1,551 research outputs found

    La pédagogie active en physique : les facteurs qui améliorent l'engagement et la collaboration des élÚves

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    Affiche prĂ©sentĂ©e dans le cadre du Colloque de l'ARC, «La relĂšve scientifique et la recherche collĂ©giale : pratiques inspirantes au regard des chercheuses et chercheurs, et enjeux spĂ©cifiques Ă  la formation des Ă©tudiantes et Ă©tudiants», dans le cadre du 84e CongrĂšs de l'Acfas, UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec Ă  MontrĂ©al, MontrĂ©al, le 10 mai 2016.La pĂ©dagogie active (PA) amĂ©liore nettement l’apprentissage des Ă©lĂšves. Le grand dĂ©fi de la PA consiste Ă  gĂ©rer un Ă©cosystĂšme d’apprentissage et Ă  mobiliser les ressources humaines, documents et outils d’apprentissage Ă  sa disposition – un processus appelĂ© l’« orchestration ». La prĂ©sente Ă©tude compare deux enseignants travaillant en PA dans un cours de physique (38 et 32 Ă©lĂšves respectivement). Ces enseignants sont excellents, comme le montrent les rĂ©sultats remarquables de leurs Ă©lĂšves Ă  un test standardisĂ© sur les concepts en physique. Cependant, leur dĂ©marche pĂ©dagogique n’est pas la mĂȘme, en raison des diffĂ©rences entre leurs points de vue Ă©pistĂ©mologiques et leurs ressources respectives, chacun dans leur classe amĂ©nagĂ©e de façon unique. Pour la comparaison, les deux enseignants devaient rĂ©aliser les mĂȘmes activitĂ©s. À partir d’observations en classe et de productions des Ă©lĂšves, nous analysons : 1) l’orchestration diffĂ©rente des ressources; 2) l’effet sur les productions des Ă©lĂšves; 3) les consĂ©quences de ces orchestrations sur l’apprentissage et la collaboration des Ă©lĂšves. Selon nos rĂ©sultats : 1) l’accĂšs Ă  des tableaux interactifs rĂ©servĂ©s aux Ă©lĂšves augmente les possibilitĂ©s d’orchestration de l’enseignant; 2) les ressources ont un effet sur l’ampleur du suivi et de la rĂ©troaction (Ă©valuation par les pairs, suivi des progrĂšs du groupe, retour en groupe classe); et 3) l’ajout d’activitĂ©s intĂ©ressantes prĂ©alables au cours favorise l’engagement des Ă©lĂšves en classe

    Hereditary predisposition to ovarian cancer, looking beyond BRCA1/BRCA2

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    AbstractObjectiveGenetic predisposition to ovarian cancer is well documented. With the advent of next generation sequencing, hereditary panel testing provides an efficient method for evaluating multiple genes simultaneously. Therefore, we sought to investigate the contribution of 19 genes identified in the literature as increasing the risk of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) in a BRCA1 and BRCA2 negative population of patients with a personal history of breast and/or ovarian cancer by means of a hereditary cancer panel.MethodsSubjects were referred for multi-gene panel testing between February 2012 and March 2014. Clinical data was ascertained from requisition forms. The incidence of pathogenic mutations (including likely pathogenic), and variant of unknown significance were then calculated for each gene and/or patient cohort.ResultsIn this cohort of 911 subjects, panel testing identified 67 mutations. With 7.4% of subjects harboring a mutation on this multi-gene panel, the diagnostic yield was increased, compared to testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations alone. In the ovarian cancer probands, the most frequently mutated genes were BRIP1 (n=8; 1.72%) and MSH6 (n=6; 1.29%). In the breast cancer probands, mutations were most commonly observed in CHEK2 (n=9; 2.54%), ATM (n=3; 0.85%), and TP53 (n=3; 0.85%).ConclusionsAlthough further studies are needed to clarify the exact management of patients with a mutation in each gene, this study highlights information that can be captured with panel testing and provides support for incorporation of panel testing into clinical practice

