38 research outputs found

    Estadocentrismo, sociocentrismo y estatismo en la construcción de paz posbélica

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    Este artículo cuestiona la interpretación según la cual el consenso sobre la paz liberal estaría constituido por un discurso liberal-conservador estadocéntrico y uno transformador sociocéntrico. Sostiene que el distinguir entre estadocentrismo y estatismo revela una predisposición estatista compartida por las visiones conservadora, liberal y transformadora de la construcción de paz, al tiempo que esclarece ciertos aspectos del giro a la construcción del Estado. También se relaciona el "sociocentrismo estatista" de la construcción de paz transformadora a una herencia marxista instrumentalista, y se clasifica las nuevas críticas a la paz liberal dentro de un sociocentrismo post-liberal o un estadocentrismo crítico

    A new accounting framework for assessing forest footprint of nations

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    n a tele-coupled and globalized World, understanding the links between demand for wood products and land use is becoming challenging. World's economies are increasingly open and interconnected, and international trade flows of wood products are continuously growing. The increasing resource consumption of humanity is increasingly dependent on international trade. In this context, the study of forest products demand from a global-multi-regional perspective emerges as a critical issue to achieve the goal of sustainable consumption and production. In this paper, we introduce a novel accounting framework for assessing the forest footprint of nations. The method combines Multi-regional Input-Output techniques and detailed data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on production, consumption and bilateral trade of primary, intermediate and final wood products, advancing with respect to existing approaches with these practical distinctions for more accurate computations. The approach tracks resource flows along the global supply chain and provides detailed information on the production, transformation, international trade, and final use of 20 forest products in 223 countries, having also much wider coverage than most previous studies. We test this framework to analyse forest footprint of nations in the year 2014, showing that 22 Million hectares (Mha) of forest were harvested for the extraction of roundwood for global demand, being 9.1 Mha to satisfy the foreign demand of wood products (42% of the total forestland harvested area). Harvested forestland is concentrated in America (32%), Asia (29%) and Europe (28%), representing Africa (7%) and Oceania (4%). More than 50% of the reported forest area harvested worldwide is located in USA (15%), China (14%); Russia (11%) and Canada (8%). In terms of forest footprint, Asia shows the highest share of the total forest footprint (44%), followed by America (25%), Europe (21%), Africa (7%) and Oceania (2%). Country-wise, half is concentrated in China (24%), USA (16%), India (5%), and Russia (5%).This article was developed under Letter of Agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO, UN-REDD Programme) and the Basque Centre for Climate Change (BC3). The authors thank the staff of the FAO and BC3 for their comments, discussions and suggestions on this report. We are especially grateful to Malgorzata Buszko-Briggs, Tina Vahanen and Caroline Merle (FAO Forestry Department) for their contribution to frame and coordinate the research, and to Salar Tayyib, Daniela Di Filippo, Tomasz Filipczuk (FAO Statistics Division) and Arvydas Lebedys (FAO Forestry Department) for providing datasets and for their discussions and comments on data and methodological issues. The authors also thank the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, through the project MALCON, RTI 2018-099858-A-I00, the Spanish State Research Agency through María de Maeztu Excellence Unit accreditation 2018–2022 (Ref. MDM-2017-0714), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, the Basque Government BERC 2018-2021 Programme, and the EU H2020 project LOCOMOTION GA no 821105

    A new accounting framework for assessing forest footprint of nations

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    In a tele-coupled and globalized World, understanding the links between demand for wood products and land use is becoming challenging. World''s economies are increasingly open and interconnected, and international trade flows of wood products are continuously growing. The increasing resource consumption of humanity is increasingly dependent on international trade. In this context, the study of forest products demand from a global-multi-regional perspective emerges as a critical issue to achieve the goal of sustainable consumption and production. In this paper, we introduce a novel accounting framework for assessing the forest footprint of nations. The method combines Multi-regional Input-Output techniques and detailed data from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on production, consumption and bilateral trade of primary, intermediate and final wood products, advancing with respect to existing approaches with these practical distinctions for more accurate computations. The approach tracks resource flows along the global supply chain and provides detailed information on the production, transformation, international trade, and final use of 20 forest products in 223 countries, having also much wider coverage than most previous studies. We test this framework to analyse forest footprint of nations in the year 2014, showing that 22 Million hectares (Mha) of forest were harvested for the extraction of roundwood for global demand, being 9.1 Mha to satisfy the foreign demand of wood products (42% of the total forestland harvested area). Harvested forestland is concentrated in America (32%), Asia (29%) and Europe (28%), representing Africa (7%) and Oceania (4%). More than 50% of the reported forest area harvested worldwide is located in USA (15%), China (14%); Russia (11%) and Canada (8%). In terms of forest footprint, Asia shows the highest share of the total forest footprint (44%), followed by America (25%), Europe (21%), Africa (7%) and Oceania (2%). Country-wise, half is concentrated in China (24%), USA (16%), India (5%), and Russia (5%). © 2022 The Author

