained were evaluated by thematic analysis technique. According to the findings obtained in the research, it was observed that the participants did not have prior knowledge about the tempera technique before oral presentation and application. It was concluded that there were differences in the levels of interest and knowledge after the teaching process, and that there were positive changes in their opinions regarding the technique

    Ureteral Stricture after Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation due to Suturing of the Serosa

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    Strictures secondary to traumas of the ureter are some of the complications of urogynecologic surgery. We present a 43-year-old female who had a history of laparoscopic tubal ligation a year ago and was admitted to our department with recurrent flank and inguinal pain. It was soon understood that a suture has pulled the ureter from the lateral serosa of the upper part to the lateral serosa of the lower part causing dilatation of the proximal and midureter because of the previous surgery while there was no damage on the ureteral lumen. Consequently successful reconstruction was performed with open ureteroureterostomy

    Injection of Vaseline under Penis Skin for the Purpose of Penis Augmentation

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    Penile foreign body injection is an uncommon entity produced by penile paraffin, mineral oil, and vaseline injections for the purpose of penile enlargement. Generally, penile subcutaneous and glandular injections for penile augmentation are performed by a nonmedical person, under unacceptable conditions. It will be an aim to share our experiences about penile vaseline injection

    Should manual detorsion be a routine part of treatment in testicular torsion?

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    Abstract Background It was aimed to investigate the efficiency and reliability of the manual detorsion (MD) procedure in patients diagnosed with testicular torsion (TT). Methods A retrospective analysis was made of the data of 57 patients diagnosed with TT, comprising 20 patients with successful MD (Group I), 28 patients who underwent emergency orchiopexy (Group II), and 9 patients applied with orchiectomy (Group III). The groups were compared in respect of age, and duration of pain. The success rate of MD, the time of testicular fixation (TF), any problems encountered in follow-up, and follow-up times were analyzed in Group I. Data were analyzed with P-P pilot, Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal Wallis and Chi-square tests. A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results MD was successful and detorsion could be achieved in 20 of 26 patients. The groups were similar in respect of age (p = 0.217). The median duration of pain was 3 (1–8), 4 (1–72), and 48 (12–144) hours in Groups I, II, and III, respectively, and determined as similar in Groups I and II (p = 0.257), although a statistically significant difference was determined between the 3 groups (p < 0.001). TF was applied to Group I after median 10 (0–45) days, and no parenchymal disorder was determined in the median follow-up period of 21.5 (2–40) months. Conclusion MD that can be easily and immediately performed after the diagnosis of TT decreases ischemia time. This seems to be an efficient and reliable procedure when applied together with elective orchiopexy, as a part of the treatment

    Tubularized incised plate urethroplasty results in patients with proximal hypospadias

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    Amaç: Proksimal hipospadyaslı primer vakalarda uygulanan “tubularized incised plate” üretroplasti (TIPU) tekniğinin klinik sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesini amaçladık. Yöntemler: Kliniğimizde 2003–2011 tarihleri arasında, eksternal üretral meatusu proksimal penil veya penoskrotal seviyede olan ve TIPU tekniğiyle onarım yapılan 33 primer hipospadyaslı vaka geriye dönük olarak değerlendirildi. Ameliyat sonrası fistülsüz işeme başarı olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı 6,82±3,07 (1–13) idi. Hastaların 15’inde (%45,4) penoskrotal, 18’inde (%54,6) proksimal penil seviyede izlenen üretral meatus bulunmaktaydı. Hastalar üretral kateter çekildikten hemen sonra, taburcu edildikten 2 hafta ve 6 ay sonra idrar yaparken gözlemlenerek değerlendirildiler. İlk operasyon sonrası penoskrotal seviyede 5/15, proksimal penil seviyede 10/18 oranlarında fistülsüz işeme sağlandı; ilk operasyonlar sonrası genel başarı %45,5‘ti. Fistüllü işeyen hastalara yapılan ikinci operasyon ile bu oranlar penoskrotal seviyede 9/15, proksimal penil seviyede ise 16/18’e yükselmiş; total başarı oranı ise %75,8 bulunmuştur. Sonuç: Günümüzde ileri derecede kordisi olmayan proksimal hipospadyas olgularında üretral plate gelişiminde önemli bir bozukluk yoksa TIPU tekniği, deneyimli merkezlerde güvenle tercih edilebilecek bir yöntemdir.Objective: To evaluate the results of the patients with primary proximal hypospadias repaired by “tubularized incised plate” urethroplasty (TIPU). Methods: Thirty-three patients who were operated with TIPU technique in our clinic between 2003-2011 for primary hypospadias with proximal penile and penoscrotal meatus were retrospectively evaluated. Evaluation of the success in this study was, “voiding without fistula”. Results: Mean age was 6.82±3.07 (1-13). Fifteen patients (45.4%) had penoscrotal and 18 patients (54.6%) had proximal penil meatus. Postoperative success was evaluated with direct vision of voiding at the time of uncatheterization, 2 weeks and 6 months after un-catheterization. Success rates were 5/15 and 10/18 after the first repair in the level penoscrotal and proximal penil, respectively. Overall success rate was 45.5% after the first repair. Patients with urethral fistula after first repair were undergone second repair, success rates were increased to 9/15 and 16/18 in the levels of penoscrotal and proximal penil, respectively. Overall success rate after second repair was 75.8%. Conclusion: TIPU may be confidently applied for the patients with proximal hypopadias in experienced clinics, if there is not an uretral cordi or/and abnormality in the development of urethral plate


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