13 research outputs found

    Kecemasan Calon Pengantin dalam Menghadapi Pernikahan

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    This study aims to explore the perceptions of the bride and groom based on their experiences in obtaining pre-wedding education. This qualitative research used a phenomenological approach by conducting in-depth interviews with nine pairs of prospective brides. A qualitative research method with a phenomenological study approach is applied in this study. The collection process is carried out through in-depth interviews, recording, and documentation of activities. For triangulation needs, discussions have been conducted with religious affairs office staff who provide briefings for the prospective bride and groom. The results of the direct interview recordings were written in transcript form and analyzed using content analysis. The results showed five themes, including worries before marriage, complicated new roles, doubts about forming a happy family, urgent economic needs, and modest family support. Psychological preparation has a significant influence on the condition of family harmony, so it must be well prepared. Preparedness is needed for the bride and groom to adapt to anticipate complicated family problems. The bride and groom endeavored to obtain comprehensive education related to physical, psychological, social, and cultural changes to adapt constructively in their marriage.   Keywords: Bride and Groom, Marriage, Psychological Preparatio


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    ABSTRAKMenghadirkan pendamping persalinan dalam proses persalinan, adalah dasar asuhan kasih sayang ibu. Pada sebuah penelitian, terbukti bahwa ibu hamil yang diperhatikan dan diberi dukungan sejak awal kehamilan oleh pendamping persalinan, akan mendapatkan rasa aman dan nyaman selama proses persalinan. Namun, tidak semua pendamping persalinan mampu melakukan tugasnya dengan baik. Tidak sedikit pendamping persalinan yang memiliki pengetahuan yang minim terhadap menjadi seorang pendamping persalinan.Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberdayakan pendamping persalinan untuk mengoptimalisasikan pengetahuan dan keterampilan tentang kelahiran  alami dengan mengikuti Kelas Edukasi Kehamilan. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam kegaiatan ini adalah pelatihan Kelas Edukasi Kehamilan, menggunakan media ceramah, tanya jawab, diskusi, video dan praktik. Hasil kegiatan, terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan pendamping persalinan dalam mendamping kelahiran alami. Peningkatan pengetahuan sekitar 60% dari 2 pendamping yang memiliki pengetahuan pada tingkatan baik, menjadi 8 pendamping persalinan yang memiliki pengetahuan  tentang pendampingan persalinan dengan baik dan peningkatan keterampilan yang dimiliki oleh pendamping persalinan sebesar 70%, dimana sebelum diberlakukannya pengabdian masyarakat ini, tidak satupun dari 10 pendamping memilki keterampilan yang baik sebagai pendamping persalinan, setelah dilakukannya pengabdian masyarakat ini, 7 dari 10 pendamping persalinan kemudian termasuk dalam kategori baik sebagai pendamping persalinan Kata Kunci: kelahiran alami; kelas edukasi kehamilan; pendamping persalinan ABSTRACTPresenting a birth attendant in the delivery process is the basis of maternal care. In a study, it is proven that pregnant women who are cared for and given support from the beginning of pregnancy by birth attendants will get a sense of security and comfort during the delivery process. However, not all birth attendants are able to perform their duties properly. Not a few birth attendants have minimal knowledge about being a birth attendant. The purpose of this community service activity is to empower birth attendants to optimize knowledge and skills about natural birth by attending Pregnancy Education Classes. The method used in this activity is Pregnancy Education Class training, using media lectures, questions and answers, discussions, videos and practice. As a result of the activity, there was an increase in knowledge and skills of birth attendants in assisting natural births. Increased knowledge of about 60% from 2 assistants who have knowledge at a good level, to 8 birth attendants who have good knowledge of childbirth assistance and an increase in skills possessed by birth attendants by 70%, where before the implementation of this community service, none of the 10 companions have good skills as birth attendants, after this community service, 7 out of 10 birth attendants are then included in the good category as birth attendants Keywords: childbirth assistant; natural birth; pregnancy education clas

    Pelatihan Penggunaan Peanut Ball pada Bidan untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Kala I Persalinan di Puskesmas Pembina Palembang

