898 research outputs found


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    The poetic space, as I see it, is a space of resistance. Resistance against the media which do not need poetry. Communication among poets is a go-between, a web of messages, performances and presentations, the circulation of books and digital materials. These activities are political, functioning as politics in the Greek sense: discussion in a public arena, exchanges of opinion and criticism, interventions, concerted decisions, group projects, a net of relationships around the production of texts, articulating versions and diversions of language. These activities and exchanges give the participants a sense of fulfillment. In this sense to pass is to think, to question a certain regime, to marvel that it is still there, to wonder what makes it possible, going into its enclaves, looking for traces of the movements which formed it and discovering in those stories apparently in ashes, how to think, how to live otherwise

    Stereoselective cis -Vinylcyclopropanation via a Gold(I)-Catalyzed Retro-Buchner Reaction under Mild Conditions

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    A highly stereoselective gold(I)-catalyzed cis-vinylcyclopropanation of alkenes has been developed. Allylic gold carbenes, generated via a retro-Buchner reaction of 7-alkenyl-1,3,5-cycloheptatrienes, react with alkenes to form vinylcyclopropanes. The gold(I)-catalyzed retro-Buchner reaction of these substrates proceeds by simple heating at a temperature much lower than that required for the reaction of 7-aryl-1,3,5-cycloheptatrienes (75 °C vs 120 °C). A newly developed Julia−Kocienski reagent enables the synthesis of the required cycloheptatriene derivatives in one step from readily available aldehydes or ketones. On the basis of mechanistic investigations, a stereochemical model for the cis selectivity was proposed. An unprecedented gold-catalyzed isomerization of cis– to trans-cyclopropanes has also been discovered and studied by DFT calculations

    Conceptos para una sociología del paisaje

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    El paisaje ha sido un gran olvidado dentro de la tradición sociológica como un producto y como una fuerza activa en la producción social. El paisaje es también sociedad y las formas en las que se interpreta, los modos a través de los cuales interaccionamos con él, y aún su misma forma, derivan de procesos sociales. El presente trabajo ofrece una perspectiva del tratamiento del paisaje en la sociología y en otras disciplinas de ciencias sociales, como la economía, la psicología y la geografía humana. Partiendo de la propuesta de Latour sobre los híbridos socionaturales, se presentan los conceptos de lugar natural e icono natural, dos modos de interpretación del paisaje en ocasiones enfrentados entre sí. Estos dos conceptos esconden dos cosmovisiones de cómo interactuar con el entorno natural. En la actualidad, el lugar natural está más extendido en las comunidades rurales y la idea del icono natural lo está en las urbanas, en procesos donde no está exento el conflicto en diversos nivelesIn traditional sociology, landscape has not been considerer as a product and agent of social production. Yet landscape is also society, and the ways by which we interact with landscape and even its very shape derive from social processes. This paper presents an overview of the research on landscape ranging from sociology to psychology, economy or human geography. Starting from the Latour's proposal of hybrids (in part social, in part natural) and we present the concepts of natural place and natural icon. They are two ways to interpret landscape which sometimes are opposed one to each other. These two concepts hide two ways to understanding natural environment and how to interact with nature. Nowadays the image of a natural place is mainly found in rural areas whereas natural icon interpretations are prevalent in urban communities. Both interpretations of landscape and nature may clash at different scale

    The Case of “la Cantina”. A Palace Scandal in the Madrid of Charles II

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    Este artículo examina las intrigas de Nicole Quentin, conocida en España como la Cantina, dueña de retrete de la reina María Luisa de Orleans, primera esposa de Carlos II. Con el concurso de fuentes contemporáneas, se examinan las rivalidades palaciegas y las motivaciones políticas que condujeron a la instrucción de un proceso criminal contra la Cantina en julio de 1685, que concluyó con la expulsión de toda la servidumbre francesa de la casa de la reina.This paper casts light on the intrigues of Nicole Quentin, known in Spain as “la Cantina”, a French dueña de retrete to the Queen Marie Louise of Orléans, first wife of Charles II of Spain. Drawing on a wealth of contemporary documents, this article examines the palace rivalries and political scheming which led the dueña to be subjected to a criminal process, concluding with the exile of all the French servants to the Queen

