123 research outputs found


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    Model Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) merupakan model regresi yang terdiri dari beberapa persamaan regresi (sistem persamaan regresi) yang saling berkorelasi . Mo del SUR digunakan apabila antar persamaan regresi terdapat korelasi contemporaneous. Model regresi linear dengan metode Ordinary Least Square (OLS) dapat digunakan untuk mengestimasi masing-masing persamaan regresi, tetapi metode ini tidak efisien karena mengabaikan informasi bahwa gala t antar persamaan saling berkorelasi. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini adalah menjelaskan prosedur analisi s pada model SUR dan menjelaskan contoh penerapan model SUR. Prosedur analisis pada model SUR adalah mengestimasi parameter persamaan regresi linear meng gunakan metode OLS , melakukan pengujian korelasi contemporaneous dengan statistik uji Lagrange Multiplier terhadap matriks variansi-kovariansi residual dari metode OLS . Mengestimasi dan menguji signifikansi model SUR metode Generalized Least Square apabila terdapat korelasi contemporaneous serta menguji asumsi galat model SUR metode Generalized Least Square sehingga diperoleh sistem persamaan regresi dugaan . Asumsi-asumsi galat pada model SUR meliputi galat berdistribusi normal multivariat, galat me miliki variansi konstan dan galat bersifat bebas. Dalam penulisan skripsi ini dibahas mengenai contoh penerapan model SUR metode Generalized Least Square pada data investasi perusahaan General Electric, U.S Steel , General Motor dan Westinghouse dengan variabel dependen investasi dan variabel independen market value of firm serta konsumsi. Variabel independen yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap variabel investasi adalah market value of firm dan konsumsi untuk perusahaan General Electric, konsumsi untuk perusahaan U.S Steel , market value of firm dan konsumsi untuk perusahaan General Motor, serta market value of firm dan konsumsi untuk perusahaan Westinghouse. Kata kunci :Seemingly Unrelated Regression, korelasi contemporaneous, Ordinary Least Square , uji Lagrange Multiplier, Generalized Least Square


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    Program KB yang dilakukan wanita yang tidak ingin punya anak lagi yaitu Medis Operatif Wanita (MOW), namun jumlah akseptor KB MOW tergolong rendah diantara jumlah akseptor KB lainnya karena berbagai faktor, salah satu diantaranya yaitu kurangnya pengetahuan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang pemilihan alat kontrasepsi MOW di BPS Lilik Farida Kemlaten Surabaya. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Populasinya adalah semua akseptor KB di BPS Lilik Farida sebesar 40 orang. Sampel semua akseptor KB sebesar 40 orang, di ambil dengan teknik total sampling. Variabelnya yaitu tingkat pengetahuan ibu. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, data diolah dengan cara editing, scoring, coding, tabulating. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik deskriptif dengan menggunakan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dari 40 responden, didapatkan sebagian kecil (15%) berpengetahuan baik, hampir setengahnya (30%) berpengetahuan cukup, dan sebagian besar (55%) berpengetahuan kurang. Simpulan penelitian ini bahwa gambaran tingkat pengetahuan ibu tentang pemilihan alat kontrasepsi MOW sebagian besar adalah kurang. Oleh karena itu tenaga kesehatan perlu lebih meningkatkan perannya dalam program penyuluhan dan konseling tentang pemilihan alat kontrasepsi MOW

    Input shaping and PID controller for rotary crane

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    The rotary cranes are widely used in common industrial structures such as construction sites and automotive tracks to transfer loads and materials. The rotary crane controlling process is difficult without method because the motion expected to be faster. One of the current problems in industry and building construction is that rotary cranes became larger and higher. So they need to be faster to achieve acceptable transfer times. But unfortunately, rotary cranes with large structures that are moving at high speed are always associated undesirable payload oscillations resulting from the system dynamics. The purpose of controlling the rotary crane is transporting the load faster without causing any excessive swing at the final position. Rotary cranes have very strong structures in order to lift heavy payloads. The oscillations of the loads must be reduced to prevent hazards for people and equipment in the work place. In this work, two types of controllers are studied which is input shaping and PID controller. The input shaping controller and PID controller is developed to control the horizontal motion of pendulum and arm position in rotary cranes to reduce the sway angle of the rope to its set point during the transportation process and time response specification. It is developed to control the sway of load to correcting the radial and rotational motion of cranes and the oscillation damping PID controllers for damping the oscillation angles of the loads. LabVIEW and MATLAB software was used to develop input shaping and Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller and to simulate the system response. The simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Photovoice Activities to Teach Writing for High School Students

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    Photovoice is reflective learning that engages learners' writing ability by having their literature from their experiences into perspective through photography. It is reflected in what happened, what has been done, or what is happening. The central premise of the study is that students have difficulty expressing their perspectives and creativity in literature. They are unable to brainstorm successfully in an online classroom because of individual factors. Photovoice is a relevant tool to engage students' motivation and writing ability since the photovoice role as guidance to write literature review by gathering ideas by their perspective and reflecting their voice to divide with others. Thus, this study aims to report that investigated photovoice activity to teach writing to high school students. The research was conducted in one of the Senior High schools in Yogyakarta. The data collected through photovoice and analyzed by using SHOWeD Analysis (1) what do you see here; (2) What is happening; (3) how does this relate to our lives; (4) why are things this way; (5) how could this image educate people


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    In today\u27s world of the fastest means of communication, one can reach one’s destination quite easily. However, the challenge is getting last-mile connectivity when traveling locally. Uber and local transport are there, but it takes time. In such a scenario, one will surely miss the car. A simple solution for these challenges is a car rental service. Easy Rides is a website that will help rent a car with a click. Here users are allowed to rent a car for the day or by the hour as per their requirements. This website also has a hosting functionality where users can host their cars. To do so, they must enroll their car in the car rent list and earn regular income. There are three users on the website. ➢ Renter – Navigate to choose the car of their choice and book it by making an advance rental payment. ➢ Owner – They can list their car in the marketplace, view the booking details, and post rental ratings ➢ Admin - must keep track of all users, including the Renter, Owner, The listed cars, and their bookings. After signing into the website, the user will land on the homepage. The homepage is made very interactive and userfriendly. In the homepage\u27s navigation menu, users can select various sections that will direct them to the different pages having unique functionality. The purpose of the Easy Rides service is to make last connectivity easy and economical. To develop the website, we use HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, and JavaScript for the front end. We use Java, Hibernate, and Rest APIs for the backend. Moreover, for storing data, we are using the MySQL database

    Learning: The role of aesthetics in education

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    The study is qualitative and it drew on the historical research method, descriptive and case study methods to examine the link between learning, art, and the creative nature of children. Its aim is totransmit the value of art in enhancing creativity through aesthetics in children and consequently enhance their learning. Thus, the study through the use of document analysis (analyzing the artworks of the children), what the children had to say about their works, interviews and the observation tools throws light on how effective learning could be when taken in the context of art to boostcreativity in children; and also enable the teacher to identify some activities that could or should be incorporated in the teaching of children. Since creativity is increasingly gaining recognition as ahuman characteristic that can be (and should be) developed through education, there is the need to make conscious efforts to develop children’s creativity and learning through art education. This way,teachers do not necessarily produce children who would by all means become artists but rather creative children who can transfer the skills they have learnt through art to other subject areas and in effect to all other facets of their lives


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    Downstreaming information of Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Technology (IAARD) technology is carried out, among others, through the Multi Channel Dissemination Spectrum (MCDS). The SDMC employs various dissemination channels and actors to accelerate technology dissemination. MCDS discussions at the operating level are limited especially on how it contributes to more technology adoption. Referring to the Agricultural Innovation System, an innovation arises due to support of various subsystems ranging from technology providers, carriers, users, markets, policies, and interactions among subsystems. Likewise, the MCDS should be supported by its subsystems for an effective dissemination. This paper aims to contribute ideas on subsystems requirements in the implementation of the MCDS and how these subsystems can drive the delivered technology information to be adopted by users. The supporting subsystems (planning, approaches in the implementation process, policies, infrastructure) for technology implementation are essential in dissemination activities. As a system, MCDS does not only focus on delivering IAARD’s technology information, but the success of technological innovation must be supported by dissemination planning and its subsystems, technology application ecosystem, and interaction between potential users and technology producers

    Evolusi Inovasi Pembangunan Pertanian di Badan Litbang Pertanian: dari Transfer Teknologi ke Sistem Inovasi

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    Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian (Badan Litbang Pertanian) telah empat dasawarsa lebih berperan mendukung pembangunan pertanian. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh kontribusinya terhadap penciptaan model-model pembangunan pertanian, pendampingan, dan diseminasi teknologi di lapangan. Aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh Badan Litbang Pertanian tersebut tidak terlepas dari dukungannya terhadap program-program Kementerian Pertanian. Di lain pihak, program yang dijalankan oleh Badan Litbang Pertanian tersebut mengikuti perkembangan konsep keilmuan yang ada, antara lain terkait dengan penciptaan inovasi pertanian. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana konsepsi inovasi berkembang di ranah keilmuan, serta bagaimana implikasinya terhadap penciptaan inovasi yang telah dan sedang berlangsung di Badan Litbang Pertanian, khususnya terkait dengan hilirisasi inovasi oleh BPTP. Telaahan juga akan mengulas bagaimana implikasi perkembangan keilmuan tentang konsepsi inovasi perdesaan tersebut terhadap kiprah kelembagaan Litbang untuk menciptakan inovasi berkelanjutan


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    Rumah Sakit Umum Aisyiyah adalah salah satu rumah sakit swasta tipe C di Ponorogo. Dalam kurun waktu 3 tahun (Tahun 2014-2016), nilai BOR di Ruang Rawat Inap dan Kandungan mengalami penurunan dan belum mencapai BOR ideal. Pada Tahun 2015-2016, nilai BOR menurun sebesar 7,31%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyusun rekomendasi upaya peningkatan admisi di ruang rawat inap kandungan dan kebidanan berdasarkan analisis service convenience. Metode penelitian: Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan rancang bangun cross sectional. Lokasi dan waktu penelitian adalah di ruang rawat inap kandungan dan kebidanan RSU Aisyiyah Ponorogo pada bulan November – Mei tahun 2018. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah pasien rawat inap yang sudah menjalani rawat inap minimal selama 24 jam dan pasien akan pulang. Teknik pengambilan sampel consecutive sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 90 orang. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas pasien memiliki penilaian yang baik terhadap decision convenience dan memiliki penilaian cukup baik terhadap access convenience, transaction convenience, benefit convenience dan post benefit convenience dan faktor rumah sakit (design system jasa). Hasil uji statistik regresi linier berganda menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh antara decision convenience (p=0,015, ß=0,218), transaction convenience (p=0,030, ß=0,179), benefit convenience (p=0,0001, ß=0,422) dan posbenefit convenience (p=0,001, ß=0,269) terhadap kepuasan pasien. Access convenience tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan pasien. Ada pengaruh antara decision convenience (p=0,0001, ß=0,347), access convenience (p=0,0001, ß=0,334), dan benefit convenience (p=0,035, ß=0,198) terhadap loyalitas. Namun tidak terdapat pengaruh antara transaction convenience dan post benefit convenience terhadap loyalitas serta terdapat pengaruh antara kepuasan terhadap loyalitas (p=0,0001, ß=0,545). Namun tidak terdapat pengaruh antara transaction convenience dan post benefit convenience terhadap loyalitas serta terdapat pengaruh antara kepuasan terhadap loyalitas. Rekomendasi untuk RSU Aisyiyah Ponorogo dalam rangka meningkatkan admisi adalah perbaikan dan penambahan sarana prasarana, peningkatan sumber daya manusia serta perbaikan sistem pelayanan
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