72 research outputs found

    Inverse pressure-induced Mott transition in TiPO4_4

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    TiPO4_4 shows interesting structural and magnetic properties as temperature and pressure are varied, such as a spin-Peierls phase transition and the development of incommensurate modulations of the lattice. Recently, high pressure experiments for TiPO4_4 reported two new structural phases appearing at high pressures, the so-called phases IV and V [M. Bykov et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 15053]. The latter was shown to include the first example of 5-fold O-coordinated P-atoms in an inorganic phosphate compound. In this work we characterize the electronic structure and other physical properties of these new phases by means of ab-initio calculations, and investigate the structural transition. We find that the appearance of phases IV and V coincides with a collapse of the Mott insulating gap and quenching of magnetism in phase III as pressure is applied. Remarkably, our calculations show that in the high pressure phase V, these features reappear, leading to an antiferromagnetic Mott insulating phase, with robust local moments

    Ekonomisk analys av vÀxtodlingsföretaget med beaktandet av risk

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    De senaste Ärens situation för vÀxtodlare i Sverige har inneburit en ökad betydelse av att kunna hantera risker i sin verksamhet. Dessa risker tenderar att fÄ en större och större betydelse för lönsamheten dÄ förutsÀttningarna pÄ marknaden skiftar allt snabbare. För lantbrukarens del innebÀr det att han/hon idag mÄste hÄlla sig mer uppdaterad om vad som hÀnder pÄ marknaden Àn hur det var tidigare. Flertalet prognoser antyder att lantbrukets lönsamhet kommer att vara pressad i framtiden. DÄ förÀndringar som tycks ske i allt snabbare takt har en stor pÄverkan pÄ lönsamheten Àr det dÀrför av stor vikt för lantbrukaren att kunna bedöma olika risker och dÀrefter fatta kloka beslut. Teorier om lantbrukarens nytta och risker har anvÀnts i studien för att pÄ ett rimligt sÀtt analysera resultaten. De riskkategorier som studeras i arbetet Àr produktionsrisk och pris/marknadsrisk. För att göra det möjligt att studera och bedöma dessa risker samt deras omfattning, mÄste den rÄdande situationen och dess egenskaper faststÀllas. Detta gjordes genom att samla in historiska pris- och avkastningsdata. Dessa data har i första hand inhÀmtats frÄn fallgÄrden och frÄn externa kÀllor. Dessutom har en intervju genomförts med lantbrukaren för att kunna analysera hur denne uppfattar och hanterar risker i sin verksamhet. De data som samlats in anvÀnds i en resultatberÀkningsmodell som genererar simulerade resultat. 3 grödfördelningar representerar investeringsalternativ som jÀmförts med varandra för att avgöra vilken av de tre grödfördelningarna som Àr mest fördelaktig. Med fördelaktig menas den grödfördelning som Àr mest lönsam med beaktande av risk. Den totala risken beroende av de riskkategorier som nÀmns i stycket ovan redovisas Àven för varje grödfördelning. Vidare faststÀlls hur stor del av risken som Àr hÀnförlig till respektive riskkategori. Riskkategorierna bestÄr av produktionsrisk som Àr kopplad till produktionen och uttrycks i varierande skördenivÄer. Pris/marknadsrisken uppstÄr pÄ grund av fluktuerande priser pÄ marknaden pÄ insatsmedel och vid försÀljning av spannmÄl. Grödfördelningarna, tillika investeringsalternativen rangordnas i en SERF- model (stochastic efficiency with respect to a function), vilken gör det möjligt att studera alternativen med avseende pÄ beslutsfattarens riskaversion. En SERF-modell jÀmför samtliga alternativ samtidigt, med varandra. Oberoende av vilket mÄtt pÄ riskaversion, var grödfördelning 3 det mest fördelaktiga alternativet. Grödfördelningen var i det fallet uppdelad pÄ 320 ha vete, 200 ha vÄrkorn, 46 ha havre, 137,7 ha raps och 50 ha oljelin. I de övriga grödfördelningarna odlas enbart 4 olika grödor. Slutsatserna besvarar syftet i arbetets inledande kapitel. Av resultaten att döma sÄ utgör pris/marknadsrisken den enskilt största risken av de som studerats. Den högsta uppmÀtta risken Àr en kombination av pris/marknadsrisk och produktionsrisk. Resultaten visar Àven att en dryg tredjedel av de simulerade resultaten Àr negativa. Produktionsrisken utgör den lÀgsta risken för ett negativt resultat.Recent years, the situation for farmers in Sweden has led to increased importance of being able to manage risk in their businesses. These risks tend to increase the impact on profitability when changes in market conditions are accelerating. For the farmer, this means that he / she must stay more up to date on what's happening in the market than before. Many forecasts suggest that farm profitability will be under higher pressure in the future. When changes appear to occur at an accelerating rate, it gives a graeter impact on profitability, it is therefore of great importance for the farmer to assess the various risks and then make wise decisions. Theories regarding the farmer's benefits and risks have been used in the study to simplify the analyzing of the results. The risk categories studied in this thesis is production risk and price / market risk. To make it possible to study and assess these risks, and their extent, the current situation and its characteristics must be determined. This was done by collecting historical price and yield data. These data were primarily obtained from the farm, but also from external sources. In addition, an interview with the farmer was carried out in order to analyze how he perceives and manages risks in the business. The data collected are used in a performance calculation that generates the simulated results. 3 croprotationplans represents investment options which are compared with each other to determine which of the three that is most beneficial. With beneficial means the croprotationplan that has the highest profit with respect to risk aversion. The overall risk depends on the risk categories mentioned in the text above are also reported for each croprotationplan. It also determine how much of the risk attributable to each risk category. The croprotationplans, which also represents the investment options are ranked in the SERF-model (stochastic efficiency with respect to a function), which makes it possible to study the options with regard to the decision maker's risk aversion. A SERF model compares all the options simultaneously, with each other. Regardless of any measure of risk aversion, croprotationplan 3 is the most advantageous option. This particular croprotationplan were divided in 320 hectares of wheat, 200 hectares of spring barley, 46 hectares of oats, and 137, 7 hectares of rapeseed and 50 hectares of linseed. In the other croprotationplans only four different crops were grown. The findings are designed to answer the questions raised in the purpose of the opening chapter. The result shows that the price / market risk is the single greatest risk of those studied. The highest measured risk is a combination of price / market risk and production risk. The results also show that over a third of the simulated results are negative. Production risk has the lowest risk of a negative result

