156 research outputs found

    Evaluation of site index classes for Pinus caribaea var. caribaea in the Integral Forest Company Macurije (Pinar del Río, Cuba)

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    La investigación se realizó en rodales de Pinus caribaea var. caribaea de plantaciones de la Empresa Forestal Integral (EFI) Macurije (22º 06´ y 22º 42´ de latitud Norte y los 83º 48´ y 84º 23´ de longitud oeste) perteneciente a la provincia de Pinar del Río (Cuba occidental). El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar las clases de calidad de sitio de Pinus caribaea var. caribaea en la empresa para correlacionarlas con las propiedades de los suelos que así las definen. Para ello, se tomó una muestra de 50 rodales al azar de los 677 rodales existentes en esta empresa, teniendo como variable de interés la calidad de sitio y como variables predictoras: tipo de suelo, textura, saturación, humificación, profundidad del suelo, profundidad pedológica y pendiente topográfica. Estas variables se escogieron por su fuerte influencia sobre la calidad de sitio. Se establecieron como restricciones para la selección que hubiese 10 rodales por cada calidad de sitio y que estuviesen en las clases de edades superiores a 10 años. Se obtuvo un modelo de regresión lineal múltiple paso a paso, el cual explicó la relación existente entre las variables edáficas y la pendiente topográfica con la calidad de sitio. El modelo explicó el 30 % de la variación de la calidad de sitio. El subtipo de suelo y la pendiente topográfica fueron las variables más explicativas de la calidad de sitio y por lo tanto deben tomarse como referentes a la hora de planificar la gestión forestal de las plantaciones de Pinus caribaea var. caribaea.The research was carried out in stands of Pinus caribaea var. caribaea in plantations of the Integral Forest Company (IFC) Macurije (22º 06´ y 22º 42´ North latitude and 83º 48´ y 84º 23´ longitude West) belonging to the province of Pinar del Río (western Cuba). The objective of this work was to evaluate the classes of site index of Pinus caribaea var. caribaea in the Integral Forest Company Macurije to correlate them with the proprieties of soil, allowing then to estimate growth of pine stands based on soil features. To do so, we took a random sample of 50 stands among the 677 existent stands in this company, having as variable of interest the site index and as prediction variables: soil type, texture, saturation, humifycation, depth of the soil, pedological depth and topographical slope. These variables were chosen to the strong influence on the site quality. We chose as restrictions for the selection that there should be 10 stands for each site index (SI), and that they are in the age classes superior to 10 years. A model of regression lineal multiple step by step was developed, which explained the existent relationship between the edaphic variables and the topographical slope with the site index. The best model explained 30 % of the variation in site quality. The soil subtype and the topographical slope were the most explanatory variables in the site index. Therefore, they should be taken as reference when planning the forest administration of the plantations of Pinus caribaea var. caribaea

    Actions for the Restoration of the Biodiversity of Forest Ecosystems in Cuba

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    The Earth is threatened daily by the degradation of its ecosystems due to fragmentation. One of the main consequences is biodiversity loss. Despite the economic progress and conservation actions carried out in many countries, the planet is losing genuine tropical forest due to diverse reasons. This chapter presents the results obtained during the restoration of three tropical forests in Cuba: 1) the mesophyll semi-deciduous forest in the western sector of the Biosphere Reserve 'Sierra del Rosario' (BRSR); 2) the riverside forest of the Cuyaguateje River in western Cuba; and 3) the exploited native rainforests of the sector Quibiján-Naranjal of the River Toa in eastern Cuba

    Strength Training Prior to Endurance Exercise: Impact on the Neuromuscular System, Endurance Performance and Cardiorespiratory Responses

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    This study aimed to investigate the acute effects of two strength-training protocols on the neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory responses during endurance exercise. Thirteen young males (23.2 ± 1.6 years old) participated in this study. The hypertrophic strength-training protocol was composed of 6 sets of 8 squats at 75% of maximal dynamic strength. The plyometric strength-training protocol was composed of 6 sets of 8 jumps performed with the body weight as the workload. Endurance exercise was performed on a cycle ergometer at a power corresponding to the second ventilatory threshold until exhaustion. Before and after each protocol, a maximal voluntary contraction was performed, and the rate of force development and electromyographic parameters were assessed. After the hypertrophic strength-training and plyometric strength-training protocol, significant decreases were observed in the maximal voluntary contraction and rate of force development, whereas no changes were observed in the electromyographic parameters. Oxygen uptake and a heart rate during endurance exercise were not significantly different among the protocols. However, the time-to-exhaustion was significantly higher during endurance exercise alone than when performed after hypertrophic strength-training or plyometric strength-training (p <0.05). These results suggest that endurance performance may be impaired when preceded by strength-training, with no oxygen uptake or heart rate changes during the exercise

