197 research outputs found

    Effects of reduced-risk pesticides and plant growth regulators on rove beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) adults

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    Citation: Echegaray, Erik R., and Raymond A. Cloyd. 2012. “Effects of Reduced-Risk Pesticides and Plant Growth Regulators on Rove Beetle (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) Adults.” Journal of Economic Entomology 105 (6): 2097–2106. https://doi.org/10.1603/EC12244.In many regions, pest management of greenhouse crops relies on the use of biological control agents; however, pesticides are also widely used, especially when dealing with multiple arthropod pests and attempting to maintain high esthetic standards. As such, there is interest in using biological control agents in conjunction with chemical control. However, the prospects of combining natural enemies and pesticides are not well known in many systems. The rove beetle, Atheta coriaria (Kraatz), is a biological control agent mainly used against fungus gnats (Bradysia spp.). This study evaluated the effects of reduced-risk pesticides and plant growth regulators on A. coriaria adult survival, development, and prey consumption under laboratory conditions. Rove beetle survival was consistently higher when adults were released 24 h after rather than before applying pesticides. The pesticides acetamiprid, lambda-cyhalothrin, and cyfluthrin were harmful to rove beetle adults, whereas Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin, azadirachtin, and organic oils (cinnamon oils, rosemary oil, thyme oil, and clove oil) were nontoxic to A. coriaria adults. Similarly, the plant growth regulators acymidol, paclobutrazol, and uniconazole were not harmful to rove beetle adults. In addition, B. bassiana, azadirachtin, kinoprene, organic oils, and the plant growth regulators did not negatively affect A. coriaria development. However, B. bassiana did negatively affect adult prey consumption. This study demonstrated that A. coriaria may not be used when applying the pesticides, acetamiprid, lambda-cyhalothrin, and cyfluthrin, whereas organic oils, B. bassiana, azadirachtin, and the plant growth regulators evaluated may be used in conjunction with A. coriaria adults. As such, these compounds may be used in combination with A. coriaria in greenhouse production systems

    Effect of a physical barrier on adult emergence and egg survival associated with the fungus gnat, Bradysia sp. nr. coprophila (Diptera: Sciaridae), under laboratory conditions

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    Citation: Raudenbush, Amy L., Raymond A. Cloyd, and Erik R. Echegaray. 2014. “Effect of a Physical Barrier on Adult Emergence and Egg Survival Associated with the Fungus Gnat, Bradysia Sp. Nr. Coprophila (Diptera: Sciaridae), under Laboratory Conditions.” HortScience 49 (7): 905–10. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI.49.7.905.This study was conducted to assess the direct and indirect effects of Growstones™ aggregates, which are made from recycled glass, on fungus gnat, Bradysia sp. nr. coprophila (Diptera: Sciaridae), adult emergence, female egg-laying capacity, and egg survival. A series of experiments were performed under laboratory conditions to evaluate the effect of different sizes (2.0 to 10.0 mm) of Growstones™ aggregates, layer thicknesses (0.63 to 3.18 cm), and the use of the biological control agent, the rove beetle, Dalotia coriaria, along with different thicknesses (1.27 and 3.18 cm) of small Growstones™ aggregates on fungus gnat adult emergence. For each experiment, Growstones™ aggregates were applied to the surface of the growing medium in 473-mL polypropylene deli containers. This study demonstrated that the thickest (3.18 cm) layer of small (2.0 mm) Growstones™ aggregates significantly reduced or delayed the emergence of fungus gnat adults. In addition, the thickest layer of small Growstones™ aggregates may have indirectly affected egg survival. However, the use of Growstones™ along with rove beetle adults did not significantly reduce fungus gnat adult emergence

    Nueva nave de Ensayos Mecánicos en el Instituto Eduardo Torroja

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    This important building meets an urgent need at the Institute Eduardo Torroja to have a mechanical testing hall that is capable of dealing with all kinds of tests that are likely to arise in the foreseeable future. In designing it account has been taken of all requirements anticipated as a result of the experience obtained during the use of the earlier testing hall which the Institute already has. The new testing hall consists essentially of a metallic structure, 33.50 m high, 11.50 m wide and 8 m high, enclosed by prefabricated LECA type panels. The hall has a powerful reinforced concrete slab, 11.50 m wide and 25.50 m long, which is 1.20 m thick. The slab has 270 anchorage points, with a load capacity of 50 t and 100 t each. These points can be loaded singly, or in groups. The slab rests on two lateral reinforced concrete walls, of 80 cm thickness. Below the slab there is a basement, which can be used in conjunction with the hall above for testing purposes, since the anchorage points make it possible to communicate both sides of the slab. A careful system of illumination has also been provided, and heavy vehicles can enter both the basement and the main hall. One ten ton bridge crane has been installed, although two such cranes can be fitted. All calculations have been done with the aid of the electronic computer of the I.E.T.c.c. The total design makes this project one of the most important of its type in Europe.A los quince años de estrenar la primera nave de Ensayos Mecánicos con que contó el Instituto, se inaugura esta segunda nave. A ella nos vamos a referir en el presente artículo, esencialmente descriptivo. No obstante, son tan singulares las razones que han motivado su necesidad que, aunque sea en forma sumamente breve, creemos de interés dar cuenta de ellas en este preámbulo

    Initial learning scenarios based on the computational thinking evaluation for the course Programming fundamentals at INACAP

