1,133 research outputs found

    Psico-Oncología (1982-2007)

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    Investigadors de la UAB obtenen els primers ratolins clonats d'Espanya

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    Investigadors del Departament de Biologia Cel·lular, de Fisiologia i d'Immunologia de la UAB han aconseguit, per primera vegada, clonar ratolins a Espanya. Els animals són tres femelles de color marró: Cloe, Cleo i Clona, que van néixer, respectivament, el 12 de maig i els passats 3 i 10 de juny. Tots tres ratolins han estat alletats juntament amb altres ratolins no clonats i els seus paràmetres de creixement es troben dins de la normalitat, segons els investigadors que han realitzat la clonació: Nuno Costa-Borges, Josep Santaló i Elena Ibáñez.Investigadores del Departamento de Biología Celular, de Fisiología y de Inmunología de la UAB han conseguido, por primera vez, clonar ratones en España. Los animales son tres hembras de color marrón: Cloe, Cleo y Clona, que nacieron, respectivamente, el 12 de mayo y los pasados 3 y 10 de junio. Los tres ratones han sido amamantados junto con otros ratones no clonados y sus parámetros de crecimiento se encuentran dentro de la normalidad, según los investigadores que han realizado la clonación: Nuno Costa-Borges, Josep Santaló y Elena Ibáñez.Researchers at the Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology at UAB are the first to have cloned mice in Spain. Cloe, Cleo and Clona are three female brown-coloured mice and were born respectively on 12 May, 3 June and 10 June. By means of nuclear transfer techniques, scientist collected mature oocytes, removed their chromosomes and substituted them for the nucleus of an adult somatic cell. The cloning of mice is part of a research being carried out to study new ways to improve the efficiency of the cloning process

    Intervención psicológica en enfermos de cáncer : planteamientos del presente, deseos de futuro

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    En el presente trabajo se hace un análisis de los principales planteamientos acerca de la Filosofía y Tareas que debe cumplir la intervención psicológica en enfermos de cáncer. Posteriormente se intenta comprobar en que medida dichos principios se tienen en cuenta en los trabajos de investigación. Para ello se analizan las últimas publicaciones recogidas en los principales repertorios bibliográficos. La principal conclusión es que, en este campo, como en otros muchos de la psicología, la investigación tiene unas reglas propias alejadas de los fines para los que fue propuesta.______________________________In the present work is made an analysis of the main positions about the Philosophy and Tasks that it should complete the psychological intervention in patients of cancer. Later on he/ she tries to be proven in that measured this principles are had in bill in the investigation works. The last publications picked up in the main bibliographical repertoires give as conclusion that, in this field, like in other many of the psychology, the investigation has its own rules that remain far from the ends for those that it was proposed

    Improved Development of Somatic Cell Cloned Mouse Embryos by Vitamin C and Latrunculin A

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    Impaired development of embryos produced by somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is mostly associated with faulty reprogramming of the somatic nucleus to a totipotent state and can be improved by treatment with epigenetic modifiers. Here we report that addition of 100 μM vitamin C (VitC) to embryo culture medium for at least 16 h post-activation significantly increases mouse blastocyst formation and, when combined with the use of latrunculin A (LatA) during micromanipulation and activation procedures, also development to term. In spite of this, no significant effects on pluripotency (OCT4 and NANOG) or nuclear reprogramming markers (H3K14 acetylation, H3K9 methylation and DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation) could be detected. The use of LatA alone significantly improved in vitro development, but not full-term development. On the other hand, the simultaneous treatment of cloned embryos with VitC and the histone deacetylase inhibitor psammaplin A (PsA), in combination with the use of LatA, resulted in cloning efficiencies equivalent to those of VitC or PsA treatments alone, and the effects on pluripotency and nuclear reprogramming markers were less evident than when only the PsA treatment was applied. These results suggest that although both epigenetic modifiers improve cloning efficiencies, possibly through different mechanisms, they do not show an additive effect when combined. Improvement of SCNT efficiency is essential for its applications in reproductive and therapeutic cloning, and identification of molecules which increase this efficiency should facilitate studies on the mechanism of nuclear reprogramming and acquisition of totipotency

