9 research outputs found

    Patch clamp studies on TRPV4-dependent hemichannel activation in lens epithelium

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    ATP release from the lens via hemichannels has been explained as a response to TRPV4 activation when the lens is subjected to osmotic swelling. To explore the apparent linkage between TRPV4 activation and connexin hemichannel opening we performed patch-clamp recordings on cultured mouse lens epithelial cells exposed to the TRPV4 agonist GSK1016790A (GSK) in the presence or absence of the TRPV4 antagonist HC067047 (HC). GSK was found to cause a fast, variable and generally large non-selective increase of whole cell membrane conductance evident as a larger membrane current (Im) over a wide voltage range. The response was prevented by HC. The GSK-induced Im increase was proportionally larger at negative voltages and coincided with fast depolarization and the simultaneous disappearance of an outward current, likely a K+ current. The presence of this outward current in control conditions appeared to be a reliable predictor of a cell’s response to GSK treatment. In some studies, recordings were obtained from single cells by combining cell-attached and whole-cell patch clamp configurations. This approach revealed events with a channel conductance 180–270 pS following GSK application through the patch pipette on the cell-attached side. The findings are consistent with TRPV4-dependent opening of Cx43 hemichannels

    Regulation of gap junctional charge selectivity in cells coexpressing connexin 40 and connexin 43

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    Expression of connexin 40 (Cx40) and Cx43 in cardiovascular tissues varies as a function of age, injury, and development with unknown consequences on the selectivity of junctional communication and its acute regulation. We investigated the PKC-dependent regulation of charge selectivity in junctions composed of Cx43, Cx40, or both by simultaneous assessment of junctional permeance rate constants (Bdye) for dyes of similar size but opposite charge, N,N,N-trimethyl-2-[methyl-(7-nitro-2,1,3-benzoxadiol-4-yl)amino]ethanaminium (NBD-M-TMA; +1) and Alexa 350 (−1). The ratio of dye rate constants (BNBD-M-TMA/BAlexa 350) indicated that Cx40 junctions are cation selective (10.7 ± 0.5), whereas Cx43 junction are nonselective (1.22 ± 0.14). In coexpressing cells, a broad range of junctional selectivities was observed with mean cation selectivity increasing as the Cx40 to Cx43 expression ratio increased. PKC activation reduced or eliminated dye permeability of Cx43 junctions without altering their charge selectivity, had no effect on either permeability or charge selectivity of Cx40 junctions, and significantly increased the cation selectivity of junctions formed by coexpressing cells (approaching charge selectivity of Cx40 junctions). Junctions composed of Cx43 truncated at residue 257 (Cx43tr) were also not charge selective, but when Cx43tr was coexpressed with Cx40, a broad range of junctional selectivities that was unaffected by PKC activation was observed. Thus, whereas the charge selectivities of homomeric/homotypic Cx43 and Cx40 junctions appear invariant, the selectivities of junctions formed by cells coexpressing Cx40 and Cx43 vary considerably, reflecting both their relative expression levels and phosphorylation-dependent regulation. Such regulation could represent a mechanism by which coexpressing cells such as vascular endothelium and atrial cells regulate acutely the selective intercellular communication mediated by their gap junctions

    Phosphorylation of Connexin 50 by Protein Kinase A Enhances Gap Junction and Hemichannel Function*

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    Phosphorylation of connexins is an important mechanism regulating gap junction channels. However, the role(s) of connexin (Cx) phosphorylation in vivo are largely unknown. Here, we showed by mass spectrometry that Ser-395 in the C terminus of chicken Cx50 was phosphorylated in the lens. Ser-395 is located within a PKA consensus site. Analyses of Cx50 phosphorylation by two-dimensional thin layer chromatography tryptic phosphopeptide profiles suggested that Ser-395 was targeted by PKA in vivo. PKA activation increased both gap junction dye coupling and hemichannel dye uptake in a manner not involving increases in total Cx50 expression or relocation to the cell surface or gap junctional plaques. Single channel recordings indicated PKA enhanced transitions between the closed and ∼200-pS open state while simultaneously reducing transitions between this open state and a ∼65-pS subconductance state. The mutation of Ser-395 to alanine significantly attenuated PKA-induced increases in dye coupling and uptake by Cx50. However, channel records indicated that phosphorylation at this site was unnecessary for enhanced transitions between the closed and ∼200-pS conductance state. Together, these results suggest that Cx50 is phosphorylated in vivo by PKA at Ser-395 and that this event, although unnecessary for PKA-induced alterations in channel conductance, promotes increased dye permeability of Cx50 channels, which plays an important role in metabolic coupling and transport in lens fibers

    Structural basis for the selective permeability of channels made of communicating junction proteins

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