574 research outputs found

    Diseño y aplicación de e-rúbricas a la evaluación de las prácticas en especialidades de ciencias del Máster en Profesorado de Secundaria

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    Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de un Proyecto de Innovación Educativa de la Universidad de Málaga que persigue mejorar la evaluación de las prácticas del Máster en Profesorado de Secundaria. Se presenta el diseño y la revisión de tres e-rúbricas (a través de la aplicación CoRubric) de evaluación de competencias profesionales en las prácticas del Máster. Para ello, partiendo del documento oficial de evaluación de las prácticas del Máster se han añadido niveles de logro concretos para las valoraciones de cada indicador de competencia. Como propuestas de mejora se plantean unificar las e-rúbricas en una única que facilite su integración y diseñar un cuestionario de usabilidad y satisfacción que permita detectar dificultades, así como organizar la aplicación CoRubric para facilitar la interactividad a través de anotaciones entre los perfiles implicados

    Teaching students about chemical elements using daily-life contexts

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    Learning the names and symbols for chemical elements is a task that students often find dull, although it is of crucial importance for understanding chemistry. In this respect, the use of games or similar play activities could make the learning experience more enjoyable. This paper presents the results of a study in which two tasks involving play (TIPs) and based on daily-life contexts (football and the home) were used to teach the names and symbols of chemical elements. The experimental group comprised 38 year-10 students who studied this topic through a teaching unit built around the TIPs. A control group of 67 year-10 students followed a traditional teaching approach to the same topic. The effectiveness of the TIPs was assessed using three items, administered pre- and post-test, that explored students’ knowledge about metallic and non-metallic elements and their ability to identify them in their everyday environment. Following the TIP-based teaching unit, students in the experimental group gave a higher percentage of appropriate answers, with the Wilcoxon test indicating significant post-test differences for all three items. However, the Kolgomorov-Smirnov test indicated that the experimental and control groups only differed significantly at post-test in their ability to give the names and symbols of non-metals, with the experimental group performing better. Memorising the names and symbols of chemical elements is a complex task for students, and identifying their presence in everyday environments appears to be particularly difficult. However, the results suggest that the use of TIPs linked to daily-life contexts could help students with their learning of this topic.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto ‘I+D Excelencia’ EDU2013-41952-

    El proyecto We Act como marco para formar ciudadanos competentes a través del activismo colectivo basado en la investigación

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    Se analiza y discute el marco del proyecto “We Act - Promoting Collective Activism on Socio-Scientific Issues- en el que se realizan acciones informadas y negociadas sobre controversias sociocientíficas y socio-ambientales con estudiantes de distintos países, como una oportunidad para 1) la promoción de un aprendizaje activo basado en la investigación sobre controversias de la vida real; 2) la estimulación de la participación de los estudiantes en la acción colectiva y democrática de resolución de problemas; y 3) el apoyo a las dos primeras áreas con iniciativas que relacionan arte y Web 2.0; 4) el desarrollo de cinco aspectos competenciales del ámbito científico-tecnológico que deberían formar parte del bagaje de cualquier ciudadano/a según los expertos de un estudio Delphi.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Some relevant questions in science education from the perspective Science- Technology-Society

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    En este artículo se analizan algunas de las respuestas que se dan en la actualidad a tres preguntas clásicas en la enseñanza de las ciencias: por qué enseñar ciencias, qué ciencia enseñar, y cómo enseñarla, desde una perspectiva Ciencia-Tecnología-Sociedad (CTS). Se argumenta sobre la necesidad de preparar a los futuros ciudadanos para tomar decisiones responsables en asuntos relacionados con la ciencia y la tecnología en la sociedad del siglo XXI, y la conveniencia de utilizar problemas socio-científicos en el aula de ciencias. Finalmente, el análisis es ejemplificado en dos casos: el consumo de alimentos y el consumo de energía.In this article, some of the answers given at this time to three classic questions related to science teaching: why teach science?, what kind of science to teach?, and how to teach it?, are analyzed from a Science-Technology- Society perspective (STS). It argues for the need to prepare future citizens to make responsible decisions on matters related to science and technology in the XXI century, and the convenience of using socio-scientific issues in the science classroom. Finally, the analysis is exemplified in two cases: food consumption and energy consumption

    Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in its westernmost biogeographical limit (northwestern Alboran Sea): Meadows characterisation, phenology and flowering events

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    Mateo-Ramírez A, Urra J, Rueda J, Marina, Bañares-España E, García Raso E. (2016) Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile in its westernmost biogeographical limit (northwestern Alboran Sea): Meadows characterisation, phenology and flowering events. Front. Mar, Sci. Conference Abstract: XIX Iberian Symposium on Marine Biology Studies. doi: 10.3389/conf.FMARS.2016.05.00055Posidonia oceanica is a Mediterranean endemic seagrass species that forms meadows covering ca. 2.5–4.5 millions of hectares, representing ca.25 % of the infralittoral and shallow circalittoral (down to 50m) bottoms of the Mediterranean. This seagrass is considered a habitat-engineer species and provides an elevated number of ecosystem services. In addition the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/EC) includes seagrass like elements to evaluate the “Good Environmental Status” of the European coasts. Information about their phenological characteristic and structure of the meadows is needed for indicator estimations in order to establish their conservation status. The studied meadows are located in the westernmost limit of the P. oceanica distribution (North-western Alboran Sea) in the vecinity of the Strait of Gibraltar, an Atlantic-Mediterranean water transition area. Four sites were selected from East to West: Paraje Natural de Acantilados de Maro-Cerro Gordo (hereafter Maro), Special Area of Conservation “Calahonda” (hereafter Calahonda), Site of Community Importance Estepona (hereafter Estepona) and Punta Chullera (hereafter Chullera) where P. oceanica present their westernmost meadows. Phenological data were recorded from mid November to mid December in P. oceanica patches located at 2 – 3 m depth. At each site three types of patches (patch area 2 m2, large patches) were sampled. At each patch and site, 3 quadrants of 45 x 45 cm were sampled for shoot and inflorescences density measurements. In each quadrant, 10 random shoots were sampled for shoot morphology (shoot height and number of leaves). Shoot and inflorescences densities were standardized to squared meters. All the studied P. oceanica meadows develop on rocks and they present a fragmented structure with a coverage ranging between ca. 45% in Calahonda and Estepona and ca. 31% in Maro. The meadows of Chullera are reduced to a few small - medium patches with areas ranging between 0.5-1.5 m2 (Fig. 1). The meadows of Chullera and Estepona presented similar values of shoot density (ca. 752 – 662 shoots m-2, respectively) and leaf height (ca. 25 cm). Similarly, the Calahonda and Maro meadows also showed similar values of shoot density (ca. 510 – 550 shoots m-2, respectively) but displaying lower values than those of sites located closer to the Strait of Gibraltar. Regarding patch sizes and leaf height, the longest leaves (ca. 25 cm) were found in medium and large patches, but the number of leaves per shoot were higher in the small and the medium size patches (ca. 6.3 leaves per shoot). Flowering was only detected at the Calahonda meadows with maximum values of ca. 330 inflorescences m-2 (115.2 ± 98.2 inflorescences m-2, n= 9; mean ± SD) (Fig.1). Inflorescence density was not significant different among patches of different sizes. In the Alboran Sea and unlike the studied meadows, extensive beds of P. oceanica occur at the National Park of Cabo de Gata (northeastern Alboran Sea), but from east to west (Strait of Gibraltar), meadows are gradually fragmenting and their depth range decrease from 30m to 2m depth between Cabo de Gata and Chullera, respectively. Probably, the Atlantic influence and the characteristic oceanographic conditions of the Alboran Sea (i.e., higher turbidity, higher water turbulence) represent a developmental limiting factor for P. oceanica at higher depths. Similarities between the meadows located closer to Strait of Gibraltar (Chullera and Estepona) were detected as well as between those more distant (Calahonda and Maro). The first ones showed higher values of shoot densities and leaf heights than the formers, which could be relating to the higher hydrodynamic exposure found at Chullera and Estepona meadows. Regarding flowering events, sexual reproduction in P. oceanica is not common in different locations of the Mediterranean Sea. The available information seems to indicate that flowering represent an irregular event and it is related to high seawater temperature. In fact, the flowering episodes that occurred in Calahonda in November 2015, match with the warmest year ever recorded. This is the third flowering event registered in these meadows located close to the westernmost distributional limit of P. oceanica (Málaga, Alboran Sea), which could indicates that these meadows presents a healthy status. Furthermore, the absence of significant differences in relation to inflorescence density between patches of different sizes may be indicating that the fragmentation does not necessarily influence on the flowering of this seagrass species.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Uso de Internet para analizar las relaciones entre drogas y salud bucodental. Una experiencia en 4º de ESO