    Ovidio y dos poetas augústeos: Abronio Silón y Servilio Tusco

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    Estas páginas contienen un comentario acerca de dos poetas augústeos prácticamente desconocidos contenidos en el catálogo de literatos que compone Ovidio desde su destierro (Pont. 4, 16), llamados Abronio Silón y Servilio Tusco, y citados como declamadores por Séneca el Viejo. Sobre la base de los escasos datos existentes y a la luz de textos selectos de otros poetas de la época, se intenta dilucidar la naturaleza literaria de sus obras. Abronio Silón escribió un poema de tema marino, tal vez perteneciente a la saga troyana, y Servilio Tusco pudo ser autor de un epilio o bien un poeta elegíaco.This paper is a commentary about two augustan poets, scarcely known, included in the authors’ catalogue written by Ovid from his exile (Pont. 4, 16), named Abronius Silo and Servilius Tuscus, and praised also as declaimers in Seneca the Elder’s work. Upon the basis of the scarce information which has survived, and relating it to other selected poets from that time, I try to determine the literary nature of their works. Abronius Silo wrote a poem about the sea, which could belong to the Trojan Saga, and Servilius Tuscus might have written an epyllion or could have been an elegiac poet

    Strategies for the Synthesis of Higher Acenes

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    The outstanding performance of pentacene-based molecules in molecular electronics, as well as the predicted en- hanced semiconducting properties of extended acenes, have stimulated the development of new synthetic methods and functionalization strategies for the preparation of stable and soluble acenes larger than tetracene with the aim of obtaining improved functional materials

    Barroso y sublime. Poética para Perlongher

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    La reflexión crítica que opera en torno al concepto de neobarroco recupera la categoría estética de lo sublime, expropiándola de los márgenes que ha ocupado en el pensamiento estético-filosófico de Occidente. Si bien se ha escrito bastante sobre la relación entre el barroco del siglo XVII y el neobarroco hispaoamericano, son pocos, sin embargo, los estudios que han abordado las afinidades entre el neobarroco (incluida su vertiente transplatina: el neobarroso) y la tradición estética de lo sublime. En la presente investigación, a partir de un recorrido minucioso e iluminador por obras de autores insoslayables (Foucault, Lyotard, Deleuze, Derrida, Sarduy, Echavarren), Marcos Wasem detecta dichas afinidades, las que serán luego aplicadas en su incisiva lectura de "Cadáveres", de Néstor Perlongher, poema maldito -y por ello mismo, texto capital- de las letras latinoamericanas de las últimas décadas

    Ready Access to the Echinopine s Skeleton via Gold(I) – Catalyzed Alkoxycyclization s of Enynes

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    The [3,5,5,7] tetracyclic skeleton of echinopines has been stereoselectively accessed through a gold(I)-catalyzed alkoxycyclization of cyclopropyl-tethered 1,6-enynes. The key bicycle[4.2.1]nonane core of the enyne precursors was readily assembled by means of a Co-catalyzed [6+2] cycloaddition. Furthermore, the attempted alkoxycyclization of 1,5-enyne substrates revealed an uncovered cyclopropyl rearrangement that gives rise to [3,6,5,7] tetracyclic structures

    Higher acenes by on‐surfacedehydrogenation : from heptacene to undecacene

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    A unified approach to the synthesis of the series of higher acenes up to previously unreported undecacene has been developed through the on‐surface dehydrogenation of partially saturated precursors. These molecules could be converted into the parent acenes by both atomic manipulation with the tip of a scanning tunneling and atomic force microscope (STM/AFM) as well as by on‐surface annealing. The structure of the generated acenes has been visualized by high‐resolution non‐contact AFM imaging and the evolution of the transport gap with the increase of the number of fused benzene rings has been determined on the basis of scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) measurements