153 research outputs found

    Exactly solvable one-qubit driving fields generated via non-linear equations

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    Using the Hubbard representation for SU(2)SU(2) we write the time-evolution operator of a two-level system in the disentangled form. This allows us to map the corresponding dynamical law into a set of non-linear coupled equations. In order to find exact solutions, we use an inverse approach and find families of time-dependent Hamiltonians whose off-diagonal elements are connected with the Ermakov equation. The physical meaning of the so-obtained Hamiltonians is discussed in the context of the nuclear magnetic resonance phenomeno

    Minimal Renyi-Ingarden-Urbanik entropy of multipartite quantum states

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    We study the entanglement of a pure state of a composite quantum system consisting of several subsystems with dd levels each. It can be described by the R\'enyi-Ingarden-Urbanik entropy SqS_q of a decomposition of the state in a product basis, minimized over all local unitary transformations. In the case q=0q=0 this quantity becomes a function of the rank of the tensor representing the state, while in the limit qq \to \infty the entropy becomes related to the overlap with the closest separable state and the geometric measure of entanglement. For any bipartite system the entropy S1S_1 coincides with the standard entanglement entropy. We analyze the distribution of the minimal entropy for random states of three and four-qubit systems. In the former case the distributions of 33-tangle is studied and some of its moments are evaluated, while in the latter case we analyze the distribution of the hyperdeterminant. The behavior of the maximum overlap of a three-qudit system with the closest separable state is also investigated in the asymptotic limit.Comment: 19 page

    Communication Enhancement Through Quantum Coherent Control of NN Channels in an Indefinite Causal-order Scenario

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    In quantum Shannon theory, transmission of information is enhanced by quantum features. Up to very recently, the trajectories of transmission remained fully classical. Recently, a new paradigm was proposed by playing quantum tricks on two completely depolarizing quantum channels i.e. using coherent control in space or time of the two quantum channels. We extend here this control to the transmission of information through a network of an arbitrary number NN of channels with arbitrary individual capacity i.e. information preservation characteristics in the case of indefinite causal order. We propose a formalism to assess information transmission in the most general case of NN channels in an indefinite causal order scenario yielding the output of such transmission. Then we explicitly derive the quantum switch output and the associated Holevo limit of the information transmission for N=2N=2, N=3N=3 as a function of all involved parameters. We find in the case N=3N=3 that the transmission of information for three channels is twice of transmission of the two channel case when a full superposition of all possible causal orders is used

    The Effects of Coupling Adaptive Time-Stepping and Adjoint-State Methods for Optimal Control Problems

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    This thesis presents the implications of using adaptive time-stepping schemes with the adjoint-state method, a widely used algorithm for computing derivatives in optimal-control problems. Though we gain control over the accuracy of the timestepping scheme, the forward and adjoint time grids become mismatched. Despite this fact, I claim using adaptive time-stepping for optimal control problems is advantageous for two reasons. First, taking variable time-steps potentially reduces the computational cost and improves accuracy of the forward and adjoint equations' numerical solution. Second, by appropriately adjusting the tolerances of the timestepping scheme, convergence of the optimal control problem can be theoretically guaranteed via inexact Newton theory. I present proofs and computational results to support this claim

    Visualización de la información para la Hermenéutica del Proceso de Ideación en Diseño

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    The idea is an essential resource in the act of design, but its definition is confusing whether we use it in a didactic way, in the processes that involve praxis or as a mere general term. There are different conceptual and theoretical meanings, some similar and others that differ between authors or design professionals. The different interpretations of the idea and how to generate it lead to a certain vagueness in its definition and therefore to a certain confusion.   The conceptual and theoretical differences found about the term “idea” allowed to select it as the central theme of this research, the location of different sources of information that mention the concept or similar make its analysis complex since the concept is not isolated and interacts with others. In this research, the Hermeneutical Circle is adopted for the construction of knowledge that is constituted through a continuous process of interpretation and continuous reinterpretation of the information that results in findings that help to understand a phenomenon in a deep way. Information Visualization is used to visually bring the different interactions between concepts closer together, in such a way that they enable a theoretical description of the Ideation Process.   Finally, based on the information displayed, a Theoretical Scheme is proposed that helps to explain the different interpretations, interactions, and relationships that the Ideation Process has with other concepts.La idea es un recurso esencial en el acto del diseño, pero su definición es confusa en tanto si la usamos en forma didáctica, en los procesos que involucran la praxis o como mera definición general. Existen diferentes acepciones conceptuales y teóricas, algunas similares y otras que difieren entre autores o profesionales del diseño. Las distintas interpretaciones de la idea y cómo generarla conllevan a cierta vaguedad en su definición y por tanto a una cierta confusión. Las diferencias conceptuales y teóricas acerca de la idea permitieron seleccionarla como tema central de esta investigación, la localización de distintas fuentes de información que mencionan el concepto o similar hacen complejo su análisis ya que el concepto no está aislado e interactúa con otros.  En la presente investigación se adopta el Círculo Hermenéutico para la construcción de conocimiento que se constituye mediante un proceso continuo de interpretación y reinterpretación continua de la información que da como resultado hallazgos que ayudan a comprender de manera profunda un fenómeno. Se recurre a la Visualización de la Información para acercar visualmente las diferentes interacciones entre conceptos, de tal manera que posibiliten una descripción teórica del Proceso de Ideación. Finalmente a partir de la informacion visualizada se propone un Esquema Teórico que ayuda a explicar teóricamente las distintas interpretaciones, interacciones, relaciones que guarda el Proceso de Ideación con otros conceptos