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    Persalinan merupakan kejadian fisiologis dan normal yang dialami oleh wanita. Persalinan yang tidak dapat ditangani dengan baik dapat menyebabkan proses persalinan tidak berlangsung dengan lancar. Proses persalinan identik dengan rasa nyeri yang akan dijalani. Secara fisiologis nyeri terjadi ketika otot-otot rahim berkontraksi sebagai upaya membuka servik dan mendorong kepala bayi ke arah panggul. Kurang lebih 90% persalinan disertai rasa nyeri dan 7-14% tidak disertai nyeri. Pada kala I terjadi kontraksi yang dapat menekan ujung syaraf sehingga menimbulkan rangsangan nyeri dan berdampak timbulnya ketakutan dan rasa takut. Salah satu teknik relaksasi dan tindakan nonfarmakologis dalam penanganan nyeri saat persalinan dengan menggunakan birth ball. Banyak penelitian yang telah membuktikan bahwa birthing ball efektif dalam memperlancar persalinan. Biasanya bola yang digunakan ialah gym ball, sementara peanut ball masih sangat jarang digunakan. Penelitian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan peanut ball lebih efektif dibandingkan gym ball. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini yakni meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan bidan mengenai penggunaan peanut ball. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan di Puskesmas Pembina Palembang pada Juli 2019 yang diikuti oleh 14 bidan. Kegiatan diawali dengan pre test, pembagian leaflet, penjelasan materi dengan metode ceramah Tanya jawab, demonstrasi dan post test. Hasil dalam pengabdian masyarakat ini terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan bidan mengenai penggunaan peanut ball, hal ini terlihat dari peningkatan hasil post test yang dilakukan. Luaran yang dicapai adalah peningkatan pengetahuan bidan tentang peanut ball dan terbentuknya modul


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    ABSTRACT MELY EPRILA. Correlation between Compensation with Turnover Intention on Employee JW Marriott Hotel in Jakarta. Research, Jakarta: Study Program of Economics Education, Concentration of Office Administration Education, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta. May 2015. The purpose of this research is to get a valid and reliable data or fact, to know the the correlation between compensation with turnover intention at employee JW Marriott Hotel in Jakarta. This research have been done for two month since March 2015 until April 2015. The method of research is survey method with correlation approach, while the data is got from instrument to employee of JW Marriott Hotel. The populations research consist of all employee of JW Marriott Hotel with total 860 employees, 114 employees for sampling. To encompass data from X variable about compensation that was get through data that was given by company and data Y variable about turnover intention using questionnaire. The analysis test by finding regression equation, that is Y = 88,832 – 9,526X. After that data normality test by using liliefors formula and the result is L count = 0,069 and L table =0,083 in significant level 0.05, so L Mean that the mistake of prediction regression Y to X has normal distribution. For regression sigificance test and the result is, F count (59,83) > F (3,94). Showing that, it has significance regression. While regression linearity test, F (0,83) < F (1,56), showing that regression is linear. The result of product moment of correlations coefficient test, is r table = -0,590 continued by using correlations coefficient significance test with t-test. Counting result is, t xy (7,73) < -t (-1,67). It means that there are significance and negative correations between compensation with turnover intention. Beside that, the result of determination coefficient test is 34,82%, it means that table turnover intention to employee variable determined by 34,82% compensation variable. The conclusion of the research have shown that there is a negative correlations between compensation with turnover intention to employee. Keywords: Compensation, Turnover Intentio

    Utilization of Acacia Leaves for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus, Cancer and Coronary Heart

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    Free radicals can cause cell damage and also damage biomolecules, such as DNA, proteins, and lipoproteins in the body which can trigger degenerative diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, cancer, coronary heart disease. Acacia plant has been widely recognized as an antioxidant agent that removes free radicals which can prove a useful therapeutic tactic in controlling diabetes, cancer and coronary heart disease. This research method uses qualitative methods. This study aims to determine the use of Acacia Leaves for people with Diabetes Mellitus, Cancer and Coronary Heart. The results of this study found that acacia leaves contain lots of antioxidants which can treat diabetes mellitus, cancer and heart disease. Acacia leaves are very good for consumption by people with diabetes, cancer, and coronary heart because they contain saponins, flavonoids, polyphenols, and antimicrobials which are efficacious for reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levelsFree radicals can cause cell damage and also damage biomolecules, such as DNA, proteins, and lipoproteins in the body which can trigger degenerative diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, cancer, coronary heart disease. Acacia plant has been widely recognized as an antioxidant agent that removes free radicals which can prove a useful therapeutic tactic in controlling diabetes, cancer and coronary heart disease. This research method uses qualitative methods. This study aims to determine the use of Acacia Leaves for people with Diabetes Mellitus, Cancer and Coronary Heart. The results of this study found that acacia leaves contain lots of antioxidants which can treat diabetes mellitus, cancer and heart disease. Acacia leaves are very good for consumption by people with diabetes, cancer, and coronary heart because they contain saponins, flavonoids, polyphenols, and antimicrobials which are efficacious for reducing cholesterol and blood sugar level


