259 research outputs found

    Functional characterization of highly processive protein-primed DNA polymerases from phages Nf and GA-1, endowed with a potent strand displacement capacity

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    This paper shows that the protein-primed DNA polymerases encoded by bacteriophages Nf and GA-1, unlike other DNA polymerases, do not require unwinding or processivity factors for efficient synthesis of full-length terminal protein (TP)-DNA. Analysis of their polymerization activity shows that both DNA polymerases base their replication efficiency on a high processivity and on the capacity to couple polymerization to strand displacement. Both enzymes are endowed with a proofreading activity that acts coordinately with the polymerization one to edit polymerization errors. Additionally, Nf double-stranded DNA binding protein (DBP) greatly stimulated the in vitro formation of the TP-dAMP initiation complex by decreasing the K(m) value for dATP of the Nf DNA polymerase by >20-fold. Whereas Nf DNA polymerase, as the φ29 enzyme, is able to use its homologous TP as well as DNA as primer, GA-1 DNA polymerase appears to have evolved to use its corresponding TP as the only primer of DNA synthesis. Such exceptional behaviour is discussed in the light of the recently solved structure of the DNA polymerase/TP complex of the related bacteriophage φ29

    Osteomyelitis Associated with \u3ci\u3eNocardiopsis composta\u3c/i\u3e in a Dog

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    Osteomyelitis can be caused by bacterial or fungal agents or may be idiopathic. Cocci, bacilli, and filamentous bacteria such as members of the Actinomycetes have all been determined to be causes of osteomyelitis. Differential diagnoses for Gram-positive filamentous rods in the family Actinomycetales causing osteomyelitis in the dog, include members of the more frequently encountered genera Nocardia and Actinomyces. Bacteria gain access to the bone via several routes but are most often associated with direct inoculation (such as percutaneous injuries, compound fractures, or secondary to foreign bodies such as surgical or other material including dirt and wood) and fracture instability. Less frequently, the route is hematogenous, as has been found with Propionibacterium acnes. Agents isolated from osteolytic lesions in dogs and cats have included Gram-positive Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Gram-negative Escherichia coli, Proteus spp., Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas spp., anaerobic Clostridium spp., Peptostreptococcus spp., Actinomyces spp., Bacterioides spp., Fusobacterium spp., and rarely Brucella canis, Nocardia spp., and Mycobacterium avium. Fungal causes include Coccidioides immitis, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Histoplasma capsulatum, Cryptococcus neoformans, and Aspergillus spp. Osteosarcoma with associated cellulitis is a reported noninfectious cause of osteomyelitis in dogs. Our report details the diagnosis, treatment, and resolution of osteomyelitis in a dog caused by a unique agent, Nocardiopsis composta

    An Overview about the Current Situation on C&D Waste Management in Italy: Achievements and Challenges

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    [EN] The disposal volume of material for Construction and Demolition in Europe is increasing each year, that the European Union has decided to take control of the matter unifying practices and goals to achieve. This article analyses how waste management works in Italy adjusting its system to the European Union, regarding Construction and Demolition, taking into consideration the disposal of material coming from C&D (Construction and Demolition) production. In Italy, the disposition may differ according to the regions in which it is divided, and this must be taken into consideration when analysing information that reflects the different logistical aspect linked to the territory. It is also necessary to consider how the volume of waste can vary according to the size of the region considered and the type of industrial development to which it belongs. The analysis of the Italian situation shows their achievements regarding reaching a good level of recycling waste volume; indeed, their amount of C&D recycled waste after 2010 was always up to the 70% value established by the European Union, though barriers are still present in the field of waste management. Through data collecting, it has been seen the different volume that is generated in construction-related activities in the country, along with the recovered waste volume. Thus, the goal of this paper is to deepen the general knowledge on waste produced by Construction and Demolition in Italy and waste management practices adopted according to the European Union.This work was carried out at the Universitat Politècnica de València in the framework of CONDEREFF project (Ref. PGI05560-CONDEREFF).Cárcel-Carrasco, J.; Peñalvo-López, E.; Pascual Guillamón, M.; Salas Vicente, F. (2021). An Overview about the Current Situation on C&D Waste Management in Italy: Achievements and Challenges. Buildings. 11(7):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings11070284S11211

