120 research outputs found

    La enseñanza mobile learning en Geografía: los códigos “QR”

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    Las nuevas formas en que se utilizan esos dispositivos móviles para comunicarse, navegar y acceder al conocimiento está provocando una revolución educativa (Brown: 2006). El aprendizaje móvil comienza a posicionarse en las instituciones educativas. La innovación que ha supuesto el eLearning y ahora el mLearning en Geografía ha sido muy importante. El desarrollo tecnológico está aportando novedosas herramientas para la enseñanza y en especial para nuestra disciplina. En este trabajo, nos proponemos consolidar una base teórica sobre la innovación en la enseñanza de competencias geográficas a través del m-learning. Además de analizar, comprender y ver el potencial educativo de los códigos de respuesta rápida QR, realizando algunas propuestas didácticas con QR en relación a la enseñanza de la Geografía

    Evidence of the presence of nucleic acids and β-glucan in the matrix of non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae in vitro biofilms

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    13 p.-9 fig.Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a Gram-negative bacterium that frequently colonizes the human nasopharynx; it is a common cause of chronic and recurrent otitis media in children and of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. To date, no exopolysaccharide clearly contributing to NTHi biofilms has been identified. Consequently, there is some debate as to whether NTHi forms biofilms during colonization and infection. The present work shows that NTHi can form biofilms in vitro, producing an extracellular matrix composed of proteins, nucleic acids, and a β-glucan. Extracellular DNA, visualized by immunostaining and using fluorochromes, is an important component of this matrix and appears to be essential in biofilm maintenance. Extracellular RNA appears to be required only in the first steps of biofilm formation. Evidence of a matrix polysaccharide was obtained by staining with Calcofluor white M2R and by disaggregating biofilms with cellulase. Using strain 54997, residues of Glcp(1→4) in the NTHi biofilm were confirmed by gas-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Evidence that N-acetyl-L-cysteine shows notable killing activity towards in vitro NTHi biofilm-forming bacteria is also provided.This work was supported by a grant from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2012-39444-C02-01). The CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES) is an initiative of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III.Peer reviewe

    Descomposición de una escena en iluminación global y directa

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    Las últimas investigaciones en fotografía computacional han permitido que problemas previamente irresolubles con la fotografía convencional, sean ahora factibles al introducir nuevos dispositivos y técnicas de procesado. Un ejemplo de este tipo de problemas es la obtención de las componentes de iluminación de una escena iluminada por una fuente de luz. Estas componentes son: iluminación directa, producida por la incidencia de la luz en un punto, e iluminación global, resultante de los rebotes de la luz en otros puntos de la escena como consecuencia de fenómenos físicos tales como reflexión, dispersión o difusión. Así se tiene que, la componente directa nos ofrece una medida pura acerca de cómo las propiedades materiales de un objeto interactúan con la fuente emisora de luz y la cámara, mientras que la componente global muestra interacciones más complejas entre los distintos objetos que conforman la escena. Por lo tanto, esta descomposición resulta muy útil en numerosas tareas relacionadas con la fotografía computacional tales como la edición o captura de materiales, la re-iluminación de escenas o extracción de la geometría. Obtener esta descomposición a partir de una única fotografía de la escena es un proceso inviable debido al elevado número de incógnitas y la poca información de la que se dispone. Por tanto, para lograr este objetivo, el trabajo aquí realizado se basa en la publicación de Nayar et. al. [NR06] en la cual se emplea luz estructurada para, mediante la proyección de un patrón de alta frecuencia, obtener información adicional acerca de la escena y así hacer el problema soluble. Este proyecto tiene dos partes claramente diferenciadas. En la primera parte, que denominamos descomposición en entorno estático, se reproducen los dos algoritmos expuestos en dicha publicación para obtener la descomposición de la imagen: primero, a partir de varias capturas de la escena y segundo, a partir de una única captura de la misma. Para esta primera parte se requiere una habitación oscura, un proyector LCD fijo que proyecta un patrón de alta frecuencia, una cámara digital para realizar las capturas y la herramienta software Matlab para procesar la información. En la segunda parte del proyecto, denominada descomposición en entorno móvil, se implementan los mismos algoritmos sobre el dispositivo móvil Android de Nvidia Tegra 3. Este proceso, más complejo por tratarse de un entorno no controlado, únicamente requerirá la luz del sol como foco y un objeto opaco alargado cuya sombra proyectada servirá como patrón de alta frecuencia

