98 research outputs found

    Engendering a culture of quality enhancement in teaching and learning: lessons learned

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    Enhancing the quality of learning and teaching in higher education has been on the English national agenda for more than a decade. The Government and funding organisations have enabled universities to focus on creating a culture of excellence in learning and teaching and continuing academic and professional development. This paper describes some of the strategies that have promoted a culture of quality teaching in higher education in England and how one organisation, the University of Westminster has implemented those strategies to engender a culture of quality enhancement and continuing professional development

    The National Teaching Fellowship Scheme in England and Northern Ireland

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    In the 1990s, the Higher Education Funding Councils of England and the equivalent body in Northern Ireland (DEL NI) took a positive step by supporting the development of initiatives that promoted and supported innovation and the recognition of excellence in learning and teaching in Higher Education. One of the earliest manifestations of this support was the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year, making this a timely opportunity to consider the personal and professional impact this scheme has had on the quality of teaching throughout the Higher Education sector

    The National Teaching Fellowship Scheme in England and Northern Ireland: a review

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    In the late 1990s, the Higher Education Funding Councils of England and the equivalent body in Northern Ireland (DEL NI) took the positive step of supporting the development of initiatives that promoted and supported innovation, and the recognition of excellence, in learning and teaching in Higher Education. One of the earliest manifestations of this support was the National Teaching Fellowship Scheme which celebrates its tenth anniversary this year, making this a timely opportunity to consider the personal and professional impact this scheme has had on the quality of teaching throughout the Higher Education sector locally, and the implications of this development for the wider EU community


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    HST, radio and infrared observations of 28 3CR radio galaxies at redshift z ~ 1: I. Old stellar populations in central cluster galaxies

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    Hubble Space Telescope images of 3CR radio galaxies at redshifts 0.6 < z < 1.8 have shown a remarkable variety of structures, generally aligned along the radio axis, indicating that the radio source strongly influences the optical appearance of these galaxies. In this paper we investigate the host galaxies underlying this aligned emission, combining the HST data with ground-based infrared images. An investigation of the spectral energy distributions of the galaxies shows that the contribution of the aligned blue component to the K--band light is generally small (about 10%). The radial intensity profiles of the galaxies are well matched at radii <~ 35 kpc by de Vaucouleurs' law, demonstrating that the K--band light is dominated by that of an elliptical galaxy. There is no evidence for a nuclear point source, in addition to the de Vaucouleurs profile, with a contribution >~15% of the total K--band flux density, except in two cases, 3C22 and 3C41. Large characteristic radii are derived, indicating that the 3CR galaxies must be highly evolved dynamically, even at a redshift of one. At radii > 35 kpc, a combined galaxy profile clearly shows an excess of emission reminiscent of cD--type halos. This supports other independent evidence for the hypothesis that the distant 3CR galaxies lie in moderately rich (proto--)clusters. Since the nearby FR II galaxies in the 3CR catalogue lie in more diffuse environments and do not possess cD halos, the galactic environments of the 3CR galaxies must change with redshift. The K-z relation of the 3CR galaxies cannot, therefore, be interpreted using a standard `closed-box, passive stellar evolution' model. We offer a new interpretation, and compare the model with the K-z relations of lower power radio galaxies and brightest cluster galaxies. (abridged)Comment: 21 pages including 13 figures, LaTeX. To appear in MNRA

    Some geochemical constraints upon models for the crystallization of the upper critical zone-main zone interval, northwestern Bushveld complex

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    Ratios between elements Mg, Fe, Co, Cr, Ni, V, and Sc are consistently different in mafic rocks of the upper critical zone, and those above the Bastard unit. Within the 300 m section above the Merensky Reef, 87Sr/86Sr ratios increase from c.0.7063 to c.0.7087, irrespective of rock type. Decoupling of Mg/(Mg + Fe2+) ratios and the Ca contents of plagioclase, and wide variations in the proportions of anorthosite within the Bastard, Merensky, and Merensky Footwall units, are inconsistent with anorthosite formation by simple fractional crystallization of magma batches of limited volume

    A deep Chandra observation of the Groth Strip. I. The X-ray data

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    We present the results of a 200 ks Chandra observation of part of the Groth Strip region, using the ACIS-I instrument. We present a relatively simple method for the detection of point-sources and calculation of limiting sensitivities, which we argue is at least as sensitive and more self-consistent than previous methods presented in the literature. 158 distinct X-ray sources are included in our point-source catalogue in the ACIS-I area. The number counts show a relative dearth of X-ray sources in this region. For example at a flux limit of 1E-15 (cgs) around 20 per cent more soft band sources are detected in the HDF-N and almost 50 per cent more in the ELAIS-N1 field, which we have analysed by the same method for comparison. We find, however, that these differences are consistent with Poisson variations at 2 sigma significance, and therefore there is no evidence for cosmic variance based on these number counts alone. We determine the average spectra of the objects and find a marked difference between the soft-band selected sources, which have Gamma=1.9 typical of unobscured AGN, and the hard-band selected sources, which have Gamma=1.0. Reassuringly, the sample as a whole has a mean spectrum of Gamma=1.4\pm 0.1, the same as the X-ray background. Nonetheless, our results imply that the fraction of sources with significant obscuration is only ~25 per cent, much less than predicted by standard AGN population synthesis models. This is confirmed by direct spectral fitting, with only a handful of objects showing evidence for absorption. After accounting for absorption, all objects are consistent with mean intrinsic spectrum of Gamma=1.76 \pm 0.08, very similar to local Seyferts (abridged).Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    Cosmological evolution of the Fanaroff-Riley type II source population

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    By combining a model for the evolution of the radio luminosity of an individual source with the radio luminosity function, we perform a multi-dimensional Monte-Carlo simulation to investigate the cosmological evolution of the Fanaroff-Riley Class II radio galaxy population by generating large artificial samples. The properties of FRII sources are required to evolve with redshift in the artificial samples to fit the observations. Either the maximum jet age or the maximum density of the jet environment or both evolve with redshift. We also study the distribution of FRII source properties as a function of redshift. From currently available data we can not constrain the shape of the distribution of environment density or age, but jet power is found to follow a power-law distribution with an exponent of approximately -2. This power-law slope does not change with redshift out to z=0.6. We also find the distribution of the pressure in the lobes of FRII sources to evolve with redshift up to z1.2z\sim1.2.Comment: 22 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA