33 research outputs found

    Introduction of a CuA site into the blue copper protein amicyanin from Thiobacillus versutus

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    AbstractThe C-terminal loop of the blue copper protein amicyanin, which contains three of the four active site ligands, has been replaced with a CuA binding loop. The purple protein produced has visible and EPR spectra identical to those of a CuA centre. Recent evidence strongly suggests that the CuA centre of cytochrome c oxidase and the A centre of nitrous oxide reductase are similar and are both binuclear. It therefore follows that the purple amicyanin mutant created here also possesses a binuclear CuA centre

    Spectroscopic characterization of reaction centers of the (M)Y210W mutant of the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides

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    The tyrosine-(M)210 of the reaction center of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 has been changed to a tryptophan using site-directed mutagenesis. The reaction center of this mutant has been characterized by low-temperature absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, time-resolved sub-picosecond spectroscopy, and magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The charge separation process showed bi-exponential kinetics at room temperature, with a main time constant of 36 ps and an additional fast time constant of 5.1 ps. Temperature dependent fluorescence measurements predict that the lifetime of P* becomes 4–5 times slower at cryogenic temperatures. From EPR and absorbance-detected magnetic resonance (ADMR, LD-ADMR) we conclude that the dimeric structure of P is not significantly changed upon mutation. In contrast, the interaction of the accessory bacteriochlorophyll BA with its environment appears to be altered, possibly because of a change in its position

    SapB and the rodlins are required for development of Streptomyces coelicolor in high osmolarity media

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    Streptomyces coelicolor produces spore-forming aerial hyphae after a period of vegetative growth. These aerial structures are decorated with a hydrophobic coating of rodlets consisting of chaplins and rodlins. Here, we show that rodlins and the surface-active peptide SapB are essential for development during growth in a medium with high osmolarity. To this end, both vegetative and aerial hyphae secrete SapB, whereas rodlins are only secreted by the spore-forming aerial hyphae.

    Heterogeneity in the histidine-brace copper coordination sphere in auxiliary activity family 10 (AA10) lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases

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    Copper-dependent lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) are enzymes that oxidatively deconstruct polysaccharides. The active site copper in LPMOs is coordinated by a histidine-brace. This utilizes the amino group and side chain of the N-terminal His residue with the side chain of a second His residue to create a T-shaped arrangement of nitrogen ligands. We report a structural, kinetic, and thermodynamic appraisal of copper binding to the histidine-brace in an auxiliary activity family 10 (AA10) LPMO from Streptomyces lividans (SliLPMO10E). Unexpectedly, we discovered the existence of two apo-SliLPMO10E species in solution that can each bind copper at a single site with distinct kinetic and thermodynamic (exothermic and endothermic) properties. The experimental EPR spectrum of copper-bound SliLPMO10E requires the simulation of two different line shapes, implying two different copper-bound species, indicative of three and two nitrogen ligands coordinating the copper. Amino group coordination was probed through the creation of an N-terminal extension variant (SliLPMO10E- Ext). The kinetics and thermodynamics of copper binding to SliLPMO10E-Ext are in accord with copper binding to one of the apo-forms in the wild-type protein, suggesting that amino group coordination is absent in the two-nitrogen coordinate form of SliLPMO10E. Copper binding to SliLPMO10B was also investigated, and again it revealed the presence of two apo-forms with kinetics and stoichiometry of copper binding identical to that of SliLPMO10E. Our findings highlight that heterogeneity exists in the active site copper coordination sphere of LPMOs that may have implications for the mechanism of loading copper in the cell

    A cytosolic copper storage protein provides a second level of copper tolerance in Streptomyces lividans.

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    Streptomyces lividans has a distinct dependence on the bioavailability of copper for its morphological development. A cytosolic copper resistance system is operative in S. lividans that serves to preclude deleterious copper levels. This system comprises of several CopZ-like copper chaperones and P1-type ATPases, predominantly under the transcriptional control of a metalloregulator from the copper sensitive operon repressor (CsoR) family. In the present study, we discover a new layer of cytosolic copper resistance in S. lividans that involves a protein belonging to the newly discovered family of copper storage proteins, which we have named Ccsp (cytosolic copper storage protein). From an evolutionary perspective, we find Ccsp homologues to be widespread in Bacteria and extend through into Archaea and Eukaryota. Under copper stress Ccsp is upregulated and consists of a homotetramer assembly capable of binding up to 80 cuprous ions (20 per protomer). X-ray crystallography reveals 18 cysteines, 3 histidines and 1 aspartate are involved in cuprous ion coordination. Loading of cuprous ions to Ccsp is a cooperative process with a Hill coefficient of 1.9 and a CopZ-like copper chaperone can transfer copper to Ccsp. A Δccsp mutant strain indicates that Ccsp is not required under initial copper stress in S. lividans, but as the CsoR/CopZ/ATPase efflux system becomes saturated, Ccsp facilitates a second level of copper tolerance