    The Role of Feral Goats in Maintaining Firebreaks by Using Attractants

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    Altres ajuts: FONDECYT/236-2015The threat of large forest fires is increasing, and the main causes are the depopulation of rural areas, along with the effects of climate change. To counter this threat in recent decades, there have been numerous proposals and actions aimed at promoting grazing in the forest as a tool for controlling biomass fuel. However, the continued disappearance of traditional herds makes this activity difficult. Rural depopulation has also meant that domestic species become feral, being habitual in the case of goats. Currently, little is known about the role that feral goats can play in the fight against forest fires. In this work, an analysis is made on the effect of feral goats on the control of the vegetation in firebreak areas. Furthermore, the effect of attractants, such as water, salt, or food, on goat behavior is also studied. The study was carried out on the island of Mallorca, where a population of feral goats occupies the mountain areas, and where it is common for them to graze on the network of firebreaks. The results showed that these areas in themselves exert an attractive effect with respect to the neighboring forest, and that the herbaceous biomass is reduced. This effect was enhanced with the implementation of water and salt points, although only in certain periods of the year. In general, it was possible to reduce the phytovolume of many species without affecting biodiversity in the short or medium term. Therefore, strategic management of feral animals, aimed at firebreak areas, could contribute not only to reducing the risk of fires and, consequently, to the mitigation of climate change, but also to attracting these animals to the forests, thus avoiding their dispersion to conflictive places such as roads,residences, agricultural fields, and gardens

    Enseñar y aprender a pensar los paisajes urbanos. La percepción urbana en las ciudades

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    El estudio del paisaje en la educación formal y en la no formal se ha convertido en una necesidad para evitar la degradación del entorno y la pérdida de la diversidad patrimonial, cultural e identidad de los territorios. En estos últimos años y en diferentes ámbitos docentes, se ha desarrollado un notable interés por las posibilidades que brinda el paisaje a la educación, ya que, además de contar con las aportaciones de disciplinas más tradicionales en este ámbito (geografía, historia, geomorfología, hidrología, ecología, etc.), tiene en cuenta las dimensiones perceptiva y social. Así, este trabajo presenta una experiencia que pone de manifiesto la percepción que los estudiantes de Grado en Educación tienen del paisaje de la ciudad donde cursan sus estudios: Ciudad Real. Se centra, por tanto, en la geografía urbana, prestando especial atención a la percepción urbana. Y se compara, además, con la imagen de la ciudad promovida desde la administración local

    Automated Program Analysis for Novice Programmers

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    [EN] This paper describes how to adapt a static code analyzer to provide feedback novice programmers and their teachers. Current analyzers have been built to give feedback to experienced programmers who work on software projects or systems. The type of feedback and the type of analysis of these tools focusses on mistakes that are relevant within that context, and help with debugging software system. When teaching novice programmers this type of advice is often not particularly useful. It would be instead more useful to use these techniques to identify problem in the understanding of students of important programming concepts. This paper first explores in what respect static analyzers support the learning and teaching of programming, and what can be implemented based on existing static analysis technology. It presents an extension of static analyzer PMD to create feedback that is more valuable to novice programmers. To answer the question if these techniques are able to find conceptual mistakes that are characteristic for novice programmers make, we ran it over a number of student projects, and compared these results with publicly available mature software projects.Blok, T.; Fehnker, A. (2017). Automated Program Analysis for Novice Programmers. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1138-1146. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.5533OCS1138114

    Hematite as an Electrocatalytic Marker for the Study of Archaeological Ceramic Clay bodies: A VIMP and SECM Study**

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    [EN] The electrocatalytic effect exerted by hematite, a ubiquitous component of clay bodies, on the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) and oxygen evolution reaction (OER) can be used to acquire information on archaeological ceramics. The solid-state voltammetric response of different hematite and ochre specimens, accompanied by SECM analysis in contact with 0.10 M HCl aqueous solution, is described. In air-saturated solutions, catalytic effects on the ORR and OER are accompanied by Fe(III)/Fe(II) and Fe(IV)/Fe(III) redox reactions. Such processes are conditioned by a variety of factors, the hydroxylation degree of the mineral surfaces being particularly influential, and exhibit significant variations upon heating the specimens between 300 and 900 degrees C. Voltammetric measurements carried out on a set of archaeological samples of Apulian red-figured pottery dated back within 5(th) and 4(th) centuries BCE permit to obtain site-characteristic voltammetric profiles.The work was carried out within the framework of project PID2020-113022GB-I00 which was financially support by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion and Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (AEI) of the Spanish government.Doménech-Carbó, A.; Giannuzzi, M.; Mangone, A.; Giannossa, LC.; Di Turo, F.; Cofini, E.; Domenech Carbo, MT. (2022). Hematite as an Electrocatalytic Marker for the Study of Archaeological Ceramic Clay bodies: A VIMP and SECM Study**. ChemElectroChem. 9(2):59-68. https://doi.org/10.1002/celc.20210119759689