    Surveillance of Sulfur Emissions from Ships in Danish Waters

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    In 2015 new rules from the IMO and legislation from EU (Sulfur directive) requires ships to run with maximum fuel sulfur content (FSC) of 0.1 % m/m in northern European waters. In order to promote a level playing field within the shipping sector, there is a need for measurement systems that can make effective compliance control. This report describes the results from ship emission measurements on the waters surrounding Denmark from June 2015 to July 2017 on behalf of the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The overall aim was to carry out operational surveillance of ships with respect to the EU sulfur directive and particularly the sulfur limits for marine fuel in the European Sulfur Emission Control Area (0.10 %), which entered into force on January 1st 2015, as well as to guide further port state control of ships at the destination harbors of the ships, both in Denmark and other ports. During the project the FSC of individual ships was estimated by perform- ing spot checks of exhaust plumes of individual ships. This was conducted by automatic gas sniffer measurements at the Great Belt Bridge and airborne surveillance measurements using sniffer and optical sensors. The data from the fixed system were transmitted in real time to a web database and alarms were triggered for high FSC ships in the form of emails. The report describes the technical systems and their performance and the general compliance levels of the measured ships. The measurement systems have been developed by Chalmers University of Technology through Swedish national funding and the EU project CompMon. The airborne dataset corresponds to approx. 900 individual ships, measured by sniffer or/and optical sensor over 245 flight hours. The optical sensor has low precision and is therefore used as a first alert system to identify ships running on high sulfur fuel. The precision of the airborne FSC meas- urements by the sniffer system is better and it is estimated as \ub1 0.05 % m/m (1σ) with a systematic bias of - 0.045 % m/m. Therefore only ships running with FSC of 0.2 % m/m or higher can be de- tected as non-compliant ships with good confidence limit (95 %) by the airborne sniffer system. The airborne measurements during 2015 and 2016 on Danish waters show that 94 % of the ships complied with the EU Sulphur directive, at the 95 % confidence limit. The compliance rate was lower, 92 %, during the 2nd half of 2016. In the period June 2015 to May 2017, 8426 sniffer measurements of individual ships were carried out at the Great Belt Bridge. However, there were technical problems in the first part of the project and the sniffer therefore had reduced sensitivity the first year and only high sulfur ships (> 1 % FSC) could be detected as non-complying vessels with appropriate statistical confidence. The precision in the estimated FSC by the fixed sniffer system is estimated as \ub1 0.04 % m/m (1σ) with a systematic bias of - 0.055 % m/m. Therefore only ships running with FSC of 0.18 % or higher can be detected as non-compliant ships with good confidence limit (95 %) by the fixed sniffer system. The data for the period June 2016 to October 2016 show a compliance rate of 94.6 % which increased to 97.4 % in the period January 2017 to May 2017. The compliance level during different time periods and platforms varied between 92-97 %. Here 1 - 2 % of the ships were in gross non-compliance with the EU sulfur directive with FSC values above 0.5 % m/m. There were differences over time, with the highest values in the summer of 2016. The compliance level was close to the values (95 %) measured by port state control authorities in Sweden and Denmark 2015 and 2016. When comparing ships measured by port state and the ones in this project it can be deduced that the efficiency of finding non-compliant vessels could be increased by at least a factor of 4, if the port state controls were guided by measurements. Most of the non-compliant ships (90 %) were measured high only once. But there were cases with individual ships and ship operators that were more abundant in the non-compliance statistics. The non- compliant ships that were seldom in the area around Denmark had higher emissions of SO2 than the non-compliant ones that operated their more frequently. On several occasions during this study we encountered ships equipped with scrubbers that were non-compliant with respect to the EU sulfur directive