    GlxA is a new structural member of the radical copper oxidase family and is required for glycan deposition at hyphal tips and morphogenesis of <i>Streptomyces lividans</i>

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    Streptomyces lividans displays a distinct dependence on copper to fully initiate morphological development. Evidence has accumulated to implicate the participation of an extracytoplasmic cuproenzyme in morphogenesis. In the present study, we show that GlxA fulfils all criteria to be that cuproenzyme. GlxA is membrane associated and has an active site consisting of a mononuclear copper and a cross-linked Y-C cofactor. The domain organization of the tertiary structure defines GlxA as a new structural member of the mono-copper oxidase family, with copper co-ordination geometry similar to, but spectroscopically distinct from fungal galactose oxidase (Gox). EPR spectroscopy reveals that the oxidation of cupric GlxA generates a protein radical residing on the Y-C cross-link. A variety of canonical Gox substrates (including D-galactose) were tested but none were readily turned over by GlxA. A glxA null-mutant leads to loss of glycan accumulation at hyphal tips and consequently a drastically changed morphology both on solid substrates and in liquid-grown environments, a scenario similarly observed in the absence of the neighbouring glycan synthase CslA (cellulase synthase-like protein). In addition the glxA mutant has lost the stimulation of development by copper, supporting a model whereby the enzymatic action of GlxA on the glycan is required for development and morphology. From a biotechnology perspective, the open mycelium morphology observed with the glxA mutant in submerged culture has implications for use as an enzyme production host.</jats:p

    Active site maturation and activity of the copper-radical oxidase GlxA is governed by a tryptophan residue

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    GlxA from Streptomyces lividans is a mononuclear copper-radical oxidase and a member of the auxiliary activity family 5 (AA5). Its domain organisation and low sequence homology make it a distinct member of the AA5 family in which the fungal galactose 6-oxidase (Gox) is the best-characterized. GlxA is a key cuproenzyme in the copper-dependent morphological development of S. lividans with a function that is linked to the processing of an extracytoplasmic glycan. The catalytic site in GlxA and Gox contain two distinct one-electron acceptors comprising the copper ion and a 3'-(S-cysteinyl) tyrosine. The latter is formed post-translationally through a covalent bond between a cysteine and a copper coordinating tyrosine ligand and houses a radical. In GlxA and Gox a second coordination sphere tryptophan residue (Trp288 in GlxA) is present, but the orientation of the indole ring differs between the two enzymes creating a marked difference in the ?-? stacking interaction of the benzyl ring with the 3'-(S-cysteinyl) tyrosine. Differences in the spectroscopic and enzymatic activity have been reported between GlxA and Gox with the indole orientation suggested as a reason. Here we report a series of in vivo and in vitro studies using the W288F and W288A variants of GlxA to assess the role of Trp288 on the morphology, maturation, spectroscopic and enzymatic properties. Our findings point towards a salient role for Trp288 in the kinetics of copper loading and maturation of GlxA, with its presence essential for stabilising the metalloradical site required for coupling catalytic activity and morphological development

    Copper mining in Streptomyces: enzymes, natural products and development

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    The actinobacteria of the genus Streptomyces are of immense importance to both ecological and human welfare. They produce a large number of enzymes and compounds such as antibiotics that have attracted the interest of industry over recent decades, resulting in their commercial manufacture and application in many products. Furthermore, Streptomyces is one of the model systems for bacterial morphological and physiological development. A role for copper proteins and enzymes in the morphological development and in the production of certain secondary metabolites in Streptomyces species has been known for some time. This review summarizes the copper proteins and enzymes identified so far in Streptomyces species, and highlights our current knowledge of the roles some of these proteins play in morphological development and secondary metabolite production. © 2010 The Royal Society of Chemistry