136 research outputs found

    Membrane analogy for the solution of the age-diffusion equation

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    The Fall

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    Superconducting coils for shielding in space

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    Generalized Jensen-Shannon Divergence Loss for Learning with Noisy Labels

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    Prior works have found it beneficial to combine provably noise-robust loss functions e.g., mean absolute error (MAE) with standard categorical loss function e.g. cross entropy (CE) to improve their learnability. Here, we propose to use Jensen-Shannon divergence as a noise-robust loss function and show that it interestingly interpolate between CE and MAE with a controllable mixing parameter. Furthermore, we make a crucial observation that CE exhibit lower consistency around noisy data points. Based on this observation, we adopt a generalized version of the Jensen-Shannon divergence for multiple distributions to encourage consistency around data points. Using this loss function, we show state-of-the-art results on both synthetic (CIFAR), and real-world (e.g., WebVision) noise with varying noise rates.Comment: Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2021

    Logistic-Normal Likelihoods for Heteroscedastic Label Noise

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    A natural way of estimating heteroscedastic label noise in regression is to model the observed (potentially noisy) target as a sample from a normal distribution, whose parameters can be learned by minimizing the negative log-likelihood. This formulation has desirable loss attenuation properties, as it reduces the contribution of high-error examples. Intuitively, this behavior can improve robustness against label noise by reducing overfitting. We propose an extension of this simple and probabilistic approach to classification that has the same desirable loss attenuation properties. Furthermore, we discuss and address some practical challenges of this extension. We evaluate the effectiveness of the method by measuring its robustness against label noise in classification. We perform enlightening experiments exploring the inner workings of the method, including sensitivity to hyperparameters, ablation studies, and other insightful analyses

    Deep Double Descent via Smooth Interpolation

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    The ability of overparameterized deep networks to interpolate noisy data, while at the same time showing good generalization performance, has been recently characterized in terms of the double descent curve for the test error. Common intuition from polynomial regression suggests that overparameterized networks are able to sharply interpolate noisy data, without considerably deviating from the ground-truth signal, thus preserving generalization ability. At present, a precise characterization of the relationship between interpolation and generalization for deep networks is missing. In this work, we quantify sharpness of fit of the training data interpolated by neural network functions, by studying the loss landscape w.r.t. to the input variable locally to each training point, over volumes around cleanly- and noisily-labelled training samples, as we systematically increase the number of model parameters and training epochs. Our findings show that loss sharpness in the input space follows both model- and epoch-wise double descent, with worse peaks observed around noisy labels. While small interpolating models sharply fit both clean and noisy data, large interpolating models express a smooth loss landscape, where noisy targets are predicted over large volumes around training data points, in contrast to existing intuition

    Security Enhancement of E-Voting System

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    The term E-Votingǁ is used in variety of different ways and it encompasses all voting techniques involving electronic voting equipments, voting over the internet, using electronic booths in polling stations and sometimes even counting of paper ballots. A voting system that can be proven correct has many concerns. The basic reasons for a government to use electronic systems are to increase election activities and to reduce the election expenses. Still there is some scope of work in electronic voting system in terms of checking the authenticity of voters and securing electronic voting machine from miscreants. Biometrics is automated tool for verifying the identity of a person based on a physiological or behavioral characteristic. It has the capability to reliably distinguish between an authorized person and an imposter. Since biometric characteristics are distinctive, can not be forgotten or lost and the person to be authenticated needs to be physically present at the point of identification, biometrics is inherently more reliable and more capable than traditional knowledgebased and token-based techniques. In this paper, we have proposed a model to enhance the security of electronic voting system by incorporating fast and accurate biometric technique to prevent an unauthorized person to vote


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    Tinnitus is a prevalent experience and, for those who are troubled by it, it can be debilitating. Risk factors include hearing loss, ototoxic medication, head injury and depression, and at presentation the possibility of otologic disease and of anxiety/depression should be considered. Effective drug treatments have proven elusive, though this is a vibrant theme in tinnitus research. Surgical intervention for any otological pathology associated with tinnitus may be effective for that condition, but the tinnitus may persist. Presently available treatments include the provision of hearing aids when a hearing loss is identified (even when mild or unilateral), wide band sound therapy and counselling. In some patients, cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is indicated though availability of tinnitus specific CBT is limited in the UK. Of these treatments the evidence base is strongest for a combination of sound therapy and CBT based counselling, though clinical trials are constrained by the heterogeneity of the tinnitus patient population. Research into mechanisms of tinnitus and effective treatments now abounds, and progress is keenly anticipated

    Childrens experiences of radiographic examinations and what as a radiographer you should take with you when meeting with acute ill children - A litterature review

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    Bakgrund: Barn kommer ofta akut till röntgen och som legitimerad röntgensjuksköterska har man som skyldighet vÀrna om en god omvÄrdnad och hÄlla strÄldoser nere. Barn Àr mycket strÄlkÀnsliga och har högre risk att drabbas av stokastiska effekter av strÄlning Àn vuxna. NÀr ett barn Àr stressat och otryggt kan detta försvÄra undersökningar och bidra till onödigt förhöjda strÄldoser. Med sin kommunikation och genom avledning kan man hjÀlpa barnet att kÀnna trygghet. Syfte: Att med denna studie ta reda pÄ barns upplevelser av akuta röntgenundersökningar och vad man som röntgensjuksköterska bör ha med sig nÀr man trÀffar barn pÄ röntgen. Metod: Detta examensarbete Àr en litteraturstudie dÀr 13 artiklar av kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats har analyserats för att svara till arbetets syfte. Resultat: I resultatet framkom tvÄ huvudsakliga kÀnslor barn hade i samband med sin akuta röntgenundersökning. KÀnslan av rÀdsla och oro, och kÀnslan av trygghet. Saker som kan pÄverka dessa upplevelser visade sig vara röntgensjuksköterskan sÀtt att informera och kommunicera, förÀldrarnas nÀrvaro och miljön pÄ röntgen. Det man utifrÄn barnens upplevelser som röntgensjuksköterska bör ha med sig var tÀnka pÄ sin teknik nÀr man informerar och ge den till barnet pÄ ett sÀtt som barnet förstÄr. Att distrahera kan hjÀlpa till att fÄ barnet att tÀnka pÄ nÄgot annat Àn sin smÀrta. Att ge barnet uppmÀrksamhet var ocksÄ nÄgot som ingav trygghet likasÄ att verka för god omvÄrdnad och se till barnet och dess behov som en enskild individ. Konklusion: Man bör ta lÀrdom av barnens upplevelser pÄ röntgen i ett fortsatt arbete med individanpassad omvÄrdnad. Det Àr en röntgensjuksköterskas skyldighet att strÀva efter att barn skall fÄ en positiv upplevelse pÄ röntgen samtidigt som strÄldoserna skall hÄllas nere. Om man fÄr barnet att kÀnna trygghet kan man dÀrmed uppnÄ mÄlet med en god omvÄrdnad och en sÀker vÄrd