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    La salud se considera un tema prioritario en la educación. Por este motivo, dentro del seno de un proyecto de investigación de la Universidad de Málaga para el desarrollo de la competencia científica, se ha diseñado e implementado una unidad didáctica para concienciar al alumnado de secundaria de la importancia de la salud e higiene bucodental. Una de las tareas de dicha unidad gira en torno a la influencia del consumo del alcohol, el tabaco y otras drogas en la aparición de la caries. Se pretende que el alumnado sea capaz de interesarse y reflexionar sobre la influencia de este tipo de drogas en la salud bucodental basándose en datos, así como de analizar y valorar la credibilidad y fiabilidad de los datos y evidencias disponibles en Internet sobre dicha relación. El trabajo tenía que concretarse en un informe escrito y en una exposición oral. Se ha realizado el seguimiento de su puesta en práctica con dos grupos de 4º de E.S.O. mediante las grabaciones en vídeo de algunas clases, el diario del profesor y las producciones de los alumnos. En esta comunicación se presentan los resultados obtenidos con respecto a la segunda finalidad de esta tarea que muestran que la mayoría de los alumnos son capaces, con las ayudas pertinentes, de valorar adecuadamente la fiabilidad de las fuentes de Internet, a la vez que toman conciencia de que el consumo de drogas es perjudicial para su propia salud.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Video Annotations for the Development of Environmental Citizenship during Initial Teacher Education

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    The social and environmental issues facing society call for changes in educational ap- proaches. The massive use of video as a resource for dissemination on social networks calls for further analysis and reflection in education. A video analysis activity using annotations with the CoAn- notation.com platform to develop environmental citizenship is presented. In total, 104 preservice elementary teachers participated in work at Malaga University (Spain). The examined socio-scientific issue was related to illegal mining in Venezuela. Students were able to identify environmental, health, and cultural issues, in this order. The video annotation helped discuss and map a socio-scientific problem to facilitate the analysis of its complexity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of pre-service elementary science treachers about a progamme of initiation to activism throught the production of videos on local problems.

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    This paper describes the implementation of a science-based activism training programme with pre-service elementary science teachers at the University of Malaga (Spain). The programme consists of three phases: I) Presentation of a video on illegal mining in Venezuela as an example of awareness-raising; II) Explanation and investigation of a local problem; III) Creation and projection of activist videos. This paper also shows the students' perceptions of the training programme obtained from the analysis of their responses to an assessment questionnaire. Students show a positive attitude towards the development of science-based activism in primary classrooms and especially value the training programme's focus on nearby problems. The greatest difficulties were encountered in the production of the videos. Finally, students make a final consideration in relation to the improvement of the program, especially in relation to the time and orientations for producing the videosThis work is part of the ‘I+D Excelencia’ Project “Development of skills in problems of daily life through scientific practices of argumentation, inquiry and modelling in secondary and university education” (EDU2017-82197-P), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Finance through its 2017 research call