496 research outputs found

    Kvinnor förklarar mansplaining : en retorisk studie av personliga vittnesmÄl om mansplaining

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    Föreliggande uppsats undersöker personliga vittnesmÄl publicerade pÄ en mikroblogg och behandlar det förhÄllandevis nyligen myntade begreppet mansplaining. Syftet Àr att studera vilken funktion personliga vittnesmÄl kan fylla i strÀvan efter jÀmstÀlldhet. För att undersöka det görs en genreanalys utifrÄn Carolyn R. Millers sÀtt att se pÄ genre som social handling. Huvudsakliga teoretiska perspektiv Àr Lloyd F. Bitzer samt Millers sÀtt att se pÄ retorisk situation, Karlyn Kohrs Campbells teori om retoriken i kvinnorörelsens samtalsgrupper pÄ 70-talet samt nyare teoribildning om medvetandegörande. Det resultat som undersökningen ger upphov till Àr att retoriken pÄ internetsidan delar mÄnga likheter med den feministiska retorik som Campbell beskriver men att den samtidigt har anpassat sig till sÄvÀl nya retoriska problem som omstÀndigheter. NÄgra anmÀrkningsvÀrda skillnader, som pÄverkar texternas funktion, Àr att retoriken i det undersökta materialet samtidigt kan tolkas som privat och offentlig samt att utvecklingen av kvinnors sociala förutsÀttningar pÄverkat sÄvÀl innehÄll som stil. Enligt tolkningen som görs kan de personliga berÀttelserna sÀgas blottlÀgga mansplaining som ett strukturellt problem samt verka medvetandegörande. SvÄrigheter i att avgöra vem som utgör publiken skapar flertalet tolkningar av vittnesmÄlens funktion

    Normskifte i den juridiska vÀrlden - Den kvinnliga kampen för högre juridiska utbildningar och befattningar

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    Under första delen av 1900-talet Ă€gde ett normskifte rum i den juridiska vĂ€rlden. Uppsatsen belyser den kvinnliga kampen för högre juridiska utbildningar och befattningar. Denna kamp har varit utdragen, och kvinnornas rĂ€ttigheter har inte varit sjĂ€lvklara. Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att undersöka varför det tog sĂ„ lĂ„ng tid för kvinnorna att fĂ„ rĂ€ttigheterna till högre juridiska utbildningar och tjĂ€nster samt varför just Akademiskt bildade kvinnors förening (ABKF) blev en viktig faktor för denna kamp. En diskussion förs i analysen dĂ€r jag bland annat kommer fram till att kampen handlade om en Ă€ndring av den befintliga normen. Kvinnorna mötte stort motstĂ„nd frĂ„n mĂ€nnen, och det var svĂ„rt att Ă€ndra mĂ€nnens instĂ€llning dĂ„ Ă€ndringen innebar inskrĂ€nkningar för dem. Det krĂ€vdes mĂ„nga smĂ„ steg för att kvinnorna skulle fĂ„ möjlighet att konkurrera med mĂ€nnen om de högre juridiska utbildningarna och befattningarna. Varje steg var ett steg i rĂ€tt riktning, men de teoretiska Ă€ndringarna krĂ€vde lĂ„ng tid för att de ocksĂ„ skulle fĂ„ verkan i praktiken. ABKF blev viktig för de kvinnliga juristerna eftersom föreningen fokuserade pĂ„ ren professionell kompentens och hade en grundsyn som stĂ€mde överens med de kvinnliga juristernas mĂ„l. Kvinnorna i ABKF var mycket ihĂ€rdiga och pĂ„verkade lagstiftaren pĂ„ flera olika sĂ€tt. Den första svenska kvinnliga juristen Elsa Eschelsson blev ABKF:s första ordförande, vilket var av stor betydelse för de kvinnliga juristerna.During the first part of the 20th century a norm change took place in the legal world. The thesis highlights the female struggle for higher legal education and positions. This struggle has been long, and women’s rights have not been self-evident. The aim of the thesis is to analyse why it took so long for women to gain the rights to higher legal education and positions and why Akademiskt bildade kvinnors förening (ABKF) (my translation: Academically educated women’s association) explicitly became an important factor in this struggle. A discussion is conducted in the analysis where I find, among other things, that the struggle was about a change of the existing norm. Women encountered huge resistance from men, and it was difficult to change the attitude of the men as a change meant limitations for them. Many small steps were required to allow women to compete with men regarding the higher legal education and positions. Each step was a step in the right direction, but the theoretical changes required a long time for them to also take effect in practice. ABKF became important to the female lawyers because the association focused on pure professional competencies and had a view that was in line with the goals of the female lawyers. The women in ABKF were very persistent and influenced the legislator in several different ways. The first Swedish female lawyer Elsa Eschelsson became the first president of ABKF, which was of great importance to the female lawyers

