105 research outputs found

    Estimating qualities and quantities of faecal sludge to determine resource recovery potential : A case study in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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    A paradigm shift to convert faecal sludge into resources could minimise environmental pollution and public health risks in cities in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). To support faecal sludge management planning at city scale, this thesis investigated resource recovery potential from faecal sludge, using Phnom Penh as a case and focusing on waterborne systems. Methods used were faecal sludge sampling and analysis, stakeholder interviews, observations and multi-criteria assessment.  Resource recovery potential from faecal sludge in Phnom Penh was found to be limited. Many quality parameters in faecal sludge were low compared with previously reported values, owing to dilution effects of high prevalence of waterborne toilets, addition of water during emptying events, mixed wastewater capture by containment units and connection of containment units to the urban drainage network. Concentrations of two heavy metals (mercury and zinc) exceeded the limits in the Cambodia standard for organic fertiliser and Swedish standard for compost. The highly diluted nutrient content and relatively high heavy metal contamination in faecal sludge limit its reuse potential. However, reuse of sludge could capture around 65 tons of total nitrogen and 13 tons of total phosphorus annually instead of allowing these nutrients to enter natural wetlands.  Three options to tackle the current challenges in faecal sludge management in Phnom Penh were identified: (i) short-term: use of treated faecal sludge as soil conditioner for public green space; (ii) medium-term: upstream source control to prevent contamination of sludge; (iii) long-term: source separation. Solar drying and vermicomposting are appropriate technologies for short-term solutions and co-composting, larval composting and vermicomposting for medium-term solutions, after implementing upstream source controls. For long-term solutions, extensive research on appropriate technologies is needed. Overall, the best option will depend on relative weighs of sustainability criteria and trade-offs for sector stakeholders. These findings can assist sector stakeholders in Phnom Penh and other LMIC cities with similar sanitation systems in improving faecal sludge management

    Modeling Family Behaviors in Crowd Simulation

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    Modeling human behavior for a general situation is difficult, if not impossible. Crowd simulation represents one of the approaches most commonly used to model such behavior. It is mainly concerned with modeling the different human structures incorporated in a crowd. These structures could comprise individuals, groups, friends, and families. Various instances of these structures and their corresponding behaviors are modeled to predict crowd responses under certain circumstances and to subsequently improve event management, facility and emergency planning. Most currently existing modeled behaviors are concerned with depicting individuals as autonomous agents or groups of agents in certain environments. This research focuses on providing structural and state-based behavioral models for the concept of a family incorporated in the crowd. The structural model defines parents, teenagers, children, and elderly as members of the family. It also draws on the associated interrelationships and the rules that govern them. The behavioral model of the family encompasses a number of behavioral models associated with the triggering of certain well-known activities that correspond to the family’s situation. For instance, in normal cases, a family member(s) may be hungry, bored, or tired, may need a restroom, etc. In an emergency case, a family may experience the loss of a family member(s), the need to assist in safe evacuation, etc. Activities that such cases trigger include splitting, joining, carrying children, looking for family member(s), or waiting for them. The proposed family model is implemented on top of the RVO2 library that is using agent-based approach in crowd simulation. Simulation case studies are developed to answer research questions related to various family evacuation approaches in emergency situations

    The Implementation of Meshless Local Petrov Galerkin (MLPG) Method for Determine Pollutant Sources in Brantas River

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    Pollution in the river often occur and can be threaten for aquatic organisms and humans. Polluted river has negative impacts for people around of the Brantas River. Pollutants entering into the river can be derived from industrial and nonindustrial. Based on these problems, the authors conducted a study and analyze the location of pollutant sources by mathematical approach. To find the location of the pollutant sources is not easy, with applying the Meshless Local Petrov Galerkin method (MLPG) we can determine the distance of the point source of pollutant from sample point monitoring Perum Jasa Tirta. The MLPG method does not use a grid that can be used for domains that are not continuous or move. Pollutant source location obtained from the simulation results that the position of 700m to 1000m which is the fluctuation of the position of the concentration of COD, BOD, DO and TSS were lower. This indicates that there is contamination in the highest position of 700 meters until to 1000meters


