263 research outputs found

    Flat Directions in Flipped SU(5) I: All-Order Analysis

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    We present a systematic classification of field directions for the string-derived flipped SU(5) model that are D- and F-flat to all orders. Properties of the flipped SU(5) model with field values in these directions are compared to those associated with other flat directions that have been shown to be F-flat to specific finite orders in the superpotential. We discuss the phenomenological Higgs spectrum, and quark and charged-lepton mass textures.Comment: 22 pages. Late

    On the Possibility of Optical Unification in Heterotic Strings

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    Recently J. Giedt discussed a mechanism, entitled optical unification, whereby string scale unification is facilitated via exotic matter with intermediate scale mass. This mechanism guarantees that a virtual MSSM unification below the string scale is extrapolated from the running of gauge couplings upward from M_Z^o when an intermediate scale desert is assumed. In this letter we explore the possibility of optical unification within the context of weakly coupled heterotic strings. In particular, we investigate this for models of free fermionic construction containing the NAHE set of basis vectors. This class is of particular interest for optical unification, because it provides a standard hypercharge embedding within SO(10), giving the standard k_Y = 5/3 hypercharge level, which was shown necessary for optical unification. We present a NAHE model for which the set of exotic SU(3)_C triplet/anti-triplet pairs, SU(2)_L doublets, and non-Abelian singlets with hypercharge offers the possibility of optical unification. Whether this model can realize optical unification is conditional upon these exotics not receiving Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) scale masses when a flat direction of scalar vacuum expectation values is non-perturbatively chosen to cancel the FI D-term, xi, generated by the anomalous U(1)-breaking Green-Schwarz-Dine-Seiberg-Wittten mechanism. A study of perturbative flat directions and their phenomenological implications for this model is underway. This paper is a product of the NFS Research Experiences for Undergraduates and the NSF High School Summer Science Research programs at Baylor University.Comment: 16 pages. Standard Late

    Background Dependent Lorentz Violation: Natural Solutions to the Theoretical Challenges of the OPERA Experiment

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    To explain both the OPERA experiment and all the known phenomenological constraints/observations on Lorentz violation, the Background Dependent Lorentz Violation (BDLV) has been proposed. We study the BDLV in a model independent way, and conjecture that there may exist a "Dream Special Relativity Theory", where all the Standard Model (SM) particles can be subluminal due to the background effects. Assuming that the Lorentz violation on the Earth is much larger than those on the interstellar scale, we automatically escape all the astrophysical constraints on Lorentz violation. For the BDLV from the effective field theory, we present a simple model and discuss the possible solutions to the theoretical challenges of the OPERA experiment such as the Bremsstrahlung effects for muon neutrinos and the pion decays. Also, we address the Lorentz violation constraints from the LEP and KamLAMD experiments. For the BDLV from the Type IIB string theory with D3-branes and D7-branes, we point out that the D3-branes are flavour blind, and all the SM particles are the conventional particles as in the traditional SM when they do not interact with the D3-branes. Thus, we not only can naturally avoid all the known phenomenological constraints on Lorentz violation, but also can naturally explain all the theoretical challenges. Interestingly, the energy dependent photon velocities may be tested at the experiments.Comment: RevTex4, 14 pages, minor corrections, references adde

    Minimal Standard Heterotic String Models

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    Three generation heterotic-string vacua in the free fermionic formulation gave rise to models with solely the MSSM states in the observable Standard Model charged sector. The relation of these models to Z_2 x Z_2 orbifold compactifications dictates that they produce three pairs of untwisted Higgs multiplets. The reduction to one pair relies on the analysis of supersymmetric flat directions, that give superheavy mass to the dispensable Higgs states. We explore the removal of the extra Higgs representations by using the free fermion boundary conditions and hence directly at the string level, rather than in the effective low energy field theory. We present a general mechanism that achieves this reduction by using asymmetric boundary conditions between the left- and right-moving internal fermions. We incorporate this mechanism in explicit string models containing three twisted generations and a single untwisted Higgs doublet pair. We further demonstrate that an additional effect of the asymmetric boundary conditions is to substantially reduce the supersymmetric moduli space.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX; added reference

    Relic Neutralino Densities and Detection Rates with Nonuniversal Gaugino Masses

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    We extend previous analyses on the interplay between nonuniversalities in the gaugino mass sector and the thermal relic densities of LSP neutralinos, in particular to the case of moderate to large tan beta. We introduce a set of parameters that generalizes the standard unified scenario to cover the complete allowed parameter space in the gaugino mass sector. We discuss the physical significance of the cosmologically preferred degree of degeneracy between charginos and the LSP and study the effect this degree of degeneracy has on the prospects for direct detection of relic neutralinos in the next round of dark matter detection experiments. Lastly, we compare the fine tuning required to achieve a satisfactory relic density with the case of universal gaugino masses, as in minimal supergravity, and find it to be of a similar magnitude. The sensitivity of quantifiable measures of fine-tuning on such factors as the gluino mass and top and bottom masses is also examined.Comment: Uses RevTeX; 14 pages, 16 figure

