31 research outputs found

    Kajian Keprihatinan Ahli Akademik Terhadap Tatacara Berpakaian, Sahsiah dan Rupa Diri Pelajar Universiti Malaysia Pahang

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    Tamadun adalah perkataan Arab “Maddana” yang bermaksud adab, akhlaq, moral dan mempunyai agama yang baik. Manakala hidup bertamadun bermaksud kehidupan yang penuh dengan adab sopan, moral dan berakhlak. Dalam konteks dunia pendidikan hari ini isu tatacara berpakaian, rupa diri, sahsiah dan akhlak pelajar pernah dibincangkan dan diketengahkan di peringkat institusi pengajian tinggi amnya, namun masih tidak menampakkan hasil positif. Kelihatan seolah-olah tiada keseriusan daripada pelbagai pihak untuk mengendalikan dan menjayakan isu ini sebaik mungkin sehingga ke akar umbinya dan secara tidak langsung untuk berusaha menyelesaikannya. Justeru, satu kajian berfokus telah dijalankan terhadap pelajar di Universiti Malaysia Pahang dari pelbagai fakulti. Kajian ini bertujuan meninjau sejauh mana komitmen pensyarah selaku aset penting yang berintegriti tinggi, bernilai dan berakhlak mulia dalam menjalankan amanah mereka mendidik anak bangsa khususnya dalam membangunkan akhlak dan sahsiah diri terpuji dalam kalangan mahasiswa. Kajian ini dilakukan secara tinjauan melalui aplikasi internet iaitu SurveyMonkey kepada lebih dari 100 orang pelajar. Melalui kajian ini terdapat enam perkara yang diperhatikan dan dikaji secara terperinci. Kajian ini berkisar komitmen pelajar dan pensyarah di kampus antaranya ialah komitmen pelajar terhadap pemakaian kad pelajar universiti (kad matrik), komitmen pensyarah memperuntukkan masa dalam kelas bagi menyatakan kepentingan tatacara berpakaian dan rupa diri di kampus, komitmen mengambil tindakan terhadap pelajar yang gagal mematuhi peraturan tatacara berpakaian dan rupa diri, komitmen mengambil tindakan terhadap pelajar yang lewat atau gagal hadir dalam kelas, dan amanah dalam mengisi ruang di slip kehadiran rakan sekuliah dalam kelas. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa komitmen di kalangan pelajar dan pensyarah kurang memberangsangkan. Perkara ini harus dipandang serius dan sangat membimbangkan kerana penekanan terhadap isu-isu tersebut sangat penting dalam melahirkan pelajar bertamadun iaitu berpengetahuan luas, berkemahiran tinggi dan bersikap, berakhlak serta bersahsiah terpuji

    A Versatile Method for Viral Transfection of Calcium Indicators in the Neonatal Mouse Brain

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    The first three postnatal weeks in rodents are a time when sensory experience drives the maturation of brain circuits, an important process that is not yet well understood. Alterations in this critical period of experience-dependent circuit assembly and plasticity contribute to several neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. Therefore, techniques for recording network activity and tracing neuronal connectivity over this time period are necessary for delineating circuit refinement in typical development and how it deviates in disease. Calcium imaging with GCaMP6 and other genetically encoded indicators is rapidly becoming the preferred method for recording network activity at the single-synapse and single-cell level in vivo, especially in genetically identified neuronal populations. We describe a protocol for intracortical injection of recombinant adeno-associated viruses in P1 neonatal mice and demonstrate its use for longitudinal imaging of GCaMP6s in the same neurons over several weeks to characterize the developmental desynchronization of cortical network activity. Our approach is ideally suited for chronic in vivo two-photon calcium imaging of neuronal activity from synapses to entire networks during the early postnatal period