    A method for studying protistan diversity using massively parallel sequencing of V9 hypervariable regions of small-subunit ribosomal RNA genes

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    © 2009 The Authors. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS ONE 4 (2009): e6372, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0006372.Massively parallel pyrosequencing of amplicons from the V6 hypervariable regions of small-subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes is commonly used to assess diversity and richness in bacterial and archaeal populations. Recent advances in pyrosequencing technology provide read lengths of up to 240 nucleotides. Amplicon pyrosequencing can now be applied to longer variable regions of the SSU rRNA gene including the V9 region in eukaryotes. We present a protocol for the amplicon pyrosequencing of V9 regions for eukaryotic environmental samples for biodiversity inventories and species richness estimation. The International Census of Marine Microbes (ICoMM) and the Microbial Inventory Research Across Diverse Aquatic Long Term Ecological Research Sites (MIRADA-LTERs) projects are already employing this protocol for tag sequencing of eukaryotic samples in a wide diversity of both marine and freshwater environments. Massively parallel pyrosequencing of eukaryotic V9 hypervariable regions of SSU rRNA genes provides a means of estimating species richness from deeply-sampled populations and for discovering novel species from the environment.This work was supported by grants from the W.M. Keck Foundation and the Woods Hole Center for Oceans and Human Health from the National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation (NIH/NIEHS 1 P50 ES012742-01 and NSF/OCE 0430724-J) (LAZ and SH)

    Which older people decline participation in a primary care trial of physical activity and why: insights from a mixed methods approach

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    This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. Copyright 2014 Rogers et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.Background: Physical activity is of vital importance to older peoples’ health. Physical activity intervention studies with older people often have low recruitment, yet little is known about non-participants. Methods: Patients aged 60–74 years from three UK general practices were invited to participate in a nurse-supported pedometer-based walking intervention. Demographic characteristics of 298 participants and 690 non-participants were compared. Health status and physical activity of 298 participants and 183 non-participants who completed a survey were compared using age, sex adjusted odds ratios (OR) (95% confidence intervals). 15 non-participants were interviewed to explore perceived barriers to participation. Results: Recruitment was 30% (298/988). Participants were more likely than non-participants to be female (54% v 47%; p = 0.04) and to live in affluent postcodes (73% v 62% in top quintile; p < 0.001). Participants were more likely than non-participants who completed the survey to have an occupational pension OR 2.06 (1.35-3.13), a limiting longstanding illness OR 1.72 (1.05-2.79) and less likely to report being active OR 0.55 (0.33-0.93) or walking fast OR 0.56 (0.37-0.84). Interviewees supported general practice-based physical activity studies, particularly walking, but barriers to participation included: already sufficiently active, reluctance to walk alone or at night, physical symptoms, depression, time constraints, trial equipment and duration. Conclusion: Gender and deprivation differences suggest some selection bias. However, trial participants reported more health problems and lower activity than non-participants who completed the survey, suggesting appropriate trial selection in a general practice population. Non-participant interviewees indicated that shorter interventions, addressing physical symptoms and promoting confidence in pursuing physical activity, might increase trial recruitment and uptake of practice-based physical activity endeavours.The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) under its Research for Patient Benefit Programme (Grant Reference Number PB-PG-0909-20055)

    Achieving coordinated national immunity and cholera elimination in Haiti through vaccination: a modelling study

