175 research outputs found

    Comparison of two different tool use-based enrichments for golden-bellied capuchins (Sapajus xanthosternos)

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    Golden-bellied capuchins (Sapajus xanthosternos) are small primates from Brazil known for their tool use abilities. They are an explorative species and are capable of several types of tool use. The capuchin population is under severe strain and is currently critically endangered, and as so there are conservation programmes in place for capuchins in zoos across the world. An important part of zoo animal welfare is enrichment, for both physical and psychological reasons, for example expression of natural behaviours. For this study, two variants of an enrichment device were created. The enrichment required using sticks as tools to get access to either honey or larvae in plastic tubes behind a wooden board. One variant was more difficult than the other, as the tubes were fastened at a steeper, downwards angle. The enrichment devices were presented simultaneously to golden-bellied capuchins at Parken Zoo in Eskilstuna, Sweden, with the aim to investigate whether one variant was preferred, and if the enrichment promoted welfare and expression of natural behaviours for the capuchins. The monkeys were observed with instantaneous scoring for general behaviours, and 1/0-scoring for enrichment-related behaviours. The capuchins were observed for eight days, with enrichment every second day and without enrichment every second day. Of the general behaviours, movement increased with enrichment, grooming and playful fighting decreased, and eating and foraging behaviour was not affected. The enrichment was well used and explored, and honey seemed to be the preferred feed type. The difficult variety was preferred over the easy variety, suggesting contrafreeloading as a possible reason. In total, four individuals successfully used the enrichment, of which three had not used anything similar before. The enrichment was concluded to have been effective as it elicited interest and tool use behaviour, and increased activity. Aside from enrichments increasing welfare, giving zoo animals an opportunity to learn an important natural behaviour such as tool use could also be important for future conservation plans

    The Jews - Teachers of the Nazis?

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    Dieser Artikel untersucht aus ideengeschichtlicher Perspektive die Sichtweise, die norwegische Anthroposophen in der Zeit zwischen den Weltkriegen bis kurz nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg auf Juden und das Judentum hatten. Ein zentraler Punkt dieser Untersuchung ist zu zeigen, dass norwegische Anthroposophen eine antisemitische Auffassung vom Judentum hatten und Judentum als negatives Gegenstück zum Germanentum oder Deutschtum verstanden. Im einführenden Abschnitt zur Kontextualisierung wird neben Rudolf Steiners Definition von Judentum der große Einfluss geschildert, den er auf die norwegischen Anthroposophen hatte. Steiners Sicht auf Juden wird als assimilationistischer Antisemitismus definiert. Zweitens werden die grundlegenden Züge des norwegischen Germanentums und Antisemitismus dieser Zeit beschrieben.This article is an investigation, from the perspective of the history of ideas, of the view that central Norwegian anthroposophists took of Jews and Judaism from the interwar period to the period shortly after the Second World War. A central element of the investigation is the demonstration that Norwegian anthroposophists had an anti- Semitic understanding of Judaism and that they considered Judaism as the negative counterpart to Germanentum and Deutschtum. An introductory contextualizing section of this paper gives an account of Rudolf Steiner’s definition of Judaism and of the decisive influence he had on the Norwegian anthroposophists. Steiner’s view of Jews is defined as assimilationist anti-Semitism. Secondly, there will be a description of the principal characteristics of the Norwegian Germanentum and anti-Semitism in this period

    Adgangen til midlertidig ansettelser etter aml. § 14-9 første ledd, bokstav f

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    Master i rettsvitenskapJUS399MAJU

    New information on the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition in the Vestertana Group, Finnmark, northern Norway, from trace fossils and organic-walled microfossils

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    Journal home page at https://njg.geologi.no/.The Vestertana Group on the Digermul Peninsula, Finnmark, northern Norway, presents one of the few, potentially continuous Ediacaran– Cambrian sections in Scandinavia. Trace fossils provide the main age constraint, with the boundary traditionally placed at the base of the Breidvika Formation. Here, we provide trace-fossil evidence to show that this boundary is at least as low as the third cycle of the Manndraperelva Member, Stáhpogieddi Formation, where Treptichnus pedum is associated with trilobed trace fossils. Organic-walled microfossils from the same stratigraphic interval include Granomarginata prima and the first report from Scandinavia of Cochleatina. The second cycle of the Manndraperelva Member contains trace fossils, including treptichnids and ?Cochlichnus isp. tentatively interpreted as latest Ediacaran. Reports of palaeopascichnids suggest a late Ediacaran age for the first cycle. The age of lower parts of the Stáhpogieddi Formation is poorly constrained but discoidal Ediacara-type fossils, vendotaenids, and possible simple trace fossils, suggest that the middle part of the Innerelva Member is younger than c. 560 Ma

    Late Ordovician molluscs of the central and eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco

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    More than 30 species of tergomyan, gastropod, bivalve and cephalopod molluscs are described from the Late Ordovician of central and eastern Anti-Atlas, Morocco. For the cephalopods this represents the first systematically known taxa of the region. Tergomyans and gastropods are most common in the more shaly part of the Lower Ktaoua Formation, while bivalves are more frequent in the sandy part of the Lower Second Bani Formation. A southern Gondwana aspect is evident for the tergomyan, gastropod and bivalve assemblages, sharing many taxa with Bohemia, while no clear signal is present for the cephalopods. The latter reflects insufficient knowledge of the fauna of large parts of these areas. The widely recognized Holopea? antiquata is transferred to the genus Radvanospira gen. nov.; other new gastropod taxa include Allossospira gen. nov., Tritonophon grandis sp. nov., Radvanospira baniensis sp. nov. and Lophospira latilabra sp. nov. Most of the diverse bivalve fauna and the few cephalopods are left in open nomenclature but new taxa include the bivalve Praenucula pojetai sp. nov. and the cephalopods Wadema tattai sp. nov. and Tafadnatoceras tiouririnense gen. et. sp. nov. The Late Ordovician bivalves from Morocco are dominated by pteriomorphs and protobranchs, inhabiting infaunal, semi-infaunal and epifaunal niches.Peer reviewe

    Hvordan kan grossister styrke sin posisjon i markedet gjennom bedriftsrelasjoner?

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    Bakgrunn for denne bacheloroppgaven er å studere utviklingen av bedriftsrelasjoner for grossistbedrifter som leverer produkter til sport- og fritidsbransjen i det norske markedet. Vår motivasjon for temaet bygger på at grossistene i en leverandørkjede står i dag ovenfor store utfordringer. Disse utfordringene knyttes blant annet til endringer i markedet, stadig konkurranse fra netthandel, utenlandske aktører og prispress fra de store kjedene. Vi ønsker å kartlegge hvilke handlinger grossistene utfører for å sikre lønnsom drift i dagens marked. Problemstillingen er derfor: Hvordan kan grossister styrke sin posisjon i markedet gjennom bedriftsrelasjoner? Vi har benyttet oss av en kvalitativ tilnærming for innhenting av data, og forskningsdesignet vi har brukt er casedesign. Oppgaven består av en modell vi har utarbeidet på bakgrunn av teori og teoretiske antakelser. Modellen tydeliggjør hvordan eksterne og interne variabler tilknyttet bedriftsrelasjoner påvirker en bærekraftig relasjon. Utvelgelsen av våre informanter har vært kriteriebasert og strategisk. Vi har kun vært ute etter og komme i kontakt med ledere for bedrifter som distribuerer merkevarer innenfor sport- og fritidsbransjen i Norge. Datainnsamlingsteknikken har vært i form av dybdeintervjuer og vi har formulert syv teoretiske antakelser for å enklere avklare retning til oppgaven. Videre har disse antakelsene blitt analysert etter en mønstermatchingsteknikk og deretter blitt koblet opp mot teori. I oppgaven har vi sett at respondentenes svar generelt sett samsvarer med hverandre og det forutsagte teoretiske mønsteret. Vi konkluderer med at det er en sammen satt prosess å styrke sin posisjon i markedet gjennom bedriftsrelasjoner. Totalt sett finnes det ikke én riktig vei å gå, for samtlige bedrifter i markedet, for å gjennomføre denne prosessen. Veien til suksess og stabilitet må tilpasses hver enkelt bedrift og dets kundemasse. Vi har sett at distributører reagerer på forskjellige måter mot markedets utfordringer, men det er bred enighet om at tiltak må iverksettes for å overleve i det konkurranseutsatte markedet. Vi har kommet frem til at grossister må ha et økt fokus på hva som forventes i relasjonen, være mer tydelige på deres tilgjengelighet og i større grad følge med på den teknologiske utvikling

    First record of carbonates with spherulites and cone-in-cone structures from the Precambrian of Arctic Norway, and their palaeoenvironmental significance

