91 research outputs found

    Ekokonflikt i Caryl Churchills Far Away och Escaped Alone

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    Caryl Churchill is a renowned playwright whose plays concern a wide range of social and political issues. In her plays Far Away (2000) and Escaped Alone (2016) Churchill brings forth depictions of ecological disaster which complexify the relationship between humans and their nonhuman environment. In this thesis, I argue that the plays in question offer a new perspective on the division between humanity and the nonhuman environment, which prompts the reader to question their own anthropocentric view of human exceptionalism. The plays’ bizarre events and absurdist form criticise the arbitrary division between human and nonhuman animals, underlining the intrinsic value of all beings and the nonanimated environment. It is evident that the plays are part of the Theatre of the Absurd, in their deviation from traditional conventions for narration and plot, as well as in the untraditional depiction of humans and the nonhuman environment. Utilising the typology of animal representation by Greg Garrard (2012) it becomes clear that nonhuman animals are increasingly depicted as anthropomorphic and certain groups of humans as increasingly zoomorphic in Far Away. Furthermore, the importance of the effects of the capitalist economic system in the climate crisis is prevalent in both plays. In Far Away, the characters work under a capitalist government which does not value human wellbeing. Escaped Alone, on the other hand, depicts ecological catastrophes as instigated by entities strongly connected with the capitalist system. Thus, both plays reveal the significance of capitalism as a driving force in ecological destruction, as well as its negative impact on individuals. Escaped Alone emphasises the individual perspective on the climate crisis by offering a female perspective and showing the characters as resilient despite the looming catastrophes. By depicting the ecological crisis as a complex and multifaceted issue, Churchill establishes her plays as works of deep ecology

    Att utnyttja lean principer i programvaruutveckling för att skapa digitala tjänster

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    Lean software development focuses on cutting waste and enabling companies to focus on creating value. However, traditional businesses may not be able to utilize lean software development on their own. The goal of this thesis was to investigate how a software vendor can utilize lean principles to develop digital services for their customers. The research method used was based on grounded theory and adapted to allow for the existing literature on lean and lean software development. The current literature on lean software development includes a refined list of lean software development principles. These principles have been studied in a number of case studies about lean and lean software development. There is not enough research to definitively label any list of principles as established. There are some indications that eliminating waste, constant improvement and delivering fast are more known or studied principles. The focus on eliminating waste and constant learning fit withing the model of a software vendor where the domain may be unfamiliar but speed is of the essence and value has to be delivered constantly for the work to continue. Eliminating waste is the principle most associate with lean, but constant improvement and empowerment are important principles at the studied vendor. The benefits of a lean software development project by a vendor are domain knowledge and the ability to pinpoint problems. Domain knowledge can be transferred between domains by the vendor. The vendor can help pinpoint problems in the organization and optimize the whole. Challenges of lean software development projects include the clash between lean and traditional business functions that are not able to move at the same speed. Lean software development projects also require effort form the customer and may result in unpleasant, but useful, results as the result of validating assumptions. Lean software development is meant to help companies reduce waste and create value. Further study is needed, but lean software development seems to work well for a software vendor who can help the customer optimize the whole and transfer knowledge between domains.Lean programvaruutveckling fokuserar på att eliminera avfall och göra det möjligt för företag att fokusera på att skapa värde. Traditionella företag kan dock ha svårt att utnyttja lean programvaruutveckling på egen hand. Målet för detta diplomarbete var att undersöka hur ett mjukvaruföretag kan utnyttja lean principer för att skapa digitala tjänster för sina kunder. Forskningsmetoden som användes var baserad på grounded theory och tillämpad för att tillåta existerande literatur om lean och lean mjukvaruutveckling. Den nuvarande litteraturen om lean programvaruutveckling innehåller en lista över lean-programvaruutvecklingens principer. Dessa principer har undersökts i ett antal fallstudier om lean och lean programvaruutveckling. Det finns inte tillräckligt med forskning för att definitivt klassa några principer som etablerade. Att fokusera på att eliminera avfall och att konstant lära sig passar in i modellen för en mjukvaruleverantör där domänen kan vara obekant, snabb takt är viktigt och man måste leverera fort för att fortsätta. Att eliminera avfall är den princip som mest associeras med lean, men konstant förbättring och bemyndigande är principer som är viktiga hos mjukvaruleverantören som var del av denna studie. Fördelarna med ett lean mjukvaruprojekt utfört av en leverantör är domänkunnande och förmågan att precisera problem och optimera helheten. Leverantören kan förflytta information mellan domäner. Till utmaningarna med lean programvaruutvecklingsprojekt hör konflikter mellan lean och traditionella business-funktioner som inte klarar av samma tempo som lean. Lean programvaruprojekt kräver också insatser från kundens sida och kan resultera i obekväma, men nyttiga, resultat då man validerar antaganden. Lean programvaruutveckling skall hjälpa företag eliminera avfall och skapa värde. Det krävs fortsatt forskning, men lean programvaruutveckling ser ut att fungerar för en mjukvaruleverantör som kan hjälpa kunden optimiera helheten och dela information mellan domäner