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    ABSTRACT Kristiani, Desy Eprila. 2017. “Sufiks Pembentuk Nomina dalam Novel Buranko no Mukou de Karya Hoshi Shinichi”. Thesis, Department of Japanese Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Diponegoro University. The Advisor Lina Rosliana, S.S., M.Hum. The purposes of this research are to identify and to analyze the characteristic and the meaning of the words that have been added by noun-forming suffixes. The data in this research are taken from the novel Buranko no Mukou de by Hoshi Shinichi. Those data were collected by using note-taking technique, and to analyze the data author used agih method. The results of this research show (1) There are 104 data from 7 types of noun-forming suffixes found in novel Buranko no Mukou de by Hoshi Shinichi. (2) Noun-forming suffixes that indicate honorifics, plurals, numeral classifiers, person, cost, also store and building, can cling to noun only, while noun-forming suffix that indicates abstract can cling to nouns, verbs, and adjectives. (3) Each of noun-forming suffixes show different meanings. Keywords: Suffix, Noun-forming Suffixe

    The Effect of Sustainability Report Disclosure on Company Value with Profitability as Moderating Variables in Indonesian Companies Asia Sustainability Reporting Award Recipient Rating

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    This study aims to determine the effect of sustainability report disclosure on firm value with profitability as a moderating variable in Indonesian companies receiving the 2019-2021 Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASSRAT) award. In this study, the researcher uses a quantitative approach with a population of Indonesian companies receiving the 2019-2021 Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASSRAT) award. Determination of the sample in this study using purposive sampling technique, in order to obtain 13 of 67 companies. The research period was 3 years, so that 39 samples were obtained. The analytical method used is descriptive statistics, classical assumption test (residual normality test, multicollinearity test, autocorrelation test, and heteroscedasticity test), linear regression analysis test using the MRA method, and hypothesis testing (coefficient of determination test and t test). The results of the study show that the disclosure of sustainability reports does not significantly affect the value of companies in Indonesian companies that receive the Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASSRAT) award in 2019-2021. The results of this study also show that profitability as a moderating variable can strengthen the relationship between sustainability report disclosures and the value of Indonesian companies receiving the 2019-2021 Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating (ASSRAT) award


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    Kegiatan ini dilatar belakangi oleh kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat tentang kesehatan jiwa di masyarakat, yang ditandai  adanya ODGJ yang belum melakukan pengobatan secara teratur ke puskesmas, masih ada ODGJ yang telat minum obat, sehingga terjadinya kekambuhan dan perilaku yang mengancam lebih besar. Kesehatan jiwa masyarakat atau yang disebut Community Mental Health merupakan suatu hal yang telah menjadi bagian masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang dihadapi sebagian besar negara, data dari WHO Mental Health Atlas menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan besar di wilayah negara berkembang adalah sumber daya manusia. Kerjasama lintas sektoral, termasuk melibatkan peran serta masyarakat penting dilakukan, karena sumber daya masyarakat merupakan aspek paling vital dalam menyukseskan pelayanan kesehatan jiwa masyarakat dalam menciptakan masyarakat yang memiliki kesehatan mental yang baik. Sebagai perwujudan upaya tersebut maka dilakukan pembentukakan Pos Kesehatan Jiwa (Poskeswa). Poskeswa merupakan wadah untuk memberdayakan masyarakat sehingga masyarakat sadar, mau dan mampu mencegah serta mengatasi masalah kesehatan jiwa warganya, sehingga terwujud Desa/Kelurahan Sehat Jiwa. Poskeswa merupakan implementasi dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, khususnya bidang pengabdian masyarakat. Poskeswa diresmikan diawali beberapa beberapa kegiatan antara lain penyusunan buku pedoman kader kesehatan jiwa, pelatihan untuk 43 kader kesehatan jiwa, pembuatan video stigma ODGJ, pemberian sarana terapi modalitas berupa media cocok tanam dan budikdamber pada 10 orang ODGJ yang sudah hidup produktif. Melalui program ini diharapkan kesembuhan pasien gangguan jiwa tidak tergantung dengan obat-obatan saja, namun juga mendapatkan dukungan keluarga dan masyarakat. Selanjutnya para pasien mampu produktif mengembangkan keterampilan dan sebagainya. Keberlangsungan kegiatan Poskeswa dilakukan melalui peningkatan kerja sama lintas sektor dan lintas program dalam mendukung kemandirian ODGJ, keluarga dan masyarakat