    A novel hybrid material with calcium and strontium release capability

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    The preparation of PDMS–TEOS–CaO hybrid materials by sol–gel techniques has been widely described in previous works. Calcium nitrate is the most common source of calcium used in these preparations. However, to remove possible toxic nitrate by-products a thermal treatment is necessary at temperatures above 500 1C, which leads to the degradation of the polymeric components of the hybrids. Strontium has already shown some promising results in the therapeutic area, being used in cases of osteoporosis and low bone density. In this study a new potential bioactive hybrid material was prepared, by sol–gel techniques, using calcium acetate as a novel calcium source. Also, for the first time, incorporation of strontium in a PDMS–TEOS hybrid system was evaluated. Samples were characterized before and after immersion in Kokubo’s Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) by SEM, EDS, ICP and FT-IR spectroscopy

    Fluctuation Theorems for Entropy Production and Heat Dissipation in Periodically Driven Markov Chains

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    Asymptotic fluctuation theorems are statements of a Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry in the rate function of either the time-averaged entropy production or heat dissipation of a process. Such theorems have been proved for various general classes of continuous-time deterministic and stochastic processes, but always under the assumption that the forces driving the system are time independent, and often relying on the existence of a limiting ergodic distribution. In this paper we extend the asymptotic fluctuation theorem for the first time to inhomogeneous continuous-time processes without a stationary distribution, considering specifically a finite state Markov chain driven by periodic transition rates. We find that for both entropy production and heat dissipation, the usual Gallavotti-Cohen symmetry of the rate function is generalized to an analogous relation between the rate functions of the original process and its corresponding backward process, in which the trajectory and the driving protocol have been time-reversed. The effect is that spontaneous positive fluctuations in the long time average of each quantity in the forward process are exponentially more likely than spontaneous negative fluctuations in the backward process, and vice-versa, revealing that the distributions of fluctuations in universes in which time moves forward and backward are related. As an additional result, the asymptotic time-averaged entropy production is obtained as the integral of a periodic entropy production rate that generalizes the constant rate pertaining to homogeneous dynamics

    Investigation of Quasi--Realistic Heterotic String Models with Reduced Higgs Spectrum

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    Quasi--realistic heterotic-string models in the free fermionic formulation typically contain an anomalous U(1), which gives rise to a Fayet-Iliopolous term that breaks supersymmetry at the one--loop level in string perturbation theory. Supersymmetry is restored by imposing F- and D-flatness on the vacuum. In Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 046009, we presented a three generation free fermionic standard-like model which did not admit stringent F- and D-flat directions, and argued that the all the moduli in the model are fixed. The particular property of the model was the reduction of the untwisted Higgs spectrum by a combination of symmetric and asymmetric boundary conditions with respect to the internal fermions associated with the compactified dimensions. In this paper we extend the analysis of free fermionic models with reduced Higgs spectrum to the cases in which the SO(10) symmetry is left unbroken, or is reduced to the flipped SU(5) subgroup. We show that all the models that we study in this paper do admit stringent flat directions. The only examples of models that do not admit stringent flat directions remain the strandard-like models of reference Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) 046009.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur

    A Minimal Superstring Standard Model II: A Phenomenological Study

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    Recently, we demonstrated the existence of heterotic--string solutions in which the observable sector effective field theory just below the string scale reduces to that of the MSSM, with the standard observable gauge group being just SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y and the SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y-charged spectrum of the observable sector consisting solely of the MSSM spectrum. Associated with this model is a set of distinct flat directions of vacuum expectation values (VEVs) of non-Abelian singlet fields that all produce solely the MSSM spectrum. In this paper, we study the effective superpotential induced by these choices of flat directions. We investigate whether sufficient degrees of freedom exist in these singlet flat directions to satisfy various phenomenological constraints imposed by the observed Standard Model data. For each flat direction, the effective superpotential is given to sixth order. The variations in the singlet and hidden sector low energy spectrums are analyzed. We then determine the mass matrices (to all finite orders) for the three generations of MSSM quarks and leptons. Possible Higgs mu-terms are investigated. We conclude by considering generalizations of our flat directions involving VEVs of non-Abelian fields.Comment: 41 pages. Standard Late

    Perspectives for the detection and measurement of Supersymmetry in the focus point region of mSUGRA models with the ATLAS detector at LHC

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    This paper discusses the ATLAS potential to study Supersymmetry for the "Focus-Point" region of the parameter space of mSUGRA models. The potential to discovery a deviation from Standard Model expectations with the first few fb1{fb}^{-1} of LHC data was studied using the parametrized simulation of the ATLAS detector. Several signatures were considered, involving hard jets, large missing energy, and either bb-tagged jets, opposite-sign isolated electron or muon pairs, or top quarks reconstructed exploiting their fully hadronic decays. With only 1 fb1{fb}^{-1} of data each of these signatures may allow to observe an excess of events over Standard Model expectation with a statistical significance exceeding 5 standard deviations. An analytical expression was derived for the shape of the distribution of the dilepton invariant mass arising from the three-body leptonic decay of the neutralinos under the hypothesis of heavy scalars, which is appropriate for the focus-point scenario. The resulting function was used to fit the distribution of the dilepton invariant mass obtained with simulated LHC data, and to extract the value of two kinematic endpoints measuring the χ~20χ~10\tilde \chi^0_2 - \tilde \chi^0_1 and the χ~30χ~10\tilde \chi^0_3 - \tilde \chi^0_1 mass differences. This information was used to constrain the MSSM parameter space compatible with the data