    Using Virtual Reality to promote pre-service teachers’ classroom management skills and teacher resilience: A qualitative evaluation

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    [EN] Many novice teachers have difficulties in selecting and applying effective classroom management strategies to prevent or diminish disruptive behaviors. Negative experiences with classroom management largely determine teacher wellbeing and early attrition. Therefore, more in-training opportunities are needed to prepare prospective teachers to manage complex classroom practices effectively. A Virtual Reality-environment seems promising in developing classroom management skills and promoting teacher resilience; however, its potential is influenced by students’ perceptions towards this technology. This study describes four pre-service teachers’ and six school-based teacher educators’ experiences with and perceptions towards the use of a Virtual Reality learning environment to train classroom management skills and promote teacher resilience. Responses of semi-structured interviews reflect five themes: software- and equipment-related issues; feedback cues; realism and authenticity; instructor proficiency; and added value for teacher training. Results show that, for most themes, pre-service teachers and school-based teacher educators raised similar remarks and/or suggestions for improvement; however, they differed in their perceptions towards the added value of Virtual Reality to teacher training curricula. Our study highlights teachers’ needs for highly authentic and realistic simulations aligned with real-life classrooms and presents recommendations to augment the immersive experience needed for teachers to develop effective CMS and become more resilient.Mouw, J.; Fokkens-Bruinsma, M.; Verheij, G. (2020). Using Virtual Reality to promote pre-service teachers’ classroom management skills and teacher resilience: A qualitative evaluation. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):325-332. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11049OCS32533230-05-202

    Beef from Calves Finished with a Diet Based on Concentrate Rich in Agro-Industrial By-Products: Acceptability and Quality Label Preferences in Spanish Meat Consumers

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    Conjoint analysis was used to estimate the relative importance of some of the main extrinsic attributes and quality labels of beef in three Spanish cities (Córdoba, Marbella, and Santa Pola) in a study performed with 300 individuals. Consumers were segmented according to their frequency of consumption. Willingness to pay for different meats was also calculated from the conjoint analysis results. Consumer liking of beef that had been finished with an alternative concentrate rich in agro-industrial by-products and aged for three different durations as compared to conventionally finished beef was also evaluated using the same consumers. The most important attribute for Spanish consumers was the price (28%), followed by origin (25%), animal welfare certification (19%), protected geographical indication (14%), and organic agriculture certification (14%). Most consumers preferred beef from Spain at the lowest possible price and with the highest number of quality labels. Consumers were willing to pay a premium of 1.49, 3.61, and 5.53 EUR over 14 EUR/kg for organic certification, protected geographical indication, and animal welfare certification, respectively. Sensory analysis revealed that, for regular consumers, beef finished with an alternative concentrate rich in agro-industrial by-products offered several hedonic advantages (color, flavor, and tenderness) when compared to beef finished using a conventional diet, while occasional consumers did not find any difference between the two kinds of meat

    La coevaluación del equipo versus el resultado académico

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    [EN] This paper deals with the implementation of a system of peer assessment of collaborative work as a tool to measure students level of awareness of the work done in groups. Then, their collaborative work perception is compared with the academic results obtained by the group. The teacher provides a rubric for assessing the ability of collaborative group work. This group reflection on the methods and skills developed by working as a unit encourages critical analysis of individuals. The application of this methodology intends to provide information to the group, and teachers , to better understand the value that the group makes about its capabilities and compare those with their academic results.[ES] En este trabajo se describe la implementación de un sistema de coevaluación del trabajo colaborativo de los alumnos como herramienta para medir el nivel de conciencia que los alumnos adquieren del trabajo desarrollado grupalmente, y comparar su percepción con los resultados académicos obtenidos por el grupo. El docente proporciona una rúbrica de evaluación de la capacidad de trabajo colaborativo del grupo. Con ello se fomenta la reflexión grupal sobre los procedimientos y aptitudes desarrollados en el ejercicio del trabajo colaborativo, y así fomentar el análisis crítico de los individuos como una unidad de trabajo. A través de esta metodología se pretende aportar información al grupo, y al docente, para conocer mejor la valoración que el grupo hace sobre sus capacidades y compararlos con los resultados académicos obtenidos. Palabras clave: trabajo colaborativo, coevaluación, resultados académicos, análisis crítico.Domenech, J.; De La Poza, E.; Vincent Vela, MC.; Lloret Mauri, J. (2015). La coevaluación del equipo versus el resultado académico. En In-Red 2015 - CONGRESO NACIONAL DE INNOVACIÓN EDUCATIVA Y DE DOCENCIA EN RED. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2015.2015.1648OC