27 research outputs found

    Chromosome Bridges Maintain Kinetochore-Microtubule Attachment throughout Mitosis and Rarely Break during Anaphase

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    Accurate chromosome segregation during cell division is essential to maintain genome stability, and chromosome segregation errors are causally linked to genetic disorders and cancer. An anaphase chromosome bridge is a particular chromosome segregation error observed in cells that enter mitosis with fused chromosomes/sister chromatids. The widely accepted Breakage/Fusion/Bridge cycle model proposes that anaphase chromosome bridges break during mitosis to generate chromosome ends that will fuse during the following cell cycle, thus forming new bridges that will break, and so on. However, various studies have also shown a link between chromosome bridges and aneuploidy and/or polyploidy. In this study, we investigated the behavior and properties of chromosome bridges during mitosis, with the idea to gain insight into the potential mechanism underlying chromosome bridge-induced aneuploidy. We find that only a small number of chromosome bridges break during anaphase, whereas the rest persist through mitosis into the subsequent cell cycle. We also find that the microtubule bundles (k-fibers) bound to bridge kinetochores are not prone to breakage/detachment, thus supporting the conclusion that k-fiber detachment is not the cause of chromosome bridge-induced aneuploidy. Instead, our data suggest that while the microtubules bound to the kinetochores of normally segregating chromosomes shorten substantially during anaphase, the k-fibers bound to bridge kinetochores shorten only slightly, and may even lengthen, during anaphase. This causes some of the bridge kinetochores/chromosomes to lag behind in a position that is proximal to the cell/spindle equator and may cause the bridged chromosomes to be segregated into the same daughter nucleus or to form a micronucleus

    Subcellular Euclidean distance measurements with multicolor fluorescence localization imaging in cultured cells

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    This protocol measures the 3D Euclidean distance (Δ3D) between two/three fluorescently labeled kinetochore components in fixed samples using Kinetochore Delta software (KiDv1.0.1, MATLAB based). Overestimation of mean Δ3D is corrected through a Bayesian algorithm, with ΔEC distances reflecting the ensemble average positions of fluorophores within a kinetochore population. This package also enables kinetochore categorization, which can be used to sub-sample kinetochores and measure ΔEC. Together, this allows the dynamic architecture of human kinetochores to be investigated (tested in hTERT-RPE1 cells)

    Bayesian inference of multi-point macromolecular architecture mixtures at nanometre resolution

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    Gaussian spot fitting methods have significantly extended the spatial range where fluorescent microscopy can be used, with recent techniques approaching nanometre (nm) resolutions. However, small inter-fluorophore distances are systematically over-estimated for typical molecular scales. This bias can be corrected computationally, but current algorithms are limited to correcting distances between pairs of fluorophores. Here we present a flexible Bayesian computational approach that infers the distances and angles between multiple fluorophores and has several advantages over these previous methods. Specifically it improves confidence intervals for small lengths, estimates measurement errors of each fluorophore individually and infers the correlations between polygon lengths. The latter is essential for determining the full multi-fluorophore 3D architecture. We further developed the algorithm to infer the mixture composition of a heterogeneous population of multiple polygon states. We use our algorithm to analyse the 3D architecture of the human kinetochore, a macro-molecular complex that is essential for high fidelity chromosome segregation during cell division. Using triple fluorophore image data we unravel the mixture of kinetochore states during human mitosis, inferring the conformation of microtubule attached and unattached kinetochores and their proportions across mitosis. We demonstrate that the attachment conformation correlates with intersister tension and sister alignment to the metaphase plate

    Dynamic bonds and polar ejection force distribution explain kinetochore oscillations in PtK1 cells

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    A computational model of kinetochore dynamics suggests that differences in the distribution of polar ejection forces at the periphery and in the middle of PtK1 cell spindles underlie the observed position-dependence of metaphase chromosome behavior.Duplicated mitotic chromosomes aligned at the metaphase plate maintain dynamic attachments to spindle microtubules via their kinetochores, and multiple motor and nonmotor proteins cooperate to regulate their behavior. Depending on the system, sister chromatids may display either of two distinct behaviors, namely (1) the presence or (2) the absence of oscillations about the metaphase plate. Significantly, in PtK1 cells, in which chromosome behavior appears to be dependent on the position along the metaphase plate, both types of behavior are observed within the same spindle, but how and why these distinct behaviors are manifested is unclear. Here, we developed a new quantitative model to describe metaphase chromosome dynamics via kinetochore–microtubule interactions mediated by nonmotor viscoelastic linkages. Our model reproduces all the key features of metaphase sister kinetochore dynamics in PtK1 cells and suggests that differences in the distribution of polar ejection forces at the periphery and in the middle of PtK1 cell spindles underlie the observed dichotomy of chromosome behavior

