453 research outputs found

    Inventaire des compétences permettant l'orientation des employés de cuisine: le cas particulier des apprentis de l'Orif

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    Ce travail tente de définir les compétences permettant d’orienter un jeune employé de cuisine sortant d’une formation dispensée à l’Orif en direction de la cuisine collective ou de la cuisine de restaurant. Une enquête menée sur le terrain auprès de chefs de cuisine des deux secteurs tente d’y apporter des réponses. Elle est menée sur quatre thèmes différents, les déterminants liés à la condition physique, les savoirs être, les savoirs et les savoirs faire. Les résultats de l’enquête démontrent une orientation claire en direction de la cuisine collective. Contrairement à celle de restaurant, elle dispose de plus de ressources en tout genre et elle offre un meilleur encadrement et soutien aux jeunes en difficulté

    E-Learning Performance and Students’ Results Case of a French Business School

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    E-learning experiments in higher education are becoming more recurrent. However, these experiments are seldom tangibly applied to an entire academic year group. Integrating e-learning into a pedagogical program implies performance analysis in terms of both students and teachers, but also from the institute’s point of view. Due to the lack of Information Systems based research into e-learning performance modeling, the article propose an analysis mixing this research area with some findings in Education Sciences. The first part of this article presents an analysis of the main scientific publications on which we have built our research model. The second part presents the initial findings of our on-going research project at Montpellier Business School (France). A comparison between traditional teaching and face-to-face teaching was carried out using the student marks in five different courses of study. The results show that the teachers’ predisposition to adopting these new teaching techniques is not directly related to an improvement in the students\u27 results. In other words, the paper is consistent with the need to avoid any techno-centered approach to on-line education. In the same way, the article concludes that a measure of the e-learning performance must not be limited to the students’ results alone. Indeed, the case studied puts forward that the legitimacy of an e-learning project can lie more in the satisfaction of being able to meet new strategic challenges through its development, than in simply improving an existing teaching tool

    Euro et degré de corporatisme dans la négociation salariale : Un effet club ?

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    Cet article construit, puis compare le degré de corporatisme de la négociation salariale avant et après le Traité de Maastricht (1992) pour neufs pays européens, ce traité modifiant durablement le policy mix à l’échelle européenne. Il ressort un clivage important selon que les pays appartiennent ou non à la zone euro. Ces derniers sont certes également caractérisés par un processus de décentralisation de la négociation salariale, mais celui-ci a été surcompensé par le renforcement de principes de coordination : intervention accrue du gouvernement, coordination verticale des partenaires sociaux plus forte, application plus large du résultat de la négociation. Outre la nécessité d’adapter le processus de formation des salaires aux éventuels chocs asymétriques, il semble que cette évolution du degré de corporatisme ait été stimulée par la lutte contre l’externalité budgétaire, variable stratégique pour les pays de la zone euro depuis Maastricht.We try to mesure and to compare the degree of corporatism of wage bargaining before and after Maastricht Treaty (1992) for nine european countries, supposing that this treaty has changed policy mix and capability of these countries to face shocks. We observe an opposition between countries inside and outside Euro Zone. The first one seems to be more tempted by decentralization of wage bargaining. The other one has introduced decentralization but also more coordination mecanisms at different levels : state, between social partners, enlargement of result of wage barganing… If it seems necessary to adapt wage bargaining to answer to asymetric shocks, we think that this change is also linked with the objective of budgetary equilibrium in european countries since Maastricht Treaty

    Performance Factors of a Full Distance Learning : The Case of Undergraduate Students in Academic Exchange

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    Various e-learning systems have been developed and implemented in educational contexts. However, few studies try to go beyond the experimental level of identifying numerous factors that influence this technology and apply them to a real academic class of students. This article based on an in-depth analysis of a business school case--Montpellier Business School (France)--and survey data from 405 students assessed on their use of the e-learning platform, helps illuminate the patterns involved in e-learning performance. A literature review on e-learning performance factors is realized and a theoretical model focusing on three dimensions of e-learning performance--the learner side, the institutional environment and the e-learning system per se--is presented and tested empirically. The key findings of this paper identify motivation and self-discipline of students as main drivers of e-learning outcomes. Other results show that the integration of e-learning in a pedagogical program requires the analysis of its performance not only from learners and instructors point of view, but also from the underlying strategic perspective of the institution

    Polycrystalline silicon nanowires synthesis compatible with CMOS technology for integrated gas sensing applications

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    International audiencePolysilicon nanowires are synthesized following a classical top-down approach using conventional UV lithography technique fully compatible with the existing silicon CMOS technology. N- and P-type in-situ doping of these nanowires is controlled over a large range of doping levels and electrical properties of these nanowires are analyzed. Results show that resistivity dependence with the doping level is both related to the nanowires size dependent structural quality and doping specie. Charged gas species (ammonia) sensitivity of these nanowires has also been studied. In addition, feasibility of N- and P-channel polysilicon nanowires transistors is demonstrated

    O problema da definição do foro competente para conhecer e julgar a ação civil pública

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    Discorre sobre a solução para a problemática da definição do foro competente para conhecer e julgar a ação civil pública. Considera que a solução para tal problema é entender que o critério territorial do local da ocorrência do dano é critério fixador de competência absoluta e que para os casos de danos que ultrapassem os limites territoriais de comarcas e seções judiciárias, existem três possibilidades com resultados diferentes

    Nonlinear techniques for wide-bandwidth resonant energy harvesting

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    International audienceEnergy harvesting from motion is presently receiving great worldwide attention as a means to power autonomous systems. Conventional linear vibration energy harvesters are usually designed to be resonantly tuned to the ambient dominant frequency. They have a narrow operating bandwidth that limits their application in real-world environments where the ambient vibrations have their energy distributed over a wide spectrum of frequencies, with significant predominance of low frequency components and frequency tuning is not always possible due to geometrical/dynamical constraints

    Polysilicon Nanowires for chemical sensing applications

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    International audiencePolycrystalline silicon nanowires are synthesized using a classical fabrication method commonly used in microelectronic industry: the sidewall spacer formation technique. Assets of this technological process rest on low cost lithographic tools use, classical silicon planar technology compatibility and the possibility to get by direct patterning numerous parallel nanowires with precise location on the substrate. Grounded and suspended polycrystalline silicon nanowires with a curvature radius as low as 150nm are integrated into resistors and used as gas (ammonia) sensors. Results show potential use of these nanowires for charged chemical species detection with an increase of the sensitivity with the increase of SiNWs exchange surface with the environment

    Variable range hopping conduction in N- and P-type in-situ doped polycrystalline silicon nanowires

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    International audienceTemperature dependence of electrical properties in N- and P-type in-situ doped polycrystalline silicon nanowires synthesized by the sidewall spacer formation technique has been studied. Experimental analysis has been carried out for a temperature range from 200K to 530K on in-situ doped polycrystalline silicon nanowires with doping level varying from 2Ă—1016 to 9Ă—1018 cm-3. Results show that for N- and P-type doped samples the temperature dependence of the conductivity follows the 3D variable range hopping model due to hopping between localized electronic states near the Fermi level. The corresponding densities of states are determined following exponentials (tail states) distributions associated to the statistical shift of the Fermi level

    Assessment of turbulence closures for detached flows control

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    International audienceIn this study, di fferent turbulence closures are compared for the prediction of detached flows over a backward facing step, including a flow control device based on oscillatory suction and blowing. An automated optimization of the control parameters (frequency and amplitude) is carried out for the di fferent closures, to assess the ability of Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) models to predict similar optimal parameters
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