373 research outputs found

    On the evolution of behaviors through embodied imitation

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    © 2015 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Abstract This article describes research in which embodied imitation and behavioral adaptation are investigated in collective robotics. We model social learning in artificial agents with real robots. The robots are able to observe and learn each others' movement patterns using their on-board sensors only, so that imitation is embodied. We show that the variations that arise from embodiment allow certain behaviors that are better adapted to the process of imitation to emerge and evolve during multiple cycles of imitation. As these behaviors are more robust to uncertainties in the real robots' sensors and actuators, they can be learned by other members of the collective with higher fidelity. Three different types of learned-behavior memory have been experimentally tested to investigate the effect of memory capacity on the evolution of movement patterns, and results show that as the movement patterns evolve through multiple cycles of imitation, selection, and variation, the robots are able to, in a sense, agree on the structure of the behaviors that are imitated

    Embodied imitation-enhanced reinforcement learning in multi-agent systems

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    Imitation is an example of social learning in which an individual observes and copies another's actions. This paper presents a new method for using imitation as a way of enhancing the learning speed of individual agents that employ a well-known reinforcement learning algorithm, namely Q-learning. Compared with other research that uses imitation with reinforcement learning, our method uses imitation of purely observed behaviours to enhance learning, with no internal state access or sharing of experiences between agents. The paper evaluates our imitation-enhanced reinforcement learning approach in both simulation and with real robots in continuous space. Both simulation and real robot experimental results show that the learning speed of the group is improved. © The Author(s) 2013

    Pituitary hypoplasia and growth hormone deficiency in a woman with glycogen storage disease type Ia: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Growth retardation is one of the cardinal manifestations of glycogen storage disease type Ia. It is unclear which component of the growth hormone and/or insulin-like growth factor axis is primarily disrupted, and management of growth impairment in these patients remains controversial. Here we report the first case in the literature where glycogen storage disease type Ia is associated with pituitary hypoplasia and growth hormone deficiency.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 20-year-old woman with glycogen storage disease type Ia was admitted to our endocrinology department because of growth retardation. Basal and overnight growth hormone sampling at 2-hour intervals demonstrated low levels; however, provocative testing revealed a relatively normal growth hormone response. A hypoplastic anterior pituitary with preserved growth hormone response to provocative testing suggested the possibility of growth hormone neurosecretory dysfunction and/or primary pituitary involvement.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Pituitary hypoplasia may result from growth hormone-releasing hormone deficiency, a condition generally known as growth hormone neurosecretory dysfunction. It is an abnormality with a spontaneous and pulsatile secretion pattern, characterized by short stature, growth retardation and normal serum growth hormone response to provocative testing. However, in the case described in this report, a normal although relatively low growth hormone response during insulin tolerance testing and pituitary hypoplasia suggested that primary pituitary involvement or growth hormone neurosecretory dysfunction may occur in glycogen storage disease type Ia. This is a potential cause of growth failure associated with a lower somatotroph mass, and may explain the variable responsiveness to growth hormone replacement therapy in people with glycogen storage disease.</p

    Differences in grass pollen allergen exposure across Australia

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    © 2015 The Authors © 2015 Public Health Association of Australia. Objective: Allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma are important chronic diseases posing serious public health issues in Australia with associated medical, economic, and societal burdens. Pollen are significant sources of clinically relevant outdoor aeroallergens, recognised as both a major trigger for, and cause of, allergic respiratory diseases. This study aimed to provide a national, and indeed international, perspective on the state of Australian pollen data using a large representative sample. Methods: Atmospheric grass pollen concentration is examined over a number of years within the period 1995 to 2013 for Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Hobart, Melbourne, and Sydney, including determination of the 'clinical' grass pollen season and grass pollen peak. Results: The results of this study describe, for the first time, a striking spatial and temporal variability in grass pollen seasons in Australia, with important implications for clinicians and public health professionals, and the Australian grass pollen-allergic community. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that static pollen calendars are of limited utility and in some cases misleading. This study also highlights significant deficiencies and limitations in the existing Australian pollen monitoring and data. Implications: Establishment of an Australian national pollen monitoring network would help facilitate advances in the clinical and public health management of the millions of Australians with asthma and allergic rhinitis

    Interactive flow behaviour and heat transfer enhancement in a microchannel with cross flow synthetic jet

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    This paper examines the effectiveness in combining a pulsating fluid jet for thermal enhancement in microchannel heat sinks. The proposed arrangement utilises an oscillating diaphragm to induce a high-frequency periodic fluid jet with zero net mass output at the jet orifice hence, termed "synthetic jet". The pulsed jet interacts with the fluid flow through microchannel passages altering their flow characteristics. The present study develops a 2-dimensional finite volume numerical simulation based on unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations for examining the microchannel-synthetic jet flow interaction. For a range of parametric conditions, the behaviour of this periodic flow with its special features is identified and the associated convective heat transfer rates are predicted. The results indicate that the pulsating jet leads to outstanding thermal performance in microchannel flow increasing its heat dissipation rate by about 4.3 times compared to a microchannel without jet interaction within the tested parametric range. The degree of thermal enhancement is seen to grow continuously to reach a steady value in the absence of fluid compressibility. The proposed strategy has an intrinsic ability for outstanding thermal characteristics without causing pressure drop increases in microchannel fluid passages, which is identified as a unique feature of the technique.The study also examines and presents the effects of fluid compressibility on the heat removal capacity of this arrangement. The technique is envisaged to have application potential in miniature electronic devices where localised cooling is desired over a base heat dissipation load