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    The paper’s objective is present the design and the planning of initial learning scenarios for the course Programming Fundamentals, from the evaluation of computational thinking to new students of the careers Computer engineering and Programmer analyst of the Technological University of Chile and Training Center Technical respectively at INACAP, to favor the motivation and autonomy of study through the recognition of skills and the use of the instructional design of the face-to-face course. The proposal is based on correspondence with three of five change trends that integrated the educational model. Regarding the Knowledge society, promote recognition of the individuality of the student as a person who will do university studies, that is, the scenarios respond to the fact that each person learns differently. In the Training of competences, contribute with preventive actions that the teacher communicates when there is a lack of specific skills. Finally, in the Flexibility and articulation, provide a diagnostic tool that favors the recognition of previous competences to have an articulated beginning of studies based on the needs of the student. Consequently, contribute to the INACAP´s educational model

    Rotura del tendón distal del bíceps braquial

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    Objetivo: presentar nuestra experiencia en el tratamiento de las roturas del tendón del bíceps braquial en trabajadores manuales. Material y métodos: Hemos intervenido a 9 pacientes con una edad media de 47 años, realizando en 8 ocasiones una reinserción transósea del tendón en la tuberosidad bicipital del radio por medio de una doble vía de abordaje. El seguimiento medio ha sido de 13 meses. Resultados: fueron excelentes, recuperando en todos los casos la fuerza muscular previa y una movilidad media final completa para la flexión y extensión, 85º de supinación y 86º de pronación. Todos se han reincorporado a su puesto de trabajo en un período entre los 3 y 4 meses. Conclusiones: Esta técnica se ha mostrado muy eficaz en el tratamiento de este tipo de patología, recomendándose siempre la cirugía en pacientes activos.Objective: to present our experience in the treatment of ruptures of the distal biceps braquialis tendon in hand workers. Methods: 9 patients, middle age 47, went under surgery, 8 of them with a transoseus reinsertion of the tendon in the bicipital tuberosity of the radius with a double surgical approach. The average follow-up was 13 months. Results: excellent results were achieved in all of the 9 patients, recovering previous muscle strength, with full range of flexion-extension, 85º of supination and 86º of pronation. All 9 patients return to work in a period of 3 to 4 months. Conclusion: this technique is effective in the treatment of this injury, and it is recommended in active patients

    Educación para la salud en la prensa. Análisis de los diarios vascos y navarros

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivos describir de manera cuantitativa la cobertura informativa de los temas de salud publicados en los diarios vascos El Correo, Noticias de Gipuzkoa, Noticias de Álava y Berria y en el navarro Diario de Navarra durante la década 2001-2010, determinar cuántas de esas piezas sobre salud presentan un enfoque educativo y recoger diferentes puntos de vista cualificados sobre la función de la prensa en la educación para la salud. Para ello se llevó a cabo un análisis de contenido y entrevistas en profundidad a 5 periodistas y 8 médicos. El estudio concluye que es necesario que los diarios trabajen para mejorar la perspectiva educativa en los textos que publican.This article aims to describe quantitatively the media coverage of health issues published in the Basque newspapers El Correo, Noticias de Gipuzkoa, Noticias de Álava and Berria and in the Navarrese Diario de Navarra during the decade 2001-2010, to determine quantitatively which of those health related articles have an educational approach and, at the same time, to gather different qualified points of view on the press’s role in health education. This study was done with a content analysis and in-depth interviews with five journalists and eight health professionals. The study concludes that it is necessary for the newspapers to work in order to improve health education they usually publish

    Nuevas líneas de investigación del laboratorio de estudios apícolas (LabEA)

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    El LabEA trabaja en consonancia con la apicultura del sudoeste bonaerense a través de distintas líneas de investigación tradicionales, como producción de polen apícola, aplicación agrícola del propóleos, tipificación y calidad de mieles, estudio de las recompensas florales, impacto de los polinizadores sobre los cultivos. Una nueva línea se titula “Desarrollo de un nuevo producto nutricional para abejas (Apis mellifera)”. El objetivo general es desarrollar un suplemento con potencial probiótico constituido por microorganismos aislados de kéfir para contribuir a mitigar los actuales problemas nutricionales de la colmena. Otra nueva línea es el uso de complementos nutricionales provenientes de la producción apícola en la alimentación aviar. El objetivo general es demostrar el interés del uso de Apis mellifera y/o sus productos como una fuente de alimentación complementaria en la producción avícola. Ambas líneas son parte de dos tesis doctorales de becarias CIC. Las nuevas líneas de investigación permitirán asistir a los productores apícolas y avícolas al brindar soluciones especializadas a través de la generación de información científica y de la transferencia de los desarrollos logrados

    “Determinantes de la incorporación precoz de alimentos en niños menores de 6 meses de edad que asisten a los Centros de Atención Primaria de la Salud de Zona Sanitaria I Central, 2012”.

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    La necesidad de una adecuada alimentación complementaria en la infancia conduce a evaluar posibles factores determinantes de la incorporación precoz dealimentos en niños menores de 6 meses de edad y su estado nutricional, de todos los Centros de Atención Primaria de la Salud de la Zona Sanitaria I Central, 2012. El trabajopropuso caracterizar población, contexto familiar y contexto socio-cultural; determinar tipo y calidad de información de las madres y evaluar nutricionalmente a niños menoresde 12 meses de edad. Se realizaron encuestas a madres en edad fértil que asisten periódicamente a los CAPS de la Zona Sanitaria I Central. Valoración del estado nutricional a los respectivos hijos menores de 12 meses de edad