    Sub- and supercritical fluid extraction of functional ingredients from different natural sources: Plants, food-by-products, algae and microalgae A review

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    The increasing interest of consumers in functional foods has brought about a rise in demand for functional ingredients obtained using ‘‘natural’’ processes. In this review, new environmentally clean technologies for producing natural food ingredients are discussed. This work provides an updated overview on the principal applications of two clean processes, supercritical fluid extraction and subcritical water extraction, used to isolate natural products from different raw materials, such as plants, food by-products, algae and microalgae. Although the extraction of some compounds with antibacterial, antiviral or antifungical activity is discussed, special attention is paid to the extraction of antioxidant compounds, due to their important role in food preservation and health promotion.M.H. thanks MCYT for a FPI grant. Authors thank MCYT (project AGL2002-04621-C02-02) for financial support.Peer reviewe

    Influence of Body Composition on Arterial Stiffness in Middle-Aged Adults: Healthy UAL Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background and objectives: Several anthropometric and body composition parameters have been linked to arterial stiffness (AS) as a biomarker of cardiovascular disease. However, little is known about which of these closely related factors is more strongly associated with AS. The aim of the present study was to analyze the relationship of different anthropometric and body composition parameters with AS in middle-aged adults. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 186 middle-aged participants (85 women, 101 men; age = 42.8 ± 12.6 years) evaluated as part of the Healthy UAL study, a population study conducted at the University of Almería with the main purpose of analyzing the etiology and risk factors associated with cardio-metabolic diseases. Anthropometric measures included neck, waist, and hip circumferences, as well as the waist-to-height ratio (WHtr). Bioimpedance-derived parameters included fat-free mass index (FFMI), fat mass index (FMI), and percent of body fat (%BF). AS was measured by pulse wave velocity (PWV). The relationships of interest were examined through stepwise regression analyses in which age and sex were also introduced as potential confounders. Results: Neck circumference (in the anthropometric model; R2: 0.889; β: age = 0.855, neck = 0.204) and FFMI (in the bio-impedance model; R2: 0.891; β: age = 0.906, FFMI = 0.199) emerged as significant cross-sectional predictors of AS. When all parameters were included together (both anthropometry and bio-impedance), both neck circumference and FFMI appeared again as being significantly associated with AS (R2: 0.894; β: age = 0.882, FFMI = 0.126, neck = 0.093). Conclusion: It was concluded that FFMI and neck circumference are correlated with AS regardless of potential confounders and other anthropometric and bioimpedance-derived parameters in middle-aged adults

    Analysis of two Leveling Courses in Chemistry: objectives, methodology, assessments and future prospects

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    [EN] The purpose of this report is to analyze different aspects of two levelling courses in Chemistry, offered to entry-levels students in the Degree in Geology (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and in the degree in Agricultural Engineering (Universidad de Almería). We comparatively analyze the motivations for offering the course, its aims and objectives, the course design and finally the methodology ans assessments of the course in both universities. The assessment of the learning process is done through quizzes at the beginning and at the end of the courses. Voluntary and anonymous surveys show that the students are very satisfied with the courses. In the future, the aim is to improve the learning methodology in order to achieve greater student motivationAuthors thank financial support from Universidad de Almería across the “Convocatoria de Grupos Docentes para la Creación de Materiales Didácticos en la Universidad de Almería” program and Prof. J. Luque (Vicedean for Studies and Quality, Faculty of Geology, UCM) for his careful reading of this manuscript.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18Arroyo-De Dompablo, E.; Ibáñez-González, M. (2018). Analysis of two Leveling Courses in Chemistry: objectives, methodology, assessments and future prospects. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 177-184. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.792917718

    Editorial. Psycho-oncology (1982-2007)

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