1,006 research outputs found

    Quantitative Metathesis in the Dialect of Cos: Ionic Influence or Local Feature?

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    En este trabajo se discute el adjetivo τέλεως y la llamada «metátesis de cantidad» (βασιλῆος > βασιλέως) en el antiguo dialecto dorio de Cos. Tras presentar los datos de que disponemos, el autor rechaza las teorías que atribuyen el fenómeno a un influjo del dialecto jonio y aporta argumentos que muestran que se trata con toda probabilidad de un proceso autóctono de la islaIn this paper the author discusses the adjective τέλεως and the «quantitative metathesis» of the type βασιλῆος > βασιλέως in the Ancient Greek Doric dialect of Cos. After presenting the available data, the author refutes the hypothesis that explain this feature as an influence of the nearby Ionic dialect and he provides arguments that prove that the «quantitative metathesis» is a local feature of the dialect of the islan

    Consideraciones sobre la unidad dialectal de la Argólide

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    In this paper the author re-examines the question of the dialectal position of Argolis. After establishing the features that the nuclei of Argolis do and do not share, the author concludes that the Argolis became a dialectal unit post c. 1200 B.C, but the main nuclei split into different dialectal units before c. 800 B.C.En este artículo el autor reexamina la cuestión de la posición dialectal de la Argólide. Tras establecer las características que los núcleos de la Argólide comparten y las que los diferencian, el autor llega a la conclusión de que la Argólide pasó a ser una única unidad dialectal post ca. 1200 a. C., pero más tarde los principales núcleos se separaron en diferentes unidades dialectales antes de ca. 800 a. C

    Notas sobre onomástica argiva: Ἀραἷνος (Seg XI, 239)

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    En este trabajo se investiga sobre el nombre Ἀραἷνος, que se lee en una inscripción arcaica de Argos. Tras analizar detalladamente las diferentes posibilidades de interpretación, el autor llega a la conclusión de que se trata del nombre originario del río Ἐρασῖνος de Argos.In this paper it is examined the name Ἀραἷνος, read in an archaic inscription from Argos. After a detailed analysis of the different possibilities, the author reaches the conclusion that Ἀραἷνος is the original name of the argive river Ἐρασῖνος.Este trabajo se enmarca dentro del proyecto FFI 2009-07645, financiado por el Ministerio Español de Ciencia y Tecnología

    On sets of points with few ordinary hyperplanes

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    Let SS be a set of nn points in the projective dd-dimensional real space RPd\mathbb{RP}^d such that not all points of SS are contained in a single hyperplane and such that any subset of dd points of SS span a hyperplane. Let an ordinary hyperplane of SS be an hyperplane of RPd\mathbb{RP}^d containing exactly dd points of SS. In this paper we study the minimum number of ordinary hyperplanes spanned by any set SS of nn points in 44 dimensions, following the work of Ben Green and Terence Tao in the planar version of the problem, as well as the work of Simeon Ball in the 33 dimensional case. We classify the sets of points in 44 dimensions that span few ordinary hyperplanes, showing that if SS is a set spanning less than Kn3Kn^3 ordinary hyperplanes, for some K=o(n16)K = o(n^{\frac{1}{6}}), then all but O(K)O(K) points of SS must be contained in the intersection of 55 linearly independent quadrics

    Invariants of binary forms

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    In this work we want to give an introduction to the theory of invariants for binary forms, in order to later try to give a solution to some complex computational problems about invariants. The theory of invariants will be explained as viewed from its classical point of view, as it was studied by Hilbert (the main reference of this thesis), and we will explain all the concepts and results we consider necessaries for a basic understanding of the theory and for the approach to the problems we will implement. After the theory is exposed, we explain the computational problems we have faced in the thesis, and for which we have implemented a solution in Sage. We explain the details of the problems, as well as some details about our approach to the problems

    Notes about the dialect of Cleonas and Nemea

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    En las inscripciones dialectales de Cleonas y su santuario en Nemea pueden identificarse dos dialectos diferentes, esto es, el argivo de Argos y otro similar al corintio. La coexistencia de ambos dialectos se justifica por las circunstancias históricas de la zona. El propósito de este artículo es establecer los rasgos lingüísticos del dialecto originario de Cleonas-Nemea.In the dialectal incriptions found at Kleonai and at its nearby sanctuary, Nemea, two different dialects can be identified: the argive of Argos and one similar to Corinthian. The coexistence of the two dialects in this region is justified on historical grounds. This paper aims to establish the linguistic features of the original dialect of Cleonas-Nemea

    Strengthening public health research for improved health

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    Research in public health is a range that includes from fundamental research to research in clinical practice, includingnovel advances, evaluation of results and their spreading. Actually, public health research is consideredmultidisciplinary incorporating numerous factors in its development. Establishing as a mainstay the scientific method,deepens in basic research, clinical epidemiological research and health services. The premise of quality and relevanceis reflected in international scientific research, and in the daily work and good biomedical practices that should beincluded in the research as a common task. Therefore, the research must take a proactive stance of inquiry, integratinga concern planned and ongoing development of knowledge. This requires improve international coordination, seeking abalance between basic and applied research as well as science and technology. Thus research cannot be consideredwithout innovation, weighing up the people and society needs

    Dialecto local y dialecto épico en las inscripciones métricas de la Argólide

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    En este trabajo analizamos las inscripciones métricas de la Argólide anteriores a ca. 400 a. C. Pese al influjo generalizado de la poesía jonia, los rasgos dialectales de estos documentos coinciden con los que aparecen en las inscripciones contemporáneas en prosa. En contra de algunas opiniones anteriores, llegamos a la conclusión de que los epigramas de la Argólide no evitan emplear el dialecto local deliberadamente.In this paper we analyze the metrical inscriptions from Argolis prior to ca. 400 a. C. Although the influence of Ionian poetry is pervasive, the dialectal features in these documents match those appearing in contemporary prose inscriptions. Contrary to some previous research, we conclude that the epigrams from Argolis do not deliberately avoid using the local dialect