2,522 research outputs found

    Determinism in the one-way model

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    We introduce a flow condition on open graph states (graph states with inputs and outputs) which guarantees globally deterministic behavior of a class of measurement patterns defined over them. Dependent Pauli corrections are derived for all such patterns, which equalize all computation branches, and only depend on the underlying entanglement graph and its choice of inputs and outputs. The class of patterns having flow is stable under composition and tensorization, and has unitary embeddings as realizations. The restricted class of patterns having both flow and reverse flow, supports an operation of adjunction, and has all and only unitaries as realizations.Comment: 8 figures, keywords: measurement based quantum computing, deterministic computing; Published version, including a new section on circuit decompositio

    Physical Activities of Young Girls in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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    Background: Physical education classes are non-existent in Saudi girls’ curriculum at all educational levels and physical activities are not permitted at public schools. The study aimed to assess physical activities for female students in intermediate and high schools. Methods: A questionnaire was completed by 1519 participants from 18 schools in Jeddah City. Activities at school and after school were reported. About 63% of the girls preferred to have physical education classes at school. Results: Girls thought that they were performing (43.2%) enough physical activities and (74%) rated themselves as performing an average level of physical activity in comparison with their peers. Only 32% linked the importance of physical activities to their health. Cars are the main transportation methods to and from school (87 %) and 8% walked to school. Some physical activities (59.2%) are performed at school [walking during break times (42%) or running (5.2%)]. Only 40% were involved in light activities after school while 54% participated in washing up or cleaning the house. Other activities outside school, e.g. walking, shopping, bowling, horse riding and table tennis was reported by 48% of the participants. Moderate activities such as swimming, cycling, dancing, or competitive running was reported by 70% of the respondents. Only 13% joining fitness centres. Conclusion: Results emphasized the central role and obligation of decision makers in protecting young consumers through providing a healthy environment in schools

    Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Immune-mediated Drug Hypersensitivity Reactions to Sulfonamides

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    As sulfonamide hypersensitivity reactions are serious clinical problem, it is necessary to determine which patients tolerate therapy and which patients are at risk. Although the exact pathogenesis of these reactions remains unclear, the imbalance in the production and detoxification of reactive sulfamethoxazole (SMX) metabolites appears to be important in the propagation of these reactions. It is known that these reactive metabolites can cause lymphocytes toxicity and produce reactive oxygen species (ROS) which can damage proteins, lipids, and DNA. The hypothesis of this research is that there are differences in cytotoxicity and expression of oxidative stress to reactive SMX metabolites in the cells of patients who have sustained sulfonamide hypersensitivity reactions versus the cells of controls or sulfonamide tolerant patients. Sulfa hypersensitive patients were found to express high degrees of cell death and more ROS accumulation. This finding indicates that the biotransformation of SMX to its reactive metabolites could be the reason for cytotoxicity, and the oxidative Stress can be a mediator for cell death and inducing allergy reactions

    Finite temperature elastic constants of paramagnetic materials within the disordered local moment picture from ab initio molecular dynamics calculations

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    We present a theoretical scheme to calculate the elastic constants of magnetic materials in the high-temperature paramagnetic state. Our approach is based on a combination of disordered local moments picture and ab initio molecular dynamics (DLM-MD). Moreover, we investigate a possibility to enhance the efficiency of the simulations of elastic properties using recently introduced method: symmetry imposed force constant temperature dependent effective potential (SIFC-TDEP). We have chosen cubic paramagnetic CrN as a model system. This is done due to its technological importance and its demonstrated strong coupling between magnetic and lattice degrees of freedom. We have studied the temperature dependent single-crystal and polycrystalline elastic constants of paramagentic CrN up to 1200 K. The obtained results at T= 300 K agree well with the experimental values of polycrystalline elastic constants as well as Poisson ratio at room temperature. We observe that the Young's modulus is strongly dependent on temperature, decreasing by ~14% from T=300 K to 1200 K. In addition we have studied the elastic anisotropy of CrN as a function of temperature and we observe that CrN becomes substantially more isotropic as the temperature increases. We demonstrate that the use of Birch law may lead to substantial errors for calculations of temperature induced changes of elastic moduli. The proposed methodology can be used for accurate predictions of mechanical properties of magnetic materials at temperatures above their magnetic order-disorder phase transition.Comment: 1 table, 3 figure

    Flow topology optimization in periodic domains with application to micro heat exchanger optimization

