40 research outputs found

    Sistema de monitoreo y control de un modelo hidropónico del tipo Nutrient Film Technic NFT, para la producción de hortalizas en ambientes controlados

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    El aumento de población en el mundo afecta diferentes áreas como la seguridad, la vivienda, ocupación de territorio, manejo de basuras, seguridad alimentaria entre otros por lo que se hace necesario modificar las dinamicas de comportamiento en las ciudades por lo que el problema se puede observar desde dos puntos de vista, el primero corresponde a la unión de la seguridad alimentaria y los espacios urbanos reducidos y el segundo desde la implementación e integración tecnológica, el objetivo de esta investigación fue la construcción de un prototipo funcional capaz de monitorear y controlar el sistema de riego de un cultivo por NFT (Nutrient Film Technic) enfocandose el prototipo en el contexto de casas de interés social obteniendo resultados de las variables de temperatura y humedad relativa las cuales se monitorearon desde una plataforma web abierta

    Modelamiento y simulación de algoritmos adaptivos de alocación de bits para sistemas multiuser

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    Este proyecto se enfoca en el análisis y desarrollo de un algoritmo que nos permitirá entender con mayor facilidad lo que es la alocación adaptiva de bit en un sistema multiuser OFDM. Usaremos la tecnología OFDM debido a que esta se encargara de dividir el ancho de banda de nuestro sistema en múltiples subportadoras, las cuales podrán ser alocadas con mayor facilidad a los diferentes usuarios. La solución que hemos planteado para el desarrollo de este proyecto es de tipo Multi-user discrete bit-loading. El sistema a utilizar para el análisis de nuestra solución es el sistema VDSL2, debido a la alta velocidad de transmisión de datos en distancias cortas, en el cual hemos considerado el efecto del ruido blanco aditivo gausiano y así mismo el efecto del FEXT que es la interferencia generada por el transmisor a lado opuesto del receptor, como único disturbio en nuestra transmisión de datos.GuayaquilIngeniero en Electrónica y Telecomunicacione

    Impact of Nanoclays on the Biodegradation of Poly(Lactic Acid) Nanocomposites

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    Poly(lactic acid) (PLA), a well-known biodegradable and compostable polymer, was used in this study as a model system to determine if the addition of nanoclays affects its biodegradation in simulated composting conditions and whether the nanoclays impact the microbial population in a compost environment. Three different nanoclays were studied due to their different surface characteristics but similar chemistry: organo-modified montmorillonite (OMMT), Halloysite nanotubes (HNT), and Laponite® RD (LRD). Additionally, the organo-modifier of MMT, methyl, tallow, bis-2-hydroxyethyl, quaternary ammonium (QAC), was studied. PLA and PLA bio-nanocomposite (BNC) films were produced, characterized, and used for biodegradation evaluation with an in-house built direct measurement respirometer (DMR) following the analysis of evolved CO2 approach. A biofilm formation essay and scanning electron microscopy were used to evaluate microbial attachment on the surface of PLA and BNCs. The results obtained from four different biodegradation tests with PLA and its BNCs showed a significantly higher mineralization of the films containing nanoclay in comparison to the pristine PLA during the first three to four weeks of testing, mainly attributed to the reduction in the PLA lag time. The effect of the nanoclays on the initial molecular weight during processing played a crucial role in the evolution of CO2. PLA-LRD5 had the greatest microbial attachment on the surface as confirmed by the biofilm test and the SEM micrographs, while PLA-QAC0.4 had the lowest biofilm formation that may be attributed to the inhibitory effect also found during the biodegradation test when the QAC was tested by itself

    Effect of Nano-Clay and Surfactant on the Biodegradation of Poly(Lactic Acid) Films

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    This study examined the effect of nanoclays and surfactant on the hydrolytic degradation and biodegradation of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and PLA nanocomposites. Organomodified montmorillonite (OMMT), unmodified montmorillonite (MMT) and an organomodifier (surfactant) for MMT (QAC) were extruded with PLA to produce PLA nanocomposites. The films were produced with the same initial molecular weight, thickness and crystallinity since these properties have a significant effect on the biodegradation process. The biodegradation experiments were carried out in an in-house built direct measurement respirometric system and were evaluated in inoculated vermiculite and vermiculite media for extended periods of time. Hydrolysis experiments were also conducted separately to decouple the abiotic/hydrolysis phase. The results showed no significant variation in the mineralization of PLA nanocomposites as compared to pristine PLA. The addition of nanoclays did not enhance the biodegradability of PLA when the initial parameters were strictly controlled. The hydrolysis test indicated that the nanoclays and surfactant did not aid in the degradation of PLA

    Genome Annotation of Poly(lactic acid) Degrading Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Sphingobacterium sp. and Geobacillus sp.

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Sphingobacterium sp. are well known for their ability to decontaminate many environmental pollutants while Geobacillus sp. have been exploited for their thermostable enzymes. This study reports the annotation of genomes of P. aeruginosa S3, Sphingobacterium S2 and Geobacillus EC-3 that were isolated from compost, based on their ability to degrade poly(lactic acid), PLA. Draft genomes of the strains were assembled from Illumina reads, annotated and viewed with the aim of gaining insight into the genetic elements involved in degradation of PLA. The draft genome of Sphinogobacterium strain S2 (435 contigs) was estimated at 5,604,691 bp and the draft genome of P. aeruginosa strain S3 (303 contigs) was estimated at 6,631,638 bp. The draft genome of the thermophile Geobacillus strain EC-3 (111 contigs) was estimated at 3,397,712 bp. A total of 5385 (60% with annotation), 6437 (80% with annotation) and 3790 (74% with annotation) protein-coding genes were predicted for strains S2, S3 and EC-3, respectively. Catabolic genes for the biodegradation of xenobiotics, aromatic compounds and lactic acid as well as the genes attributable to the establishment and regulation of biofilm were identified in all three draft genomes. Our results reveal essential genetic elements that facilitate PLA metabolism at mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures in these three isolates

    Transgenic plants of casssva (Manihot esculenta) with resistance to basta obtained by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation

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    Transgenic plants of cassava (Manihot esculenta) resistant to the herbicide Basta were obtained through Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The plants also expressed the uidA gene and two were positive for PCR- and/or Southern-based detection of the nptII gene. Somatic-embryo-derived cotyledons were used as source of explants. A non-disarmed Agrobacterium strain (CIAT 1182) was used to transfer the genes of interest into cassava cultivar MPer183. Greenhouse tests of resistance to Basta (Hoechst) showed three plant lines with different levels of tolerance to the herbicide. Based on Southern tests of transgenesis, the transformation efficiency was 1%. The results constitute the first report of the bar gene conferring herbicide resistance to cassava plants