    VÀxtnÀringens betydelse i förebyggandet av svampsjukdomar

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    Svampsjukdomar kan orsaka stora problem och skördeförluster inom vĂ€xtodlingen. DĂ€rför anvĂ€nds fungicider för att bekĂ€mpa svamparna och skydda grödan. Fungicider kan dock vara skadliga för andra organismer och dĂ€rmed störa ekosystem och den biologiska mĂ„ngfalden. Det sker Ă€ven en stĂ€ndig resistensutveckling hos svamparna mot de preparat som anvĂ€nds och det Ă€r dĂ€rför viktigt att inte anvĂ€nda fungicider mer Ă€n nödvĂ€ndigt. Genom att tillĂ€mpa integrerat vĂ€xtskydd förebygger man problemen, bevakar hĂ€ndelser i fĂ€lt, behovsanpassar Ă„tgĂ€rderna samt följer upp och utvĂ€rderar resultaten, allt för att minska anvĂ€ndningen av kemiska bekĂ€mpningsmedel. För att grödan ska kunna bli angripen krĂ€vs att grödan Ă€r mottaglig, svampen finns i nĂ€rheten samt att miljön Ă€r den rĂ€tta för sjukdomens överlevnad och spridning. VĂ€xtnĂ€ring kan pĂ„verka alla de tre faktorerna och dĂ€rför har det hĂ€r arbetet undersökt vilket inflytande vĂ€xtnĂ€ringen kan ha pĂ„ svampsjukdomar och om en förebyggande vĂ€xtnĂ€ringsstrategi skulle kunna bli en del av det integrerade vĂ€xtskyddet inom konventionellt jordbruk. VĂ€xtnĂ€ringsĂ€mnena Ă€r viktiga för mĂ„nga funktioner som gör att grödan kan vĂ€xa och utvecklas som den ska. De kan ocksĂ„ pĂ„verka varandras funktion och tillgĂ€nglighet för grödan. Genom olika mekanismer kan nĂ€ringsĂ€mnena pĂ„verka mottagligheten och motstĂ„ndskraften mot svampsjukdomar hos grödan. Som att stĂ€rka vĂ€xtens fysiska skydd, bilda föreningar som hĂ€mmar svampen eller öka vĂ€xtens tolerans mot sjukdomen. KvĂ€ve kan minska angreppens pĂ„verkan av vissa svampar men öka angreppsgraden av andra. Det i samband med att olika studier fĂ„tt olika resultat gör det svĂ„rt att bedöma kvĂ€vets roll i skyddet mot svampsjukdomar. Det gĂ€ller Ă€ven flera av de andra nĂ€ringsĂ€mnena. I studier i vĂ€xthus och labb har nĂ€ringsĂ€mnena visat pĂ„verkan pĂ„ olika sjukdomar, men i fĂ€lt Ă€r det svĂ„rare att se signifikant skillnad mellan behandlingarna. Jordbrukare som provat att skapa en strategisk gödslingsstrategi för att förebygga skador och sjukdomar menar att de fĂ„r friskare grödor och god avkastning trots minskade kvĂ€vegivor. I framtiden kan det komma att finnas ett allt större behov av att förebygga sjukdomar och dĂ€r kan strategisk anvĂ€ndning av vĂ€xtnĂ€ring vara en del av lösningen. Men för att det ska gĂ„ behövs alltmer kunskap om Ă€mnet och praktisk erfarenhet. DĂ€rför bör fler fĂ€ltförsök inriktade pĂ„ sambanden mellan nĂ€ringsĂ€mnen och svampsjukdomar göras samt borde Ă€ven sjukdomsangrepp börja graderas i gödslingsstrategiförsök.Fungal diseases can create both issues and harvest loss in agriculture. To fight the fungus and protect the crops fungicides are used. They can be harmful to other organisms and disturb ecosystems and biodiversity. Fungal resistance towards fungicides is constantly progressing and therefore it is important to not use more fungicides then necessary. By doing integrated pest management the fungal issues are prevented, what happens in the field is being monitored, the actions taken are adapted to the needs and the results are being followed and evaluated. All of it to be able to reduce the use of chemicals. For the fungus to be able to infect the plant it needs to be susceptible, the fungus needs to be around, and the environment needs to be right for the fungus to be able to survive and spread. Plant nutrition can affect all the three factors and that is why this work has studied how nutrition can influence the fungal diseases and if a preventive nutritional plan could become a part of integrated pest management in conventional agriculture. Mineral nutrition is important in many functions that help the plant grow and develop normally. They can also impact each other’s functions and availability for the plant. Through different mechanisms the nutrients can affect the susceptibility and resistance towards fungal diseases in the plant. They can do this by strengthening the plants physical barriers, creating compounds that inhibit the fungus or give the plant better tolerance against the fungus. Nitrogen can both reduce and increase the disease severity of some fungal pathogens. The results from different studies have varied a lot which make it difficult to assess nitrogen’s true role in protection against fungal diseases. This also applies to several of the other nutrients. In studies from laboratories or greenhouses the nutrients have been shown to affect different diseases, but it is harder to show a significant difference between treatments in field trials. Farmers that have tried to create a strategical fertilizing plan to prevent damage and diseases mean that they get healthier crops and good yield even though they put out less nitrogen. In the future it may be a bigger need to prevent diseases and strategical use of plant nutrition could be a part of that solution. For that to be able to work a lot more knowledge and practical experience is needed on the subject. That’s why there should be more field trials oriented towards the connections between nutrition and fungal pathogens. Diseases should also be graded in strategic fertilizing trials

