49 research outputs found

    Calibrating low-cost rain gauge sensors for their applications in Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures to densify environmental monitoring networks

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    Environmental observations are crucial for understanding the state of the environment. However, current observation networks are limited in their spatial and temporal resolution due to high costs. For many applications, data acquisition with a higher resolution would be desirable. Recently, Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled low-cost sensor systems have offered a solution to this problem. While low-cost sensors may have lower quality than sensors in official measuring networks, they can still provide valuable data. This study describes the requirements for such a low-cost sensor system, presents two implementations, and evaluates the quality of the factory calibration for a widely used low-cost precipitation sensor. Here, 20 sensors have been tested for an 8-month period against three reference instruments at the meteorological site of the TU Dresden (Dresden University of Technology). Furthermore, the factory calibration of 66 rain gauges has been evaluated in the lab. Results show that the used sensor falls short for the desired out-of-the-box use case. Nevertheless, it could be shown that the accuracy could be improved by further calibration.</p

    UAS Photogrammetry for Precise Digital Elevation Models of Complex Topography: A Strategy Guide

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    The presented research investigates different strategies to acquire high-precision digital elevation models (DEMs) of complex and inaccessible terrain using Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo applied to data of an unoccupied aerial system (UAS) equipped with real-time-kinematic (RTK)-GNSS. The survey scenarios are taken from real-life situations and thus, in comparison to many previous studies, provide information on how to operate under challenging conditions in difficult terrain. Among others, the study examines the influence of different flight configurations (parallel axes and cross-grid), flight altitudes (relative to ellipsoid or terrain) and associated variations in ground sampling distance, image orientations (nadir and oblique), advanced camera self-calibration techniques and georeferencing strategies in image block processing (direct and integrated) on the overall accuracy of the resulting DEMs. Random and systematic errors, including spatial patterns such as doming and bowling, are quantified using check points and differences between DEM calculations and independently acquired surface data from laser scans. This comprehensive analysis contributes valuable insights for UAS-based analysis of complex terrain with improved accuracy in DEM generation and subsequent applications like change detection

    Guidelines on the use of Structure from Motion Photogrammetry in Geomorphic Research

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    As a topographic modelling technique, structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry combines the utility of digital photogrammetry with a flexibility and ease of use derived from multi-view computer vision methods. In conjunction with the rapidly increasing availability of imagery, particularly from unmanned aerial vehicles, SfM photogrammetry represents a powerful tool for geomorphological research. However, to fully realize this potential, its application must be carefully underpinned by photogrammetric considerations, surveys should be reported in sufficient detail to be repeatable (if practical) and results appropriately assessed to understand fully the potential errors involved. To deliver these goals, robust survey and reporting must be supported through (i) using appropriate survey design, (ii) applying suitable statistics to identify systematic error (bias) and to estimate precision within results, and (iii) propagating uncertainty estimates into the final data products

    Guidelines on the use of Structure from Motion Photogrammetry in Geomorphic Research

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    As a topographic modelling technique, structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry combines the utility of digital photogrammetry with a flexibility and ease of use derived from multi-view computer vision methods. In conjunction with the rapidly increasing availability of imagery, particularly from unmanned aerial vehicles, SfM photogrammetry represents a powerful tool for geomorphological research. However, to fully realize this potential, its application must be carefully underpinned by photogrammetric considerations, surveys should be reported in sufficient detail to be repeatable (if practical) and results appropriately assessed to understand fully the potential errors involved. To deliver these goals, robust survey and reporting must be supported through (i) using appropriate survey design, (ii) applying suitable statistics to identify systematic error (bias) and to estimate precision within results, and (iii) propagating uncertainty estimates into the final data products

    High-resolution monitoring of diffuse (sheet or interrill) erosion using structure-from-motion

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    Sheet erosion is common on agricultural lands, and understanding the dynamics of the erosive process as well as the quantification of soil loss is important for both soil scientists and managers. However, measuring rates of soil loss from sheet erosion has proved difficult due to requiring the detection of relatively small surface changes over extended areas. Consequently, such measurements have relied on the use of erosion plots, which have limited spatial coverage and have high operating costs. For measuring the larger erosion rates characteristic of rill and gully erosion, structure-from-motion (SfM) photogrammetry has been demonstrated to be a valuable tool. Here, we demonstrate the first direct validation of UAV-SfM measurements of sheet erosion using sediment collection data collected from erosion plots. Three erosion plots (12 m × 4 m) located at Lavras, Brazil, with bare soil exposed to natural rainfall from which event sediment and runoff was monitored, were mapped during two hydrological years (2016 and 2017), using a UAV equipped with a RGB camera. DEMs of difference (DoD) were calculated to detect spatial changes in the soil surface topography over time and to quantify the volumes of sediments lost or gained. Precision maps were generated to enable precision estimates for both DEMs to be propagated into the DoD as spatially variable vertical uncertainties. The point clouds generated from SfM gave mean errors of ~2.4 mm horizontally (xy) and ~1.9 mm vertically (z) on control and independent check points, and the level of detection (LoD) along the plots ranged from 1.4 mm to 7.4 mm. The soil loss values obtained by SfM were significantly (p < 0.001) correlated (r 2 = 95.55%) with those derived from the sediment collection. These results open up the possibility to use SfM for erosion studies where channelized erosion is not the principal mechanism, offering a cost-effective method for gaining new insights into sheet, and interrill, erosion processes