    EZcalcium: Open-Source Toolbox for Analysis of Calcium Imaging Data

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    Fluorescence calcium imaging using a range of microscopy approaches, such as two-photon excitation or head-mounted “miniscopes,” is one of the preferred methods to record neuronal activity and glial signals in various experimental settings, including acute brain slices, brain organoids, and behaving animals. Because changes in the fluorescence intensity of genetically encoded or chemical calcium indicators correlate with action potential firing in neurons, data analysis is based on inferring such spiking from changes in pixel intensity values across time within different regions of interest. However, the algorithms necessary to extract biologically relevant information from these fluorescent signals are complex and require significant expertise in programming to develop robust analysis pipelines. For decades, the only way to perform these analyses was for individual laboratories to write their custom code. These routines were typically not well annotated and lacked intuitive graphical user interfaces (GUIs), which made it difficult for scientists in other laboratories to adopt them. Although the panorama is changing with recent tools like CaImAn, Suite2P, and others, there is still a barrier for many laboratories to adopt these packages, especially for potential users without sophisticated programming skills. As two-photon microscopes are becoming increasingly affordable, the bottleneck is no longer the hardware, but the software used to analyze the calcium data optimally and consistently across different groups. We addressed this unmet need by incorporating recent software solutions, namely NoRMCorre and CaImAn, for motion correction, segmentation, signal extraction, and deconvolution of calcium imaging data into an open-source, easy to use, GUI-based, intuitive and automated data analysis software package, which we named EZcalcium

    Addressing the disparities in dementia risk, early detection and care in Latino populations: Highlights from the Second Latinos and Alzheimer's Symposium

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    The Alzheimer's Association hosted the second Latinos & Alzheimer's Symposium in May 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held online over 2 days, with virtual presentations, discussions, mentoring sessions, and posters. The Latino population in the United States is projected to have the steepest increase in Alzheimer's disease (AD) in the next 40 years, compared to other ethnic groups. Latinos have increased risk for AD and other dementias, limited access to quality care, and are severely underrepresented in AD and dementia research and clinical trials. The symposium highlighted developments in AD research with Latino populations, including advances in AD biomarkers, and novel cognitive assessments for Spanish-speaking populations, as well as the need to effectively recruit and retain Latinos in clinical research, and how best to deliver health-care services and to aid caregivers of Latinos living with AD

    Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover

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    Urbanization transforms environments in ways that alter biological evolution. We examined whether urban environmental change drives parallel evolution by sampling 110,019 white clover plants from 6169 populations in 160 cities globally. Plants were assayed for a Mendelian antiherbivore defense that also affects tolerance to abiotic stressors. Urban-rural gradients were associated with the evolution of clines in defense in 47% of cities throughout the world. Variation in the strength of clines was explained by environmental changes in drought stress and vegetation cover that varied among cities. Sequencing 2074 genomes from 26 cities revealed that the evolution of urban-rural clines was best explained by adaptive evolution, but the degree of parallel adaptation varied among cities. Our results demonstrate that urbanization leads to adaptation at a global scale

    Image_1_A Versatile Method for Viral Transfection of Calcium Indicators in the Neonatal Mouse Brain.JPEG

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    <p>The first three postnatal weeks in rodents are a time when sensory experience drives the maturation of brain circuits, an important process that is not yet well understood. Alterations in this critical period of experience-dependent circuit assembly and plasticity contribute to several neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism, epilepsy, and schizophrenia. Therefore, techniques for recording network activity and tracing neuronal connectivity over this time period are necessary for delineating circuit refinement in typical development and how it deviates in disease. Calcium imaging with GCaMP6 and other genetically encoded indicators is rapidly becoming the preferred method for recording network activity at the single-synapse and single-cell level in vivo, especially in genetically identified neuronal populations. We describe a protocol for intracortical injection of recombinant adeno-associated viruses in P1 neonatal mice and demonstrate its use for longitudinal imaging of GCaMP6s in the same neurons over several weeks to characterize the developmental desynchronization of cortical network activity. Our approach is ideally suited for chronic in vivo two-photon calcium imaging of neuronal activity from synapses to entire networks during the early postnatal period.</p