    Smoking, consumption of alcohol and sedentary life style in population grouping and their relationships with lipemic disorders

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    The study, part of the project "Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases, lipemic disorders, hypertension, obesity and diabetis mellitus in a population of the metropolitan area of the southeastern region of Brazil", had the following objectives: a) the characterization and distribution among typical human socio-economic groupings, of the prevalence of some particular habits which constitute aspects of life-style-the use of tobacco, the use of alcohol and sedentary activity; b) the establishment of the interrelation between the above-mentioned habits and some lipemic disorders. The prevalence of the habits cited behaved in the following manner: the use of tobacco predominated among men, distributed uniformly throughout the social strata; among the women the average percentage of smokers was 18,9%, a significant difference occurring among the highest socio-economic class, where the average was of 40.2%. The sedentary style of life presented high prevalence, among both men and women with exception of the women of the highest socio-economic level and of the skilled working class. The use of alcohol, as one would expect, is a habit basically practised by the men, without any statistically significant differences between classes. For the purpose of establishing associations between these risk fictors and lipemic conditions four situations were chosen, of the following characteristics: 1- total cholesterol >; or = 220 mg/dl and triglycerides >; or = 150 mg/dl; 2- HDL cholesterolO estudo, parte do projeto "Doenças cardiovasculares ateroscleróticas, dislipidemias, hipertensão, obesidade e diabetes melito em população da área metropolitana da região Sudeste do Brasil", teve os seguintes objetivos: a)caracterizar a distribuição da prevalência de tabagismo, etilismo e sedentarismo entre grupamentos humanos típicos, do ponto vista socioeconômico; b)- estabelecer associações entre os hábitos e morbidades citados e determinados estados lipêmicos. A prevalência dos hábitos em questão comportou-se da seguinte forma: tabagismo, predominou entre os homens, com prevalência média de 45%, uniformemente distribuída entre as classes; entre as mulheres o percentual médio foi de 22,5%, com diferença significante para a classe de mais alto nível socioeconômico, com 46,3%. O sedentarismo apresentou alta prevalência, entre homens e mulheres, entre 40% e 50%, não havendo diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os sexos e nem tampouco entre as classes. O etilismo foi um hábito fundamentalmente difundido entre os homens, sem diferenças de prevalência estatisticamente significantes entre as classes. Para o estabelecimento de associações entre hábitos e estados lipêmicos foram escolhidas quatro situações, com as seguintes características: 1 - Hipercolesterolemia moderada acompanhada de níveis séricos de triglicérides menores ou iguais e maiores de 150mg/dl; 2- HDL colesterol sérico abaixo da normalidade acompanhado de níveis de triglicérides iguais ou maiores de 150mg/dl ou menores de 150mg/dl. Foram estabelecidos seis modelos de regressão múltipla, com sete variáveis independentes - idade, sexo, tabagismo, etilismo, sedentarismo, hipertensão e obesidade. Na primeira situação lipêmica houve associações significantes entre a hipercolesterolemia, acompanhada de níveis de triglicérides >; ou = 150mg/dl, com as seguintes variáveis independentes: idade, tabagismo e as interações entre obesidade/tabagismo, sedentarismo e sexo/obesidade, com R² igual 22%; as variáveis de maior peso na predição da variação dos níveis de colesterol total foram o tabagismo e a interação entre obesidade/tabagismo. A hipercolesterolemia acompanhada de níveis de triglicérides menores do que 150mg/dl associou-se às seguintes variáveis: sexo, interações obesidade/tabagismo e sexo/obesidade. Para a situação 2- o HDL colesterol, acompanhado de níveis de triglicérides >; ou = 150mg/dl, associou-se inversamente às variáveis obesidade e a interação tabagismo/ idade e diretamente à idade (R²=31%); as variáveis obesidade e a interação tabagismo/idade apresentaram peso três vezes maior do que a idade na explicação da variação dos níveis séricos do HDL colesterol. Na presença de níveis séricos de triglicérides menores do que 150mg/dl não houve qualquer associação com as variáveis aludidas e o conjunto apresentou R² igual a 22%. Fica evidente, que as associações inversas entre HDL-colesterol com o tabagismo e obesidade, já descritas na literatura, só ocorreram na presença de níveis de triglicérides >; ou = 150mg/dl. Constata-se que na presença de baixos níveis de triglicérides diminui o número de variáveis preditivas da hipercolesterolemia. Em síntese, na população abordada, os hábitos componentes do estilo de vida (tabagismo, etilismo e sedentarismo), que se constituem em fatores de risco de morbidades determinantes das doenças cardiovasculares ateroscleróticas, encontram-se distribuídos em todos os grupamentos sociais típicos nesta determinada forma de organização social. Por outro lado, as sete variáveis independentes utilizadas nos modelos de regressão múltipla apresentaram coeficientes de determinação múltipla, que variaram entre 20 e 30% aproximadamente. Ressalta-se, desta forma, a importância da epidemiologia genética no estudo das morbidades em questão