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    Summary: Background: Cholera was introduced into Haiti in 2010. Since then, more than 820 000 cases and nearly 10 000 deaths have been reported. Oral cholera vaccine (OCV) is safe and effective, but has not been seen as a primary tool for cholera elimination due to a limited period of protection and constrained supplies. Regionally, epidemic cholera is contained to the island of Hispaniola, and the lowest numbers of cases since the epidemic began were reported in 2019. Hence, Haiti may represent a unique opportunity to eliminate cholera with OCV. Methods: In this modelling study, we assessed the probability of elimination, time to elimination, and percentage of cases averted with OCV campaign scenarios in Haiti through simulations from four modelling teams. For a 10-year period from January 19, 2019, to Jan 13, 2029, we compared a no vaccination scenario with five OCV campaign scenarios that differed in geographical scope, coverage, and rollout duration. Teams used weekly department-level reports of suspected cholera cases from the Haiti Ministry of Public Health and Population to calibrate the models and used common vaccine-related assumptions, but other model features were determined independently. Findings: Among campaigns with the same vaccination coverage (70% fully vaccinated), the median probability of elimination after 5 years was 0–18% for no vaccination, 0–33% for 2-year campaigns focused in the two departments with the highest historical incidence, 0–72% for three-department campaigns, and 35–100% for nationwide campaigns. Two-department campaigns averted a median of 12–58% of infections, three-department campaigns averted 29–80% of infections, and national campaigns averted 58–95% of infections. Extending the national campaign to a 5-year rollout (compared to a 2-year rollout), reduced the probability of elimination to 0–95% and the proportion of cases averted to 37–86%. Interpretation: Models suggest that the probability of achieving zero transmission of Vibrio cholerae in Haiti with current methods of control is low, and that bolder action is needed to promote elimination of cholera from the region. Large-scale cholera vaccination campaigns in Haiti would offer the opportunity to synchronise nationwide immunity, providing near-term population protection while improvements to water and sanitation promote long-term cholera elimination. Funding: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Global Good Fund, Institute for Disease Modeling, Swiss National Science Foundation, and US National Institutes of Health

    What Are the Public Health Effects of Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertising?

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    Background to the debate: Only two industrialized countries, the United States and New Zealand, allow direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) of prescription medicines, although New Zealand is planning a ban [ 1]. The challenge for these governments is ensuring that DTCA is more beneficial than harmful. Proponents of DTCA argue that it helps to inform the public about available treatments and stimulates appropriate use of drugs for high-priority illnesses (such as statin use in people with ischemic heart disease). Critics argue that the information in the adverts is often biased and misleading, and that DTCA raises prescribing costs without net evidence of health benefits

    Differential sensitivity of target genes to translational repression by miR-17~92

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are thought to exert their functions by modulating the expression of hundreds of target genes and each to a small degree, but it remains unclear how small changes in hundreds of target genes are translated into the specific function of a miRNA. Here, we conducted an integrated analysis of transcriptome and translatome of primary B cells from mutant mice expressing miR-17~92 at three different levels to address this issue. We found that target genes exhibit differential sensitivity to miRNA suppression and that only a small fraction of target genes are actually suppressed by a given concentration of miRNA under physiological conditions. Transgenic expression and deletion of the same miRNA gene regulate largely distinct sets of target genes. miR-17~92 controls target gene expression mainly through translational repression and 5’UTR plays an important role in regulating target gene sensitivity to miRNA suppression. These findings provide molecular insights into a model in which miRNAs exert their specific functions through a small number of key target genesCX is a Pew Scholar in Biomedical Sciences. This study is supported by the PEW Charitable Trusts, Cancer Research Institute, National Institute of Health (R01AI087634, R01AI089854, RC1CA146299, R56AI110403, and R01AI121155 to CX), National Natural Science Foundation of China (31570882 to WHL, 31570883 to NX, 31570911 to GF, 91429301 to JH, 31671428 and 31500665 to YZ), 1000 Young Talents Program of China (K08008 to NX), 100 Talents Program of The Chinese Academy of Sciences (YZ), National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China (2016YFA0501900 to YZ), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China (20720150065 to NX and GF), Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT & Future Planning (NRF-2015R1C1A1A01052387 to SGK, NRF-2016R1A4A1010115 to SGK and PHK), and 2016 Research Grant from Kangwon National University (SGK)