    Automatic Processing of Many Images for 2D/3D Modelling

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    The era of big data requires increasing automation for the analysis of huge information in a short time and this need becomes critical when dealing with geoinformation. This chapter describes the automatic geocoding of digital images based on high-end Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing methods. In particular, the so-called Structure-from-Motion (SfM) technique is developed to handle image data sets in close-range applications, and here, it is generalized to deal with multi-scale applications. Some examples are proposed with panoramic images for the measurement of indoor narrow spaces, with smartphone cameras and UAV for the 3D reconstruction of complex monuments, as well as with airborne and satellite images for the survey at the territorial scale

    Advancing river monitoring using image-based techniques: Challenges and opportunities

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    Enhanced and effective hydrological monitoring plays a crucial role in understanding water-related processes in a rapidly changing world. Within this context, image-based river monitoring has shown to significantly enhance data collection, improve analysis and accuracy, and support effective and timely decision-making. The integration of remote and proximal sensing technologies, with citizen science, and artificial intelligence may revolutionize monitoring practices. Therefore, it is crucial to quantify the quality of current research and ongoing initiatives to envision the potential trajectories for research activities within this specific field. The evolution of monitoring strategies is progressing in multiple directions that should converge to build critical mass around relevant challenges to meet the need for innovative solutions to overcome limitations of traditional approaches. The present study reviews showcases and good practices of enhanced hydrological monitoring in different applications, reflecting the strengths and limitations of new approaches

    Structure from motion photogrammetry in forestry : a review

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    AbstractPurpose of ReviewThe adoption of Structure from Motion photogrammetry (SfM) is transforming the acquisition of three-dimensional (3D) remote sensing (RS) data in forestry. SfM photogrammetry enables surveys with little cost and technical expertise. We present the theoretical principles and practical considerations of this technology and show opportunities that SfM photogrammetry offers for forest practitioners and researchers.Recent FindingsOur examples of key research indicate the successful application of SfM photogrammetry in forestry, in an operational context and in research, delivering results that are comparable to LiDAR surveys. Reviewed studies have identified possibilities for the extraction of biophysical forest parameters from airborne and terrestrial SfM point clouds and derived 2D data in area-based approaches (ABA) and individual tree approaches. Additionally, increases in the spatial and spectral resolution of sensors available for SfM photogrammetry enable forest health assessment and monitoring. The presented research reveals that coherent 3D data and spectral information, as provided by the SfM workflow, promote opportunities to derive both structural and physiological attributes at the individual tree crown (ITC) as well as stand levels.SummaryWe highlight the potential of using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and consumer-grade cameras for terrestrial SfM-based surveys in forestry. Offering several spatial products from a single sensor, the SfM workflow enables foresters to collect their own fit-for-purpose RS data. With the broad availability of non-expert SfM software, we provide important practical considerations for the collection of quality input image data to enable successful photogrammetric surveys


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    In the last decades, an increase in the number of extreme precipitation events has been observed, which leads to increasing risks for flash floods and landslides. Thereby, conventional gauging stations are indispensable for monitoring and prediction. However, they are expensive in construction, management, and maintenance. Thus, density of observation networks is rather low, leading to insufficient spatio-temporal resolution to capture hydrological extreme events that occur with short response times especially in small-scale catchments. Smaller creeks and rivers require permanent observation, as well, to allow for a better understanding of the underlying processes and to enhance forecasting reliability. Today’s smartphones with inbuilt cameras, positioning sensors and powerful processing units may serve as wide-spread measurement devices for event-based water gauging during floods. With the aid of volunteered geographic information (VGI), the hydrological network of water gauges can be highly densified in its spatial and temporal domain even for currently unobserved catchments. Furthermore, stationary low-cost solutions based on Raspberry Pi imaging systems are versatile for permanent monitoring of hydrological parameters. Both complementary systems, i.e. smartphone and Raspberry Pi camera, share the same methodology to extract water levels automatically, which is explained in the paper in detail. The annotation of 3D reference data by 2D image measurements is addressed depending on camera setup and river section to be monitored. Accuracies for water stage measurements are in range of several millimetres up to few centimetres