    Fixed remote surveillance of fuel sulfur content in ships from fixed sites in the Göteborg ship channel and Öresund bridge

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    In 2015 new rules from the IMO and legislation from EU (Sulfur directive) and the US requires ships to run with maximum fuel sulfur content (FSC) of 0.1 % m/m in northern European and North American waters. In order to promote a level playing field within the shipping sector, there is a need for measurement systems that can make effective compliance control and this is the main objective of the CompMon project, funded through the European CEF program (Connecting Europe Facility). As part of this project, an automatic sniffer sensor system has been applied in the Göteborg ship channel at the Älvsborg island during 3 years (2014- 2016) and at the Öresund Bridge during two months at the end of 2016. The typical distances from the ships here varied between 500 -1000 m. The sniffer system is based on several extractive instruments measuring concentrations of SO2 and CO2 and others species, such as NOx, in the ship emission plumes that drift over the measurement station. In addition to fixed stations, the system can also be used from mobile platforms such as harbor patrol vessels and aircraft. From the data above, together with information about the ships from AIS (Automatic Identification System) and wind data, the FSC is automatically calculated and the ship is identi- fied. This is done using software developed as part of this project (Single Emitter identification Tool).The measurement precision (1σ) of the sniffer system is approx. 0.04 % m/m for ships using a FSC of 0.1 % m/m. The sniffer system also has a negative bias in the measured FSC, varying between 0.04 % to 0.08 % m/m and this is accounted for when calculating the threshold for non-compliance. Based on the above, it is possible to identify ships with FSC above 0.18 % m/m with 95% confidence limit, if the bias is corrected for statistically. For the measurements at the Älvsborg island site in 2014 and 2015, the corresponding limit is higher, 0.29 % m/m, due to a measurement artifact that was eliminated in 2016. On board measurements in 2015 and 2016 by the Swedish port state control authority shows that most non-compliant ships had FSCs be- tween 0.1 % to 0.2 % m/m when controlled at berth and this is generally below the 95% confidence limit threshold of the sniffer. Therefore many non-compliant ships will not be detected when using the sniffer close to harbors and a more precise sensor is therefore preferred.The measurements at the Älvsborg island were carried out during a time period when the allowed FSC limit changed significantly. The data for 2014, corresponding to more than 4000 measurements of 500 individual ships, shows that 99 % of the ships were using compliant fuel below the FSC limit of 1 % m/m. In 2015 the FSC limit changed to 0.1 % m/m. The measurements in 2015 and 2016, corresponding to the same amount of ships as in 2014, showed that 91.5 % and 98 %, respectively, were using compliant fuel with respect to FSC. The lower compliance rate in 2015 compared to 2016 is potentially influenced by measurement artifacts that were later eliminated in 2016. At the Öresund Bridge. 58 ships were measured as part of the CompMon pro- ject. The measurements continued another month with support from the interreg project Envisum, with anoth- er 62 ships measured. The compliance level at the Öresund Bridge corresponds to 98 %. This is actually com- parable to the corresponding measurements elsewhere and at the Älvsborg island site during the same time period

    Certification of an aircraft and airborne surveillance of fuel sulfur content in ships at the SECA border