    Comparative Benchmark of a Quantum Algorithm for the Bin Packing Problem

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    The Bin Packing Problem (BPP) stands out as a paradigmatic combinatorial optimization problem in logistics. Quantum and hybrid quantum-classical algorithms are expected to show an advantage over their classical counterparts in obtaining approximate solutions for optimization problems. We have recently proposed a hybrid approach to the one dimensional BPP in which a quantum annealing subroutine is employed to sample feasible solutions for single containers. From this reduced search space, a classical optimization subroutine can find the solution to the problem. With the aim of going a step further in the evaluation of our subroutine, in this paper we compare the performance of our procedure with other classical approaches. Concretely we test a random sampling and a random-walk-based heuristic. Employing a benchmark comprising 18 instances, we show that the quantum approach lacks the stagnation behaviour that slows down the classical algorithms. Based on this, we conclude that the quantum strategy can be employed jointly with the random walk to obtain a full sample of feasible solutions in fewer iterations. This work improves our intuition about the benefits of employing the scarce quantum resources to improve the results of a diminishingly efficient classical strategy.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, submitted to the IEEE Symposium Series On Computational Intelligence 202

    Ordinary and Extraordinary Movement Behaviour of Small Resident Fish within a Mediterranean Marine Protected Area

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    It is important to account for the movement behaviour of fishes when designing effective marine protected areas (MPAs). Fish movements occur across different spatial and temporal scales and understanding the variety of movements is essential to make correct management decisions. This study describes in detail the movement patterns of an economically and commercially important species, Diplodus sargus, within a well-enforced Mediterranean MPA. We monitored horizontal and vertical movements of 41 adult individuals using passive acoustic telemetry for up to one year. We applied novel analysis and visualization techniques to get a comprehensive view of a wide range of movements. D. sargus individuals were highly territorial, moving within small home ranges ( 50 m), where they aggregated to spawn. This study advances our understanding about the functioning of an established MPA and provides important insights into the biology and management of a small sedentary species, suggesting the relevance of rare but important fish behaviours

    Effects of a Short-Term Resistance-Training Program on Heart Rate Variability in Children With Cystic Fibrosis—A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    [EN] Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) affects the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and exercise in healthy children modulates the interaction between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a short-term resistance exercise program on heart rate variability (HRV) in children and adolescents with CF. Methods: A randomized controlled trial was carried out in children diagnosed with CF aged 6–18 years. Individuals were divided into two groups: control (CON) and resistance-training (EX). Individuals in the EX group completed an individualized guided resistance program (5-RM—60–80%) for 8 weeks (3 sessions of 60 min/week). Upper and lower limbs exercises (seated bench press, seated lateral row, and leg press) were used. HRV was measured using a Suunto watch with subjects in lying position. Results: Nineteen subjects (13 boys) were included (CON = 11; and EX = 8). Mean age was 12.2 ± 3.3, FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in the first second) z-score was 1.72 ± 1.54 and peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) 42.7 ± 7.4 mL.Kg–1.min–1. Exercise induced significant changes in the frequency-domain variables, including a decrease in LF power (p = 0.001, d = 0.98) and LF/HF ratio (p = 0.020, d = 0.92), and an increase in HF power (p = 0.001, d = −0.97), compared to the CON group. No significant changes were found for time-domain variables, although increases with a moderate effect size were seen for SDNN (p = 0.152, d = −0.41) and RMSSD (p = 0.059, d = −0.49) compared to the CON group.SICatedra Fundación Asisa-UE y Universidad Europe

    Seguiment del medi marí al Parc Natural de Cap de Creus i al Parc Natural del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix Ter. Memòria 2017

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    Aquesta memòria recull els resultats del grup de treball del Departament d’Ecologia de la Universitat de Barcelona relatiu al seguiment del medi marí al Parc Natural de Cap de Creus i al Parc Natural del Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix Ter de l’any 2017, tal i com consta al plec de prescripcions amb expedient PTOP-2017-130 en compliment de la llei 19/1990 de 10 de desembre del Parlament de Catalunya, i amb les millores proposades a l’oferta tècnica homònima Els resultats dels treballs de camp tenen com a objectiu central l’avaluació de l’estat de les poblacions i dels hàbitats marins en relació tant amb les activitats humanes que es duen a terme als espais naturals estudiats com amb els factors ambientals. Així mateix s’analitza la seva evolució en el temps dels descriptors i s’intenta avaluar l’efecte de la protecció. El darrer objectiu és de detectar altres situacions de risc pel patrimoni natural com podrien ser l’arribada d’espècies alienes o invasores o bé els possibles efectes del canvi climàtic

    Insularity determines nestling sex ratio variation in Egyptian vulture populations