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    The focus of this paper is topology optimization of fluid flow systems, particularly 2D laminar flows, widely found in microfluidic devices. The flow equations are solved numerically using a pseudo–spectral scheme and accurate derivatives are directly derived to facilitate gradient–based optimization. The proposed tool is utilized to enhance the performance of micro heat exchangers, in terms of minimizing the total pressure drop required to be supplied by micro pumps. It is well known that the geometry and arrangement of pinned fins play a pivotal role in total pressure drop of the system. Hence, in this work we aim to find the optimum topologies for various test cases by minimization of drag force on pined fins with a constraint on volume


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    Antenna engineering is very important in the development of communication systems and the requirements for low profile antennas that cover a wide spectrum of frequencies increase the number of researches in this field. Accordingly, scientists have focused on UWB microstrip antennas that cover the range from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz but others concentrate on enhancing its performance using a special type of materials called metamaterials. The main objective of this work is to enhance frequency bandwidth, antenna gain, and radiation pattern for the UWB circular microstrip antenna by employing the Split Ring Resonator (SRR) technique, which is one type of metamaterial. Circular and square split-ring resonators are investigated as an enhancement method after studying their characteristics. Multiple techniques are also applied to these two structures prior to being implemented at the antenna’s backside including different SRR schematics such as the SRR position with respect to the ground, inner and outer ring rotation, positive and negative rotation angle, number of SRR units, SRR size, SRR design, in addition to using the complementary SRR. Furthermore, two techniques are combined together in some designs to observe how the antenna’s performance will be affected. The proposed techniques rely on the variation in capacitance and inductance which will affect the resonant frequency of the SRR unit cell. Then some SRR Schematics were implemented in the proposed circular antenna design to test the functionality within WiFi frequencies 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The enhancement can be summarized in increasing antenna bandwidth and transmitting or rejecting specific frequency bands. The results of the study reveal an enhancement in circular antenna performance. UWB circular antenna with elliptical rings has a frequency bandwidth between 3.5 GHz to 9 GHz and a maximum gain of around 5 dB; during the enhancement process using the previously mentioned techniques, the frequency bandwidth increased to cover the range from 2.2 GHz to 9.8 GHz along with some bands rejection. It was noted that some rejected bands have shifted to higher frequencies when applying inner or outer ring rotation. To emphasize this, WiFi frequencies 2.4 GHz and 5GHz are inspected by using the suitable size of S-SRR to decide which frequency to reject or transmit depending on the communication applications. The outcomes of this work should assist in designing antennas with SRR depending on required communication applications and operating frequencies

    Functional Biomimetic Dental Restoration

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    Bioinspired functionally graded approach is an innovative material technology, which has rapidly progressed both in terms of materials processing and computational modeling in recent years. Bioinspired functionally graded structure allows the integration of dissimilar materials without formation of severe internal stress and combines diverse properties into a single material system. It is a remarkable example of nature’s ability to engineer functionally graded dental prostheses. Therefore, this novel technology is designed to improve the performance of the materials in medical and dental fields. Thus, this chapter book reviews the current status of the functionally graded dental prostheses and biomimetic process inspired by the human bone, enamel and dentin-enamel junction (DEJ) structures and the linear gradation in Young’s modulus of the human bone, enamel and dentin-enamel junction, as a new material design approach, to improve the performance compared to traditional dental prostheses. Notable research is highlighted regarding application of biomimetic prostheses into various fields in dentistry. The current chapter book will open a new avenue for recent researches aimed at the further development of new dental prostheses for improving their clinical durability

    Niveles de percepción y confianza entre estudiantes de odontología y pasantes en la realización de diversos procedimientos de endodoncia.

