24 research outputs found

    Mapping of West Siberian taiga wetland complexes using Landsat imagery: implications for methane emissions

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    High latitude wetlands are important for understanding climate change risks because these environments sink carbon and emit methane. Fine scale heterogeneity of wetland landscapes pose challenges for producing the greenhouse gas flux inventories based on point observations. To reduce uncertainties at the regional scale, we mapped wetlands and water bodies in the taiga zone of West Siberia on a scene-by-scene basis using a supervised classification of Landsat imagery. The training dataset was based on high-resolution images and field data that were collected at 28 test areas. Classification scheme was aimed at methane inventory applications and included 7 wetland ecosystem types composing 9 wetland complexes in different proportions. Accuracy assessment based on 1082 validation polygons of 10 × 10 pixels indicated an overall map accuracy of 79 %. The total area of the wetlands and water bodies was estimated to be 52.4 Mha or 4-12 % of the global wetland area. Ridge-hollow complexes prevail in WS's taiga, occupying 33 % of the domain, followed by forested bogs or "ryams" (23 %), ridge-hollow-lake complexes (16 %), open fens (8 %), palsa complexes (7 %), open bogs (5 %), patterned fens (4 %), and swamps (4 %). Various oligotrophic environments are dominant among the wetland ecosystems, while fens cover only 14 % of the area. Because of the significant update in the wetland ecosystem coverage, a considerable revaluation of the total CH4 emissions from the entire region is expected. A new Landsat-based map of WS's taiga wetlands provides a benchmark for validation of coarse-resolution global land cover products and wetland datasets in high latitudes

    Tree encroachment may lead to functionally-significant changes in peatland testate amoeba communities

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    Climate change is likely to cause increased tree recruitment on open peatlands but we currently have little idea what consequences this vegetation change may have below-ground. Here we use transects across forested to open bog ecotones at three Russian peatland complexes to assess potential changes in the most abundant group of peatland protists - the testate amoebae. We show that the testate amoeba communities of forested and open bog are markedly different with a very abrupt boundary at, or near, the vegetation ecotone. Changes along our transects suggest that tree encroachment may reduce the trophic level of testate amoeba communities and reduce the contribution of mixotrophic testate amoebae to primary production. Our study strongly suggests that increased tree recruitment on open peatlands will have important consequences for both microbial biodiversity and microbially-mediated ecosystem processes

    Ecological and environmental transition across the forested-to-open bog ecotone in a west Siberian peatland

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    Climate change may cause increasing tree cover in boreal peatlands, and the impacts of this encroachment will be noted first at forested-to-open bog ecotones. We investigate key metrics of ecosystem function in five such ecotones at a peatland complex in Western Siberia. Stratigraphic analysis of three cores from one of these transects shows that the ecotone has been dynamic over time with evidence for recent expansion of forested peatland. We observed that the two alternative states for northern boreal peatlands (forested/open) clearly support distinct plant and microbial communities. These in turn drive and respond to a number of feedback mechanisms. This has led to steep ecological gradients across the ecotones. Tree cover was associated with lower water tables and pH, along with higher bulk density, aquatic carbon concentrations, and electrical conductivity. We propose that the conditions found in the forested peatland of Western Siberia make the carbon sink more vulnerable to warmer and drier conditions

    Vegetation and soils of tundra landscapes in the Pur-Taz interfluvial region

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    The landscape diversity of the tundra area in the Pur–Taz interfluvial region are analyzed using field and remote sensing data. For each land unit (microlandscape), botanical, microrelief, and soil descriptions are produced, projective covers of plant species are estimated, and seasonal soil thawing depths are defined. Additionally, the water table levels, pH, and electrical conductivity (EC) of peatland waters are measured in waterlogged microlandscapes