    Establishing a predictive model for total fat content in Lipomyces starkeyi CBS 1807 by FT-NIR analysis

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    This study investigates the potential of using near- infrared spectroscopy (FT-NIR) to establish a predictive model for total fat content in the oleaginous yeast Lipomyces strakeyi CBS 1807. FT-NIR- based quantification allows for rapid lipid determination compared to traditional extraction methods. The advantages of FT-NIR is not only rapid analysis, but also the ease of sample preparation resulting in little or no chemical waste. As FT-NIR is a chemometric analysis technique, it is possible to use a complete spectral structure in contrast to univariate analysis techniques, which only use one spectral datapoint. The spectra examined was within the wavelength range of 3600- 12800 cm-1 and two regions of the NIR spectra were chosen for the construction of the model (8771.2 cm-1 – 7922.6 cm-1) and (5986.3 cm-1 – 5322.9 cm-1). A calibration model was created based on the best RMSECV and R2 values (RMSECV= 3.17, R2 = 92.72) and used for further analysis of lipid content. Validation of the model was carried out by comparing predicted concentrations of lipids, using the model, to actual concentrations obtained from lipid extraction. The result from the calibration curve showed an average percentage error of ~ 24 %. These results show that further improvements are needed to increase the reliability of the model by the addition of a more representative set of test samples

    Insects in burned forests - forest protection and faunal conservation (preliminary results)

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    The beetle colonization of fire-damaged trees was studied in seven reserves, which were established in burned forests in south and central Sweden, following extensive forest fires in the summer of 1992. In the spring of 1993, burned pine trees displayed a large range in fire damage from virtually undamaged ones to trees killed by the fire. Spruces were more sensitive than pine, and few fire-damaged spruces had some green foliage left. The pine shoot beetle, Tomicus piniperda (Linnaeus) was the main colonizer of pine trees, occurring at all sites, but altogether in only one-third of the trees. On spruce, two bark beetles were common: Polygraphus poligraphus (Linnaeus) was found on nearly all sites and altogether on half of the trees, followed in abundance by Pityogenes chalcographus (Linnaeus). These common species were accompaniedby an assembly of bark and longhorn beetles, commonly occurring on fresh conifer timber. Most of the beetle species clearly preferred the dead or dying trees. However, the species mentioned above as well as Arhopalus rusticus (Linnaeus) also attacked trees with more than half of the foliage left. Three fire-favoured species were observed: Oxypteris (Melanophila) acuminata (Degeer), Sericoda (Agonum) quadripunctata (Degeer) and Pterostichus quadrifoveolatus (Letzner). Line surveys indicated little bark beetle dispersal from the burned areas into surrounding forests. Further studies are needed as the primary colonization of the burned trees was obviously not completed during this first year after the fire

    Språkminoriteters gränsöverskridande-och inrikesrörlighet i Finland : Twitterdataanalys

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    The number of people belonging to a language minority in Finland is increasing and people are becoming more and more spatially mobile. This has also led to an increase in transnationals and higher rates of cross-border mobility. With new methods involving social media big data, we can map spatial mobility patterns in new ways and deepen the understanding of how people relate to space. Differences in spatial mobility can for example give us an indication of the rate of integration into society. Some claim that a more spatially mobile life is a sign of success, but can we see differences in spatial mobility between people in Finland? The three language minorities considered in this thesis are Swedish, Russian, and Estonian. The history and culture of these groups are different as well as their status in Finnish society. Swedish speakers, with a national language status, have a different role in society, but do this well integrated minority differ from the other ones spatially? By using Twitter data and looking at the spatial mobility within Finland, we see where differences occur between language groups. To understand how strong ties the language groups have with neighbouring countries, we look at cross-border mobility to Estonia, Russia, and Sweden. The results show that there are differences in the spatial mobility of language minorities in Finland. Estonian speakers most frequently visit Estonia, while at the same time they are less mobile within Finland. The variation was large for Russian speakers, with some visiting Russia often and others almost never. Swedish speakers seem to have relatively weak ties to Sweden, compared to the other language groups and have very similar spatial mobility to the majority Finnish speaking population