178 research outputs found

    Peer effects on academic self-concept: a large randomized field experiment

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    Social theories posit that peers affect students' academic self-concept (ASC). Most prominently, Big-Fish-Little-Pond, invidious comparison, and relative deprivation theories predict that exposure to academically stronger peers decreases students' ASC, and exposure to academically weaker peers increases students' ASC. These propositions have not yet been tested experimentally. We executed a large and pre-registered field experiment that randomized students to deskmates within 195 classrooms of 41 schools (N = 3,022). Our primary experimental analysis found no evidence of an effect of peer achievement on ASC in either direction. Exploratory analyses hinted at a subject-specific deskmate effect on ASC in verbal skills, and that sitting next to a lower-achieving boy increased girls' ASC (but not that sitting next to a higher-achieving boy decreased girls' ASC). Critically, however, none of these group-specific results held up to even modest corrections for multiple hypothesis testing. Contrary to theory, our randomized field experiment thus provides no evidence for an effect of peer achievement on students' ASC

    Alter und Innovation: Befunde aus der Beschäftigtenstatistik

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    Bei dem zu beobachtenden Altern der Bevölkerung stellt sich die Frage nach der künftigen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Industriestandorts Deutschland, der mit gealterten Belegschaften am Weltmarkt bestehen muss. Besonders akzentuiert könnte die Problemlage bei innovationsintensiven Tätigkeitsfeldern sein, in denen die hohen Anforderungen an aktuelles Wissen, Belastbarkeit und Kreativität nach dem "Defizit-Modell" des Alterns eher mit Jugend assoziiert werden. Folglich müssten Unternehmen besonders in innovationsnahen Tätigkeiten der Industrie eine rapide Verjüngung anstreben. Eine Untersuchung der westdeutschen Industrie zwischen 1990 und 1996 zeigt jedoch, dass es bei "Innovatoren" (Ingenieure, Techniker) keinen überdurchschnittlichen altersselektiven Personalabbau gegeben hat. Vielmehr ist die allgemeine "Verjüngung" der Industriebelegschaften auf den deutlichen Personalabbau in der Großindustrie, der im Wesentlichen über Altersabgänge geregelt wurde, zurückzuführen. In der Entwicklung der industriellen Personalstruktur findet sich also kein Beleg für die These vom Alter als spezifisches Innovationsproblem

    On inelastic hydrogen atom collisions in stellar atmospheres

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    The influence of inelastic hydrogen atom collisions on non-LTE spectral line formation has been, and remains to be, a significant source of uncertainty for stellar abundance analyses, due to the difficulty in obtaining accurate data for low-energy atomic collisions either experimentally or theoretically. For lack of a better alternative, the classical "Drawin formula" is often used. Over recent decades, our understanding of these collisions has improved markedly, predominantly through a number of detailed quantum mechanical calculations. In this paper, the Drawin formula is compared with the quantum mechanical calculations both in terms of the underlying physics and the resulting rate coefficients. It is shown that the Drawin formula does not contain the essential physics behind direct excitation by H atom collisions, the important physical mechanism being quantum mechanical in character. Quantitatively, the Drawin formula compares poorly with the results of the available quantum mechanical calculations, usually significantly overestimating the collision rates by amounts that vary markedly between transitions.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for A&

    Using plant wax markers to estimate the diet composition of grazing Holstein dairy cows

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    The objective of this study was to test whether diet selection of dairy cows under grazing conditions could be estimated using plant wax markers. Furthermore, differences between 2 cow strains and the effect of concentrate supplementation on plant species selection were investigated. The experiment was a study with a crossover design performed on an organic farm with 12 Swiss Holstein cows and 12 New Zealand Holstein cows. Both experimental periods consisted of a 21-d adaptation and a 7-d measurement period. All cows grazed full time in a rotational stocking system and received either no concentrate or 6 kg/d of a commercial cereal-grain mix. Representative herbage samples of each grazed paddock were taken and botanical composition of subsamples was manually determined. The average proportions of the plant species were 27.8% Lolium perenne, 6.1% Dactylis glomerata, 10.4% Trifolium repens, and 9.0% Taraxacum officinale. Other grass species were merged as "other grass" (38.2%) and other forb species as "other forbs" (8.5%). n-Alkanes, long-chain fatty acids, and long-chain alcohols (LCOH) were analyzed in the samples of plant species, concentrate, and feces from each cow. A linear discriminant analysis indicated that diet components were differentiated best with LCOH (96%) and worst with the combination of all marker groups together (12%). For each marker, the fecal marker recovery (FR) relative to dosed ytterbium was determined in 2 ways. Estimation of diet composition was performed with the software "EatWhat," and results were compared with botanical composition with the Aitchison distance. The results indicate that the diet composition of grazing dairy cows can be estimated using plant wax markers. Additionally, the calculation of FR led to mostly reliable results, yet this approach needs further validation. The most accurate estimation was achieved with the marker combination of n-alkanes and LCOH with a correction for FR. Less accurate estimations were achieved with long-chain fatty acids alone or in combination with n-alkanes. No difference relating to diet selection between the 2 cow strains was recorded, but supplemented cows apparently ingested higher proportions of T. repens than nonsupplemented cows. Awareness that supplementation influences selection behavior of grazing dairy cows may lead to adaptations in botanical composition of the pasture according to the demand of the animals