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    Aim: The present study aimed to collect information from senior students and new interns enrolled at the College of Dentistry, University of Science and Technology (UST), regarding their confidence levels in performing endodontic treatments. Materials and Methods: Anonymous surveys were distributed to 40 senior students and 37 new interns at UST, in Sana'a, Yemen. They were asked to indicate their self-confidence level using a Likert scoring system ranging from 1 and 5. Mann-Whitney U test and chi-squared test were used to determine statistical significance between the studied groups. Results: 37.5% of students and 35.1% of interns rated endodontic practice as difficult. Only 55% of students found that the number of treated cases were satisfactory, similar to that reported by interns (56.8%). There were no statistically significant differences between both groups regarding self-confidence levels for most endodontic procedures (p<0.05). Placing of a rubber dam, followed by managing inter-appointment flare-ups were procedures in which both groups reported the lowest confidence. On the other hand, both groups felt the lowest confidence in the treatment of maxillary followed by mandibular molars. Statistically significant differences were reported between the two groups for performing root canal treatments (RCT) (p< 0.05). Self-confidence levels on the management of most different indications showed no statistically significant differences between both groups (p>0.05) with exception to the management of irreversible pulpitis, necrotic pulp, asymptomatic apical periodontitis, chronic abscess, and traumatic cases, in which significant differences were noticed (p<0.05). Immature apices, root resorption, endodontic-periodontal (EP) lesions, trauma, symptomatic apical periodontitis and acute abscess were ranked as the cases in which both groups reported the lowest confidence. Canal blockage and ledge formation were the main mishaps encountered during practice among students and interns. Conclusion: Students and interns displayed neutral confidence in performing endodontic treatments.Objetivo: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo recopilar información de estudiantes de último año y nuevos pasantes inscritos en la Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Ciencia y Tecnología (UST), con respecto a sus niveles de confianza en la realización de tratamientos de endodoncia. Materiales y métodos: se distribuyeron encuestas anónimas a 40 estudiantes de último año y 37 nuevos pasantes en UST, en Sana'a, Yemen. Se les pidió que indicaran su nivel de confianza en sí mismos utilizando un sistema de puntuación Likert que oscilaba entre 1 y 5. Se utilizaron la prueba U de Mann-Whitney y la prueba de ji al cuadrado para determinar la significación estadística entre los grupos estudiados. Resultados: el 37.5% de los estudiantes y el 35.1% de los pasantes calificaron la práctica de endodoncia como difícil. Solo el 55% de los estudiantes encontró que el número de casos tratados fue satisfactorio, similar al reportado por los pasantes (56.8%). No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos grupos con respecto a los niveles de autoconfianza para la mayoría de los procedimientos de endodoncia (p<0.05). La colocación de una presa de goma, seguida de la gestión de brotes entre citas, fueron procedimientos en los que ambos grupos informaron la menor confianza. Por otro lado, ambos grupos sintieron la menor confianza en el tratamiento del maxilar seguido de los molares mandibulares. Se informaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los dos grupos para realizar tratamientos de conducto radicular (ECA) (p<0.05). Los niveles de autoconfianza en el manejo de la mayoría de las indicaciones diferentes no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos grupos (p>0.05) con excepción del manejo de pulpitis irreversible, pulpa necrótica, periodontitis apical asintomática, absceso crónico y casos traumáticos, en los cuales se notaron diferencias (p<0.05). Los ápices inmaduros, la reabsorción radicular, las lesiones endodóncicas-periodontales (EP), los traumatismos, la periodontitis apical sintomática y el absceso agudo se clasificaron como los casos en que ambos grupos informaron la menor confianza. El bloqueo del canal y la formación de repisas fueron los principales percances encontrados durante la práctica entre estudiantes y pasantes. Conclusión: los estudiantes y los pasantes mostraron una confianza neutral en la realización de tratamientos de endodoncia

    Study on the Status of SO2 in the Tehran- Iran

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    An air quality analysis for Tehran, the capital city of Iran, is conducted for SO2, with the measurements taken from 1995 to 2002. Measurements were taken from the seven main monitoring stations in different locations of the city. These stations are controlled by Department of Environment of Iran. As a first step; annual, seasonal and diurnal variations were studied. The yearly variation does not show any specific trend initially but in the recent years it seems there is a little upward trend. The pick of concentration of SO2 can be seen during 6-12 hour and during the winter season especially in January. The main purpose of this study is to see the effect of the meteorological parameters on the concentration of pollutant.For this purpose, the wind velocity, relative humidity, temperature, dew point, wind direction and rainfall are considered as independent variables. The relation between concentration of pollutant and meteorological parameters can be expressed by one linear regression equation. It is obvious from the equation that the wind speed, daily temperature and humidity have reverse effect on the concentration of SO2. To plan and execute air pollution control programs, one must predict the ambientair concentrations that will result from any planned set of emissions. For this purpose, a two-dimensional atmospheric diffusion model for ambient air concentration of SO2 was considered. Geostrophic winds, surface roughness, mixing height of the atmosphere, emission rate of the pollutant sources and background pollutant concentration have been taken as the input parameters. The airspace over the city to the mixing height was divided into multiple cells. Conservation of mass equationsfor each cell were solved for slightly stable and highly stable atmospheric conditions of city. The results of this equation were adjusted by the actual data (taken from monitoring stations).Then the modified dispersion equation for concentration of SO2 in Tehran has been suggested. @JASE