66 research outputs found

    Demographic determinants of deposits and savings in Morocco

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    The present paper aims to define demographic determinants of deposits saving in Morocco, which are defined as banks accounts designed for saving. In order to carry out our study, we carried out a survey with a sample made up of 545 people residing in different Moroccan cities, and this, in the period going from October 2018 to November 2018. The results obtained show that 70% of the respondents are satisfied regarding proposed banking services and 90% hold one current account. Furthermore, the study also shows that the majority of saving accounts holders are satisfied.     JEL Classification: D14 Paper Type: Empirical ResearchThe present paper aims to define demographic determinants of deposits saving in Morocco, which are defined as banks accounts designed for saving. In order to carry out our study, we carried out a survey with a sample made up of 545 people residing in different Moroccan cities, and this, in the period going from October 2018 to November 2018. The results obtained show that 70% of the respondents are satisfied regarding proposed banking services and 90% hold one current account. Furthermore, the study also shows that the majority of saving accounts holders are satisfied.     JEL Classification: D14 Paper Type: Empirical Researc

    Health problems among people with chronic diseases in Algeria in light of the Covid-19 pandemic

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    نسعى من خلال هذه المقالة الى التعرف عن الأسباب والمشكلات الصحية التي تعاني منها فئة المصابين بالأمراض المزمنة في الجزائر. كون هذه الفئة المصابة بالمرض المزمن داخل المجتمع الجزائري تستلزم توفير الرعاية الصحية والاهتمام بالجوانب الصحية، وخاصة أثناء فترة انتشار وباء كوفيد19. حيث تعتبر الأمراض المزمنة بمثابة المشاكل الصحية الكامنة بجسم الإنسان، ويظل يتعايش معها المريض طوال حياته بعد الإصابة بها وفق برامج وحمية صحية، بحيث تبقى هذه الأمراض تساير حياة الفرد مدى حياته، ومع مرور الزمن تتطور في غالب الاحيان، ومع انتشار وباء كورونا كوفيد19. أصبح هذا النوع من المرضى يلقى صعاب صحية لعدوى الفيروس وفقا لما ذكرته منظمة الصحة العالمية. حيث يستمر هذا المرض غالبا لمدة ثلاثة أشهر أو أكثر. كما أنها لا تنتقل من شخص لآخر، ومنه لا يمكن الوقاية من الأمراض المزمنة بشكل عام عن طريق اللقاحات أو معالجتها بالأدوية، كما أنها لا تختفي ولكن يمكن التعايش مع هذه الأمراض وإدارة أعراضها.  وبالتالي نهدف من خلال هذه المقالة الى الكشف عن المشكلات الصحية التي تعاني منها هذه الفئة من المجتمع الجزائري في ظل انعدام الوسائل والمكانات وهذا نظرا لتفشي واستفحال جائحة كورونا عبر العالم. كما نسعى إلى إبراز الاستراتيجيات المتبعة من طرف وزارة الصحة الجزائرية للحد من هذه المشكلات الصحية لدى فئة المصابين بالأمراض المزمنة وهذا من خلال توفير الاهتمام والرعاية الصحية على جميع المستويات معتمدين في ذلك على المنهج التحليلي الوصفي. موضحين مفهوم الامراض المزمنة، ومبرزين المعاناة والمشكلات الصحية لدى فئة المصابين بالأمراض المزمنة أثناء جائحة كورونا كوفيد19. دون نسيان الإجراءات والاستراتيجيات المتخذة من طرف الحكومة الجزائرية لدى المصابين بالأمراض المزمنة في ظل هذه الجائحةWe seek through this article to identify the causes and health problems that suffer from chronic diseases in Algeria. The fact that this chronically ill group within Algerian society requires the provision of health care and attention to health aspects, especially during the period of the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic. Where chronic diseases are considered as health problems inherent in the human body, and the patient continues to coexist with them throughout his life after infection with them according to healthy programs and diets, so that these diseases remain in line with the individual’s life throughout his life, and with the passage of time they often develop, and with the spread of the Corona Covid-19 epidemic. This type of patient has become very difficult to get infected with the virus, according to the World Health Organization. Where this disease often lasts for three months or more. It is also not transmitted from one person to another, and therefore chronic diseases cannot be prevented in general through vaccines or treated with medicines, nor do they disappear, but these diseases can be coexisted with and their symptoms managed. Thus, we aim, through this article, to reveal the health problems that this group of Algerian society suffers from, in light of the lack of means and capabilities, and this is due to the spread and exacerbation of the Corona pandemic around the world. We also seek to highlight the strategies adopted by the Algerian Ministry of Health to reduce these health problems among people with chronic diseases, by providing attention and health care at all levels, relying on the descriptive analytical approach. Explaining the concept of chronic diseases, and highlighting the suffering and health problems of people with chronic diseases during the Corona Covid-19 pandemic. Without forgetting the measures and strategies taken by the Algerian government for people with chronic diseases in light of this pandemic

    Determination of the mineral profile of raw and roasted lentil flour after addition to yogurt

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    Introduction: Lentil (Lens culinaris) is a pulse largely consumed in the world, especially in Algeria. This legume can be consumed in different forms (pottage, soup), but also flour can be produced after roasting treatment of the lentils. Resulted flour can be used as a food or ingredient in the formulation of food products. Aims: The main objective of this study is to determine the variation in the main mineral content of lentil flour. The flour was analyzed at its native state (raw), after roasting, raw before addition to yogurt, and roasted after addition in yogurt as a functional ingredient at a rate of 4%. Material and Methods: The lentil flours analysis was carried out by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) associated with Dispersive X-ray Energy (EDX) microanalysis (SEM-EDX). Results: The results show that the roasting treatment does not have a marked effect on the mineral content of lentil flours. However, the addition to the yogurt made it possible to raise the mineral content of the raw and roasted lentil flour remarkably. Conclusions: Adding lentil flour to yogurt is an effective way to increase the mineral content of yogurts made from these flours

    L’ effet de l’expérience client digitale en sa dimension comportementale sur la fidélité des clients dans le secteur bancaire marocain

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    Dans cet article, nous présentons les résultats de l’enquête (les mesures ont été construites à partir d’une enquête menée auprès de 11 banques) effectuée en vue d’effectuer le test de notre hypothèse de recherche ainsi que du modèle général. Il se devise en deux points : Le premier concerne la méthodologie quantitative de recherche qui sera traitée à l’aide du logiciel SPSS 25. Quant au second point, on effectuera une analyse des données traitée sous logiciel SPSS, et dans laquelle notre objectif sera double : D’une part, on essaiera de tester la validité, la fiabilité ainsi l’analyse de la dimensionnalité” de chaque variable étudiée afin d’évaluer la qualité de nos échelles de mesure. Pour ce faire, nous allons nous référer aux différents outils et tests statistiques les plus utilisés par les praticiens. D’autre part, on passera au test d’hypothèse générale de la recherche. D’abord, de notre hypothèse déjà élaborée en partie théorique avec les résultats de l’étude empirique afin de tester leur pertinence, ensuite, nous testons notre modèle conceptuel de la recherche. Pour effectuer ceci, nous avons fait appel à la méthode de régression simple qui constitue aussi une méthode de la première génération des méthodes statistiques

    Youth as Actors of Change? The Cases of Morocco and Tunisia

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    In the last decades, ‘youth’ has increasingly become a fashionable category in academic and development literature and a key development (or security) priority. However, beyond its biological attributes, youth is a socially constructed category and also one that tends to be featured in times of drastic social change. As the history of the category shows in both Morocco and Tunisia, youth can represent the wished-for model of future citizenry and a symbol of renovation, or its ‘not-yet-adult’ status which still requires guidance and protection can be used as a justification for increased social control and repression of broader social mobilisation. Furthermore, when used as a homogeneous and undifferentiated category, the reference to youth can divert attention away from other social divides such as class in highly unequal societies