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    Pencemaran sungai sering terjadi dan dapat mengancam kehidupan organisme air dan manusia. Sungai yang tercemar membawa dampak negatif bagi masyarakat di kawasan Sungai Brantas. Polutan yang masuk ke sungai dapat berasal dari limbah industri dan non-industri. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, penulis melakukan penelitian dan menganalisis lokasi sumber pencemar melalui pendekatan secara matematis. Untuk menemukan lokasi sumber pencemar tidaklah mudah, dengan menerapkan metode Meshless Local Petrov Galerkin (MLPG) dapat ditentukan jarak lokasi sumber pencemar dari titik pantau Perum Jasa Tirta. Metode MLPG ini tidak menggunakan grid sehingga dapat digunakan untuk domain yang tidak kontinyu atau bergerak. Lokasi sumber pencemar yang diperoleh dari hasil simulasi yaitu pada posisi 700m sampai 1000m yang mana pada posisi ini terjadi fluktuasi konsentrasi COD, BOD, DO dan TSS yang semakin rendah. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa terjadi pencemaran tertinggi pada posisi 700m sampai 1000m

    Penyuluhan untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Masyarakat dalam Pendewasaan Usia Perkawinan di Desa Aik Dewa Lombok Timur

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    Aik Dewa Village, Pringgasela District, is one of the villages that has a KB village in East Lombok Regency. The obstacle faced in Aikdewa village is the low level of awareness about Marriage Age Maturity (PUP) so that early marriage often occurs. So far, efforts to increase public awareness have only used counseling with one method, namely lectures. Method Alternative solutions that can be done to overcome these obstacles is to conduct counseling with several methods. The several methods that researchers use in this counseling are lectures, watching together, and discussions. In addition, the extension process also requires the right media and is carried out in a sustainable and massive manner. The product of this counseling cannot be seen directly because it is in the form of changes in knowledge, behavior, attitudes, and decisions for each individual. To measure the success of the counseling that was carried out, the researcher conducted a pretest and posttest as well as interviews. Pretest and posttest questions related to maturation of marriage age (PUP) and early marriage and its impacts. Posttest results after counseling showed an increase in the knowledge and understanding of the counseling participants at SMAN 1 Pringgasela and MTs NW Nurul Iman Aikdewa

    Perspective of CP violation search by modular J-PET detector in the ortho-positronium decay

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    The positronium atom, a bound state of electron and positron, is a suitable leptonic test site for Charge-Parity (CP) discrete symmetry research. According to the Standard Model, the photon–photon interaction in the final state due to the vacuum polarization may mimic CP violation of the order of 109^{-9}, while weak interaction effects lead to a violation of the order of 1014^{-14}. So far, the experimental limits on CP symmetry violation in the decay of o-Ps are set at the level of 103^{-3}. The J-PET detector can be used to explore discrete symmetries by looking for probable non-zero expectation values of the symmetry-odd operators, constructed from spin of ortho-Positronium (o-Ps) and momentum, and polarization vectors of gamma (γ) quanta resulting from o-Ps annihilation. The upgraded version of the J-PET detector, with an additional fourth layer of detection modules increases signal acceptance, which allows to triple the efficiency of γ quanta detection for CP discrete symmetry studies