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    Variation in offspring sex ratio, particularly in birds, has been frequently studied over the last century, although seldom using long-term monitoring data. In raptors, the cost of raising males and females is not equal, and several variables have been found to have significant effects on sex ratio, including food availability, parental age, and hatching order. Sex ratio differences between island populations and their mainland counterparts have been poorly documented, despite broad scientific literature on the island syndrome reporting substantial differences in population demography and ecology. Here, we assessed individual and environmental factors potentially affecting the secondary sex ratio of the long-lived Egyptian vulture Neophron percnopterus. We used data collected from Spanish mainland and island populations over a ca. 30-year period (1995-2021) to assess the effects of insularity, parental age, breeding phenology, brood size, hatching order, type of breeding unit (pairs vs. trios), and spatial and temporal variability on offspring sex ratio. No sex bias was found at the population level, but two opposite trends were observed between mainland and island populations consistent with the island syndrome. Offspring sex ratio was nonsignificantly female-biased in mainland Spain (0.47, n = 1112) but significantly male-biased in the Canary Islands (0.55, n = 499), where a male-biased mortality among immatures could be compensating for offspring biases and maintaining a paired adult sex ratio. Temporal and spatial variation in food availability might also have some influence on sex ratio, although the difficulties in quantifying them preclude us from determining the magnitude of such influence. This study shows that insularity influences the offspring sex ratio of the Egyptian vulture through several processes that can affect island and mainland populations differentially. Our research contributes to improving our understanding of sex allocation theory by investigating whether sex ratio deviations from parity are possible as a response to changing environments comprised by multiple and complexly interrelated factors.Research was funded and supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (CGL2007-61395, CGL2010-15726, CGL2013-42451-P), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-109685GB-I00, RTI2018-099609-B-C21), Junta de Andalucía (P18-RT-1321, EMERIGIA 2021.1524, FEDER 2021_1073), Diputación General de Aragón, Gobierno de las Islas Baleares, Gobierno de Canarias, Cabildo Insular de Fuerteventura, Junta de Castilla y León, and Comunidad de Bardenas Reales de Navarra. G.G.L. was supported by a FPU fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (FPU19/06511). A.S.A. was supported by a Ramón y Cajal fellowship of the Spanish Ministry of Science (RYC-2017-22796). E.A. was supported by La Caixa-Severo Ochoa International PhD Program 2015; Generalitat Valenciana and European Social Fund (APOSTD/2021), and Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities Contracts (FJC2021-047885-I). M.G.A. was supported by a contract from “Programa de FPU del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte” (FPU13/05429). A.C.A. was supported by EMERGIA Program from Junta de Andalucía. IMEDEA is an accredited “Maria de Maeztu Excellence Unit” (ref. CEX2021-001198/funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).With funding from the Spanish government through the "Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence" accreditation (CEX2021-001198).Peer reviewe