    Assessment of the genetic basis of rosacea by genome-wide association study.

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    Rosacea is a common, chronic skin disease that is currently incurable. Although environmental factors influence rosacea, the genetic basis of rosacea is not established. In this genome-wide association study, a discovery group of 22,952 individuals (2,618 rosacea cases and 20,334 controls) was analyzed, leading to identification of two significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with rosacea, one of which replicated in a new group of 29,481 individuals (3,205 rosacea cases and 26,262 controls). The confirmed SNP, rs763035 (P=8.0 × 10(-11) discovery group; P=0.00031 replication group), is intergenic between HLA-DRA and BTNL2. Exploratory immunohistochemical analysis of HLA-DRA and BTNL2 expression in papulopustular rosacea lesions from six individuals, including one with the rs763035 variant, revealed staining in the perifollicular inflammatory infiltrate of rosacea for both proteins. In addition, three HLA alleles, all MHC class II proteins, were significantly associated with rosacea in the discovery group and confirmed in the replication group: HLA-DRB1*03:01 (P=1.0 × 10(-8) discovery group; P=4.4 × 10(-6) replication group), HLA-DQB1*02:01 (P=1.3 × 10(-8) discovery group; P=7.2 × 10(-6) replication group), and HLA-DQA1*05:01 (P=1.4 × 10(-8) discovery group; P=7.6 × 10(-6) replication group). Collectively, the gene variants identified in this study support the concept of a genetic component for rosacea, and provide candidate targets for future studies to better understand and treat rosacea

    Early postnatal nutrition after preterm birth and cardiometabolic risk factors in young adulthood

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    Objectives Adults born preterm at very low birthweight (VLBW; Study design The Helsinki Study of VLBW Adults includes 166 VLBW and preterm infants born between 1978 and 1985. We collected postnatal nutrition data among 125 unimpaired subjects, who attended two study visits at the mean ages of 22.5 and 25.1 years. We evaluated the effects of energy and macronutrient intakes during the first three 3-week periods of life on key cardiometabolic risk factors with multiple linear regression models. We also report results adjusted for prenatal, postnatal and adult characteristics. Results Macronutrient and energy intakes were not associated with blood pressure, heart rate, or lipid levels in adulthood. Intakes were neither associated with fasting glucose or most other markers of glucose metabolism. An exception was that the first-three-weeks-of-life intakes predicted higher fasting insulin levels: 1 g/kg/day higher protein intake by 37.6% (95% CI: 8.0%, 75.2%), and 10 kcal/kg/day higher energy intake by 8.6% (2.6%, 14.9%), when adjusted for sex and age. These early intakes similarly predicted the adult homeostasis model assessment index. Further adjustments strengthened these findings. Conclusions Among VLBW infants with relatively low early energy intake, early macronutrient and energy intakes were unrelated to blood pressure, lipid levels and intravenous glucose tolerance test results. Contrary to our hypothesis, a higher macronutrient intake during the first three weeks of life predicted higher fasting insulin concentration in young adulthood.Peer reviewe