    CENP-F stabilizes kinetochore-microtubule attachments and limits dynein stripping of corona cargoes

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    Accurate chromosome segregation demands efficient capture of microtubules by kinetochores and their conversion to stable bioriented attachments that can congress and then segregate chromosomes. An early event is the shedding of the outermost fibrous corona layer of the kinetochore following microtubule attachment. Centromere protein F (CENP-F) is part of the corona, contains two microtubule-binding domains, and physically associates with dynein motor regulators. Here, we have combined CRISPR gene editing and engineered separation-of-function mutants to define how CENP-F contributes to kinetochore function. We show that the two microtubule-binding domains make distinct contributions to attachment stability and force transduction but are dispensable for chromosome congression. We further identify a specialized domain that functions to limit the dynein-mediated stripping of corona cargoes through a direct interaction with Nde1. This antagonistic activity is crucial for maintaining the required corona composition and ensuring efficient kinetochore biorientation

    Rapid production of pure recombinant actin isoforms in Pichia pastoris

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    Actins are major eukaryotic cytoskeletal proteins, which perform many important cell functions, including cell division, cell polarity, wound healing, and muscle contraction. Despite obvious drawbacks, muscle actin, which is easily purified, is used extensively presently for biochemical studies of actin cytoskeleton from other organisms / cell types. Here we report a rapid and cost-effective method to purify heterologous actins expressed in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Actin is expressed as a fusion with the actin-binding protein thymosin β4 and purified using an affinity tag introduced in the fusion. Following cleavage of thymosin β4 and the affinity tag, highly purified functional full-length actin is liberated. We purify actins from S. cerevisiae, S. pombe, and the β- and γ- isoforms of human actin. We also report a modification of the method that facilitates expression and purification of arginylated actin, a form of actin thought to regulate actin dendritic networks in mammalian cells. The methods we describe can be performed in all laboratories equipped for molecular biology, and should greatly facilitate biochemical and cell biological studies of the actin cytoskeleton

    Overlap microtubules link sister k-fibres and balance the forces on bi-oriented kinetochores

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    During metaphase, forces on kinetochores are exerted by k fibres, bundles of microtubules that end at the kinetochore. Interestingly, non-kinetochore microtubules have been observed between sister kinetochores, but their function is unknown. Here we show by laser- cutting of a k-fibre in HeLa and PtK1 cells that a bundle of non- kinetochore microtubules, which we term ‘bridging fibre’, bridges sister k-fibres and balances the interkinetochore tension. We found PRC1 and EB3 in the bridging fibre, suggesting that it consists of antiparallel dynamic microtubules. By using a theoretical model that includes a bridging fibre, we show that the forces at the pole and at the kinetochore depend on the bridging fibre thickness. Moreover, our theory and experiments show larger relaxation of the interkinetochore distance for cuts closer to kinetochores. We conclude that the bridging fibre, by linking sister k-fibres, withstands the tension between sister kinetochores and enables the spindle to obtain a curved shape

    Nuclear reformation after mitosis requires downregulation of the Ran GTPase effector RanBP1 in mammalian cells

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    The GTPase Ran regulates nucleocytoplasmic transport in interphase and spindle organisation in mitosis via effectors of the importin beta superfamily. Ran-binding protein 1 (RanBP1) regulates guanine nucleotide turnover on Ran, as well as its interactions with effectors. Unlike other Ran network members that are steadily expressed, RanBP1 abundance is modulated during the mammalian cell cycle, peaking in mitosis and declining at mitotic exit. Here, we show that RanBP1 downregulation takes place in mid to late telophase, concomitant with the reformation of nuclei. Mild RanBP1 overexpression in murine cells causes RanBP1 to persist in late mitosis and hinders a set of events underlying the telophase to interphase transition, including chromatin decondensation, nuclear expansion and nuclear lamina reorganisation. Moreover, the reorganisation of nuclear pores fails associated with defective nuclear relocalisation of NLS cargoes. Co-expression of importin beta, together with RanBP1, however mitigates these defects. Thus, RanBP1 downregulation is required for nuclear reorganisation pathways operated by importin beta after mitosis