    Un análisis narrativo de los planes estratégicos para la consolidación de la paz

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    Tras la firma de un acuerdo de paz la comunidad internacional se apresura a presentar sus planes de reconstrucción y rehabilitación de las sociedades que han sufrido el conflicto armado. Éstas estrategias de consolidación de la paz son narrativas anticipadoras que describen el proceso para pasar de una situación de guerra a una de paz duradera en una secuencia causal de transformaciones que serán llevadas a cabo o experimentadas por unos actores concretos. En esta tesis los planes estratégicos se construyen como narrativas políticas y utilizamos el marco propuesto por J.A. Throgmorton de la planificación como relato persuasivo. Por otra parte, el concepto de hipocresía organizada nos sirve para explicar las contradicciones entre los niveles retóricos y operativos de los planes, y la consecución de un consenso sobre la paz liberal a pesar de las distintas posturas ideológicas de políticos, profesionales y académicos implicados en su formulación e implementación. Se parte de la hipótesis de que conceptos con alto potencial simbólico y artificios retóricos serían articulados alrededor de tres ideas principales: la multidimensionalidad, el enfoque en las personas, y la transformación desde abajo, evitando ante todo mencionar explícitamente todo aquello relacionado con los procesos de formación de Estado (en particular, la monopolización de la violencia previa a su legitimación). Se plantean dos períodos: la década de los noventa, durante la cual se da un amplio consenso sobre la construcción de paz liberal, y la década de los dos mil, cuando aquel es reemplazado por una coalición liberal-realista. En el primer período, el concepto del Estado moderno no fue superado ni por sus propios críticos, lo cual explicaría la transición fluida de la construcción de paz enfocada en las personas a la construcción del Estado centrada en el fortalecimiento institucional del segundo período, y el uso de “paz” y “Estado” como términos intercambiables. Se explora el consenso sobre la construcción de paz liberal y sus críticas. Se distingue entre los conceptos de estatismo, estadocentrismo y sociocentrismo y se discuten las teorías de Estado subyacentes. Mostramos los debates alrededor de estos temas como una nueva iteración de los habidos en el siglo XX sobre los procesos de modernización y desarrollo. Se presentan los resultados del análisis de ciertos aspectos de ocho planes estratégicos para la consolidación de la paz, un análisis completo del Afghanistan Compact de 2006, y una selección de datos agregados de un corpus de 47 planes de organizaciones internacionales y gobiernos donantes del período 1992-2011. El análisis narrativo se divide en tres partes, en los que se exploran los elementos narrativos de tema, trama y personajes. El análisis muestra que el tema es uno de recuperación y progreso, coincidente con la visión modernista. La trama es analizada a partir de técnicas de análisis narrativo reticular. La medición de la modularidad de los grafos que representan los relatos estratégicos confirma que hay tres “pilares” principales de la reconstrucción: la seguridad, el desarrollo socio-económico y la reforma política. Se propone un método innovador para la detección de tramas basadas en la centralidad: A partir de cuatro mediciones (grado, intermediación, excentricidad y eigenvector) se detecta el planteamiento, nudo y desenlace. Se discute el rol de la seguridad y el Estado en los resultados. Finalmente, se hace un análisis de los personajes a partir de la distribución de la atención narrativa y de los roles actanciales. Este nos demuestra que los planes, a pesar de insistir en una retórica sobre la participación, la apropiación y el empoderamiento, otorga a la comunidad internacional y a los gobiernos el rol de héroes y a la población, el de víctima.Right after a peace agreement is signed, the international community puts forward their plans for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of conflict-affected societies. These peace-building strategies are anticipatory narratives, outlining the process from war to sustainable peace as a causal sequence of transformations to be carried out or experienced by a given set of actors. In this dissertation, strategic plans are construed as policy narratives and we make use of J.A. Throgmorton’s framework of planning as persuasive storytelling. The concept of organized hypocrisy is used to account for the contradictions between the rhetorical and operational levels of strategic plans, and for the attainment of a consensus in spite of the different ideological positions held by policy-makers, practitioners and scholars involved in their drafting and implementation. This dissertation puts forward the hypothesis that the liberal discourse on peace-building managed to produce a persuasive—but also ambiguous and contradictory—narrative on postwar reconstruction that helped build an effective consensus among diverse components of the international community. Highly symbolic concepts and rhetorical devices were articulated around three main ideas: multidimensionality, a people-centred approach, and the notion of bottom-up transformation, and especially avoiding any explicit mention to state-making processes (the monopolization of the means of coercion, prior to its legitimation, in particular). Two periods are considered: the 1990s, during which an ample, liberal peace-building consensus was in place, and the 2000s, when it was replaced by a liberal-realist one. In the first period, the concept of the modern state was not transcended even by its critics, which would explain a largely smooth transition from people-centred peace-building to institution-based state-building, and the use of “peace” and “state” interchangeably. A review of the liberal peace-building consensus and its critiques is offered. A distinction among the concepts of statism, state-centrism and socio-centrism is made and the underlying theories of state discussed. It is shown how these debates are a new iteration of those taking place throughout the 20th Century on the processes of modernization and development. A partial analysis of eight post-conflict peace-building strategic plans is provided, along with a full analysis of the Afghanistan Compact (2006). There is also selected aggregated data of the corpus of 47 plans of international organizations and donor states of the period from 1992 to 2011. The narrative analysis is carried out in three parts dealing with theme, plot and character. It shows that the theme of recovery and progress reflects a modernist vision. A narrative network analysis is used to study plot. Graph modularity confirms the three main “pillars” of reconstruction: security, social and economic development, and political reform. An original centrality-based plot detection method is presented: We measure degree, betweenness, eccentricity and eigenvector in strategic storylines in order to detect their beginning, middle and end. The results are discussed paying special attention to the role of security and the State. Distribution of narrative attention and actantial analysis are used for the description of characters. It is revealed that despite the rhetoric about participation, ownership and empowerment, plans give the international community and the governments the role of heroes, while the people are assigned the role of victim

    Estadocentrismo, sociocentrismo y estatismo en la construcción de paz posbélica

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    Este artículo cuestiona la interpretación según la cual el consenso sobre la paz liberal estaría constituido por un discurso liberal-conservador estadocéntrico y uno transformador sociocéntrico. Sostiene que el distinguir entre estadocentrismo y estatismo revela una predisposición estatista compartida por las visiones conservadora, liberal y transformadora de la construcción de paz, al tiempo que esclarece ciertos aspectos del giro a la construcción del Estado. También se relaciona el "sociocentrismo estatista" de la construcción de paz transformadora a una herencia marxista instrumentalista, y se clasifica las nuevas críticas a la paz liberal dentro de un sociocentrismo post-liberal o un estadocentrismo crítico