6 research outputs found

    On the edge degrees of trees

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    Let mij(G) be the number of edges of graph G, connecting vertices of degrees i and j. Necessary and sufficient conditions are established on a symmetric matrix M of type Δ × Δ such that there is a tree T for which Mij = mij(T) holds for all i, j

    A Structure Theorem for Graphs with No Cycle with a Unique Chord and Its Consequences

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    We give a structural description of the class 𝒞 of graphs that do not contain a cycle with a unique chord as an induced subgraph. Our main theorem states that any connected graph in 𝒞 is either in some simple basic class or has a decomposition. Basic classes are chordless cycles, cliques, bipartite graphs with one side containing only nodes of degree 2 and induced subgraphs of the famous Heawood or Petersen graph. Decompositions are node cutsets consisting of one or two nodes and edge cutsets called 1-joins. Our decomposition theorem actually gives a complete structure theorem for 𝒞, i.e. every graph in 𝒞 can be built from basic graphs that can be explicitly constructed, and gluing them together by prescribed composition operations, and all graphs built this way are in 𝒞. This has several consequences: an 𝒪(nm) -time algorithm to decide whether a graph is in 𝒞, an 𝒪(n+ m) -time algorithm that finds a maximum clique of any graph in 𝒞, and an 𝒪(nm) -time coloring algorithm for graphs in 𝒞. We prove that every graph in 𝒞 is either 3-colorable or has a coloring with ω colors where ω is the size of a largest clique. The problem of finding a maximum stable set for a graph in 𝒞 is known to be NP-hard