    Electronic band structure and carrier effective mass in calcium aluminates

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    First-principles electronic band structure investigations of five compounds of the CaO-Al2O3 family, 3CaO.Al2O3, 12CaO.7Al2O3, CaO.Al2O3, CaO.2Al2O3 and CaO.6Al2O3, as well as CaO and alpha-, theta- and kappa-Al2O3 are performed. We find that the conduction band in the complex oxides is formed from the oxygen antibonding p-states and, although the band gap in Al2O3 is almost twice larger than in CaO, the s-states of both cations. Such a hybrid nature of the conduction band leads to isotropic electron effective masses which are nearly the same for all compounds investigated. This insensitivity of the effective mass to variations in the composition and structure suggests that upon a proper degenerate doping, both amorphous and crystalline phases of the materials will possess mobile extra electrons

    Koronan vaikutukset lastensuojeluun

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    Methods for Compression of Feedback in Adaptive Multicarrier 4G Schemes

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    In this paper, several algorithms for compressing the feedback of channel quality information are presented and analyzed. These algorithms are developed for a proposed adaptive modulation scheme for future multi-carrier 4G mobile systems. These strategies compress the feedback data and, used together with opportunistic scheduling, drastically reduce the feedback data rate. Thus the adaptive modulation schemes become more suitable and efficient to be implemented in future mobile systems, increasing data throughput and overall system performance.This work has been partly funded by the Spanish government with projects MACAWI (TEC 2005-07477-c02-02), MAMBO2 (CCG06-UC3M-TIC-0698), and European COST Action 289 and is a result of work done within this European actio

    Integrating Climate Change Adaptation into Public Health Practice: Using Adaptive Management to Increase Adaptive Capacity and Build Resilience

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    Background: Climate change is expected to have a range of health impacts, some of which are already apparent. Public health adaptation is imperative, but there has been little discussion of how to increase adaptive capacity and resilience in public health systems

    Safety of the human papillomavirus (HPV)-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine in adolescents aged 12-15 years : Interim analysis of a large community-randomized controlled trial

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    This community-randomized controlled trial was initiated to assess the overall and herd effects of 2 different human papillomavirus (HPV) immunization strategies in over 80,000 girls and boys aged 1215 y in 33 communities in Finland (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00534638). Overall, 14,838 adolescents received HPV-16/18 vaccine (2,440 boys and 12,398 girls) and 17,338 received hepatitis-B virus (HBV) vaccine {9,221 boys and 8,117 girls). In an interim analysis, vaccine safety was assessed by active monitoring and surveillancece via health registry linkage. Active monitoring showed that the HPV-16/18 vaccine has acceptable safety and reactogenicity in boys. In all study participants, the observed incidences (per 100,000 person-years) of serious adverse events (SAEs) possibly, related to vaccination were 54.3 (95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 34.0-82.1) in the HPV-16/18 group and 64.0 (95% CI: 43.2-91.3) in the HBV group. During the follow-up period for this interim analysis, the most common new-onset autoimmune diseases (NOADs; with incidence rate >= 15 per 100,000) in any group based on hospital discharge registry (HILMO) download were ulcerative colitis, juvenile arthritis, celiac disease insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) and Crohn's disease. No increased NOAD incidences were observed in HPV-16/18 vaccine recipients compared to HBV vaccine recipients. In both the SAE possibly related- and HILMO-analyses, a lower incidence of IDDM was observed in HPV-16/18 vaccinees compared to HBV vaccinees (relative risks, 0.26 [95% CI: 0.03-1.24] and 0.16 [95% CI: 0.03-0.55], respectively).Peer reviewe