    Fish- and Shellmiddens from Galicia (Northwest Spain): Reflections upon a Neglected Coastal Cultural Heritage from the Iberian Peninsula

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    [EN] The physiographical features of the Galician sea, in particular its temperature, marine currents and plankton richness, have turned its waters into one of the most biologically diversified marine regions of the planet. The 1500 km of shorelines from this Northwest Iberian region are dotted with rías (Galician fjords) where settlements devoted to fishing and trade have existed since prehistoric times. These activities left abundant testimonies in terms of archaeological deposits. In recent decades, urban/industrial development, as well as a number of natural agents (e.g., storms, sea level rise, climate change), is rapidly erasing the evidences of this rich cultural heritage. Loss of fish and shellmiddens in particular will hamper our ability to infer traditional lifeways, doing away with evidence that is crucial to monitoring past climatic changes and to inferring those biological conditions under which marine species and coastal populations thrived in the past. This paper surveys some issues dealing with the coastal bio-archaeological heritage of Galicia, and the risks these deposits face. It concludes with a proposal to save this increasingly threatened marine heritage.S

    Optimization of levetiracetam dosing regimen in critically ill patients with augmented renal clearance: a Monte Carlo simulation study

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    [EN] Background Levetiracetam pharmacokinetics is extensively altered in critically ill patients with augmented renal clearance (ARC). Consequently, the dosage regimens commonly used in clinical practice may not be sufficient to achieve target plasma concentrations. The aim of this study is to propose alternative dosage regimens able to achieve target concentrations in this population. Furthermore, the feasibility of the proposed dosing regimens will be discussed from a clinical point of view. Methods Different dosage regimens for levetiracetam were evaluated in critically ill patients with ARC. Monte Carlo simulations were conducted with extended or continuous infusions and/or high drug doses using a previously developed population pharmacokinetic model. To assess the clinical feasibility of the proposed dosages, we carried out a literature search to evaluate the information on toxicity and efficacy of continuous administration or high doses, as well as the post-dilution stability of levetiracetam. Results According to the simulations, target concentrations in patients with CrCl of 160 or 200 mL/min can be achieved with the 3000 mg daily dose by prolonging the infusion time of levetiracetam. For patients with CrCl of 240 mL/min, it would be necessary to administer doses higher than the maximum recommended. Available evidence suggests that levetiracetam administration in continuous infusion or at higher doses than those approved seems to be safe. It would be desirable to re-examinate the current recommendations about drug stability and to achieve a consensus in this issue. Conclusions Conventional dosage regimens of levetiracetam (500-1500 mg twice daily in a short infusion) do not allow obtaining drug plasma concentrations among the defined target in critically ill patients with ARC. Therefore, new dosing guidelines with specific recommendations for patients in this subpopulation are needed. This study proposes new dosages for levetiracetam, including extended (4 or 6 h) infusions, continuous infusions or the administration of doses higher than the recommended in the summary of product characteristics (> 3000 mg). These new dosage recommendations take into account biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic aspects and meet feasibility criteria, which allow them to be transferred to the clinical environment with safety and efficacy. Nevertheless, further clinical studies are needed to confirm these results.This research was funded by Department of Education of the Basque Government (PIBA 2019-57) and by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (GIU20/048)

    Resolución de problemas científicos escolares y promoción de competencias de pensamiento científico. ¿Qué piensan los docentes de química en ejercicio?