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    El objetivo de ésta tesis fue evaluar el nivel de vulnerabilidad sísmica del Hospital Nacional Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo con la finalidad de reforzarlo con disipadores de energía que le permitan a la estructura un mayor amortiguamiento ante un eventual evento sísmico, y, por ende, una menor deriva que le permita cumplir con la deriva máxima de entrepiso dado en la Norma E-030 2016 del Reglamento Nacional de edificaciones. Entonces la evaluación sísmica del hospital “Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo” y su reforzamiento con disipadores de energía logrará una disminución de derivas de entrepiso. Se hizo la selección de un tipo de disipador teniendo en consideración la mayor reducción de derivas. Cabe señalar que también se realizaron los planos de estructuras, ya que la entidad, en estudio, no contaba con dicha información necesaria para la presente tesis. Mediante el método de Hirosawa se concluyó que los cuatro bloques son vulnerables, esto conllevó a realizar una propuesta de reforzamiento. La respuesta dinámica de la estructura se calculó mediante un análisis tiempo-historia no lineal que es el análisis más completo que presenta el programa ETABS v.16.2 además de ser uno de los procedimientos no lineales de la norma ASCE 7-10 en su capítulo 18 para estructuras con sistemas de disipación y ser aceptado por la norma E.030 2016. Para este análisis fue necesario obtener 3 registros de aceleración reales, siendo lo mínimo que exige el ASCE 7-10 y la norma E.030 2016, y escalarlos a través de SeismoMatch a un espectro objetivo con un coeficiente de reducción R=1. Se utilizó cuatro tipos de disipadores; de fluido viscoso, viscoelásticos, de fricción y por plastificación de metales, siendo el de fluido Viscoso el que presentó mayor disipación de energía y mayor reducción de derivas. Se recomienda el uso de equipos sofisticados para medir de manera más exacta la vulnerabilidad del hospital.Tesi

    Diseño y construcción de un prototipo para la obtención de polvo metalico a partir de la viruta generada de los procesos de mecanizado del CIRT unidad de negocios Hidroagoyan.

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    En la propuesta tecnológica que se presenta, se realizó el diseño y construcción del prototipo para la obtención de polvo metálico a partir de la viruta generada del proceso de mecanizado, para lo cual fue necesario el análisis bibliográfico y estudio de las técnicas de obtención de polvo, se selecciona la alternativa más conveniente para lograr dicho objetivo mediante el uso de la matriz QFD y método de los criterios ponderados, el molino planetario de bolas, luego se procedió al diseño mecánico y selección de cada elemento que conforma el prototipo, usando herramientas de simulación: SOLIDWORKS, ANSYS, ADAMS Y SAP2000. Posteriormente se desarrolló los planos de los elementos, mediante la elaboración de flujogramas de procesos se realizó dicha construcción y montaje del prototipo. Las pruebas de funcionamiento se realizaron con bronce, acero de transmisión y Acero ASTM A743, a una capacidad máxima de alimentación de 220 gr y una velocidad de 400 RPM durante dos, cuatro y cinco horas, con 25 bolas de acero templado de 20 mm durante la primera y segunda hora de molienda, usando en el tiempo restante 100 de ϕ10 mm, posteriormente se tamizo el polvo teniendo 153 gr de bronce entre 0,6 a 0,06 mm y 69 gr ≤ a 0,06 mm de donde el 57,14% está en un rango de 2,49 a 9,74 µm, en el de transmisión se tiene 143 gr entre 0,4 a 0,06 mm y 76 gr debajo de estos límites con un 58,57% entre 1,02 a 4,72 µm, en el inoxidable 129 gr tienen de 1 a 0,06 mm de donde 86 gr son menores con un 78,57% entre 2,13 a 8,45 µm, se concluye entonces que si es posible obtener polvo metálico de acero inoxidable especialmente. Se sugiere seguir las recomendaciones presentadas con el fin de ampliar esta investigación.In the technological proposal presented, the design and construction of the prototype were carried out to obtain metallic powder from the chip generated from the machining process, For which it was necessary the bibliographic analysis and study of the techniques of obtaining a powder, the most convenient alternative is selected to achieve this objective through the use of the QFD matrix and the weighted criteria method, the planetary ball mill. Then it proceeded to the mechanical design and selection of each element that makes up the prototype, using simulation tools: SOLIDWORKS, ANSYS, ADAMS and SAP2000. Subsequently, the plans of the elements were developed through the elaboration of processes flowcharts, the construction and assembly of the prototype were carried out. The functional tests were performance tests with bronze, transmission steel and Steel ASTM A743, at a maximum supply capacity of 220 gr and a speed of 400 RPM for two, four and five hours, with 25 tempered steel balls of 20 mm during the first and second grinding hours, used in the remaining time 100 of φ10 mm. Afterward the powder was sieved having 153 gr of bronze between 0,6 to 0,06 mm and 69 gr ≤ to 0,06 mm of where the 57 , 14% is in a range of 2.49 to 9.74 μm, in the transmission there is 143 gr between 0.4 to 0.06 mm and 76 gr below these limits with 58.57% between 1, 02 to 4.72 μm, in the stainless 129 gr have from 1 to 0.06 mm where 86 g are smaller with 78.57% between 2.13 to 8.45 μm, it is concluded that if it is possible to obtain stainless steel metallic powder especially. It is suggested to follow the recommendations presented in order to expand this investigation

    How hot can mitochondria be? Incubation at temperatures above 43 °C induces the degradation of respiratory complexes and supercomplexes in intact cells and isolated mitochondria

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    Mitochondrial function generates an important fraction of the heat that contributes to cellular and organismal temperature maintenance, but the actual values of this parameter reached in the organelles is a matter of debate. The studies addressing this issue have reported divergent results: from detecting in the organelles the same temperature as the cell average or the incubation temperature, to increasing differences of up to 10 degrees above the incubation value. Theoretical calculations based on physical laws exclude the possibility of relevant temperature gradients between mitochondria and their surroundings. These facts have given rise to a conundrum or paradox about hot mitochondria. We have examined by Blue-Native electrophoresis, both in intact cells and in isolated organelles, the stability of respiratory complexes and supercomplexes at different temperatures to obtain information about their tolerance to heat stress. We observe that, upon incubation at values above 43 °C and after relatively short periods, respiratory complexes, and especially complex I and its supercomplexes, are unstable even when the respiratory activity is inhibited. These results support the conclusion that high temperatures (>43 °C) cause damage to mitochondrial structure and function and question the proposal that these organelles can physiologically work at close to 50 °C

    Comprehensive Quantification of the Modified Proteome Reveals Oxidative Heart Damage in Mitochondrial Heteroplasmy

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    Post-translational modifications hugely increase the functional diversity of proteomes. Recent algorithms based on ultratolerant database searching are forging a path to unbiased analysis of peptide modifications by shotgun mass spectrometry. However, these approaches identify only one-half of the modified forms potentially detectable and do not map the modified residue. Moreover, tools for the quantitative analysis of peptide modifications are currently lacking. Here, we present a suite of algorithms that allows comprehensive identification of detectable modifications, pinpoints the modified residues, and enables their quantitative analysis through an integrated statistical model. These developments were used to characterize the impact of mitochondrial heteroplasmy on the proteome and on the modified peptidome in several tissues from 12-week-old mice. Our results reveal that heteroplasmy mainly affects cardiac tissue, inducing oxidative damage to proteins of the oxidative phosphorylation system, and provide a molecular mechanism explaining the structural and functional alterations produced in heart mitochondria.We thank Simon Bartlett (CNIC) for English editing. This study was supported by competitive grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (BIO2015-67580-P) through the Carlos III Institute of Health-Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria (PRB2, IPT13/0001-ISCIII-SGEFI/FEDER; ProteoRed), by Fundacion La Marato TV3, and by FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN ``Next-Generation Training in Cardiovascular Research and Innovation-Cardionext.'' N.B. is a FP7-PEOPLE-2013-ITN-Cardionext Fellow. The CNIC is supported by the MINECO and the Pro-CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (MINECO Award SEV-2015-0505).S