    La desigualdad en la educación de los inmigrantes residentes en la comarca de Valdejalón.

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    La desigualdad en la educación de los inmigrantes es un desafío importante en mu-chas partes del mundo y debido a que cada vez crece más la población inmigrante este problema aumenta. Por lo que este programa de intervención está destinado a abordar dicha problemática y promover la igualdad de oportunidades en lo que a educación se refiere, dentro de la comarca de Valdejalón. Se trabaja a partir de diferentes metodologías como las comunidades de aprendizaje donde se trabajará de manera colectiva entre todas las instituciones para reducir dicha desigualdad<br /

    Insights into the determination of the templating nucleotide at the initiation of φ29 DNA replication

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    Background: The initiation of replication in φ29 mainly occurs opposite the 3' penultimate nucleotide of the template. Results: Mutations in the TP residue Phe-230 changed the specificity for the templating nucleotide. Conclusion: The results suggest a role for Phe-230 in determining the templating nucleotide. Significance: The results shed light on the positioning of the template nucleotide in organisms that initiate with proteinpriming mechanism.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Grant CSD2007–00015 (to M. S.), and a Institutional grant from the Fundación Ramón Areces of the Centro de Biología MolecularPeer Reviewe

    Resultados maternos de la violencia intrafamiliar en gestantes adolescentes. Hospital San Juan de Lurigancho periodo diciembre 2011- febrero 2012

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    Objetivo: Analizar la asociación entre la violencia intrafamiliar durante el embarazo y los resultados maternos en puérperas adolescentes atendidas en el Hospital San Juan de Lurigancho, durante el periodo Diciembre 2011 - Febrero 2012. Metodología: Estudio comparativo, transversal, retrospectivo. Se dividió a la población en base a la presencia o ausencia de violencia intrafamiliar durante el embarazo, partiendo de los criterios de elegibilidad para el estudio. La muestra la conforman 116 puérperas adolescentes, distribuidas en dos grupos de 58 participantes cada uno. Se recopilaron los datos mediante la entrevista estructurada y la revisión de las Historias Clínicas. En el análisis de datos se utilizó estadística descriptiva y prueba chi cuadrado, con nivel de significancia estadística de 0.05 (p<0.05). Resultados: El promedio de edad de las puérperas adolescentes fue 17.1 ± 1.2 años. Del total de participantes, 56.9% alcanzó el nivel de instrucción de secundaria incompleta, 50.9% manifiesta estado civil de soltera. El tipo de violencia intrafamiliar más frecuente fue la violencia psicológica (94.8%), seguido de la violencia física (17.2%) y la violencia sexual (8.6%). En el grupo con violencia intrafamiliar durante el embarazo fue significativa la mayor frecuencia de resultados maternos adversos, los cuales fueron: Infección del tracto urinario (37.9%), anemia (34.5%), ruptura prematura de membranas (8.6%), preeclampsia (8.6%), parto pretérmino (8.5%), amenaza de aborto (5.2%) y la vía de culminación del embarazo fue en su mayoría parto vaginal. En presencia de violencia intrafamiliar, se obtuvo diferencia significativa para la infección del tracto urinario, anemia y parto pretérmino. La preeclampsia fue significativa en el grupo con violencia física. El parto pretérmino fue el único resultado materno con asociación significativa (p<0.05) para los diferentes tipos de violencia intrafamiliar. Conclusiones: Los resultados maternos adversos son más frecuentes en las puérperas adolescentes con violencia intrafamiliar durante el embarazo. Se encontró asociación significativa para la infección de tracto urinario, anemia y parto pretérmino. Palabras claves: Violencia Intrafamiliar. Gestante adolescente. Resultados maternos.Objective: Analyze the association between intimate partner violence during pregnancy and postpartum maternal outcomes in adolescents treated at the Hospital San Juan de Lurigancho, during the period December 2011 - February 2012. Methodology: Comparative, transversal and retrospective study. It divided the population based on the presence or absence of domestic violence during pregnancy, based on eligibility criteria for the study. The sample consists of 116 postpartum adolescents, divided into two groups of 58 participants each. Data were collected through structured interview and review of the charts. In the data analysis used descriptive statistics and chi square test, with statistical significance level of 0.05 (p <0.05). Results: The average age of postpartum adolescents was 17.1 ± 1.2 years. Of the participants, 56.9% achieved the level of education incomplete secondary, 50.9% report single marital status. The type of domestic violence was the most frequent psychological abuse (94.8%), followed by physical violence (17.2%) and sexual violence (8.6%). In the group with domestic violence during pregnancy was significantly higher frequency of adverse maternal outcomes, which were: urinary tract infection (37.9%), anemia (34.5%), premature rupture of membranes (8.6%), preeclampsia (8.6%), preterm delivery (8.5%), threatened abortion (5.2%), and route of termination of pregnancy was mostly vaginal delivery. In the presence of domestic violence, significant difference were found for urinary tract infection, anemia and preterm delivery. Preeclampsia was significant in the group with physical violence. Preterm birth mother was the only outcome with significant association (p <0.05) for different types of domestic violence. Conclusions: Adverse maternal outcomes are more common in postpartum adolescents with domestic violence during pregnancy. Significant association was found for urinary tract infection, anemia and preterm birth. In the postpartum adolescents who were victims of domestic violence in pregnancy, 81% with adverse maternal outcomes. The urinary tract infection (44.68%) and anemia (36.17%) were the most frequent adverse maternal outcomes Keywords: Domestic Violence. Pregnant teenager. Maternal outcomes.Tesi

    Tendencia genética y fenotípica de la producción de leche: caso de un establo comercial del valle de Huaura, Perú

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    The aim of this research was to determine the genetic and phenotypic trends for milk production (MP) of Holstein cows from a commercial herd in the Huaura Valley, Peru. A total of 2,590 females (cows and calves) were evaluated to calculate the estimated breeding values (EBV) and 2,862 standardized lactations at 305 days and two daily milkings, from the first to the fifth calving of 1,892 cows from 1999 to 2017, using a repeated-measures animal model. A heritability (h2) of 0.16 (standard error 0.03) and repeatability (r) of 0.28 (0.025) were estimated with the ASReml software. The trends were estimated by linear regression using the SAS statistical package v.9.4. The EBV for MP of the cows and calves had an average of +200.9 (16.1) kg and +148.7 (9.7) kg, respectively, with more than 70 % positive values among living animals. The genetic trend for female MP was -2.4 (2.1) kg/year. A phenotypic trend for MP of +294.3 (24.9) kg/year was estimated. It is concluded that the phenotypic trend is favorable due to improvements in non-genetic aspects, since h2 indicates that MP is mainly influenced by environmental variance and, to a lesser extent, by the additive genetic variance of the trait. The genetic trend for female MP was negative. However, the EBV for MP of living females suggests that in the future, the herd may increase the genetic trend for MP.El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la tendencia genética y fenotípica de la producción de leche (PL) de vacas Holstein de un establo del valle de Huaura, Perú. Se evaluaron 2.590 hembras (vacas y terneras) para el cálculo de los valores genéticos estimados (VGE) y 2.862 lactaciones estandarizadas a 305 días y dos ordeños diarios, del primer al quinto parto de 1.892 vacas del periodo 1999-2017, mediante un modelo animal de medidas repetidas. Con el software ASReml, se estimó una heredabilidad (h2) de 0,16 (error estándar 0,03) y una repetibilidad (r) de 0,28 (0,025). Las tendencias se estimaron mediante regresión lineal usando el paquete estadístico SAS v.9.4. Los VGE para la PL de las vacas y terneras tienen una media de +200,9 (16,1) kg y +148,7 (9,7) kg, respectivamente, con más del 70 % de valores positivos. La tendencia genética para PL de las hembras fue -2,4 (2,1) kg/año. Se estimó una tendencia fenotípica para PL de +294,3 (24,9) kg/año. Se concluye que la tendencia fenotípica es favorable debido a mejoras en aspectos no genéticos, ya que la h2 indica que la PL está influenciada principalmente por el ambiente y, en menor medida, por la varianza genética aditiva del carácter. La tendencia genética para la PL de hembras fue negativa. Sin embargo, los VGE para PL de las hembras vivas sugieren que a futuro, el establo puede incrementar la tendencia genética para PL