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    ABSTRAK Pendidikan akhlak merupakan ajaran dalam pendidikan islam. Untuk mrncapai tujuan pendidikan islam yang sempurna, maka manusia diharapkan untuk berperilaku sesuai unsur-unsur pendidikan islam. Namun, yang terjadi saat ini moral pada masyarakat mengalami degradasi yang sulit dikendalikan. Maka dari itu perlunya pembaharuan konsep pendidikan akhlak, salah satunya dengan menelusuri pemikiran Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji. Objek pembahasan tertuju pada pemikiran Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji tentang konsep pendidikan akhlak. Peneliti ini bertujuan untuk menggali konsep pendidikan akhlak menurut Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji dan kontribusinya terhadap PAI di sekolah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian kajian pustaka (library research). Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan bertumpu pada data-data kepustakaan, yaitu mengkaji buku karya Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Konsep pendidikan akhlak menurut Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji Pendidikan akhlak yang digagas oleh Az-zarnuji menekankan pada adab, sehingga tidak hanya pada transfer ilmu pengetahuan tetapi menggabungkan antara ilmu, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan nilai. (2) Kontribusi pendidikan akhlak menurut Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji terhadap tujuan PAI yang membentuk akhlak mulia dalam niat kepada Allah untuk mencapai keridhoan Allah. Terhadap Metode dengan 13 pasal yang ditawarkan Az-zarnuji memberikan solusi: hendaknya melakukan secara benar ketika menapaki jalan atau metode dalam menempuh ilmu pengetahuan dan hendaknya memenuhi syarat-syarat dalam menempuh ilmu pengetahuan. Terhadap materi ajar yang harus dimiliki oleh pelajar yaitu sikap tawakal yang akan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah Swt, sehingga apapun hasil yang didapatkan kita bisa selalu sabar dan tabah dalam menghadapinya. Kata kunci: Pendidikan Akhlak, Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji, Kontribusi THE CONCEPT OF VIRAL EDUCATION ACCORDING TO BURHANUDDIN AZ-ZARNUJI AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO PAI IN SCHOOL SKRIPSI Aldi Eliyan Saputra [email protected] 1703185 Program Studi Ilmu Pendidikan Agama Islam Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ABSTRACT Moral education is a teaching in Islamic education. To achieve the goal of perfect Islamic education, humans are expected to behave according to the elements of Islamic education. However, what is happening at this time is moral degradation in society which is difficult to control. Therefore, it is necessary to renew the concept of moral education, one of which is by tracing the thoughts of Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji. The object of the discussion is Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji's thoughts on the concept of moral education. This researcher aims to explore the concept of moral education according to Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji and its contribution to PAI in schools. This research uses a qualitative approach with the type of library research. This research was carried out by relying on library data, namely reviewing the book by Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji. The research shows that (1) the concept of moral education according to Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji Moral education initiated by Az-zarnuji emphasizes etiquette, so that it is not only on the transfer of knowledge but combines knowledge, skills, and values. (2) The contribution of moral education according to Burhanuddin Az-zarnuji to the goal of PAI which is to form noble character in the intention of Allah to achieve Allah's pleasure. The method with 13 articles offered by Az-zarnuji provides a solution: one should do it right when treading a path or method in pursuing knowledge and should meet the requirements for pursuing knowledge. The teaching material that must be possessed by students is an attitude of trustworthiness that will draw closer to Allah SWT, so that whatever results we get, we can always be patient and steadfast in dealing with them. Keyword: moral education, Burhanuddin az-zarnuji, contributio

    Factors influencing physicochemical characteristics of faecal sludge in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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    Comprehensive knowledge of faecal sludge characteristics is needed for sludge management planning, but it is lacking for the city of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Thus, this study characterised physicochemical properties of faecal sludge from households in Phnom Penh and related these to sludge containment unit type, unit age, connectedness to the urban drainage network, type of wastewater captured, watertight containment units, number of users, and emptying practices. In total, 194 faecal sludge samples collected during containment unit emptying were analysed for physicochemical parameters. Information on containment units was collected in a survey of emptiers and users. Mean values of faecal sludge chemical parameters were found to be slightly lower than previously reported values for low-/middle-income countries, whereas physicochemical properties were within similar ranges. The main factor influencing organic matter content in faecal sludge was containment unit connection to the urban drainage network, whereas emptying practice and capture of only blackwater affected nutrient levels. The concentrations of nutrients and organic pollutants greatly exceeded Cambodian discharge standards for wastewater. This causes environmental impacts, so treatment is needed before discharge. The faecal sludge characteristics and influencing factors identified here can serve as a baseline for sanitation stakeholders planning faecal sludge management systems in Phnom Penh and similar cities

    Sustainability assessment of faecal sludge treatment technologies for resource recovery in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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    Selection of appropriate sustainable treatment technologies involves satisfying user requirements, quality standards on treatment and products, and specific socio-technical constraints in the intended context. Using locally adapted multi-criteria assessment (MCA), this study investigated faecal sludge treatment technologies that enable resource recovery in Phnom Penh. A four-step structured approach was applied, involving i) identification of available options, ii) prerequisite screening, iii) MCA and iv) stakeholder discussions and ranking. Data were collected in a literature review, stakeholder interviews and an online survey. Lists of suitable primary (n = 7) and secondary (n = 13) treatment technologies were compiled based on the literature. Four secondary treatment technologies (solar drying, co-composting, vermicomposting, black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) composting) were retained after prerequisite screening and subjected to MCA. Co-composting was ranked highest in MCA, since it performed well in multiple aspects, especially for health criteria. However, when economic return on investment was prioritised and a lower treatment class was accepted, e.g. USEPA Class B biosolids, the highest ranking was achieved by vermicomposting or BSFL composting. If institutional criteria were included in the assessment, solar drying would likely be the highest-ranked option, since this simple technology requires less logistically complex stakeholder arrangements than co-composting. These results show that the ranking obtained for different sludge treatment options depends on criteria weighting and tradeoffs. Considering secondary treatment options is crucial during early planning for faecal sludge management in a city of low-and-middle income countries, as the primary treatment must yield appropriate feedstock quality for the secondary treatment step