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    In 2015 new rules from the IMO and legislation from EU (Sulfur directive) and the US requires ships to run with maximum fuel sulfur content (FSC) of 0.1 % m/m in northern European and North American waters. In order to promote a level playing field within the shipping sector, there is a need for measurement systems that can make effective compliance control and this is the main objective of the CompMon project, funded through the European CEF program (Connecting Europe Facility). As part of this project, a sensor system has been certified for ship surveillance measurements in a Piper Navajo aircraft and it has been demonstrated for airborne measurements of FSC in individual ships on the English Channel. The measurement system consists of an optical module which measures total emissions of SO2 and NO2 in g/s and a sniffer system by which FSC is retrieved from extractive measurements of SO2 and CO2. It can be used from fixed sites, patrol vessels and from aircraft. The advantage with airborne surveillance is the capability to check ships that are operating in the main shipping lanes, up to 200 nautical miles from shore. The precision of the estimated FSC from the sniffer system is 0.05 % m/m and hence at the 95 % confidence limit, ships above a FSC of 0.2 % m/m can be checked. The sniffer system also has a negative bias in the FSC of approx- imately 0.04 % m/m which is accounted for in the FSC calculations. The optical system has larger measurement uncertainties than the sniffer but it is intended mostly for guid- ance of other controls. As part of the CompMon project, a measurements campaign with the Navajo Piper aircraft was carried out at the SECA (Sulfur Emission Control Area) border in the English Channel at longitude 5 W. Six flight missions with duration of 4 to 5 hours were carried out from September 2 to 10, 2016, flying from Brest airport. In this manner it was possible to cover the longitude range 2o - 6o W. During the campaign, 114 ships were measured with the sniffer system, corresponding to 71 ships inside the SECA and 42 ships outside. The level of compli- ance inside the SECA was here 87 % and this is considerably lower than measurements carried out elsewhere within CompMon in other parts of the SECA (95-99 %). Two thirds of the non-complying vessels were leav- ing the SECA. With the optical system 110 individual ships were measured, 42 outside and 68 inside the SE- CA. The measurements show a similar pattern as the sniffer data but with a few false values. Nevertheless it is shown that both low and high FSC ships will be classified correctly with about 80-90 % probability with the optical system and this system is hence very promising as a tool to guide further compliance controls

    Acetyl group migration across the saccharide units in oligomannoside model compound

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    Acetylated oligosaccharides are common in nature. While they are involved in several biochemical and biological processes, the role of the acetyl groups and the complexity of their migration has largely gone unnoticed. In this work, by combination of organic synthesis, NMR spectroscopy and quantum chemical modeling, we show that acetyl group migration is a much more complex phenomenon than previously known. By use of synthetic oligomannoside model compounds, we demonstrate, for the first time, that the migration of acetyl groups in oligosaccharides and polysaccharides may not be limited to transfer within a single monosaccharide moiety, but may also involve migration over a glycosidic bond between two different saccharide units. The observed phenomenon is not only interesting from the chemical point of view, but it also raises new questions about the potential biological role of acylated carbohydrates in nature.Peer reviewe

    Trends in educational inequalities in obesity in 15 European countries between 1990 and 2010

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    Background: The prevalence of obesity increased dramatically in many European countries in the past decades. Whether the increase occurred to the same extent in all socioeconomic groups is less known. We systematically assessed and compared the trends in educational inequalities in obesity in 15 different European countries between 1990 and 2010. Methods: Nationally representative survey data from 15 European countries were harmonized and used in a metaregression of trends in prevalence and educational inequalities in obesity between 1990 and 2010. Educational inequalities were estimated by means of absolute rate differences and relative rate ratios in men and women aged 30-64 years. Results: A statistically significant increase in the prevalence of obesity was found for all countries, except for Ireland (among men) and for France, Hungary, Italy and Poland (among women). Meta-regressions showed a statistically significant overall increase in absolute inequalities of 0.11% points [95% CI 0.03, 0.20] per year among men and 0.12% points [95% CI 0.04, 0.20] per year among women. Relative inequalities did not significantly change over time in most countries. A significant reduction of relative inequalities was found among Austrian and Italian women. Conclusion: The increase in the overall prevalence aligned with a widening of absolute but not of relative inequalities in obesity in many European countries over the past two decades. Our findings urge for a further understanding of the drivers of the increase in obesity in lower education groups particularly, and an equity perspective in population-based obesity prevention strategies.Peer reviewe

    ESPAD Report 2019: Results From European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs

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    The main purpose of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD) is to collect comparable data on substance use and other forms of risk behaviour among 15- to 16-year-old students in order to monitor trends within, as well as between, countries. Between 1995 and 2019, seven waves of data collection were conducted across 49 European countries. This report presents selected key results. The full set of data on which the current report is based, including all of the standard tables, is available online (http://www.espad.org). All tables can be downloaded in Excel format and used for further analysi