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    Accepted manuscript version, licensed CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. We report for the first time carbonates from the upper Ediacaran sedimentary succession of Finnmark, Arctic Norway. Carbonates occur as calcareous siliciclastic beds, lenses, and concretions, some with calcite spherulites and cone-in-cone (CIC) calcite, in a mudrock to fine-grained sandstone succession from approximately 3 m to 26 m above the base of the 2nd cycle of the Manndrapselva Member of the Stáhpogieddi Formation (Vestertana Group). They occur c. 40 m below the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary, which is well defined by trace fossils. Thin-section petrography and scanning micro X-ray fluorescence elemental mapping reveal a layered composition of the calcareous sedimentary rocks. In some of those, well-developed nested cones of CIC calcite form the outer layer. Thin clay coatings outline individual cones. The inner layers are composed of (1) carbonate with calcite spherulites (grainstone) and (2) thinly laminated fine-grained calcareous siliciclastics (mudstone and wackestone) indicated by elevated concentrations of Al, Si, Fe, and Ti. The inner siliciclastic layers contain framboidal pyrite and probably organic matter. Formation of calcite spherulites took place probably at the sediment–water interface either in a coastal littoral environment or in situ in the sublittoral zone under high alkaline conditions whereas CIC calcite formed during burial diagenesis and clearly in pre-Caledonian time before metamorphism and cleavage formation. This new record of carbonates with calcite spherulites and CIC structures from the Ediacaran of Arctic Norway adds to their rare occurrences in the geological record

    Life through an Ediacaran glaciation: Shale- and diamictite-hosted organic-walled microfossil assemblages from the late Neoproterozoic of the Tanafjorden area, northern Norway

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    New organic-walled microfossil (OWM) assemblages are reported from upper Neoproterozoic glacial and interglacial siliciclastic deposits in Finnmark, northern Norway. A nearly continuous sedimentary succession of the Vestertana Group contains two glaciogenic units, the Smalfjorden and Mortensnes formations, interpreted as end-Cryogenian Marinoan and Ediacaran glaciations, respectively. We investigated the OWM record in the Nyborg, Mortensnes, and Stáhpogieddi formations to assess the impact of a glacial interval on the diversity of microscopic eukaryotes. A modified acid-extraction technique was applied to recover OWM from the diamictite matrix. The upper Nyborg Formation contains morphologically complex Doushantuo-Pertatataka acritarchs (DPA), restricting the age of the Nyborg Formation to early-mid Ediacaran. DPA occur below the dolostones that record a negative carbon isotope excursion correlated with the Shuram anomaly and below a glacial diamictite. A decline in species richness and compositional change is observed in the Mortensnes glacial assemblage. DPA are replaced by bacterial filaments and cell aggregates. The overlying Indreelva Member, Stáhpogieddi Formation contains Ediacara-type biota and palaeopascichnids, but only a depauperate OWM assemblage of leiosphaerids and flask-shaped microfossils characteristic of the late Ediacaran.The succession of assemblages in the Vestertana Group demonstrates a turnover from large eukaryotic OWM to a microbial community in the glacial interval, to a low diversity post-glacial assemblage during the rise of macroscopic life. We compared the Vestertana record to global DPA occurrences. Although one DPA assemblage zone postdates the Shuram excursion, no DPA occur above Ediacaran glacial diamictites in successions where those deposits are present. Considering this, and the community changes in the Vestertana succession, we suggest that DPA were affected by the onset of an Ediacaran glaciation. Lastly, we combined the biostratigraphic markers in the Vestertana Group to constrain the age of the Mortensnes diamictite

    Distribution and correlation of Sabellidites cambriensis (Annelida?) in the basal Cambrian on Baltica

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    Sabellidites cambriensis is a tubular non-mineralized metazoan that appears as compressed ribbon-shaped imprints with transverse wrinkling, thick walls and an even tube diameter of up to 3 mm. The distribution of Sabellidites is investigated in three Ediacaran–Cambrian sections on the Digermulen Peninsula in Arctic Norway, spanning the Manndrapselva Member of the Stáhpogieddi Formation and the lower member of the Breidvika Formation. Here, the Ediacaran–Cambrian boundary is located in the lower part of the upper parasequence (third cycle) of the Manndrapselva Member. Specimens of Sabellidites are rare but consistently present close to the lowest level of Treptichnus pedum and upsection, whereas the taxon is common and abundant in the lower part of the lower member of the Breidvika Formation, with an upper record at c. 55 m above the base. The range is comparable with that of the GSSP section in Newfoundland, Canada, establishing Sabellidites as an index fossil for the lowermost Cambrian. In the Manndrapselva Member, Sabellidites co-occurs with the acritarch Granomarginata, indicative of the lowermost Cambrian Granomarginata Zone, whereas in the Breidvika Formation it co-occurs with Asteridium. Sabellidites is widely distributed in Baltica, through the Rovnian and Lontovan regional stages but confined to the Fortunian global stage. In its lower range, Sabellidites is associated with a Treptichnus pedum trace fossil association and a depauperate leiosphaerid acritarch assemblage, followed by a Granomarginata assemblage. In its upper range, Sabellidites co-occurs with acritarchs of the Asteridium–Comasphaeridium Zone and the tubular foraminiferan Platysolenites. In Baltica, Sabellidites is a useful index fossil