76 research outputs found

    Nuevo género de avispa agallícola del encino, Kokkocynips Pujade-Villar & Melika, gen. n., con descripción de una nueva especies de México (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae)

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    A new genus of oak gallwasp, Kokkocynips Pujade-Villar & Melika gen.n., is described from Mexico. Diagnostic characters and generic limits of the new genus are discussed in detail. Galls were found on branches of Quercus acutifolia Née. Diagnostic characters, distribution and biology of the new species are described and illustrated.Se describe un nuevo género de cinípido agallícola, Kokkocynips Pujade-Villar & Melika n. gen. (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Cynipini) de México. Se discuten en detalle los caracteres diagnósticos y los límites genéricos de este nuevo género. Las agallas se encuentran en las ramas de Quercus acutifolia Née. Se describen e ilustran los caracteres diagnósticos, su distribución y la biología de la nueva especie

    Thermodynamic simulation of reduction of mixtures of iron ore, siderurgical wastes and coal

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    The thermodynamic feasibility of reducing agglomerates in iron ore/carbon (ICA) from concentrate mixtures of goethite ore, siderurgical waste and carbon were performed using the HSC Chemistry for Windows V. 6.0 software. Removal by reduction and gasification of Na2O, K2O, ZnO and the metallization of iron oxides was performed by using a reducing atmosphere generated by heating the mixtures. Proposed mixtures generate reductions near 100 % of iron with 28 % of carbon and average removal percentages of 85 % of Na, K and Zn have been obtained

    Bacteriuria asintomática y factores de riesgo en mujeres de pregrado de dos profesiones

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    Este estudio transversal descriptivo busca analizar si la formación profesional de las estudiantes de enfermería influye para que presenten menor frecuencia de bacteriuria asintomática (BA) y factores de riesgo respecto a las de trabajo social. Previo consentimiento informado, se seleccionó un grupo de alumnas de enfermería y otro de trabajo social mediante muestreo simple aleatorio. Se excluyeron quienes estaban embarazadas o en tratamiento con antibióticos. El diagnóstico de BA se hizo con base en tres criterios químicos y de laboratorios validados por la literatura médica. Para identificar factores de riesgo de BA, se aplicó un instrumento de diez preguntas que evalúan situaciones que favorecen infecciones urinarias. Se realizó un estudio piloto y las respuestas permitieron adecuar el instrumento. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva y chi cuadrado para identificar asociación entre frecuencia de BA y área de formación de las estudiantes. Las diferencias se consideraron estadísticamente significativas cuando p≤ 0,05. Se identificó un solo caso de BA en alumnas de enfermería y cuatro en trabajo social, lo cual no es estadísticamente significativo (p=0,26, OR=0,29). Los factores de riesgo que resultaron significativos entre ambos grupos fueron: higiene vaginal inadecuada (p=0,0016, OR=0,17), presencia de lavados vaginales frecuentes (p=0,005, OR=0,26) e ingesta de suplementos vitamínicos (p=0,0008, OR=4,23). Se concluye que los casos de BA positivos no están relacionados con el área de formación profesional; los casos positivos de BA se deben más a factores y hábitos de higiene local que a factores socioculturales y de nutrición

    Primeras citas fidedignas del género Aceria Asociado a Quercus ilex L. y Q. coccifera L. para el nordeste de la Península Ibérica.

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    Se realizó la determinación taxonómica de ejemplares adultos de ácaros eriófidos obtenidos de dos erineos de hojas de Quercus ilex y Q. coccifera. Se cita Aceria ilicis (Canestrini, 1890) en Quercus ilex y Q. coccifera, y Aceria trichophila Keifer, 1955 en Q. ilex. Ambas especies fueron colectadas en el Parque Natural de Collserola (Barcelona, Cataluña). Se reporta a A. trichophila por primera vez en el Paleártico y por primera vez sobre Q. ilex. Se confirma la presencia de A. ilicis en el noreste ibérico, especie ampliamente citada con presencia en la Península Ibérica a partir únicamente de los erineos colectados

    Present and future tradeoffs between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being in tropical Latin America.

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    Tropical forests are critical for the maintenance of biodiversity, the mitigation of climate change, this assets has to be in line with the upkeep of the livelihood of rural populations that live with them. Yet, tropical areas have been and still are transformed under the pressure imposed by the production of commodities for global markets. In order to assess the challenges in balancing these multiple needs of tropical areas, we modeled biodiversity change, ecosystem services and human well-being under current conditions and into three contrasting future scenarios (low and high climate forcing, conventional and sustainable development) for Mexico, Brazil and Bolivia. We aimed to answer the following questions: 1- What is the relationship between ecosystem integrity, as an indicator of biodiversity, and ecosystem services? 2- What is the nature of tradeoffs between biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being? 3- What policies can contribute to better navigate these tradeoffs

    Preclinical Demonstration of Lentiviral Vector-mediated Correction of Immunological and Metabolic Abnormalities in Models of Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency

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    Gene transfer into autologous hematopoietic stem cells by γ-retroviral vectors (gRV) is an effective treatment for adenosine deaminase (ADA)–deficient severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). However, current gRV have significant potential for insertional mutagenesis as reported in clinical trials for other primary immunodeficiencies. To improve the efficacy and safety of ADA-SCID gene therapy (GT), we generated a self-inactivating lentiviral vector (LV) with a codon-optimized human cADA gene under the control of the short form elongation factor-1α promoter (LV EFS ADA). In ADA−/− mice, LV EFS ADA displayed high-efficiency gene transfer and sufficient ADA expression to rescue ADA−/− mice from their lethal phenotype with good thymic and peripheral T- and B-cell reconstitution. Human ADA-deficient CD34+ cells transduced with 1–5 × 107 TU/ml had 1–3 vector copies/cell and expressed 1–2x of normal endogenous levels of ADA, as assayed in vitro and by transplantation into immune-deficient mice. Importantly, in vitro immortalization assays demonstrated that LV EFS ADA had significantly less transformation potential compared to gRV vectors, and vector integration-site analysis by nrLAM-PCR of transduced human cells grown in immune-deficient mice showed no evidence of clonal skewing. These data demonstrated that the LV EFS ADA vector can effectively transfer the human ADA cDNA and promote immune and metabolic recovery, while reducing the potential for vector-mediated insertional mutagenesis

    Tisanópteros asociados al limón mexicano (Citrus x aurantifolia (Christm) Swingle) en Apatzingán, Michoacán, México

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    Objetive. to determine taxonomically the species of Thysanoptera in Mexican lime (Citrus xaurantifolia (Christm) Swingle), to understand their fluctuation and population density, andto calculate their interaction with rainfall.Design/methodology/approach. a simple random sample was used. The collections andsamples were carried out every 15 days, in 10 trees, and in 10 vegetative shoots. Thevegetative parts were washed with soap solution, to separate the thrips that were placed inentomologic containers with alcohol at 70 %. In total, 375 pieces of micromounting wereprepared. The taxonomic determination was by comparison. To understand the interaction ofThysanoptera with rainfall, the information was analyzed through a square polynomial, withthe RS REG. SAS method. 2 Results. the number of Thysanoptera collected was 4968. The species Scolothripssexmaculatus was dominant, followed by Scirtothrips citri, Frankliniella cephalica, and F.bispinosa. Four predator species of mites and thrips were identified: Scolothripssexmaculatus, Leptothrips mcconelli, Stomatothrips brunneus and Scolothrips palidus. Anadult specimen of the genus Microcephalothrips sp. 1 was found, two individuals of thegenera Liothrips and Microcephalothrips sp. 2, and seven of the genus Karnyothrips, whosespecies were not identified. A peak in the fluctuation and population density was detected,which corresponded to the months of January to April. The effect of rainfall was determinant.Limitations on study/implications. Civil unsafety and decapitalization of the lime productsystem.Findings/conclusions. Five dominating species were present in the three localities:Scolothrips sexmaculatus, Scirtothrips citri, Frankliniella bispinosa, F. cephacila and F.curticornis.Objetivo: determinar taxonómicamente las especies de tisanópteros en limón mexicano (Citrus x aurantifolia (Christm) Swingle), conocer su fluctuación y densidad poblacional, y calcular la interacción con la precipitación pluvial.Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se utilizó un muestreo aleatorio simple. Las recolectasy muestreos fueron realizados cada 15 d, en diez árboles, y en diez brotes vegetativos. Las partes vegetativas fueron lavadas con una solución jabonosa, para separar a los trips, que fueron depositados en frascos entomológicos con alcohol a 70%. En total, se prepararon 375 micromontajes. La determinación taxonómica fue por comparación. Para conocer la 3 interacción de los tisanópteros con la precipitación pluvial, la información se analizó mediante un polinomio cuadrado, con el método RS REG. SAS.Resultados: Se obtuvieron 4968 tisanópteros. La especie Scolothrips sexmaculatus fuedominante, seguida de Scirtothrips citri, Frankliniella cephalica, y F. bispinosa. Seidentificaron cuatro especies depredadoras de ácaros y trips: Scolothrips sexmaculatus,Leptothrips mcconelli, Stomatothrips brunneus y Scolothrips palidus. Se encontró un ejemplaradulto del género Microcephalothrips sp. 1, dos individuos de los géneros Liothrips yMicrocephalothrips sp. 2 y siete del género Karnyothrips cuyas especies no se identificaron.Se detectó un pico en la fluctuación y densidad poblacional, que correspondió a los meses deenero a abril. El efecto de la precipitación pluvial fue determinante.Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Inseguridad civil, y descapitalización del sistema producto limón.Hallazgos/conclusiones: En las tres localidades, se presentaron cinco especies dominantes: Scolothrips sexmaculatus, Scirtothrips citri, Frankliniella bispinosa, F. cephacilay F. curticornis

    Assessing sustainability in North America’s ecosystems using criticality and information theory

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    Sustainability is a key concept in economic and policy debates. Nevertheless, it is usually treated only in a qualitative way and has eluded quantitative analysis. Here, we propose a sustainability index based on the premise that sustainable systems do not lose or gain Fisher Information over time. We test this approach using time series data from the AmeriFlux network that measures ecosystem respiration, water and energy fluxes in order to elucidate two key sustainability features: ecosystem health and stability. A novel definition of ecosystem health is developed based on the concept of criticality, which implies that if a system’s fluctuations are scale invariant then the system is in a balance between robustness and adaptability. We define ecosystem stability by taking an information theory approach that measures its entropy and Fisher information. Analysis of the Ameriflux consortium big data set of ecosystem respiration time series is contrasted with land condition data. In general we find a good agreement between the sustainability index and land condition data. However, we acknowledge that the results are a preliminary test of the approach and further verification will require a multi-signal analysis. For example, high values of the sustainability index for some croplands are counter-intuitive and we interpret these results as ecosystems maintained in artificial health due to continuous human-induced inflows of matter and energy in the form of soil nutrients and control of competition, pests and disease