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    En el artículo se exponen los resultados de una investigación realizada en el marco del proyecto FONDECYT 1070795, cuyo objetivo consistió en identificar y caracterizar las nociones que tienen los profesores de nivel medio respecto a las competencias de pensamiento científico y solución de problemas, y la manera en que ambos deben trabajarse en la enseñanza de la química. Con el empleo de una muestra intencional de 33 profesores, seleccionados de un total de 117 que se incorporaron a otras fases de la investigación y mediante la administración de un cuestionario especialmente diseñado, se logró poner de manifiesto que en ellos predomina una imagen fragmentada y a veces contradictoria de la solución de problemas y de las competencias de pensamiento científico; dicha representación incorpora aspectos de inestimable valor para la formación del estudiante competente, a la vez que incluye otros que en manera alguna favorecen dicha formación en correspondencia con las exigencias actuales. Es notable que competencias de pensamiento científico y solución de problemas no se constituyan como sistema totalmente coherente en la conceptualización de los profesores investigados. Como dato relevante, se constató la oscilante valoración del carácter subjetivo de las situaciones problémicas y los problemas; junto al papel importante que, en opinión de gran parte de los profesores, desempeña el lenguaje, se le otorga un valor oscilante al trabajo con la teoría por parte de los estudiantes; igualmente resulta difusa, y a veces contradictoria, su aproximación a los procesos de algoritmización.In the article the results of an investigation conducted within the framework of the project FONDECYT 1070795 are exposed. The aims of the research were to identify and characterize the representations and knowledge that teachers in service have, from an average level of education, with respect to the competences of scientific thought and problem solution, and the way in which both should be approached. With the use of an intentional sample of 133, teachers selected from a total of 117 who were incorporated to other phases of the research trough the administration of a questionnaire especially designed, was show the predominance of a very fragmented image, sometimes contradictory, about the solution of problems and about relation between competences of scientific thought; this representation incorporates aspects of great value for the formation of the competent students, and at the same time it includes other aspects that in no way favor this formation, according to the present assessments. It is remarkable that both competences for scientific thought and solution of problems are not constituted as a totality and coherent system in the thinking of the teachers who participated in the research. It should be pointed out that we found data that show an oscillating valuation of the subjective character of the problematic situations and the problem itself; these data show, as well, that teachers give a very important role to language. It is stated that teachers give an oscillating value to the fact that students must deal with theories. It should be noted too that their approaches to the algorithmic processes are very vague, and sometimes contradictory

    Updated determination of the molar gas constant R by acoustic measurements in argon at UVa-CEM.

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    Producción CientíficaA new determination of the molar gas constant was performed from measurements of the speed of sound in argon at the triple point of water and extrapolation to zero pressure. A new resonant cavity was used. This is a triaxial ellipsoid whose walls are gold-coated steel and which is divided into two identical halves that are bolted and sealed with an O-ring. Microwave and electroacoustic traducers are located in the northern and southern parts of the cavity, respectively, so that measurements of microwave and acoustic frequencies are carried out in the same experiment. Measurements were taken at pressures from 600 kPa to 60 kPa and at 273.16 K. The internal equivalent radius of the cavity was accurately determined by microwave measurements and the first four radial symmetric acoustic modes were simultaneously measured and used to calculate the speed of sound. The improvements made using the new cavity have reduced by half the main contributions to the uncertainty due to the radius determination using microwave measurements which amounts to 4.7 parts in 106 and the acoustic measurements, 4.4 parts in 106, where the main contribution (3.7 parts in 106) is the relative excess half-widths associated with the limit of our acoustic model, compared with our previous measurements. As a result of all the improvements with the new cavity and the measurements performed, we determined the molar gas constant R = (8.314449 0.000056) J·K-1·mol-1 which corresponds to a relative standard uncertainty of 6.7 parts in 106. The value reported in this paper lies -1.3 parts in 106 below the recommended value of CODATA 2014, although still within the range consistent with it.2018-08-10MEC ENE2013-47812-RJunta de Castilla y León VA035U1

    Chave I da oclusão de acordo com os critérios de Andrews e distúrbios temporomandibulares

