209 research outputs found

    Intimate partner violence e disturbi di personalità: uno studio meta-analitico

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    We conduct a meta-analytic study to check the association between Personality Disorders and battering and specificallywhether PD would be a risk marker for IPV onset. We selected 15 controlled studies and we calculated the associations betweenIPV and Antisocial PD, Borderline PD and Psychopathy. In all three cases the average effect size was small: ṝ=0,15;ṝ=0,13;Nel presente lavoro l’obiettivo è misurare l’associazione tra DdP e IPV, e quindi verificare se i DdP possano essere consideratiun marker di specificità del maltrattante. I 15 lavori controllati campionati hanno permesso di misurare l’associazione traIPV e DdP Antisociale, DdP Borderline e Psicopatia. Gli effect size medi ottenuti sono bassi: ṝ=0,15; ṝ=0,13; ṝ=0,16 (variabileAntisociale, Borderline e Psicopatica, rispettivamente). Sono state svolte successive analisi per valutare la potenziale influenzadi variabili moderatrici sui risultati dei singoli lavori. Per la variabile Borderline è risultato un bias della numerosità campionaria(r=-0,416; p<0,007). Per la Psicopatia l’età sembra spiegare il 36% della varianza. Non risulta spiegata l’eterogeneitàdella variabile Antisociale. Questi tre disturbi non sembrano essere markers di specificità del perpetratore di violenza intima

    Virulence-associated genes in Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli of turkey

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    50 Escherichia coli (APEC-Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli) strains and 15 E. coli (AFEC-Avian Faecal Escherichia coli) from turkeys affected by colibacillosis and from healthy turkeys were tested for the presence of eight different virulence-associated genes. Besides, APEC were serotyped. O78 has been the most detected serotyped. The presence of the tested virulence genes was prevalently related to the APEC isolates. With reference to serogroup, all the tested O78 resulted iss and irp2 positive. Besides, tsh e cva/cvi were respectively present in 88.9 and 83.3% of O78. Nevertheless, the finding of a not typeable strains equipped with all the eight tested virulence genes among the APEC isolates suggest the importance of a careful and complete characterisation of the isolate to evaluate the real potential pathogenic attitude of the bacterium

    A defective ABC transporter of the MRP family, responsible for the bean lpa1 mutation, affects the regulation of the phytic acid pathway, reduces seed myo-inositol and alters ABA sensitivity

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    We previously identified the lpa1 (low phytic acid) 280-10 line that carries a mutation conferring a 90% reduction in phytic acid (InsP6) content. In contrast to other lpa mutants, lpa1(280-10) does not display negative pleiotropic effects. In the present paper, we have identified the mutated gene and analysed its impact on the phytic acid pathway. Here, we mapped the lpa1(280-10) mutation by bulk analysis on a segregating F2 population, an then, by comparison with the soybean genome, we identified and sequenced a candidate gene. The InsP6 pathway was analysed by gene expression and quantification of metabolites. The mutated Pvmrp1(280-10) cosegregates with the lpa1(280-10) mutation, and the expression level of several genes of the InsP6 pathway are reduced in the lpa1(280-10) mutant as well as the inositol and raffinosaccharide content. PvMrp2, a very similar paralogue of PvMrp1 was also mapped and sequenced. The lpa1 mutation in beans is likely the result of a defective Mrp1 gene (orthologous to the lpa genes AtMRP5 and ZmMRP4), while its Mrp2 paralog is not able to complement the mutant phenotype in the seed. This mutation appears to down-regulate the InsP6 pathway at the transcriptional level, as well as altering inositol-related metabolism and affecting ABA sensitivity

    Virulence - associated genes in Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli of turkey

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    50 Escherichia coli (APEC-Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli) strains and 15 E. coli (AFEC-Avian Faecal Escherichia coli) from turkeys affected by colibacillosis and from healthy turkeys were tested for the presence of eight different virulence-associated genes. Besides, APEC were serotyped. O78 has been the most detected serotyped. The presence of the tested virulence genes was prevalently related to the APEC isolates. With reference to serogroup, all the tested O78 resulted iss and irp2 positive. Besides, tsh e cva/cvi were respectively present in 88.9 and 83.3% of O78. Nevertheless, the finding of a not typeable strains equipped with all the eight tested virulence genes among the APEC isolates suggest the importance of a careful and complete characterisation of the isolate to evaluate the real potential pathogenic attitude of the bacterium

    La generación actual en la universidad : El impacto de los Millennials

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    La cohorte de estudiantes que en la actualidad cursan sus estudios en la universidad está integrada principalmente por jóvenes nacidos entre 1990 y 2000. Desde hace ya al menos una década, este grupo etario ha sido objeto de diversos estudios desarrollados en Estados Unidos y Europa, lugares en los que las investigaciones que toman como eje los grupos sociales en función de su pertenencia generacional son tradicionales. El interés que motiva las investigaciones que tienen como objeto a esta generación se relaciona principalmente con las diferencias que presentan en cuanto a sus valores, creencias y estilos de trabajo y aprendizaje con respecto a generaciones anteriores. Mientras que los estudios europeos se han centrado en la relación que estos jóvenes mantienen con el trabajo, los norteamericanos se han concentrado en la relación existente entre ellos y el ámbito educacional. Si bien puede plantearse una relación estrecha entre las conclusiones alcanzadas en ambos tipos de estudio dadas las vinculaciones existentes entre el mundo de la educación y el del trabajo, en la presente ponencia nos concentraremos en aquellos que nos aporten líneas para pensar las características que en la actualidad parece revestir la relación entre estos jóvenes y la educación superior. [Extracto a modo de resumen]Jornadas realizadas junto con el I Encuentro Latinoamericano de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli in Audouin gulls (Larus audouinii) Could they affect the surviving of the bird colonies

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    A total of 39 E. coli strains isolated from cloacal swabs and unhatched eggs of Audouin's gulls (Larus audouinii) living the Salento coast (Italy) were serotyped and molecular characterized for the presence of irp2, fyuA, tsh, papC, fimC, iucD, and eae genes described for Avian Pathogenic E. coli (APEC). Eight different serogroups (O1, 06, 08, 015, 075, 0139, 0146, 0147) were distinguished: we recorded a very high rate of untypeable strains. Genotyping by PCR achieved to detect fimC and irp2, described for APEC strains, as most predominant genes circulating in the gulls population, accounting for 94.87% and 97.43% respectively. Nevertheless, a significant co-existance of virulence genes was demonstrated to belong to E.coli of eggs origin. Particularly, fimC/tsh/iucD pathotype, recognized as most responsible of illness in poultry, emerged in 8.69% of E. coli of eggs origin

    Quantification of Circulating Cancer Biomarkers via Sensitive Topographic Measurements on Single Binder Nanoarrays

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    Early detection of cancer plays a crucial role in disease prognosis. It requires the recognition and quantification of low amounts of specific molecular biomarkers, either free or transported inside nanovesicles, through the development of novel sensitive diagnostic technologies. In this context, we have developed a nanoarray platform for the noninvasive quantification of cancer biomarkers circulating in the bloodstream. The assay is based on molecular manipulation to create functional spots of surface-immobilized binders and differential topography measurements. It is label-free and requires just a single binder per antigen, and when it is implemented with fluorescence labeling/readout, it can be used for epitope mapping. As a benchmark, we focused on the plasma release of Her2 extracellular domain (ECD), a proposed biomarker for the progression of Her2-positive tumors and response to anticancer therapies. By employing robust, easily engineered camelid nanobodies as binders, we measured ECD-Her2 concentrations in the range of the actual clinical cutoff value for Her2-positive breast cancer. The specificity for Her2 detection was preserved when it was measured in parallel with other potential biomarkers, demonstrating a forthcoming implementation of this approach for multiplexing analysis. Prospectively, this nanorarray platform may be customized to allow for the detection of promising new classes of circulating biomarkers, such as exosomes and microvesicles

    The 67-kDa laminin receptor originated from a ribosomal protein that acquired a dual function during evolution.

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    The 67-kDa laminin receptor (67LR) is a nonintegrin cell surface receptor that mediates high-affinity interactions between cells and laminin. Overexpression of this protein in tumor cells has been related to tumor invasion and metastasis. Thus far, only a full-length gene encoding a 37-kDa precursor protein (37LRP) has been isolated. The finding that the cDNA for the 37LRP is virtually identical to a cDNA encoding the ribosomal protein p40 has suggested that 37LRP is actually a component of the translational machinery, with no laminin-binding activity. On the other hand, a peptide of 20 amino acids deduced from the sequence of 37LR/p40 was shown to exhibit high laminin-binding activity. The evolutionary relationship between 23 sequences of 37LRP/p40 proteins was analyzed. This phylogenetic analysis indicated that all of the protein sequences derive from orthologous genes and that the 37LRP is indeed a ribosomal protein that acquired the novel function of laminin receptor during evolution. The evolutionary analysis of the sequence identified as the laminin-binding site in the human protein suggested that the acquisition of the laminin-binding capability is linked to the palindromic sequence LMWWML, which appeared during evolution concomitantly with laminin


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    En la actualidad, los jóvenes profesionales pertenecen a la generación denominada Millennial. Comparten características, estilos de vida y valores que han formado a partir de los Eventos Significativos Generacionales (EsG) que marcaron su vida histórico social. Estudios en EE.UU. y Europa sostienen que su anclaje sociohistórico les confiere estilos de aprendizaje y laborales particulares. Por ejemplo, cuando evalúan un empleo privilegian los horarios flexibles y el tiempo libre, el trabajo en equipo y las nuevas experiencias. No les interesan los ascensos paulatinos. Van de un empleo a otro sin dar demasiadas explicaciones y son, principalmente, fieles a sí mismos. Estas características conllevan una falta de fidelización que es fuente de serios problemas para las empresas. Es por ello que en el año 2007 se comenzó una investigación de carácter exploratorio, primera en Latinoamérica, con el objetivo general de caracterizar a los jóvenes en función de su pertenencia generacional y a establecer cómo sus características impactan en su inserción laboral. A partir de los primeros resultados hemos establecido que una explicación posible para la falta de fidelización de estos jóvenes es que privilegian la estabilidad en la empleabilidad (EeE) por sobre la estabilidad en el empleo