    On the Dynamic Stability of Cool Supergiant Atmospheres

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    We have developed a new formalism to compute the thermodynamic coefficient Gamma1 in the theory of stellar and atmospheric stability. We generalize the classical derivation of the first adiabatic index, which is based on the assumption of thermal ionization and equilibrium between gas and radiation temperature, towards an expression which incorporates photo-ionization due to radiation with a temperature T_rad different from the local kinetic gas temperature.Our formalism considers the important non-LTE conditions in the extended atmospheres of supergiant stars. An application to the Kurucz grid of cool supergiant atmospheres demonstrates that models with T_rad =~ T_eff between 6500 K and 7500 K become most unstable against dynamic perturbations, according to Ledoux' stability integral . This results from Gamma1 and acquiring very low values, below 4/3, throughout the entire stellar atmosphere, which causes very high gas compression ratios around these effective temperatures. Based on detailed NLTE-calculations, we discuss atmospheric instability of pulsating massive yellow supergiants, like the hypergiant rho Cas (Ia+), which exist in the extension of the Cepheid instability strip, near the Eddington luminosity limit.Comment: 54 pages including figures and the Appendix, 7 figures, Accepted for The Astrophysical Journal, Main Journal, 558, Sept. 200

    Adaptive model-driven user interface development systems

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    Adaptive user interfaces (UIs) were introduced to address some of the usability problems that plague many software applications. Model-driven engineering formed the basis for most of the systems targeting the development of such UIs. An overview of these systems is presented and a set of criteria is established to evaluate the strengths and shortcomings of the state-of-the-art, which is categorized under architectures, techniques, and tools. A summary of the evaluation is presented in tables that visually illustrate the fulfillment of each criterion by each system. The evaluation identified several gaps in the existing art and highlighted the areas of promising improvement

    X-Ray Polarization of Solar Flares Measured with Rhessi

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    The degree of linear polarization in solar flares has not yet been precisely determined despite multiple attempts to measure it with different missions. The high energy range in particular has very rarely been explored, due to its greater instrumental difficulties. We approached the subject using the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) satellite to study 6 X-class and 1 M-class flares in the energy range between 100 keV and 350 keV. Using RHESSI as a polarimeter requires the application of strict cuts to the event list in order to extract those photons that are Compton scattered between two detectors. Our measurements show polarization values between 2% and 54%, with errors ranging from 10% to 26% in 1 sigma level. In view of the large uncertainties in both the magnitude and direction of the polarization vector, the results can only reject source models with extreme properties.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication by Solar Physic

    Widowhood and Mortality: A Meta-Analysis

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    While the "widowhood effect" is well known, there is substantial heterogeneity in the magnitude of effects reported in different studies. We conducted a meta-analysis of widowhood and mortality, focusing on longitudinal studies with follow-up from the time of bereavement.A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted to calculate the overall relative risk (RR) for subsequent mortality among 2,263,888 subjects from 15 prospective cohort studies. We found a statistically significant positive association between widowhood and mortality, but the widowhood effect was stronger in the period earlier than six months since bereavement (overall RR = 1.41, 95% CI: 1.26, 1.57) compared to the effect after six months (overall RR = 1.14, 95% CI: 1.10, 1.18). Meta-regression showed that the widowhood effect was not different for those aged younger than 65 years compared to those older than 65 (P = 0.25). There was, however, a difference in the magnitude of the widowhood effect by gender; for women the RR was not statistically significantly different from the null (overall RR = 1.04, 95% CI: 1.00, 1.08), while it was for men (overall RR = 1.23, 95% CI: 1.18, 1.28).The results suggest that further studies should focus more on the mechanisms that generate this association especially among men