922 research outputs found

    Clinical studies of epidemic influenza and pandemic COVID-19 to improve the chain of patient care: from bedside diagnostics to long-term complications :

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    Tidlig diagnostikk og rask og målrettet behandling kan forbedre utfallet av influensa og Covid-19 sykdom. Gjennom prospektive, kontrollerte observasjonsstudier har vi vist betydningen av rask diagnostikk for å redusere liggetid og starte tidlig antiviral behandling mot influensa, samt definert langtidsplager etter mild Covid-19 infeksjon. Under influensasesongen i 2018/2019 undersøkte vi effekten av å bruke en pasientnær nukleinsyrebasert influensa hurtigtest i akuttmottaket på Haukeland Sykehus sammenlignet med rask, standard laboratoriediagnostikk på Haraldsplass Diakonale Sykehus. Vi fant at den pasientnære hurtigtesten var raskere, og reduserte tidsbruk fra triage til influensatesting. Bruk av hurtigtest var forbundet med mer målrettet isolasjonsbruk og kortere sykehusopphold. Begge sykehus initierte antiviral behandling i >80% av bekreftede influensatilfeller. Pasientnær hurtigtest var ikke forbundet med lavere forbruk av antibiotika (gitt til >70%) eller kortere antibiotikakurer, som antyder at anibiotikastyrings-verktøy i forløpet etter akuttmottak kan være vel så viktig for å forbedre forskrivningspraksis. Bekymring om overforbruk av antibiotika økte under Covid-19 pandemien. Derfor undersøkte vi antibiotikabruk blant innlagte koronapasienter i Bergen under den første bølgen av pandemien. Vi sammenlignet med 2018/2019 influensapasienter fra samme sykehus, samt nasjonale tall over alle Covid-19 relaterte sykehus-innleggelser i Norge i 2020. Vi så at Covid-19 pasienter fikk færrest antibiotikakurer, men det var et høyere forbruk av resistensdrivende antibiotika. Videre så vi en positiv utvikling med redusert antibiotikabruk hos Covid-19 pasienter som ble innlagt i andre bølge av pandemien, sammenlignet med den første. Til slutt undersøkte vi forekomst av restplager, også kalt «long Covid» blant hjemmeisolerte Covid-19 pasienter opp til 18 måneder etter akutt Covid-19 sykdom. Nesten halvparten av pasientene hadde restplager. Vanligst var utmattelse, hukommelse- og konsentrasjonsvansker og tungpust, og ved 12 måneder var forekomsten av disse plagene mye høyere enn blant en aldersjustert seronegativ kontrollgruppe. SARS-CoV-2 spesifikke immunsvar korrelerte også med restplager. Totalt sett så vi at Covid-19 pasienter hadde økt risiko for en rekke symptomer, og at for de fleste tar det lang tid å bli kvitt plagene.Current knowledge indicates that early diagnosis along with timely and targeted management have the potential to improve the outcomes after Influenza and SARS-CoV-2. During the influenza season 2018/2019, we investigated the effect of implementing an ultra-rapid molecular influenza point-of-care test (POCT) in the emergency department (ED) (intervention hospital), compared to the use of rapid laboratory-based diagnostics (control hospital). We showed that influenza POCT was more rapid, reducing the time from triage to testing, allowing correct isolation of patients, and reduced the length of stay. Both hospitals similarly prescribed antivirals to >80% of influenza patients. The influenza POCT was not associated with reduced rate (>70% overall) or duration of antibiotic treatment, suggesting that antibiotic stewardship measures beyond the ED are important to improve targeted antibiotic use. The concern of overuse of antibiotics in respiratory viral infections increased in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Hence, we investigated antibiotic treatment in patients hospitalized during the first COVID-19-wave in Bergen, and compared to antibiotic treatment of our influenza patients and all nationally registered COVID-19 hospitalised patients. COVID-19 patients were prescribed fewer antibiotics than influenza patients, although more resistance-driving antibiotics were used. There was a positive development from the first to second COVID-19 pandemic wave, with reduced antibiotic use. We then investigated the long-term complications of non-severe COVID-19 in home isolated patients up to 18 months after acute infection, named long COVID. We found that up to 18 months, almost half of the patients had one or more residual symptoms, with fatigue, memory problems, concentration problems and dyspnea being most common. The symptom burden at 12 months was significantly higher after infection compared to age- and time-period matched seronegative controls, and we found humoral and cellular SARS-CoV-2 specific immune correlates of symptom sequelae. Overall, our studies demonstrated an excess risk of multiple symptoms, associated with COVID-19, and that recovery from symptoms is slow in most individuals. In conclusion, this work has shown the importance of timely diagnostics for reducing patient length of stay and timely antiviral treatment and defined the long-term complications after mild COVID-19.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Social work in movement: marketisation, differentiation and managerial performativity in Sweden and England

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    This article considers the changing nature of social work in England and Sweden in the context of neoliberal reforms, and the consequences of the ongoing shifts to marketisation and differentiation, managerialism and performativity. Drawing on secondary sources and some interview data from English and Swedish social workers, the article argues that social workers in England and Sweden face similar shifts as marketisation, differentiation, managerialism and its related performativity reshape the occupation, all related to the influence of the macro-context of neoliberalism. ‘Evidence based practice’ has become elevated as an important approach in line with increasing managerialism and performativity, affecting micro processes of everyday working life. Differences between the two countries lie largely in the timing of reforms and how social workers respond to them in organised ways – through mobilisation within the profession in England and through trades unions and local authorities in Sweden. The changes create uncertainty for social workers; while they are not merely passive victims of change they face difficult conditions in which to forge alternative models of professional practice. Contrary to what might have been expected, given the different social, political and historical legacies in Sweden and England of social democracy and liberalism respectively, comparing the social work occupation in these two countries finds many more similarities than differences in how marketisation, differentiation, managerialism and performativity impact on the occupation

    Classically entangled optical beams for high-speed kinematic sensing

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    Tracking the kinematics of fast-moving objects is an important diagnostic tool for science and engineering. Existing optical methods include high-speed CCD/CMOS imaging, streak cameras, lidar, serial time-encoded imaging and sequentially timed all-optical mapping. Here, we demonstrate an entirely new approach to positional and directional sensing based on the concept of classical entanglement in vector beams of light. The measurement principle relies on the intrinsic correlations existing in such beams between transverse spatial modes and polarization. The latter can be determined from intensity measurements with only a few fast photodiodes, greatly outperforming the bandwidth of current CCD/CMOS devices. In this way, our setup enables two-dimensional real-time sensing with temporal resolution in the GHz range. We expect the concept to open up new directions in photonics-based metrology and sensing.Comment: v2 includes the real-time measurement from the published version. Reference [29] added. Minor experimental details added on page

    The Nordic Model and Management in International Corporations:A Scoping Review

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    The overall aim of this scoping review is to present empirical studies regarding how the Nordic model has been investigated in relation to management in international companies. The subse quent objective is to discuss the model’s robustness regarding internationalization. The question raised is how the Nordic model, in relation to management, is configured in empirical studies undertaken in international corporations. Using systematic literature searches to examine peer- reviewed articles published between 2000 and 2022, 15 out of 972 studies were eligible for a full review. Primarily, one facet of the model was investigated: workplace democracy. Foreign-owned companies operating in Nordic countries partly adopted the model, whereas the model was implemented to some extent in Nordic-owned companies abroad. Management’s support and employee involvement were considered important. This review indicates that there is pressure on the model, although it has extended beyond the Nordic border and appears to be adaptable to global working life

    Hybelkokkskolen: undervisningsopplegg for lærere i mat og helse 8.-10. trinn

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    Dette Idéheftet inneholder et pedagogisk opplegg for totalt 10 økter á 3 undervisningstimer basert på kompetansemålene for 10. trinn1 i faget «mat og helse» og helsedirektoratets anbefalinger om kosthold, ernæring og fysisk aktivitet (2014)2. Opplegget har utgangspunkt i samarbeidsprosjektet «Næring for læring» mellom Høgskolen i Nord- Trøndelag avd. for helsefag og Midtre-Namdal samkommune. Prosjektet ble gjennomført ved Namdalseid- og Statland skole våren 2014 med mål om å øke praktiske ferdigheter og bevissthet rundt eget kosthold for ungdomsskoleelever som flytter tidlig hjemme fra og på hybel for å ta videregående utdanning

    The development of the therapeutic community for addictions in Denmark : a short report based on an interview with Hanne Holm Hage-Ali

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    Purpose - Even though there is much information available with regard to the development of the therapeutic community (TC) for addictions in Europe, little is known about the particular situation in Denmark. The paper aims to discuss this issue. Design/methodology/approach - In order to address this dearth, the methodology of the following historical account is largely based on an interview and personal contacts with Hanne Holm Hage-Ali, current director of TC Opbygningsgarden and star witness of the development of TC in Denmark. Findings - In 1971, the Freetown Christiania, Copenhagen, where TC Opbygningsgarden started up, was based on communal, anarchic and hippie ideas and values. In the beginning, TC Opbygningsgarden was not well accepted by TC pioneers promoting the classic hierarchical TC, as it was seen as a social experiment with anti-authoritarian roots. Later, in its turn, it became influenced by TCs Veksthuset and Phoenix House Haga, Norway, which were part of the common European TC movement. At this moment, TC Opbygningsgarden functions as a well-accepted member of the European Federation of Therapeutic Communities. Research limitations/implications - The interview revealed information that it is line with current trends in and challenges for TC throughout Europe, as outlined in a recent EMCDDA study: TC in Europe can be considered as children of the late sixties; TCs are embedded in the anti-psychiatric movement, existentialism and the promotion of alternative community living; European TC leaders had different origins and professional background; and the TC never belonged to one religion or ideology. The common human value system always transcended the different visions. Originality/value - This paper aims at addressing the dearth in knowledge on the development of TCs in Denmark

    How high schools teach quantum physics – a cross-national analysis of curricula in secondary education

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    Quantum physics (QP) changed our worldview, it brought us modern electronic devices, and its almost mythical image fascinates. Although QP is relatively new in secondary education, it is now part of the national curricula of many countries. To understand the current state of QP content in high schools, we scrutinised upper secondary school physics curriculum documents in 15 countries. In these countries, we identified a similar core curriculum of QP which contains the following seven main categories: discrete atomic energy levels, interactions between light and matter, wave-particle duality, de Broglie wavelength, technical applications, Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, and the probabilistic nature of QP. We also found differences in the focus of the listed topics of individual countries, which indicate different views on teaching QP. The thematic focus of QP items is related to the underlying goal of science education and to the way students' knowledge is tested. This overview shows which QP content is generally feasible at a secondary level and which pedagogical perspectives are possible. Therefore this study might lead to reflections on existing QP curricula, and inspire countries that do not have QP in their curriculum yet

    Holdninger til nynorsk som sidemål

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    I denne mastergradsoppgaven har jeg undersøkt holdningene til nynorsk som sidemål blant elever på 9. og 10. trinn i kyststrøkene i Finnmark. Problemstillingen min er: Hvordan kan norsklærere påvirke elevenes holdninger til nynorsk som sidemål? For å få svar på problemstillingen, har jeg brukt metodene spørreundersøkelse og fokusgruppeintervju. Spørreundersøkelsen ble gjennomført med et utvalg elever og lærere, og fokusgruppeintervjuet med 6 elever bygget på denne spørreundersøkelsen. Jeg har ikke funnet noen negative språklige ideologier blant elevene mot nynorskbrukeren eller språket nynorsk, og elevene mener vi må skille mellom holdningene til nynorsk som skriftspråk, og nynorsk som sidemål. De negative holdningene de har, er rettet mot nynorsk som sidemål, som kan komme av sidemålsundervisningen. Elevene savner gode begrunnelser for hvorfor de skal lære nynorsk på skolen, og mener begrunnelser, varierte undervisningsopplegg, egen arbeidsinnsats og motiverte og motiverende lærere er de viktigste faktorene for at de skal lære seg å lese og skrive nynorsk. Å videreformidle de språklige og kognitive fordelene ved å lære seg sidemålet på skolen, samt bruke kystfinnmarksdialekten som støtte i nynorskundervisningen, kan påvirke ferdighetene og holdningene elevene har til nynorsk som sidemål. Elevene i intervjuet påpeker at å lære seg samisk har større verdi enn å lære seg nynorsk fordi vi bor i et område med nær tilknytning til det samiske