    Production and judgment of linguistic devices for attaining a detached stance in Spanish and Catalan

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    Mastery of expository text construction is a major expectation of all formal educational environments. These texts approach the discussion of topics from a detached stance, with limited intervention of specific participants and avoiding markers of personal involvement. Speakers/writers need to learn that such detachment constitutes a feature of the expository genre, as well as the particular way in which their language encodes the various means for (down)grading agency. We report two studies that aimed to explore the development of a detached stance in the expository genre from a cross-linguistic perspective. Study 1 examined the productive linguistic resources used by 70 (Iberian) Spanish monolingual and 67 Catalan/Spanish bilingual participants for expressing degrees of detachment in expository texts (N = 137) at different ages/schooling levels (grade school, junior-high, high-school, and university). Study 2 examined the off-line preferences of 62 Spanish-monolingual and 62 Spanish/Catalan bilingual participants (N = 124) at grade school, junior-high, and high-school in a preference judgment task. Production results (Study 1) showed that participants across age-groups and languages used linguistic options that fit the detachment requirements of expository texts. However, younger participants used phrase-level (local) detachment devices to a larger extent than those involving a rearrangement of argument structure (non-local devices), which showed a protracted development. This age effect was moderated by the modality of text production: Non-local devices were more typical of written texts. Language differences revealed a more detached stance in Catalan than in Spanish. Preference-judgment data (Study 2) revealed that younger participants more readily accept non-local devices as the most suitable choice for expository text construction. The complementary results from production and judgment data point at fundamental differences between language use and language awareness with regard to the demands of the expository genre

    Control de inventarios en almacén de la empresa Lescano Solution Services E. I. R. L., distrito de Los Olivos, periodo 2020

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    El presente trabajo de investigación “Control de inventarios en el almacén de la empresa Lescano Solution Services E.I.R.L., Distrito de los Olivos, período 2020”, tiene como objetivo principal determinar la importancia de contar con un adecuado control de Inventarios. Asimismo, conocer la organización, los procesos y la gestión de almacén. El sistema de investigación empleado es cualitativo, de tipo aplicada, con un diseño No Experimental y nivel descriptivo, nuestra población y muestra utilizada está compuesta por (08) ocho trabajadores de la empresa, a los cuales se les aplicó como instrumento de investigación encuestas y entrevistas. De la investigación efectuada, los resultados obtenidos permitieron tener un claro análisis sobre la realidad de la empresa. Por lo tanto, fue necesario organizar, planificar y presentar procesos que permitan llevar a cabo un correcto control de inventarios y una adecuada gestión en el Almacén de la empresa. Por consiguiente, se concluye que el control de inventarios es de suma importancia a fin de optimizar de manera eficiente, el uso de mecanismos de control donde se desarrollen procedimientos, técnicas y métodos, los cuales sean aplicados en forma debida en el área de almacén y la empresa tenga un mejor control de los inventarios.The present research work "Inventory Control in the warehouse of the company Lescano Solution Services E.I.R.L., District of Los Olivos, period 2020", has as its main objective to determine the importance of having an adequate inventory control. Also, know the organization, processes and warehouse management. The research system used is qualitative, of an applied type, with a Non-Experimental design and descriptive level, our population and sample used is composed of (08) eight company workers, to which surveys and interviews were applied as a research instrument. From the research carried out, the results obtained allowed to have a clear analysis of the reality of the company. Therefore, it was necessary to organize, plan and present processes that allow to carry out a correct inventory control and an adequate management in the company´s Warehouse. Consequently, it is concluded that inventory control is of the utmost importance in order to efficiently optimize the use of control mechanisms where procedures, techniques and methods are developed, which are properly applied in the warehouse area and the company has a better control of inventories