    Modulation of oestrone sulphate formation and hydrolysis in breast cancer cells by breast cyst fluid from British and Hungarian women

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    Women with gross cystic breast disease may have an increased risk of breast cancer. In this study the ability of breast cyst fluid (BCF), obtained from British or Hungarian women, to modulate oestrone sulphate (E1S) formation or hydrolysis, has been examined. For this, oestrogen receptor-positive (ER+) MCF-7 or MDA-MB-231 (ER–) breast cancer cells were employed. The formation and hydrolysis of E1S was measured using radiometric techniques. BCF from British and Hungarian women mainly inhibited E1S hydrolysis in MCF-7 cells while stimulating hydrolysis in MDA-MB-231 cells. The extent of inhibition or stimulation of E1S hydrolysis in these cells was related to the Na+/K+ratio of the BCF. There was a significant inverse relationship between the extent to which BCF samples inhibited hydrolysis in MCF-7 cells and stimulated it in MDA-MB-231 cells. BCF stimulated E1S formation in MCF-7 cells while inhibiting formation in MDA-MB-231 cells. No difference in the ability of BCF from British or Hungarian women to inhibit or stimulate E1S hydrolysis was detected in ER+ or ER– breast cancer cells. In contrast, BCF from British women stimulated E1S formation in ER+ cells (median 82%) to a significantly greater extent (P< 0.01) than BCF from Hungarian women (median 33%). The role that E1S has in breast cancer development remains unclear. The greater stimulation of E1S formation by BCF from British women, who have a higher risk of breast cancer than Hungarian women, suggests that it may act as a storage form of oestrogen within cells that can be activated by oestrone sulphatase. © 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    A 32‐society investigation of the influence of perceived economic inequality on social class stereotyping

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    There is a growing body of work suggesting that social class stereotypes are amplified when people perceive higher levels of economic inequality—that is, the wealthy are perceived as more competent and assertive and the poor as more incompetent and unassertive. The present study tested this prediction in 32 societies and also examines the role of wealth-based categorization in explaining this relationship. We found that people who perceived higher economic inequality were indeed more likely to consider wealth as a meaningful basis for categorization. Unexpectedly, however, higher levels of perceived inequality were associated with perceiving the wealthy as less competent and assertive and the poor as more competent and assertive. Unpacking this further, exploratory analyses showed that the observed tendency to stereotype the wealthy negatively only emerged in societies with lower social mobility and democracy and higher corruption. This points to the importance of understanding how socio-structural features that co-occur with economic inequality may shape perceptions of the wealthy and the poor.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prostate-specific antigen and hormone receptor expression in male and female breast carcinoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Prostate carcinoma is among the most common solid tumors to secondarily involve the male breast. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) and prostate-specific acid phosphatase (PSAP) are expressed in benign and malignant prostatic tissue, and immunohistochemical staining for these markers is often used to confirm the prostatic origin of metastatic carcinoma. PSA expression has been reported in male and female breast carcinoma and in gynecomastia, raising concerns about the utility of PSA for differentiating prostate carcinoma metastasis to the male breast from primary breast carcinoma. This study examined the frequency of PSA, PSAP, and hormone receptor expression in male breast carcinoma (MBC), female breast carcinoma (FBC), and gynecomastia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Immunohistochemical staining for PSA, PSAP, AR, ER, and PR was performed on tissue microarrays representing six cases of gynecomastia, thirty MBC, and fifty-six FBC.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>PSA was positive in two of fifty-six FBC (3.7%), focally positive in one of thirty MBC (3.3%), and negative in the five examined cases of gynecomastia. PSAP expression was absent in MBC, FBC, and gynecomastia. Hormone receptor expression was similar in males and females (AR 74.1% in MBC vs. 67.9% in FBC, p = 0.62; ER 85.2% vs. 68.5%, p = 0.18; and PR 51.9% vs. 48.2%, p = 0.82).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PSA and PSAP are useful markers to distinguish primary breast carcinoma from prostate carcinoma metastatic to the male breast. Although PSA expression appeared to correlate with hormone receptor expression, the incidence of PSA expression in our population was too low to draw significant conclusions about an association between PSA expression and hormone receptor status in breast lesions.</p

    Fuzzy logic based energy and throughput aware design space exploration for MPSoCs

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    Multicore architectures were introduced to mitigate the issue of increase in power dissipation with clock frequency. Introduction of deeper pipelines, speculative threading etc. for single core systems were not able to bring much increase in performance as compared to their associated power overhead. However for multicore architectures performance scaling with number of cores has always been a challenge. The Amdahl's law shows that the theoretical maximum speedup of a multicore architecture is not even close to the multiple of number of cores. With less amount of code in parallel having more number of cores for an application might just contribute in greater power dissipation instead of bringing some performance advantage. Therefore there is a need of an adaptive multicore architecture that can be tailored for the application in use for higher energy efficiency. In this paper a fuzzy logic based design space exploration technique is presented that is targeted to optimize a multicore architecture according to the workload requirements in order to achieve optimum balance between throughput and energy of the system