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    Introducción: el estudio de la oclusión y su papel en la etiología de los trastornos temporomandibulares ha sido un tema controvertido y de interés en el campo estomatológico. Objetivo: determinar la relación entre la oclusión, según clave I de los criterios de Andrews y los trastornos temporomandibulares.Método: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, de corte transversal a estudiantes de la carrera de Estomatología en la Clínica Estomatológica Docente Provincial de la ciudad de Sancti-Spíritus, en el periodo comprendido de septiembre de 2018 a septiembre de 2019. El universo fue de 42, la muestra aleatoria simple fue conformada por 40 estudiantes, los que respondían a los criterios de inclusión. Las variables de estudio fueron: presencia de trastorno temporomandibular, relación de molares, de caninos y coincidencia de las líneas media. Se utilizaron métodos del nivel teórico, empírico, estadísticos y matemáticos. Resultados: el 52,5 % de los pacientes presentó trastornos temporomandibulares, de los cuales, la relación de molares era bilateral en el 80 %. Con respecto a la relación de caninos, todos los afectados presentaron relación de mesio, disto o combinación de ellas. La mayoría de los no afectados (89,5 %) tenía coincidencia de las líneas media.Conclusiones: se constata que cualquier alteración en la oclusión dentaria según los criterios de Andrews tendrán consecuencias en el sistema estomatognático y, por tanto, en la aparición de los trastornos temporomandibulares.Introduction: the study of occlusion and its role in the etiology of temporomandibular disorders has been a controversial topic of interest in the stomatological field.Objective: to determine the relationship between occlusion, according to key I of the Andrews criteria, and temporomandibular disorders. Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out on students of dentistry at the Clínica Estomatológica Docente Provincial of the city of Sancti-Spíritus, in the period from September 2018 to September 2019. The population was of 42 students, the simple random sample consisted of 40 of them, those who responded to the inclusion criteria. The study variables were: presence of temporomandibular disorder, canines and molars ratio and coincidence of dental midlines. Methods of the theoretical, empirical, statistical and mathematical levels were used. Results: 52.5% of the patients presented temporomandibular disorders, of which the molar relationship was bilateral in 80%. Regarding the relationship of canines, all those affected presented a relationship of mesio, disto or a combination of them. Most of the unaffected (89.5%) had midline coincidence. Conclusions: it is found that any alteration in dental occlusion according to the Andrews criteria will have consequences on the stomatognathic system and, therefore, on the appearance of temporomandibular disorders.Introdução: o estudo da oclusão e seu papel na etiologia dos distúrbios temporomandibulares tem sido um tema controverso e de interesse no campo estomatológico. Objetivo: determinar a relação entre oclusão, de acordo com a chave I dos critérios de Andrews, e distúrbios temporomandibulares. Método: foi realizado um estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal com alunos da carreira de Estomatologia da Clínica Estomatológica Docente Provincial da cidade de Sancti Spíritus, no período de setembro de 2018 a setembro de 2019. O universo foi de 42, a amostra aleatória simples foi composta por 40 alunos, aqueles que responderam aos critérios de inclusão. As variáveis de estudo foram: presença de disfunção temporomandibular, relação de molares, caninos e coincidência das linhas médias. Foram utilizados métodos dos níveis teórico, empírico, estatístico e matemático. Resultados: 52,5% dos pacientes apresentavam disfunção temporomandibular, sendo a relação molar bilateral em 80%. Sobre a relação dos caninos, todos os afetados apresentaram relação de mesio, disto ou uma combinação dos dois. A maioria dos não afetados (89,5%) teve uma coincidência das linhas médias. Conclusões: verifica-se que qualquer alteração da oclusão dentária de acordo com os critérios de Andrews terá consequências no sistema estomatognático e, portanto, no aparecimento dos distúrbios temporomandibulares

    Effect of environmental temperature, floor type and breed on skatole and indole concentrations in fat of females, immuno-castrated and entire males

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    The present study was divided in two different trials. The aim of the first trial was to determine if the thresholds of detection of skatole and indole are achieved in females and in males vaccinated against the GnRF housed in two different type of floors and subject to control or high environmental temperatures. The aim of the second trial was to assess the effect of sire (Duroc crossbreed and Pietrain crossbreed) and heat stress on the concentration of skatole and indole in entire males. In the first trial, the animals subjected to heat stress on a concrete floor were found to be dirtier and to present higher skatole and indole concentrations than did animals from the control treatment in 100% slatted floors. In the second trial, although the animals were dirtier when subjected to high temperatures, no effect of the temperature was found in skatole/indole concentrations. The Duroc pigs were dirtier and had higher skatole and indole concentrations than did Pietrain pigs. It is concluded that even females or vaccinated males can reach values of skatole/indole close to the thresholds of sensory detection under conditions of dirtiness and heat stress. However, the relationship between heat, dirtiness and skatole/indole concentrations in fat were not confirmed in trial 2 using entire males.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio